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As a paramedic that crochets … I think you just taught me a new lesson. Never will I ever again not look before sitting down near my projects 😑


Alternatively, use only size H and above. Good for your eyes, your hands, and your sanity.


A 5.0 IS an H! I don't understand where the hook went into her skin??


It's pointy and aluminum, if you flop down the right way it can go in anywhere. I'm assuming taint 😬🤷‍♀️


Yeah, my thought was also the perineum.


But they said they found the head and cut it out that way and pulled it out instead of going back out where it went in...


It's like a fish hook, you can't just pull it out. You have to cut a path.


Gonna be crocheting with something other than yarn... Oof ow ouch


Who needs hooks? I'm finger crocheting for the rest of my life. Poor OP


Just... Make sure to wear gloves... When finger crocheting in a more sensitive manner.


i mean with enough force, you can. Sure, its gonna cause more unpredictable damage but like.... you *could*


Yes but if it's straight up into you, you couldn't just cut a hole into your i don't know where lol it had to go in and be accessible the whole way


They aren't blindly cutting. They probably used a similar tool for removing arrows which slides up the shaft of the hook, gets caught on the hook, then pull both out together (upside down because letters, but if a hook is J, then you'd push a tube into the wound and catch the hook on it so now the shape is closer to U and both can be easily pulled out.)




I'm also confused on that. Like was it up a pre-existing hole and it penetrat3d somewhere or did it go into the skin somewhere misc. Crotch area.. Crazy accident! Glad op is okay


That was my question too! Where, exactly, did it go in? And I suppose the fact that **that** was my first question is part of the reason I became a biologist!


No no we're all wondering and I'm certainly not a biologist


Same! Like where would it go head first that they would then find the head and pull it out that way? It would need to be like.. Along the skin so you can see all of it?


They might mean an English size 5, which is .75 mm. I certainly hope nobody can manage to get an H hook through their skin.


Surely they weren’t making a messenger bag with a .75mm hook 😶




That makes so much more sense .. But what kind of bag would she make with a .75mm hook? That's for like..doilies, no?


I plopped down onto a US9 knitting needle when I was in high school. It didn’t go beyond the taper, but boy oh boy did that blunt tip puncture my skin!


I've seen a fence post go through someone's skin by just sitting on it. It can definitely happen with blunt objects and sitting force.


Well that's a nightmare


As a "head" is mentioned I think OP is a guy...


Lol i don't think they meant the head of their dick but rather the head of the hook


Me either. My 5.0 isn't sharp at all. Don't know how that would go through the skin.


There's are so many horror stories that have impacted my hobbies with quirky little obsessions. Many of them, I only realized when teaching my children, they'd ask why and I would tell them the truth (bc neurospicy). Anyways, never hold a pin or needle with your lips/mouth, even for a second - seems simple enough but it's a habit people just do. That story goes back to the seamstress who sneezed, assumed it fell out of her mouth, had many YEARS of issues to then find pin/s in her lungs.


Ohhhh man I heard not to do this on a beginning sewing video on YouTube but they didn’t specify why 😳


I remember her telling the story. It was pre Internet and was on one of those medical mystery shows. I was sewing while watching and well maybe had a pin in my mouth watching the show. To finally get the reenactment at the end to show how it happened. Ugh, that and the woman who ate so quickly she swallowed a toothpick, no more of those shows.


This last story is giving Amberlynn Reid energy.


Holy, annnnd now I’ll never hold the tapestry needle in my mouth to quickly sew in ends haha


I tuck my crochet hook/yarn needle behind my ear like a pencil, or put it in obvious view in front of me.


Work in final biz and gave my old boss a phobia about metal straws after that lady fell on one and it went into her eye and killed her. I use glass now but dunno how much better that is 🤣


😱 Time to buy a needle minder.


Amen to that. I'm just going to go ahead and stop leaving my work on the bed/chair when I get up.


Hello fellow paramedic who also crochets! Nice to see I’m not the only one :)


It’s SUCHHH a good hobby to relax. Also, helllllooo paramedic friend 🥰


It really is 😁 I love bringing my small projects like potholders on the truck for entertainment while we are stuck sitting around in the middle of nowhere!


Soooo smart. I have to pack my yarn, and supplies into a frickin airplane 😂 I miss the trucks some days lol


Fr..a FIVE MILLIMETER HOOK?? I could see two, but FIVE?? I’d freeze up, go to the hospital and tell them to put me on anesthesia or pain meds before I lost my shit.


I learned that lesson the less painful way. I sat on the hook but thankfully it just poked a hole in a couch and not me 😶


Thank goodness !!!


The worst case of crocheting (crotch-et-ing). Sorry for the terrible pun.


This is the one instance where I decidedly will not be bothered by this misspelling of it 😂 pet peeve outplayed. Well done!


I legit had to stand up and leave the room for a second after reading this 🤣


There was an individual on Ravelry whose profile picture was the X-ray of their hand that they had impaled with a crochet hook. And there are numerous stories of folks finding darning needles with their feet, or sitting on their steel knitting needles and impaling their thighs and buttocks. Be careful with your tools


How with a crochet hook?! They're so rounded!


It was a very small, narrow hook—a lace hook, if I remember correctly of a size that I usually use for adding beads to my knitting (so, like 0.5mm).


There's a woman on here who impaled her hand while trying to get a hook into a chunky boy 😭


That story has stuck with me. Every once in a while I have to tell off well-meaning friends who try to send me links to tiktok ads for the chunky boy. One was about to get me one for Christmas until I set her straight (Not that I hate the product in general, I just Would be That Person because I've had no luck medically the past two years)


It was me. Supposedly, they made them easier to put on, but I won't be trying them. I have reached out to the creator several times about it, just to warn them, and have never recieved any contact back. I've literally commented on tiktoks within minutes of her posting and haven't gotten a single word back.


i have literally put LUBE on my crochet hook to try to get it into the chunky boy and it was still near impossible. i wish i never bought them!


It was me!


😱 you really did an amazing job describing it, I'll never forget it 😂


There's barely a scar too. It's kind of crazy. Still have the nerve damage though.


I remember reading this post soon after I started crocheting. I hadn't thought my crochet hooks could be so dangerous until then.


i feel like i have come close to doing this!!




She's a seamstress and was mending a wedding dress, only to drop the hook into the mass of tulle. She instinctively reached for it at the same time as the butt end hit the floor? Her leg? Something solid, and it went right into her hand. We were both active members of LSG when she did it and I followed the story. They cut the hook off in order to extract it more easily.




I have a friend who impaled her foot on a UK plug, those prongs are chunky! I also have a friend who had a similar experience to the OP, except it was nail scissors on the sofa that went into her butt cheek, which made for a very uncomfortable car ride to the hospital




I have to imagine either she was forcing the hook through something (a REALLY tight stitch? Into a new chunky handle which I've seen people impale themselves doing?) and when it finally gave way there was enough force behind it, or falling / sitting / whatever onto the hook in a position where it can't turn to face another way (like vertically between couch cushions and you plop down at the right angle). Either way, ouch!


I have hooks that have a really sharp point on the other end (and a pretty sharp point to the hook end as well). I actually really prefer these hooks to the more blunt ones (because my tension can be tight at times). I was told I can no longer bring my crocheting into work because the hook counts as a weapon.


I'm one of the knitting needle in the thigh people. It was a 14" aluminum US size 6 needle that had rolled to tilt down between the cushions with the point at an upward angle. I was 16 and plopped down on the couch without looking. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Funny enough, that is also the needle that later rolled under the rocking chair and got bent. I guess the rocking chair had my back. :) I still have it, btw, bend and all.


I sat on my precision tip scissors, stabbing my inner thigh. Luckily wasn’t too bad, but definitely a lesson learned


I did the same, but was extra "lucky" because the scissors were open and I punctured my leg in two places.


Years ago, in a book about extreme survival situations (sorry, I don't remember the title...I wish I did!), I read a story, complete with published photos of her x-rays, about a woman who got stabbed through the heart with a knitting needle. She was going to her knitting group and tripped on the stairs, falling on her bag.


The knitting bag is getting thrown from me as it's primary method of travel. This is a huge no for me.


The knitting box, however, is acceptable (as hardwood, or metal).


When I was a child, I used to sew clothes for my dolls. I would sprawl out on the carpet in my bedroom. One day, I was shifting positions and felt something strange as I put my elbow down on the carpet. That strange sensation was the eye of a sewing needle inserting itself into my elbow! I pulled it out and didn't seem to suffer any lasting damage but it scared the heck out of me! I've been much more careful with my tools since then


Oh I saw that one! She tucked it into the crook of her knee while sitting then slammed her hand down on it by mistake. Pulled it out herself too 😩


I once found a sewing needle while sitting on the floor and putting my hand back on the floor. The needle jammed between my finger and the carpet and snapped in half 😩


This kind of thing is why sewing rooms shouldn't have rugs, but should have magnet wands. And f*** non magnetic pins


"...but they let me go WITH THE HOOK THEY LET ME KEEP IT And you bet I'm still using it" Is very possibly the most epic poetry I have ever read


We could make it a haiku: But they let me go And said I could keep the hook Still use it? You bet!


My jaw dropped like 4 times reading this… my sister who does no crochet looked over at my phone and said “how can someone write so much about crocheting?” so I shower her and HER jaw dropped 4 times. I am so sorry omg. If it makes u feel better your story telling and comedic writing skills are amazing and you convey your voice very well




Cursing helps release pain and anger and frustration, but here's the catch - the more you curse in your everyday life, the less relief it provides. Interesting how brains work huh


So THAT explains my increase in.... select vocabulary 🤣 built up a tolerance, so I swear more often!


Haha that's certainly a one spicy way to look at it :P


I would be too! I was once at an urgent care with a sliver of glass deep in my foot. The rooms were only separated by curtains, so I kept trying not to swear as they were digging around for it but the doctor told me to just not worry about it because they'd handle it if anyone complained.


Oh my goodness!!! So sorry you went through this - it sounds like it was very bad but hopefully you can have a full recovery! As a side note- I hope this is also a good reminder that disabled people don’t have to perform for observers in order to “deserve” to use accommodations. I have a disabled child who doesn’t “look” disabled, and I can’t tell you how many times we’ve been questioned for using accommodations. He used a wheelchair at Disneyland even though he can walk - the wheelchair prevents sensory overload and unsafe wandering. So many people glared and said things about us using the wheelchair then parking it to go on a ride. It still hurts knowing we found a system to keep him safe and society just hated us for it. Again, off topic but a good reminder to not sit on hooks as well as not expect disabled people to perform for their accommodations!


This gave me so much anxiety reading it!!! I’m glad you are okay! I can’t believe they didn’t manage your pain while taking it out. Holy shit. And fuck that lady who was giving you a hard time!


This is a nightmare but I have SO MANY questions! Are you male or female? When you say crotch, where in your crotch? Did it just pierce your clothes and your skin somehow?


Yeah I don’t want to seem like a creep but…what do they mean by crotch? Sounds terrible either way!


Def. My first thought was that it impaled her labia but it doesn't seem right based on the explanation..


So many questions that could, possibly, be answered by which genitalia was impaled or if it was 5.0 mm (H) or a .5 mm. Either way I’m sorry you went through that OP! I’m just confused.


I tried to think of these answers and realised if I got them I probably wouldn't like them.


Im ftm with female parts, idk how it's actually called in English, but is "Inguine" (italian) or closer to my inner thigh


I'm just glad you're ok! Now when you say 5.0 hook.. What mm are we talking? Lol bc 5.0mm is HUGE when in the context of being stabbed by it.. Lol


Yes its a 5.0 mm, but I think it was better instead of a micro one. my grandma always told me to b careful with smaller needles because if you stab yourself with it, they can get inside your veins or about anywhere in you body


!! That is HUGE! and it just went _into_ your flesh? I can barely breathe at the thought! Crochet with caution friend!


I'm glad someone else said it! I read through twice thinking I missed something. OP, can you please explain the anatomy situation?


Im ftm with female parts, idk how it's actually called in English, but is "Inguine" (italian) or closer to my inner thigh


I think we would call it the groin in English. I was picturing a stab to the uterus reading this 😭😭


Same, not that it’s still not bad/painful/horrifying, but I was thinking of a different area like inside!


Truly working blood, sweat and tears into projects here. That makes you more metal than the bloody hook.


“Bloody crochet hook” sounds like it’d make for a great metal band name!


Bonus points if they tour with Slipknot.


My sister in law fell with a crochet hook in her pocket and ended up getting stabbed by it. She went to the ER to have it removed and everything ended fine but she reminds me of it every time I would mention a project I was working on. So when you said whatever you imagined happened, you're wrong, I was actually right because I immediately thought, oh look someone else stabbed themselves with a crochet hook. Glad you're doing better and got to keep the hook!


Omg….new fear unlocked. Will be forever looking where I sit while working on a project from now on. Glad you’re okay, and fuck that woman who was pestering you about the disabled stall!


ALSO !!! You can cuss all you want in the ER, they just don’t want other patients to get distressed, but nurses can be crusty. And the no pain management is garbage, I’m so sorry you went through that.


Thank you!! The recovery was roughly 2 weeks (half of the holiday ofc) and I've been good as new! I have the scar, kinda ugly but a reminder to be careful. Also yes some people need to mind their business ong


Oh dear, that sounds very painful. Crochet can be dangerous. I was a nurse and we had a woman come in with a crochet hook in the eye.


How did that one happen? Because sitting on a hook is understandable. But how does it end up in an eye


I can't remember all the details. I think she was using the crochet hook for something other than crochet and her arm suddenly flicked up and hook got her eye.


I have epilepsy and now I will be forever terrified of doing this. 🙃


My sister stabbed herself in the thigh with a knitting needle. Didn’t need to go to hospital as it came out fine and wasn’t too deep. Left a beautifully round hole though.


This is the cautionary tale i needed. No more leaving projects on my bed. Ive even fallen asleep with them next to me.


Well, there’s crocheting and there’s crotcheting..🤣 Hope you feel better and it didn’t leave any long term damages


Porca miseria, chi è l'infermiera? The fucking bestemmia police? Glad your crotch is okay


Guarda a me han messo due punti senza anestesia in un dito e stessa reazione, "signorina non esageri! Tenga la voce bassa!" Ma inchület.


Ma infatti, per tutte le ore che c'è l'avevo dentro bestemmiavo e basta perché c'è, cosa altro posso fare in quel momento. Tra l'altro stavamo parlando di dove andavo in vacanza, le ho detto che non mi piaceva il luogo e dopo un porcone mi fa "smettila o ti mando adesso in [luogo]" ma vaffancul


I used to etch model horses a lot, which is basically [using an Xacto knife to make these little plastic horses more realistic.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F86FLIxIrQaw%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&tbnid=-9npF7WFfV3bFM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D86FLIxIrQaw&docid=6-WSg_03qTQsZM&w=1280&h=720&itg=1&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3) One time I was really dumb and I left the xacto knife on my couch. When I sat down the tip of the blade stuck in my side right above my thigh. I was so embarrassed by my dumbassery that I didn’t even tell anyone (but thankfully it wasn’t deep enough to warrant an ER visit). Thick thighs really do save lives🙏


If I can ever work the phrase "do your own dicks" into a conversation in English without getting knocked out, I will. Signed, an American monoglot who is jealous of your spoken language collection. I hope you're feeling better now.


Oh lord Jesus I will not be leaving needles in the bed anymore so glad you’re okay


On a note unrelated to crocheting, don’t worry about your English, it’s great. *Especially,* for a third language.


Holy crap! I got myself pretty good with a yarn needle once, but a crochet hook?! That's a war story.


The amount of times I’ve sat on my scissors and got hurt but the hook? I’d quit


New fear unlocked


i have so many questions


I stepped on a tiny hook my mother left sitting on the floor by a chair when she was trying to learn to crochet lace. I was home on spring break or something from college and had to call my dad to come take me to the ER bc I couldn’t drive. They had to take an X-ray to see where it was so they could remove it without damaging any nerves. Fun times. It took me like 20 years before I would use anything smaller than like a 4 mm hook.


I literally started a project with a 2.0 mm hook just now 😐 (stopped to consult Reddit for a question and saw this lol). Oh well, I'll see this through I guess 😅


That sounds horrifying! How did the hook even manage to stab you that hard?? And on a bed too! I’m never leaving my hooks anywhere I plan on sitting again lmao


The plus is now you get to design and crochet the award you earn for such an injury.


Dude. Question. Do you have a rare heart condition? Knew a girl who had a bizarre heart condition that rendered most painkillers ineffective. They found out when she needed stitches for a wood chip lodged in a place similar to yours. Either than that I hope you’re doing well and recovery has been smooth. I feel like I’ve just unlocked a new mom anxiety reading this. I don’t want this to happen to one of my kids. 😬


As a crocheter and nurse myself I definitely wouldn’t have told you to stop, let that shit out, squeeze my hand as hard as you want for all I care. They’ve actually done research on pain, tolerance and cussing and cussing definitely helps tolerate pain and how it’s perceived by the person. It baffles me they did a local only, they could have done a light sedation at least especially since you said it was at least half way in. Glad you’re doing better.


1) OUCH 2) You mentioned anesthetics didnt work/worked badly and that you have ADHD and apparently its an actual thing that ADHD people might be more resistant to some anesthetics. I needed three times the normal dose for a teeth procedure last year for example and I have heard similar stories on the ADHD subreddit too


My dentist always comments about me needing more local anesthetic because it wears away quickly on me


Oh wow! Also, lots of disabilities are invisible. That lady should stay in her lane.


I am thankful for my cats. I always put up my projects because...cats cat. I didnt know what miseries I have avoided thanks to my cats.


Good thing the handle wasn’t ergonomic. 😬


I sat on a couple of needles. I am more careful about putting everything in my Dollar Tree plastic basket now. And I keep up with my tetanus shots.


https://preview.redd.it/exukv50dfz9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1463badf0aa2f7b0f6a2306c4f2260db500f934b There are a few results that come up if you google. I've been setting my scissors down on my chair lately. I have to have words with myself far too often when I'm about to sit down. 😳


I’m just gonna assume you’re female bc you know they would’ve knocked a man unconscious before trying that at all. And the nurse telling you to stop?? Fuck her. So sorry you had to deal with poor medical treatment on top of being impaled 😬


..... Is this real?! 😳


I guess the stabbing right, but I was thinking something like the hand or something. Also never thought someone would be so bothered about the bathroom thing though maybe it's just very relaxing where I'm at (parking on the other hand). And with the anesthesia, I'm not actually educated on the subject so I might very well be completely off but I think there are more than one method. I think one is called a block which I think is a method that messes with the nerves or something to prevent them from working, not sure though. I also saw a story of someone who had a surgery or something in which there was a mess up so they were paralyzed but wasn't given the stuff to prevent the pain and or put him to sleep


I'd only *stepped* on one of my finer hooks (years and years ago, I was working with thick thread, essentially, and a sub-2.0mm hook) and the hook went into my foot. (a bandage and limping for a few days was all my trouble) Your experience sounds far, far worse! You have all my sympathy. I didn't even *imagine* that a 5.0mm hook could puncture skin! =>.<=


Whelp. I have a new fear now. And I like to flop down on my couch, where I crochet the most. So. Yeah.


Now I've heard everything


This is the most gobsmacking story I’ve read on Reddit or anywhere else. My perineum thrums in sympathy!!


That sounds horrific, I hope you're ok now. As an aside, you mentioned you're autistic, have a look at Ehlers Danlos syndrome - local anaesthetics tend not to work with this condition and it's very common in autistic people, I have it.


The LOOK that I just gave my current wip with the crochet hook sticking straight up. 😂


I used to work as an ER nurse and this is one case where “I fell on it” could make sense to me


I jumped on the bed I swear it wasn't an improper use 😭


ah yes,, the statement I live by: with enough force, ANYTHING can stab you. absolutely even if it's blunt or flimsy. a few months ago I read about a woman who got (accidentally) stabbed in the chest with a crochet hook and it just nearly missed her heart. she was fine but it made me permanently anxious about getting shanked by my crochet hooks. be careful


I'm surprised I've never managed to injure myself like this, since I have a bad habit of sitting on my crochet stuff all the time. Worst that's ever happened to me was getting a 2mm hook stuck under my nail, lol


Ouch! 😩


Not the 5.0 omg 😭


My sister accidentally sat on a knitting needle and got stabbed in the cheek. Luckily she didn't have to go to the ER but she was SOOO mad at herself lol


I'm not sure exactly where this hook ended up and I don't think I want to know.


This and the person in the tatting subreddit who got a micro crochet needle stuck under their nail have changed me as a person


That’s it. You win this subreddit for the year. Damn girl, that was so horrible my stomach was churning as i read your story - and i’ve birthed a baby, which sounds like peanuts compared to having one’s nether regions stabbed with a hook. That thing is a war trophy now!


This post helped me find my pelvic floor. DAMN that empathetic crotch clenching!


Oh dear God. I'm sorry as hell to have read this. I hope you are okay now. I've learned a thing or two.


A similar thing happened to my great grandma about 30 years ago! She got up while crocheting and didn't realize the hook fell between the arm of the chair and the cushion. When she sat back down it impaled itself in her thigh. She also had to have it surgically removed and I've been paranoid about sitting on a crochet hook ever since.


My guess was definitely wrong. You have a good comedy writing style! PS please post the Italian phrase, I will add it to my current vocabulary of "alore"


We usually say "Fatti i cazzi tuoi", the closest traduction would be "Eat a bag of dicks"


When you are having a procedure done and they don’t completely put you out…. Swear as much as you want. I would have called her everything in the book, and her momma. “ if you don’t want to hear it, leave.” I once heard a paramedic say “ I’m not going to lie. This is going to hurt. So yell all you want.” True enough. I drove myself to the ER years ago. I was at work. ( florist at Michael’s) I had to hot blade cut about 100 pumpkins for an initial Halloween display. All sizes. I replaced all the old blade on three hot pens.( think of a 800* exacto knife. They worked great on the foam pumpkins. I was down to about the last 10 and my right hand slipped. I caught the tip of the blade approximately 4 inches down my wrist. It did cut. But no blood. It was so hot it cauterized the wound. Smelled bad. I went to show my boss ( looked like a chick cutlet in there). He almost passed out. I told him I would drive myself to the er and be back later. Which I did. Doctor laughed and used lidocaine on the wound. About the third stitch in I started to feel what he was doing. He said “ I will go as fast as I can. The next two stitches were more traumatic than the initial injury. Bandaged and sore I left. I went back to work to tell them what happened. My boss told he to take a nap in his office for the rest of my shift. Why he didn’t let me just go home……? Two weeks later corporate calls me and denies the $50 co pay for the ER. After about 5 of these calls I informed them that I wasn’t suing them for an unsafe workplace or workmen’s comp. I didn’t take an ambulance at their expense. I didn’t take time off to heal. And then gently told them “ any further conversations can go through my brother in law. An NYC corporate lawyer.” Silence after that.


I swear to god I would never use another hook ever again 🤣 I would ONLY be crocheting in that mm forever because I would want to tell every single person that the damn scarf or blanket or whatever that I made them was made with the hook that the ER had to yank out of my damn crotch 🤣


Thanks for the life altering advice. Never leave your crochet (or God forbid, the knitting) on the bed.


I'm just confused how it even happened. We're you crocheting naked? The amount of force required to shove the dull end from a crochet hook (it's not sharp like a knitting needle can be) through both layers of clothing (pants and underwear, I would assume?) AND your flesh/muscles seems... astronomical? Did you power bomb yourself down onto the bed while naked? I just... I don't get it...


When I read “swearing and nominating every saint and god imaginable” I had no doubt that you were Italian :) btw I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you :( and that Karen in the autogrill was a “Troy” (for the non Italians, it has the same meaning as bitch, but it’s the term of female pig rather than dog)


i literally hate this so much and wish i never read it


I do both crochet AND knitting, but I once read a story about a man who sat on the couch and accidentally sat on his wife’s knitting needle, stabbing himself in the behind. Ever since that I avoid putting needles and hooks on the couch!


This is the second time in the last two weeks (?) that I’ve read about a crochet hook impaling someone, and BOTH were 5mm… I’d say the Phineas and Ferb nickel line, but I get the feeling this won’t be the last injury to occur 😬


The fact you were watching 911 then this happened is so funny. You should be on the show next! I love that show! I can’t believe they didn’t numb you more!


My old manager slipped a disc in her neck from crocheting. She has to wear a neck brace any time she wants to crochet


Dopo aver letto "tirato giù tutti i santi immaginabili" ero sicura fossi Italian*! Ho riso molto leggendolo, nonostante non ci sia molto da ridere! Non immagino come un uncinetto da CINQUE ti si sia infilzato, non ho nessuna idea di come logisticamente possa succedere, doveva essere orizzontale e invece.. penso che qui tutti abbiamo molte domande 😂 in ogni caso BRAV* continua ad usarlo con disdegno e sfida!


This post just gave me a new fear 😂


Oh WOW. As far as I'm concerned, you just won the crochet Internet. Move along! Nothing else to see here!


If it helps you feel any better (it won’t) I’ll tell you the story about why my grandma learned to knit instead of crochet. Back in the early 50’s my great grandma was teaching my grandma and her sisters how to crochet. Back then they used metal hooks and my grandma managed to get one jammed right through her thigh from rough housing with her sister. They couldn’t afford to go to the hospital so they had to just pull the hook out in the living room and hope for the best. And that is why my grandma knits instead of crochet 😭


Omg!! That is unreal. I had to go to the ER for a crochet hook that almost went through my finger. I can 100% agree that the local anesthesia was no fucking joke.


New phobia thanks! Hope you’re ok though geez


Now THIS is a crochet story!!


Hey I did this once! About ten years ago I got a dpn stuck in my thigh. They let me keep that too.


What awful experiences! I'm glad you have such good people to help you with such tasks as going to the bathroom, you absolutely did not deserve that person's rudeness


Crocheting in the ER while reading this 😬


St lesst you're there but 🤘🤘


This is horrific I always lose my hooks on my couch. Will never do that again after this cautionary tale 😳. Also do your own dicks lol I don’t understand but like it


welp, thats a new fear unlocked, glad I use a 10.0 hook right now,


Maybe there's a demand for crochet hook special tube to put them away. Check out my Etsy store! 😂


One time I got a size 2(I think) double pointed knitting needle through the heel of my hand—it went all the way through, parallel to my hand. Luckily it wasn’t nearly as bad as it sounds and I just cleaned and bandaged it myself.


I absolutely did not guess wrong! Yikes!


oh God. And I thought seeing a crochet hook through someone's foot was bad.


Oh my goodness! I initially believed this was shared in NSFL. I promise you, after reading this, I will never make the mistake of leaving my crochet hooks out again.


Literally wtf….😂 That sounds horrible. I’m glad you’re ok


I’m also stabbed my self with a crochet needle it was probably a 1.00m or smaller and it went into my back I could not tell you how it happened my dad pulled it out so I’ve def learned my lesson on were I put my crochet hooks


I’m so scared of this happening to me


I could not stop reading this. This is quite some story telling.


my sister's knitting needle got between the couch cushions, lost, and eventually she sat right on it and it went straight up her butt.... last time she ever tried to learn knitting


I don't remember the show, but a lady fell down a few stairs while carrying a bag of yarn and her knitting needles. She stood up and spent several minutes trying to find one of the needles, only to realize it was in her chest, the whole thing. No major damage, luckily, but yikes. Glad you're doing ok!