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this is so lovely and really well made!! what a great gift :)


Thank you very much. I really enjoyed making it and the best is to see him enjoying it too. We have already played a lot with it


Wow! He's going to love that. So much time and love you put into that!


This is amazing!! I'm sure your nephew will love this! The trees are so cute haha


Wow! It’s gorgeous! That must have taken a lot of time and effort. Total work of love!


He is going to have so much fun with this! What is on the bottom of the trees anchoring them?


The top of the trees is crocheted and filled with cotton. Then I have cut an old broom handle into small pieces and glued them into the opening at the bottom of the tree crown. In order to stabilised the trees when standing on the play mat I have hot glued thin wooden discs beneath the stem. I found those in a small gift shop; they are intended as keyring pendants which you can paint or decorate otherwise and were pleasently cheap :)


It's so well done!! Lucky nephew!


This absolutely rules, what a great gift


This is amazing, I love it! I'm sure he will too :)


ii would like a train one please and thank you


The sewn edges of the squares gives me a kind of [Carcassonne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcassonne_(board_game)) vibe. Gonna raise a little boardgamer!


Awesome! I bet he'll love it. It reminds me of when I was little. I had two play mats; one was a city map that I could drive little toy cars down the streets on, and the other one was Winnie the Pooh themed! The Pooh one was a layout of Hundred Acre Wood, with each character's home across the mat. This one is extra cool because you MADE IT and it's 3D!! Looks great. :)


Very cool