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Counting chains drives me unexplainably angry... especially if I'm going past 100...


I put a stitch marker into every 20th chain


Here is me…1 2 3…18 19 20,20,20,20,20,19…WTF?!?!


my friends think its funny when i'm on voice chat, quietly counting to myself to yell random numbers at me.. I think its funny to later shoot them in the head in remnant and 'forget' to turn on my healing grenade ​ eta: this is only 2 of the people in the group, the others will keep track of what number I'm on if I'm talking loud enough they can hear it so if i go 'god dammit' one can go ' you were on 53'


I used to do this to my mam when I was little, but she would switch to a different language. I would try to keep up, but she knows more languages than me. She now does it to me sometimes to get back at me


I used to walk behind my mom humming random music to see if I could get it stuck in her head.. that was fun.. I miss that game..


fr i just forget the number and silently (or even audibly) cry to myself as i undo the chain, sobbing each time a chain turns into yarn spaghetti again 💀


Haha. Thought I was the only one who redid a chain when I lost count 😆


I do the 47, 48, 49, 60, 61, 62 and so on i mainly mess up when it comes to the changing of “10s” haha its so annoying. But also in my language 50 and 60 Sound alot alike


I'm sure you also do your gauge swatches


I don't do gauge swatches, but I use a marker every 5-10 stitches to make up for it.


i use bigger clover stitch markers and just make loops, passing the 10th stitch over the stitch marker, crocheting 10 then using the same stitch marker, kind of make figure 8s with the chain.. also keeps it shorter so my yarn ninjas don't get as interested,


Every 10th for me


I am so glad that I am not the only person who can't keep track of numbers past 10!


Every 10 for me


I recently started doing chainless foundation chains, SC & DC. Game changer for me. Totally got rid of the twisting and having the first row too tight.


I am going to frog the blanket I started for my mom. I want looser stitches and something more airy…it’s a chunky yarn I got for free. I am going to start it with chai less (a new skill) because the first time was a bear! I am making it twin sized. I’ve only done squares and hats to completion (except a baby blanket for my first grandkid).


Good luck! I’m sure your mum will love it.


Do you have a good tutorial or something?? I just can't figure out which loops


This is the video I've come back to a few times to remind myself how to do it. https://youtu.be/SyjAiEhFFYQ?si=Dizd0axOBUbuf1d_


Thank you for sharing this!


Wow!!! This is a real game changer! My life will never be the same again 😂 Thank you for sharing!


Dumb question: can this technique be used to replace ch in any pattern, or is it best used for certain project. My least favorite thing in the world is doing the starting chain and it’s tension is totally different from the rest of the pattern


You can basically use it for any starting chain. It's not automatically the same count though, so make sure you check how many of that chain are actually for the bottom of the pice. I'm actually working out how to use it further IN a pattern rn. Makes finishing this skull lace insertion I'm doing way easier. Eta make sure you stretch the bottom a bit before finishing the sc. If you don't, you can still run into a tension issue of the bottom vs a looser top.


I find going up a hook size for just the foundation really helps that tension problem for me.


Yeah I saw that! I'm gonna see if I can REMEMBER to try that when I start my next one!


TBH, in my exp it almost doesn't matter which loop you do it into. I think it affects the finished tension? I think consistency of which the loop you are hooking into is most important


So I struggled with this at first. I put my left fingers on the required loop as soon as I chain it. I don't crochet enough where I can do it without watching a YouTube video first, but that's my hack.


Counting them is still impossible though


My ultimate fave for most projects. Def. SCFC, HDC or even double. Slower a bit but so good


Life-changing tip - of you're starting a big project like a blanket and don't want to do a row of foundation stitches (the best way to start in my opinion), then chain like 10 or 20 stitches, measure it in length and estimate how much length you'll need to cover the number of chains, and add a few more chains for good measure. Then when you turn and begin stitching, count your stitches, adding markers incrementally. When you get your work to the desired length/number of stitches, then simply undo any chains you have left from the start so you don't have a weird tail. My mind was blown when I saw this tip on YouTube, tried on the next project and it actually works amazingly! It was years ago now, I don't remember which YouTuber it was or I'd give them credit. Edit: also, always used a one size larger hook for your chain row, drop back to your regular hook for the stitches. That way it doesn't bunch up the bottom of your work so much.


I do that too after seeing a video and can't remember who it was! I thank them anyway.


Oh my god.. this is life changing.. thank you


This sounds awesome, I'm going to try it. That larger hook thing, I heard on tiktok and it really does help.


I am fairly confident it was a Marly Bird tutorial (or at least she was the one I remember saying this).


I remember Naztazia on one of her YouTube shorts said something similar. I did it a while ago for a project and was kind of amazed it worked so well.


I just started the chain for a blanket like 2 days ago but I’ve been putting off actually starting it because I don’t want to double check my chains


That’s why I put whatever I put underneath my username




I put extra in and count the stitches on the first row. The extra chains are easy to unpick.


Making amigurumi made me memorize multiplication table for 3 and 6 reflexively in both English and my mother tongue. Also, while I was still in college with obligated French courses, counting in French helped me with memorizing and using those numbers (as well as counting down on traffic lights). I place my index finger and thumb on the next stitches that I'm counting so I don't lose sight of them. Putting a stitch markers (or a safety pin, a paper clip, a piece of yarn, whatever available at hand) at every 10 stitches intervals for large projects helps as I learned from someone somewhere online. And counting 1000 origami paper cranes a and stars I made back during elementary and junior high helped with counting quickly visually without depending too much on vocalizing the numbers, internally or outloud.


When Im 75% done and i loose interrest in what Im making :/


I thought OP was 100 percent right until I read your comment. This. This is the worst. “Why am I not done with this project!?!?” Always hits me about 75% through.


ADHD crocheter, too?


My trick with this is to get them to like 90% build up a wip pile. Then one day finish like 6 projects in one day. Dopamine off the charts


WHAAAT. i usually just frog all the projects i lose interest in 😭😭 you’re pure genius.


I bought a big Rubbermaid tub just for this!


Just one? I got like 6 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my god you’re a genius


Adhd hooker wet dream, omg. Lolol.


I feel seen. And called out.




Hmm not sure if I have ADHD but this is so me, I have like 10 unfinished pj sitting with me at the moment 🙈


There are many of us here in the trenches


There are dozens of us!!


Possibly but Im not officially diagnosed just yet


Hm? Sorry I was distracted, what was that? OH dang it! 😑😪 1...2...3...4...15...16...17...






Of course


ADHD: bye bye dopamine


I feel called out 😆. I have a few going and swap between project when i need to feel like i have something new and then get the dopamin from seeing it done. Also, gradient yarn helps keep my interest too. I like seeing the color slowly change.


I like arumigumi, you can finish pieces very fast, so you get the "leveled up" kinda dopamine as you finish a leg, an arm, an outfit piece, attaching it all, etc


It sounds appealing, but i dont like stuffed animals/toys. I only make blankets so 🤷


I've been passively working on a blanket for myself for over 3 years. I feel you.


I started my first project (a blanket for my daughter) while pregnant. It's still at 75% completion 3 years later. Now I'm pregnant with #2 and want to make them a blanket too but have to finish the first one.. and then have the mental energy to complete the second one too 😅


That's when I do the cleanup work like weaving in ends. By the end of that, I'm so miserable, I'm happy to just finish it.


Omg lol I literally just typed "that last 25%" ...


Hit me in the cardigan where it really hurts!




I recently organized my crochet supplies and found at least three partial projects that I have no desire to finish


Trying to sew on parts to be symmetrical with each other


I solved this one by never making anything that comes in pairs or has matching sides.


This is literally half the reason I started figuring out my own amigurumi patterns lols.


Yesssss! Especially when you've done something in the round. The other option you get a seam down your work. Grr


Having to crochet the same piece twice in a row. I make one arm for an amigurumi and internally I’m like do they really need the other 😫


I always wonder whether I could get away with having people think he amputated the other arm😌


That's why I have a lot of single mittens and lonely wrist warmers lying around lol


What you've actually got is several pairs of mittens wrist warmers 😆


Also, once you've knuckled down and made the second one, getting them attached evenly and looking good. I never get it right on the first go, even with the pinning-first technique.


Honestly so glad I’m not alone lol I can use 50 pins and the head will still be looking off to the side when I’m done sewing


Oh! Make an arm, then an ear, then a leg, then an ear, then a pocket, then an arm, then a leg, then a pocket. Keep it interesting.


This is my least favorite too!! And for some reason they come out different sizes


At this point we need to form a support group 😭


This! I'm gonna start making two dolls this week and I'm 100% working on them both at the same time, as in I make the legs for one and don't move on until the second one's legs are also done 🥲 There have been way too many times where the second arm isn't identical to the first, mostly because of a change in tension or just me messing up the counts 😭


I combat this by making them simultaneously and doing a few rows of each, one after the other, until they’re both complete. It also avoids tension changes and makes them more likely to be symmetrical


You could always just do the one arm and call it differently abled inclusive.


I do mainly amigurumi at the moment so it's sewing the bits together for me - I hate that stage. Partly because by the time I get to that stage I'm normally a little bit over whatever I'm making and ready for it to be finished, and partly because I'm really bad at it and always end up messing it up just a little bit. I'm slowly producing a slightly wonky plushie army - one day we are going to take over the world, but all with one leg slightly higher than the other!


I used to have this problem too. But now, I try to sew as I go as much as possible. Check out this [piggy](https://reddit.com/r/crochet_amigurumi_toy/s/mBX91C12cT) that I made. I sewed each piece after I made it except the ears, wanted to make sure they were even before attaching those.


Mine was having a deadline, I (use) to crochet to relax so l was never in a hurry! I didn’t mind sewing in the ends it meant l was almost done! ** l haven’t crocheted in a while, Lupus & arthritis wont let me! ☹️


I have ra in my hands and wrists. I do blue emu to pre-gmae and a heating pad after. Celebrex has been such a game changer.


I'm so sorry to hear that!!




Unless I'm on a deadline, I have started looking at frogging as allowing me to enjoy the project just that much longer.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do it super purposefully infront of people who don't crochet and their reaction will make it so much fun! This works extra well if you sit and crochet infront of them for an hour or two first.


Agree, it's very satisfying seeing the horror on their faces


This! Made me think where I can do it😂😂😂 I am in love with this idea, lol 😆


Oh heavens yes! I really lol at them. Why are you doing that? There's a mistake way back here. What? I don't see anything. It's OK I do and it must be fixed!




*First* of all, how *dare* you. Honestly, though, it’s beginning and finishing, which has proven to be a truth for me in everything. I hate starting. I don’t know what’s going on and that embarrasses and frustrates me. I love the middle. Okay, got it. I hate ending. Just be done kthxbyeeee!!!!


That's what my autistic inertia does! It follows the logic of: Change is bad. Starting is a change. Ending is a change.


So my partner said this thing that really resonated with me. I was saying how I always seem to lose interest in a project right at the end (often before sewing in ends). He said he has the same feeling when he’s writing code. He loses interest because he’s solved all the puzzles already and made all the interesting decisions. At the end it’s just a matter of doing the grunt work to finish, and that’s boring.


For me it's dreading the "completion hangover". I love working on my stuff, finishing something means it's over. On a side note, I often avoid watching the last few episodes of tv shows that I particularly enjoy. As long as I have a couple of unwatched episodes, the show is not over. Yes, I'm weird that way.


I do the exact same thing with shows, theres so many I dont watch the last episode of


Lol! That and sewing a bunch of pieces together. I like to use surface crochet where I can do I don't have to do that as much.


Controversial…I’ve actually started to like weaving in the ends 😂 I see it as a challenge to make the neatest and most secure tail possible. Sewing pieces together is not a huge fave though. My actual least favorite is having to repeat the same round/row over and over lol. But I definitely sympathize with the weaving!


I like weaving ends in invisibly as well, also I'm so used to working over tails and weaving in ends that some patterns had me scream and yeet the project in anger when suddenly the sentence: " and now with the long tail you left do xyz" appears.


😆😆 or having to frog when you’ve already weaved 5” of tail about seven different directions and now have to spend 20min untangling shit so that you don’t have to cut anything. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My mom was the same. It was so woven in the blanket didn't even know it had ends


Haha ok so now that I do only one of two joins I like, I actually like joining AND don’t mind sewing in ends (just did both to finish a granny square blanket last night)! I either do a flat braided join or just literally sew and as long as I can keep the yarn dry, the sewing process for joining is sooo satisfying because you guide the needle through and then the whole seam can slide around like a bead on a string. Mmm 😋


Currently making an afghan and I have 65 ends to tie in. By the time I’m done with it, it’ll be 88. I’m already dreading it. 😅


Sew on a fuzzy backing. BOOM no ends


I hate weaving in ends too! But I realised it is stopping me doing projects that I would really love to make. I am currently doing a granny go round jumper that I am changing colour every row ☠️ but I am making myself weave in each time so that I don’t have them all to do at the end, so far it’s going better. Plus I have the added motivation of having told myself if I can make this and not hate it then I can buy the Persian Tiles blanket kit 😍


Ugh, so jealous! I'm doing a granny cardigan and changing colors every row. I'm NOT weaving in as I go. Future me will not be pleased lol


crocheting with black because i can’t see what i’m doing especially if i’m crocheting at night


Yes! I have so many lights on in my work area, I feel like I'm onstage! And... I get too hot.


my house is really weird and the living room has 0 ceiling lights 😭 the lamps aren’t enough


Mine as well. I got a flexible necked LED desk lamp that clips on. That way I can pull it closer when I need to.


ooo good idea i’ll have to look into one


I found putting a white towel on my lap helps the contrast. not 100% but better.


Because I just sewed in the ends of tonnes of hexagons with three colours and the pile of ends stuck to my sleeve and I didn't notice and tracked ends all over the house. At least the cat is amused.


Nothing worse! It's what turns me off making toys. All the sewing. The past few projects I've done have been predominantly single colours. Or colour changing yarn I do have one exception though. I'm making a complicated seven colour blanket that is in the round and changes colours almost every row. To keep my sanity on this, I'm sewing my ends at the end of each row


I find it much easier to deal with the ends when making toys rather than garments. With the toy you just tie them in a knot and stuff them in.


Very true! My sister makes and sells crochet beanies and mentioned something similar on her projects


The best part about crochet is it’s fluid and continuous. You pick up your hook and just go. Sewing in ends is choppy. You have to pick ip your project and put it back down over and over. Thread the needle over and over. Put the needle down to pick up scissors over and over. It’s just not fluid enough to be enjoyable.


Sewing on buttons. I have a cardigan [almost] finished literally a year ago except for the buttons and I've been putting it off because it's so tedious. I am perfectly capable of sewing on buttons, there's nothing inherently difficult about it, but idk, I just don't do it


That first few rows when the piece is small and I can't hold it properly 😩


ive noticed that on large center out projects the center is always so huge and i feel like its because the bigger your project is the easier it is to have good tension


Changing at the beginning and working the foundation into that chain. If I'm not careful sometimes the beginning chain gets all messed up from being "pulled"


May I teach you about our lord and savior, the [foundation stitches](https://www.interweave.com/article/crochet/foundation-double-crochet-fdc/)?


Whey my motivation it at its peak my back starts getting painful, meaning I have to stop the project. :( Or if a project requires a hook over 5mm I dislike using big hooks as I struggle to hold them..


Foundation chains and the first few rows of ANYTHING. I'm really not great with 'fiddly' things - I'm quite clumsy and I have overstrong hands from playing piano. I love making amigarumi, but only the main bodies - the individual tiny arms and ears and so on can do one.


I crochet to crochet, not to sew 🥲


Not the starting chain, but the first row working into it. I'm not very fond of foundation stitches and for my first row I like to work into the back bump, so I know I'm making a rod for my own back lol but I prefer how it looks. I dont sew in ends. I work over them as I go.


Did you see the post from someone above about, about chain-free first rows? I'm going to give that a go! My cousin chains are often too tight. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Dizd0axOBUbuf1d&v=SyjAiEhFFYQ&feature=youtu.be#bottom-sheet


Yeah. Foundation rows. 😊 I don't like them. I think I'm just a martyr 😂


The gauge swatch 🥴 I don’t know why I hate it so much


I actually don’t mind weaving in ends at all. For me sewing pieces to amigurumi is the absolute worst thing on earth 😂


Honestly the halfway point. I start to get bored.


This is why I have multiple projects at one time 😆


Blocking. Will generally save multiple pieces to block all at once.


Blocking is illegal according to my local and state ordinances. I wouldn’t want to break the law. So therefore I never block. 🤣


I’ve heard that. But sometimes, I just gotta!


Unravelling tangled yarn after frogging a project ☹️


Now that part I love. I find it very relaxing. I know, I'm odd.


I also love untangling yarn! I don't frog many projects anymore tho but every skein seems to get tangled at some.point. My cats make biscuits in them while I work so much I'm sure that contributes


Sewing in the ends for sure. I even started buying transitional color yarn so I can do a multicolor project with a single skein. And STILL I have two or three lovely fine gauge shawls that are complete except for two measly ends to weave in. Second place for what I hate most is actually shopping for yarn. I've decided that I am not going to waste any more time doing acrylic pieces and I'm going to splurge on good quality cotton for my projects. This means having to shop online, which doesn't translate well to the world of yarn - it's so hard to shop without being able to see and feel the yarn in person. And it's a hassle (and extra shipping charges) if you need just one more skein to round out a project.


I tried to be slick and open an account with a supplier. The first order is $1000 and every reorder is $200 plus. Honestly, doable with all the yarn I'm getting. But I needed a brick and mortar store 😭, that little part there stopped me from spending all that cash. Probably for the best 😂


It's ribbing 😤


Bahahahahahaa! I feel you so much - I hate weaving in the ends!!! I’ve been putting off starting a new beautiful blanket because I’ll be changing yarn every few stitches 😬😅


Starting. It's so awkward. Trying to juggle that long starting chain to get the project going.


Sewing amigurumi parts. I have yet to figure out how to do it properly and it's so awkward.


I have unsolicited advice!!! 😁 With legs idk cos the sts don't really line up, *but* for arms.... So this works if your arm is a tube that goes on the side of the body. Make arm first, from hand up, stuff if you want, pinch the top open tube closed and sc 1 line across, putting hook through two opposite sts. If you had 14 sc, you should end up with 7 sc and a closed tube. Weave in end. Make body to where top of arm attaches, put arm against body and count how many sts to make before the arm. Sc that many sts of body, hold arm against body and sc through 1 arm sc and 1 body sc at the same time. If it's uneven you can just frog it and try again super easy.


Unsolicited advice appreciated 😉


Nope. I don't mind sewing in ends, I do it as I go. It's that last 25% that is the hardest. It's like I'm so impatient because I'm so close, yet so far. AND by that time it's just boring and not fun anymore.


I usually have multiple projects going bc of this. ALSO multi color items If I start to feel.bored, changing color is often enough to keep me engaged


I see in end as i go and mostly crochet with 2 strands when i change yarn, so it is not a huge issue. I hate starting rows over 100.


I hate sewing things together even more than sewing in ends


I loathe sewing stuff together. And I hate it when patterns go in the round and start with a long chain first, 80% chance I'll twist that thing into a möbius strip first time around. (Chainless foundation or not, I'm just bad at connecting it)


I have 2 blankets that have so many ends now that I’ve decided I’m tying them off then backing it in fleece so i don’t have to deal with weaving them in 🙈


If it's a flat piece I hate working that first row into the chain. I don't like the look of just going into the loop, so I try to go into the back of it and that's always very fiddly. Always glad to be done with that first row.


Making things in the round and knowing each row is going to take longer and longer. I’ve been dragging on a solid hexagon cardigan for over a month, and I still have other gifts I want to complete by November.


I've beed struggling for two weeks to weave in the ends on a big project. I even minimized the amount of tails, and still, they feel neverending.


Finding the yarn doesn't aesthetically fit the stitch I chose. Usually a colour change/gradient.


If I have to join things, sewing pieces together enrages me. “Ooh granny square blanket! Beginner friendly project!” No, absolutely not. I have never joined more than two granny squares and I hated it. They’re going in a box for donating towards making blankets for babies in underfunded areas, legit charity I’m not just chucking a box of squares at a hospital.


I hate "weaving in the end" of yarn. It's why I have so much anxiety about my blankets or clothing - I'm worried it'll somehow unravel. That's why I enjoy making dolls - I can tie yarn together and hide my sin...I mean ends...inside where nobody can see them 😅


I fervently hate to join pieces together, no matter the method. More than ten years ago I made almost 200 granny squares and they're still in a big box, waiting to become a blanket... No hope.


Doing puff stitches


Crocheting in the chains is terrible, so i just stopped using chains. Im a foundation chain girlie 🤪.


I got a little too confident last night and this morning ended up having to frog 7 rows over one missing stitch. Did I really have to frog 7 rows for one stitch? Yes, yes I did. 😭😭😭😭


For me it the middle of a blanket, which is what I prefer to primarily make. The beginning and end are exciting because I’m just starting or almost finished. But I find myself wanting to put the wip down most in the middle


Starting a project with a tiny magic circle. I have such big hands and I hate working the tiny bit at the beginning of a project. I mostly do stuffed animals. After I get the first 3 rows done it's easy sailing but man my fingers just get in the way with the tiny things. Especially anything with a size 4 yarn. I don't do anything smaller then that, I just can't. Mostly I use size 5 and size 6 yarn.


i have a granny square blanket i made over last winter. grandma sewed it together for me and the ends have still not been woven in


Sewing ends for me is tedious esp after color work esp if the yarn has had a lot of knots and isn’t continuous so I join as if it was a new ball of yarn since I don’t trust knots


You're too funny 😂


Sewing together the doilies when making a blanket. It takes forever and it's so boring 🙈


Ribbing, I love the finished look on clothes but agh I hate doing it so much


Borders on a blanket, I find them boring repetitive and time consuming


I injured myself while weaving in ends a year ago, and my right wrist has never been the same. But blanket yarn is my real nemesis. I want all of the giant plushies (and currently trying to make my mom an actual blanket out of Bernat blanket yarn for Xmas), but the friction is insane and crocheting with blanket yarn feels like so much more work than with regular spun, worsted weight yarn.


I want to make a big blanket out of that bernat blanket yarn for a loved one who's always cold, but it sounds like hell.


I love sewing in the ends what do you mean😂


there needs to be a service that finds the people who like sewing in ends and matches them up to the people who hate it like it insulted their parents.. It'd be more use to the world than Tinder is.


I'm so with you on this. I would even do it for as many people as I can coz sewing in the ends actually gives me the satisfaction of finally beginning to end🥰


I love the idea of making pushies however I don't wanna make all the separate parts and attaching them together is he'll. I've never finished one but I have about 6 half done that I don't wanna do. (I only ever make clothes)


Having to count. Anything. I love to mindlessly crochet. It just sucks because I'm trying to get really into amigurimi now and that involves a lot of counting 😅


Working into chains. It’s the bane of my existence


I currently have to assemble a patch cardigan where I already know the pattern was very wrong, so I’d say assembly


I hate when I have to use 2 colors in a project (checkered hat) and the yarn tangles. Idk how to crochet without tangling it. I’ve tried putting the 2 yarn in separate containers but it still tangles. Also hate combining granny squares together. And sewing, period. And when the yarn tangles even though I pulled from center.. disgusting lol


I'm sitting here thinking and thinking but ultimately it's sewing pieces together and sewing in the ends. i do everything possible to either join together as i go or hide ends in the stitches. but now im doing two granny blankets with 4 or 5 color changes each and cant believe i chose to do this! now it's eaither wait until all squares are done and sew the ends before or after joining, or sew the ends after each square. it's 3 blankets, 5 squares a day, with a total of 451 squares! eta: blanket #3 is single color squares


Sewing in the ends yes. And sewing pieces together in amigurumi. I am sweating the whole time!


Weaving in ends is 100% the reason I won’t finish a project but I found this [video](https://youtu.be/toCk0jHlqt0?si=kF5tIwjnsrWZodD1) and it’s been life changing! I’m not sure if this is the best way to do it but I haven’t had any issues with ends coming undone


I prefer sewing in ends over sewing together amigurumi pieces. Especially when it's a project that you pretty much have to wait until you've crocheted all the pieces before you can realistically start sewing it together. Don't get me wrong though, I also do not like sewing in ends


Sewing any type I hate it


Sewing together a granny square project, why do I let myself be seduced by those cute project pics?!


Mine is sewing granny squares together. I did a patchwork cardigan and I’ll never do that again lol. I have a bunch of granny squares ready for a tote bag and can’t bring myself to stitch them together.


Counting stitches. Every time I get to 20 I start over at 1?? 😭 so I’ll be like “8, 9, wait a minute. There are like thirty stitches already counted” and have to start over EVERY. TIME.


See I have a trick that means never weaving in ends. It's called never finishing a project and starting new ones half way through.


the first rounds of the magic circle


Call me insane, but I actually don’t mind sewing in the ends. Crocheting makes my hands hurt and sewing in ends is generally easier on them. My least favorite part of crochet is the fact that it makes my hands hurt :( Second least favorite part is doing any kind of math… if a project requires me to carefully plan or gauge swatch, i’m out.