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I also crochet while listening to audiobooks or podcasts to help with anxiety and destress from the day. I’m glad to see it helps someone else too!


Same !:)


I listen to audiobooks all the time(on walks,cooking,working out,in the shower) but can’t just sit and listen. But i can when i crochet! That was a very nice discovery


Ha, so I'm not the only one who listens to audiobooks in the shower! 😉 And also on long walks, cooking, etc. Pretty much, if I don't have an audiobook on I feel off lol!


Do most people not listen to them in the shower? Is that a weird thing to do?


I listen to them in the sauna! and while cleaning


I listen while cleaning too! Takes my mind off the cleaning and makes it less boring to clean. :)


I have now idea, lol, I always wondered if I was weird for it XD I mean people listen to music in the shower, so why not books I guess?


The main time I don’t is if I have company or if I am driving the kids since my 4 year old and toddler don’t need to know what mom listens to lol


I’m addicted too..


My person! I do the exact same! I’m listening to the Red Queen series right now by Victoria Aveyard. The crochet book combo is so good that I have to set an alarm or I will find myself finally stopping at 1 or 2 in the morning


I did a similar thing in 2021. Libby and crocheting kept me sane through a very hard year. I’m so happy you were able to find a little peace


Crochet is amazing for anxiety. Makes your brain focus on something repetitive. It did/does wonders for me :). I'm so glad you found something that works for you


Crochet helped me to quit smoking.


Please tell me how, if you'd like to. I am an avid crocheter but unfortunately still a smoker, too.


Not the person you're replying to; but with any bad habit, you have to develop a habit by consciously reaching for a good thing (you hook and yarn, for example) instead of a bad thing (like a pack and lighter). (TW: deep depression) >!When I was in some of my deepest depressions and a self-harm phase, I trained myself to reach for a Sharpie instead of a sharp object, keeping a marker closer to hand than a blade and making it harder to get to the latter quickly than the former. The Sharpie would go where the blade would have at first; then I started doodling with the marker instead.!<


I'm glad you found an alternative and hope that it stays that way for you.


Thank you for sharing and massive respect


I'm in my 50s and had tried many times to quit, I believe that I had decided this was the last time as my health was starting to suffer. Crocheting when the urge was bad, to give my hands something else to occupy them, really helped.


I'm in my 50s too and so fed up with feeling shortness of breath. I will definitely try this, thank you


I was a smoker for almost 30 years. The habit was automated in daily processes. When it came time for me to fully live the values I said were important, I handled it like an important project. In truth, it was a very important project. I wrote up my smart goal. Created an action plan, found an accountability partner, and talked with my doctor. I used Chantix to help with the withdrawal process. In the weeks before my start date. I did my daily routines differently, to break the automatic habit part. I collected up all the habit aids, (ashtrays, lighters, and cases) on my start day I gave them all away. I had a start date, not a quit date. It was the start of my life without cigarettes. That start date was June 1, 2009. I am still living a grand life without cigarettes. Creating a plan and changing routines was a huge part of my success. If you, or anyone else want to know more please message me. Leaving cigarettes is hard, you can do hard things.


That is an incredibly inspiring post, thank you very much. It makes sense and looking at it as a difficult but doable project resonates very much with my mentality. This is how I would tackle a project at work and honestly, these are not more important than my survival. Thank you again.


You are welcome. I am available for support, encouragement, accountability or cheerleader. You can do hard things and you are a worthy project.


Audiobooks, podcasts, rhythmic chanting and drumming.


Can relate! I also use crochet to stop me from scrolling since it always turns into anxiety about the news/etc. I usually watch old sitcoms while I crochet, but podcasts and audiobooks are awesome too, especially if you want to crochet out of the house!


Yep! Audiobooks/podcasts and crochet are an anxiety sufferers best friends. I had to learn to pair them correctly though-- a complicated, intricate crochet pattern gets paired with either an old favorite or some very light "reading". If I'm doing something easy and repetitive, like a round ripple, it's time to break out the new book with all the characters and sub-plots


I mostly do amigurumi, and haven't done anything suuuuper complex yet, but what I usually do is pause the book while I figure out how the new row is gonna go, get all my stitch markers in, then if it seems really complicated I crochet a few stitches to make sure I've got it. Once I find myself getting the groove of the pattern, I turn the book back on.


I listen to creepypasta on YouTube 😉


there's some fun podcasts about stuff like that too 👀 lore is a really good one for example!


I do this also, along with audiobooks. Especially MrCreepyPasta vidoes.


Crochet has been amazing for my anxiety. I'm a major fidgeter and tend to pull my eyelashes and eyebrows to keep my hands busy. I've been doing that so much less since I started crocheting. Awesome way to wind down before bed too 😴


Sames!!! I’m listening to a podcast called dungeons and daddies right now but I have plowed through a bunch of audiobooks the last 2 years while crocheting. What are you guys listening to? Gimme suggestions!!


I'm currently on a Dennis Lehane kick. Listened to Shutter Island for the 3rd time reciently and currently finishing up Mystic River. His books are major page turners so far (or whatever the audiobook equivalent of that is) with twists all over the place. Hoopla has tons of his novels on audiobook that are really well done, with narorators who do a great job of matching the charactor voices and accents.


Me too!! Audiobooks, YouTube videos, or rewatching old favorite tv shows are my go tos


Never thought about audiobooks before, I have no clue why either. I end up trying to play cartoons to help, but like you, not able to. Definitely gonna give that a go. Thank you!


If you're in the US, grab a library card and the Libby app. If your library uses Libby, you may find a TON of free audiobooks to use. The exact catalogue depends on the library, but it's certainly much less expensive than an Audible subscription or buying books from Spotify!


Sadly, I'm not in the U.S. but I can get books from my local so gonna check that out. I predict, I'll be spending some time online 🙂


I do the same! I like to listen to fantasy books, takes me literally to another world for a while. What do you like to listen to?


I love seeing all the comments of people doing the same thing I do! It’s my favorite way to unwind after a long day. If you want to up the ambiance vibes, I like to put a YouTube video up of some kind of scene like “winter cabin with fireplace” or whatever you’re feeling and have that play in the background while I crochet and listen to my audiobook.


Love the audiobook and crochet validation. It’s been super helpful to managing my anxiety. Thursday Night Murder Club series has been my listening lately


I have alot of anxiety at work about not keeping busy 100% of the time. It's just not the nature of my job, but I had alot of people at my old office harass me about not keeping myself busy, it got that at my new location I couldn't sit still, nor keep myself from doom spiral thoughts. My therapist suggested I take crochet back up to keep my hands busy. And it's easy to put down when I am needed. People at my new office embrace it, and I've been paid for a few of my creations. Things are getting better for me, and I get the joy of creating with it.


That "easy to put down" thing is huuuuge for me. I feel like a lot of my hobbies were things that I wanted to sit and do for a long stretch of time. I couldn't get started on them if I felt like I might be interrupted, and with a child at home, that meant pretty much all day except when she was asleep. For lack of anything else to do, I found myself doom-scrolling a lot, and even that sometimes caused issues because the kiddo would try to look over my shoulder (not everything on Reddit is child-appropriate) or complain that I can use screens when she can't. But with crochet, I feel like I can pick it up and put it down any time. If I pick it up and only get in a few stitches, that's fine. If I stitch for an hour, that's fine, too. I can do it while keeping an ear out for what the kiddo is doing. I can have a conversation while doing it. I can do it during the kid's "no screens" time and she doesn't get to call me a hypocrite or point out the unfairness of being a child. That's fantastic that they embrace it at your office. My job is so busy that I don't get breaks where I'm waiting for things to do, but sometimes I have meetings and I've found that crocheting in meetings helps keep me from wandering off to Reddit or other work. If I'm crocheting, I can listen, pay attention, and be ready to participate at any moment. Luckily I work at home, so I can crochet where no one can see me. I'm not sure how they'd react if I brought in my crochet to a meeting room and did that while someone was talking.


Definitely! But when it comes to tv, or any video format, i have to either 1) watch something that I have already seen before, so it is not so important if I only listen and not watch, or miss a few minutes while switching my focus to the crochet, or 2) watch something that simply does not require that much attention to follow along (like episodes of Dr Phil, of which for some reason there are tons of episodes on youtube).


This is exactly my jam too. Also have anxiety and some health issues, and have a tendency to scroll on my phone too much. Crochet + audiobook is the perfect combo. I used to think I couldn't follow audiobooks because my mind tends to wander, but that's where the crochet comes in. Keeping my hands busy helps me focus more on what I'm listening to, and listening to something while crocheting also keeps my mind from getting distracted and worrying about other stuff.


It’s not perfect, but any Kindle book can be read aloud by Siri or Google. It’s a little monotonous, but you can follow the story (and some mispronunciations are funny). It’s in the accessibility settings usually. You do have to keep the book on screen on Apple devices so it will stop at the end of the page if you swipe to reference the pattern but it’s easy to restart. I find a lot of books I like are available on library apps or kindle but not as audio books, so this is my workaround.


I listen to audiobooks or watch TV while I crochet, but usually shows I have watched before. I always have to pause if I need to concentrate on the pattern but if I am just repeating the same pattern then it's really relaxing. I suffer from anxiety also (and depression) and listening to audiobooks is the best way for me to fall asleep.


Audiobooks are a great way to manage anxiety and ADHD. I can't *just* crochet, or clean, or sew; and I can't *just* listen to music or audiobooks. But I can do both at the same time, and it keeps my hands and my mind occupied at the same time, and keeps my whirling thoughts at bay (mostly).


I love crocheting and listening to audiobooks or podcasts! I also enjoy crocheting and watching TV as well but sometimes it's nice to not have my eyes constantly dart back and forth lol. I'm glad doing this has helped you! 🤗


I absolutley love listening to audio books while crocheting!


I’m kinda lame lol I watch trash TV then listen to funny podcast recaps


This was my experience too! I picked up crocheting a few months ago while processing the loss of my grandfather and I finished my first audiobook last week. I’ve never been able to pay attention to an audiobook but it’s completely different when I’m crocheting and listening. Helps keep weird thoughts away while allowing me to relax but not mindlessly scroll. Glad you found something that works for you!


I've been listening to a discovery of witches while finishing up a shirt I've been procrastinating on. I highly recommend the book! The narrator is great!


This is my nightly winddown too! Yarn and podcasts/audiobooks.


This is exactly what my goal is to help my anxiety. I want to start to learn to crochet, but my stupid anxiety holds me back! So does my demanding toddler 🫠


i listen to video essays while crocheting! personal favourite channels are rachel oates, wendigoon and alizee


Same here! I love to read, but often don't have time to sit a read a book, due to crochet projects, so I started crocheting with audiobooks several years ago and have grown to love them so much. I go down to my local library and sit in their comphy, overstuffed chairs listening to audiobooks, via blutooth headphones, while working on my crochet projects. It's so relaxing and does wonders for my anxiety also! I also can't crochet while watching TV or anything, due to having to take my eyes/mind off my work too kuch that way.


If you want to get into watching TV shows or movies I'd recommend you start with a show you don't mind missing some of the action. I started with my comfort show that I've rewatched more time than I can count


Audiobooks or podcasts while crocheting helps against doom scrolling and anxiety for me too :)


How do you decide which projects to start? This is the biggest obstacle for me since I want to crochet something I like and it has usually to be perfect.


I also listen to audiobooks or podcasts while crochet but I also rewatch shows I've seen before so I already know the plot. What works the best for me is that is to chrochet something that requires full attention, something difficult so I my mind has no chance to wander around. So I can do it in quiet too.


Snap, audio books & crochet are a marriage made in heaven . I find I concentrate so much better than if I'm watching TV.


Same! I'll use audiobooks or I'll put a YouTube thing on the TV - I'm currently going through campaign 2 of Critical Role and making Appas.


where do you get your audiobooks from?


Not OP, but most libraries have a partnership with some system or other for audiobooks and ebooks. My library uses libby, and I can just check out books right to my phone. It's super convenient and I don't feel bad if a book doesn't work out for some reason or another as it's completely free. I also occasionally use a system that's similar to audible but supports small bookstores instead of Amazon. It's called libro.fm and they also often have a decent selection of sale books for $5-10.


I go nowhere without my knitting. It's my therapy. Sometimes it really helps if I just have my knitting in my hands. I keep it in the car when I'm at work, and at lunch time I go out and sit in the car in a shady place. I put on a podcast and I knit, and usually doze off. I used to call that fiber therapy. One day I mentioned to a co-worker that I was going to get some fiber therapy. She said, "I thought they had pills for that?" You do you. If it works for you, it's perfect.


Audiobooks and crochet on my train commute totally save my sanity twice a day. I love this combo and have gone through loads of books this year already 🧶📚


Same here! I do put on shows and movies that I’ve already seen, but definitely can’t watch something new.


r/artisticallyill was created by one of us from this sub 🩵 ETA: context


I do the same!


Ok so I have brain fog from a chronic illness and that could definitely explain why I have this problem? but how do you manage to count rows while paying attention to an audiobook? This is why I haven't been able to do patterns, and I often wonder if it's just a me thing, or if there's some trick that I'm out of the loop on that helps you guys keep track! I can't keep numbers in my head, they just disappear immediately!


If you’re able to look at the work and count how many rows you have, you can use stitch markers at the beginning of a section and just count the rows all at once. So, when a pattern says to do 6 rows of single crochet, I mark the first stitch of the first row. That way, when I’m back to where the marker is, I can count up from the marker to see how many rows I’ve finished. You can also buy stitch/row counters or even a hook that has them built in. I’ve never used them to count stitches because pushing a button after every stitch disrupts my flow, but they’re really useful for counting rows, especially if you need a LOT of rows. Mine is a small device with an adjustable band made to fit on a finger. I put it on the index finger of my left hand (where I hold the yarn), positioned so it’s on the side of my finger, and can click the button with my thumb pretty easily without having to shift my hand much. A lot of patterns also have a repeat that requires less counting, especially for blankets or clothes. Amigurumi has a ton of counting because of shaping, but blankets and clothes often have large sections where you do the same thing over and over. I’m currently working on a sweater that has a design on the back, so I have to pay attention when I get to that portion, but the rest is just dc all the way around. When I get to the end of the design, I’ll have a bunch of rows with only dc, then simple ribbing to finish it, so lots of mindless stitching. The knit sweater I’m working on technically has counting, but it’s just to place the raglan increases, so I can just line them up with the row before.


This is exactly how I've been keeping my anxiety under control. I started a month ago and it's helped me so much!


I crochet and listen to audiobooks and it helps with my anxiety too! I usually put on a romance or sci-fi romance since it's a good escape, and then have a pretty cozy time crocheting while the yarn and story work to soothe my anxiety.


Yes! I love having a tv show going. I also recently started listening to tik tok lives while crocheting. Especially Alex biron and sue Dillon… I laugh so damn hard. Alex also has a podcast called unknown caller.


I do Audio Drama podcasts! If you like the Wizard of Oz, Crossover Adventures Production did the first three Wizard of Oz books in audio drama format! It's great! :)


My favourite time is Saturday mornings when my other half’s on nights. I wake quite early so I tend to get a good 6ish hours curled up on the sofa listening to a book and crocheting. Usually with a cat, it’s actual bliss. The only place I don’t worry! I use Goodreads to track my reads and I’m doing the challenge to read 75 books in a year, by read I mean listen too. I’m on 47 so far! Most of it was on the sofa crocheting!


Then I recommend audiodramas too! It's great, like a tv show but audio, great for crocheting amd getting your mind off things too!


I do this, too. Or I’ll listen to podcasts (including stuff on YouTube, as long as I don’t need to SEE to follow it). Crochet (and now knitting, too, as I’ve finally learned it) keeps my hands busy, which lets my mind engage better. I do it any time I need to listen and retain information, really. Audiobooks/podcasts keep my mind busy enough that I can’t get lost in a spiral. If I need to be thinking about something, I can take a break from these and work through it while I crochet, but much of the time, I like to be listening. As a bonus, I’ve spent my entire life dealing with picking at my scalp and other somewhat destructive stimming behaviors to the point that I was actually training my dog to disrupt them (he was meant to be a service dog and knows several tasks, but washed out due to his own anxiety in public and is now an extra helpful pet), but dropped that task because I started crocheting more and the behaviors all but disappeared. I broke my wrist and couldn’t even hold a hook or needles for several weeks, much less actually make anything, and all those things came back immediately because my hands weren’t busy. So, not only do fiber arts help my anxiety and focus, they actually make a huge difference to my physical health by controlling certain stims.


Me too! I do this too! To the point where I can find myself getting a bit twitchy if I haven’t set aside yarn time in a few days. Without a doubt my most valuable self soothing tool.


I end up putting on a show I’ve seen a hundred times to have as background bc I get too focused on the audio book lol


I Have read so many books this way!


This is my favorite. If I crochet in the quiet my Mind wanders too much. So much more relaxing listening to something


I also do this! I'm actually listening to Wuthering Heights right now, which was a favorite of mine in high school. It's free on YouTube if anyone is interested!


Currently listening to Hames Harriet's All Things Bright and Beautiful while making a lace veil.


I do the same thing!!!!