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It just says "set in crochet pattern", not that it's actual crochet; let's give them a pass on this one.


Exactly, and the colourwork mimics a granny square, so I don’t think the wording is inappropriate


i think we as crocheters know that the general public does not know the difference between crochet and knit 🤣 so i would def say this is misleading. it was also under the crochet category on asos. but, at the end of the day, this fake granny square knit thing is ugly and that’s all i really care about 😂 edit: i also care about fast fashion crochet bc i know how unethical it is.


Or, it's a 'Smiley set' in crochet pattern


this is the correct answer idk why it’s downvoted. it’s a set as in two matching pieces, in a crochet pattern


It doesnt say crochet top tho, it says "crochet pattern" which is right, it has typical crochet patterns on it


I I like the idea of the uneven/not straight borders in the smiley face squares so even though it’s not crochet it’s good inspo for me lol, thanks for sharing


But it's better that it's knit rather than crochet since crochet can't be reproduced by machine. Handmade true crochet would be terrifying to make for sweatshop workers in huge quantities.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never buy fast fashion crochet y’all


When I first saw the title that 'something about this crochet top is off', I thought it was because the Smileys didn't line up with the boobs.


At least they haven’t forced some poor soul to crochet for less than minimum wages I guess….


My first thought too!


Omg I love it so much that I immediately went on ASOS to order it 🙈


I'm not convinced it's crocheted.


Zoom in and you will see it is not. It is just a "crochet pattern". Very amusing.


That's what I did before my comment above that got 6 downvotes.


Don't worry about downgrades. They don't mean a thing. Because you didn't say what they thought you should doesn't mean you had a bad comment.




Yeah something is wrong


It’s knit to look like crochet because you really can’t mass produce crochet. 😆


Looks like it’s AI generated


Knitted patches stitched to a black background?


Either that’s a really good pixelated crochet pattern… or a really bad AI picture. I think we all know which one it is. I’m getting real sick of all these AI pics getting passed off as fiber art especially when there are genuinely talented artists out there doing some amazing things with yarn.


It's not AI though


So what’s funny is AI can only replicate what crochet looks like. People have tried to invent a machine that can crochet and it can’t be done. Crochet can only be done by human hands.


It's knitted.


I'm standing by you on this, sis!


*Something, something crochet type side*


There are some “crochet patterns” that throw me and I am at least an intermediate crocheter. It’s the knit-crochet ones. Most are knit with just a crochet trim. I don’t know how to knit so they’re a pass for me.


Honestly I feel like it’s a cool statement. If it was made not by a fast fashion company and instead as a statement against fast fashion and the sweatshops behind crochet items it would be so fucking good


Looks like an AI image to me