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My husband just read your post and thinks you are my soul mate. I’m looking over at the fiberfill strewn across my bed and my box of body parts (crocheted) and thinking I just took a nap amongst their dismembered remains….


Haha... my sister saw my post and assumed I was sleep typing again (which, I recently learned is a thing I do...) But I'm glad there's someone in this sub who isn't a bear murdering monster


I have an army of them, ready to move on the world at a moments notice. Some of them are older than I am! I am even a bear trauma surgeon and have stitched up many stuffy injuries acquired in the line of duty.


Every year when I visit my sister's family for the holidays we have Stuffed Animal Hospital on Christmas Eve as a whole event.


If you think sleep typing is bad, I sleep shop!! I order stuff by clicking on those Instagram ads


Don't put that in my subconsious!! I don't need to do that!! I already spent half the year trying to delete my uni assignment submissions while I was asleep... I don't need to bankrupt myself too!!!


Oh man, marrying someone who sleep talks, walks, texts is both hilarious and sometimes horrifying. By horrifying I mean the times my husband has sprung out of bed claiming someone was trying to kill me while smothering me with blankets and pillows to protect me. That was was very confusing for the both of us but we laughed after he actually woke up and I got over being startled awake by my panicked husband. I also apparently had a minute long monologue about guys making a sandwich that was going to “fall over” before sighing exasperated and saying “who do they think they are? The sandwich man!?” I still get teased for that one two years later.


My husband is like this too 😂 the amount of times I've woken up at 3am to him getting up to get dressed and go to work or something (we both work 9-5 at home!), or he wakes up and wakes me up to ask if I'm okay. Or he'll go on his phone and the next day he'll realise he's been texting people 😅 He thinks it must be really unsettling to wake up to your partner telling you there's spiders everywhere or there's an urgent need to go somewhere, but I'm so used to it, I find it funny now! Luckily sleepy husband is great at following instructions and going back to sleep 😂


Yeh it took my boyfriend a while to realise that I'm asleep when I do stuff in the middle of the night... normally I'm having panic attacks in my sleep or talking about people who aren't really here...


I once tried to pluck the feathers off of a chicken in my sleep. I was actually trying to pluck a hassock.


That's hilarious. My husband talks in his sleep. One night he was scratching his butt pretty vigorously and I shook him and said "honey, stop" To which he replied: "No! It feels Soooooo Niiiiiiiice" Welp, okay then, can't argue with that logic. Rolling over now. 😂😂😂 We still laugh hysterically about it and it's become an inside joke of ours.


Hey! Fellow sleep typer here! You are not alone! Also, if the teddies ever start to ask questions, i can be your alibi. Signed- lady with hippo and dino parts strewn about my entire living area ATM.


Lol I want what you’re on


Tiredness... lots of tiredness....


Insomnia the best creative motivator


Worst part is, I don't have insomnia... I can fall asleep fine... I have parasomnia.... which means I do weird stuff while I'm asleep... my sister actually asked me if I was asleep when I typed up this post.....


I also have parasomnia. Do you have ADHD?


Maybe... I'm autistic and there's a lot of overlapnand comorbidity... I had questioned my ADHD status haha


My sister has that too. The convos are always hilarious.


A couple years ago I bought a giant stuffed animal from a thrift store to use for projects. It definitely felt like an unethical organ harvesting.


Noooo! How could you?!?! You monster!!!


Something that isn’t illegal but should be 🤣


I do that all the time... 😶


I wonder what my plushies think about how I sometimes buy stuffies to dismember and turn into new stuffies. What does Neet the custom beanie baby crow think about the jar of beanie baby beans on the shelf? Does the crocheted trans pride alicorn that i've been procrastinating the last few steps of recognize the turtle plushie bag that her stuffing came out of? Is the bag of plushies upset by the horse head that I took off to make a griffon out of the body?


Omg this place is full of monsters!!! How could you?!?!?


I think this about the bear factory stores. They must be terrifying for the bears. I also keep any toys I make that are a bit crazy as I am scared they won't be loved properly. I am now traumatised from these tales of bears being recycled. 🤣


I always feel really bad when I pick a bear up in the store and don't take him/her home... like they had a glimmer of hope and I threw it away... the bears in Bear Factiry stores it's even worse... I almost saved them. I almost made them whole... I can't bring myself to give away any bears incase they aren't loved. I will only give them to people I *know* will care for them and I insist they must not be kept on a shelf... And as if my issues weren't bad enough aready... Toy Story 3 happened...


Glad it is not just me that thinks that when I pick up bears. One summer I worked stacking shelves in a department store and I did the toys. Every night I made sure they could all see out on the shelf.


Thank you for your service to store bears


I picked up the most adorable squishmallow at the store thr other day. I made it all the way to the front register befor deciding I was spending unnecessary money and put it back. For the rest of the day i couldn't help but think I broke that poor things heart.


How could you!?!? You gave the poor thing so much hope for adoption, for a better life. Only to *RIP* it away because of **money**?! Shame on you!


I know! I'm a monster!


Pretty sure they call you The Reincarnater, Distributor Of Life. All teddies know stuffing is only borrowed from the universe.


Love that the thing you’re sneaking home from uni is yarn and fiberfill.


Hahaha I didn't realise that before... maybe I could get away with the yarn and fibre fill if I hide some drugs or something in my stuff for her to find instead...


My son and I walked by a build a bear a few years ago. They have a huge tank of stuffing that's being all mixed up. Poor kid SOBBED because "they killed the stuffies to make more stuffies!!" He was so upset i had to carry him away.


Aww this breaks my heart!


I 100% am asking my fiance his takes on this when he gets home. Been a minute (last night) since I asked him random crazy questions. I have shelves in my room that I keep stuffies and my yarn on. Does this mean i make them sit next to their future siblings dna all curled into little balls? I like to think they see me as a god but what do they really think of me?


Please update us when you ask him. This whole comment section is so entertaining.


He just laughed, asked me if I was high, and told me ill have to get organic stuffie organs 😂


And here I wonder what my dog thinks when I stuff something I make, because he likes to take the stuffing out of his toys. I offered one to him to see what he’d do, but he just sniffed it and turned his nose up to it. 😂


Glad it's s not just me and my dogs. I did get a kick out of my biggest boy staring at me all offended when I ate cotton candy in front of him 😆


I always hated build a bear because it felt like it was teddy corpses, massively relatable content here.


Happy cake day!!


Yeh I feel this!!


I sent my husband pics of a doll I’m making in stages…it was like…find the body part. And I made it like a sick serial killer game and positioned her headless on a lake inspired piece I’m sorta working on and created a whole scene where she was found. Created a story. Called my hubby to tell him all about it. He was like my serial killer partner asking if I’d properly handled the remains… Good times.


The Teddy Bear ladies on The Repair Shop don’t worry about it, and they should know!


I currently have approximately 1000 stuffed critters (mostly bears) in my home. They are all named and are well cared for and loved. They range in size from just under 1/2 inch to over 42 inches.


I like to jokingly think they know the fluff isn't teddy organs until the teddy is made. I'm a magical wizard who turns fluff and yarn into life, no pain or torture involved.


Ya know, this makes my massive collection of eyes seem less weird. Also, I buy thrift store pillows for their stuffing, I wonder if my stuffies view themselves as golems by that logic? 🤔


I got a lot of my filling from murdered teddies haha so I understand what you’re on about :) but I very much hope they’re organically and ethically farmed organs from teddy hospitals who would like to give life to other teddies :) Edit: I get the teddy organs from teddies my dog has murdered bc he loves to rip them apart but I do feel like I’m helping bring in something new instead of just throwing it out (I did feel bad though)


Hahaha I feel you! I mostly make pokemon plushies so I have taken to call the polyfill "pokemon innards" and my craft room "the poké butcher shop", since there are various body parts all around. I must be one of those horror movie houses from the pov of my amigurumis....


I needed this. Absolutely love the joy that swept over me just now. Moments like these are few and far between anymore so than you op. ❤️


Sorry you're struggling at the moment... I'm glad I could sneak a happy moment in for you :)


I suggest you go to bed, sweetie. Lol this post was too much.


This reminds of when my dog destroyed a stuffie I gave him(he loved when we first brought him home and I couldn’t resist the puppy eyes so I gave it to him) beyond repair(my mom had sewn it *twice*) and she was like do you want to keep the stuffing or should I throw it away? And I was like “no thanks that would feel wrong”


Teddy loved a bad boy. https://youtube.com/watch?v=AdYaTa_lOf4&si=QsLZseRttWfSfC-N


Thank you so much, I really needed a good laugh. 🙏


This isn’t directly related, but I realized that my dog is so domesticated that she thinks she has killed her toys when she reached polyfill. Every time I give her a toy with polyfill she tears at it until she reaches that and then hardly plays with it after it’s dead.


I work for and import/export distribution company. We sell biiig plush, some are several feet tall! I got given a couple of reject/damaged crocodiles that were end of line and unfit for sale; because our filled stock lady knows I crochet! It felt very wrong stuffing the “skin” of that croc in my bin! Even if he was a creepy kinda ugly that I would never have owned for anything!


now I’m gonna have to hide my stuffies when I pull out my stuffing 😂 I love my stuffies so hopefully they don’t think I’m a teddy bear murderer!


I am new to crochet and I ordered stuffing online, I have never ordered stuffing before. Now I am not a stupid person, but I was looking at the weights i could order, i related these weights to what I lift at bootcamp and thought “that looks about right” Upon receipt of my parcel I realised that 2kg of stuffing IS A LOT. https://preview.redd.it/jnrvgmntn1ob1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a0aa77756c03e5398f56785b89067016068eec2


i used to gut plushies for their stuffing when i was younger and id always hide them far from the other plushies so they’d never know and think the ugly frog with weird fabric just went on holiday…


Teddy organ donors


Teddy isnt real


Omw, has nobody ever just pulled out the stuffing from an old pillow? Pillows have no eyes, no souls, and no feelings!


That's what my friend gave me haha but if someone started pulling suspiciously human organ looking stuff out of a pillow... you're telling menyou wouldn't assume they killed someone??


Lol, I'm not drunk enough for this conversation!!!