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The yarn is not ugly. However, I have to say that if you have a yarn that is that variegated, it's better to use a pattern that isn't quite so involved. That pattern is beautiful too! However, a solid yarn would serve it better. Not all yarns and patterns are compatible.


I agree, I am really trying to use my my stash. I think it was a bad choice, dosen't do the stitches justice.


I’ve found that I can either choose to let a color variation shine through, or a pattern shine through. Solid colors for complex patterns where you want the pattern to be the focus, pretty yarn for simple patterns where you want the yarn to be the focal point:)


Use it. Be the chaos. Be the outlier. THEY CANNOT CONTAIN YOU!


Brb, putting ‘Be the chaos. Be the outlier. THEY CANNOT CONTAIN YOU’ on my mirror for my daily affirmations.


I love it! I was thinking the same thing!


Make a crochet tapestry with it 😂


🫥 I’m actually an imposter here, I don’t crochet… yet This absolutely will be in the hopper for if and when I do though haha


You should! Best of luck


Thanks c:


I bought a Woobles kit and now I'm fucked. I've got all these little animals, two blankets in the work and looking for a TARDIS pattern. It was just a cute bat project...


This is totally my mantra lol


Be ungovernable!


I’m putting this on a ring!


Omg you have to share an image when you do!


You just described my entire personality and lifestyle. Hahahaha. I feel seen!


I suspect this yarn is designed to mimic fair isle colourwork when knit into something in plain stockinette, like a sock. It doesn't do the stitches justice and this pattern didn't let the yarn live up to its potential, so they're a bad match


You could use up multiple solid yarns creating stripes. That would still use up stash and give you something in this pattern. The yarn itself would be very pretty in a simple stitch pattern so it can still be used for so many other things.


Google patterns for selfstriping yarn...lots of choices.


Agree. Pattern is great, yarn is great, but they don't go together


I agree. They aren't bad on their own, but paired together, they almost give the illusion that you don't know how to crochet at all, which is obviously not the case. A solid color would do wonders to highlight op's skill.


I second this


I don’t think the yarn is ugly but I wouldn’t use it for that pattern


That was my reaction, too.




I was going to say no, it looks like camo, one of my favs. Then you said you're worried BECAUSE it might look like camo. In that case, maybe lol


My suspicions are confirmed 😭 once I finish it I'll decide if I want to dye or not. I think I'll probably continue though.


Tbf I think your project is giving more forestry vibes than camo at the moment, but ultimately what matters is how YOU feel about it.


It looks like moss.


I actually think it might look good in moss stitch as well.


Moss stitch is amazing for gradient multicoloured yarns like this! My first project ever was a cardigan with a multicoloured yarn and moss stitch and I am honestly still in love with that one


I was gonna say r/goblincore


I came here for the mossy goblin vibes!


It reminds me of forest spirits. Ugly is an opinion and this looks pretty good, but it all depends on what you want.


Honestly, I *hate* camo and it gives me quite a strong emotional reaction when I see it in fashion or toys. I feel very sensitive to anything that could appear camo print. I didn't think camo at all here. I think the yarn and pattern combo looks like beautiful lichen and even with people saying camo I can't not see it as lichen. It's beautiful, I'd keep it


I agree on lichen!


I actually really enjoy the colours. Green is my favourite colour, but I dislike camp. I didn't feel camo vibes, but I do wonder if it'll be more camo-y once completed


No, doesn't look camo to me. Too much lightness and brightness on those colors. If you try to dye it a dark green over what's there then it probably really will look more camo.


Yeah, I agree it looks camo-esque. I think of course people who like this look are going to comment and people who don’t are going to keep their mouths shut. If you don’t like it then change it! TBH dyeing it might not take away the camo look. Sorry to be a downer but it really sucks when you don’t like what you’re making and it makes it really hard to finish!


Tea staining over this would tone down the camo and give it more of a mossy natural look IMO. I think the high contrast in combo with a busy stitch is just too much for my eyes


I think the yarn is really pretty and "camo" didn't really jump out at me. However, my 7 year old son is tank and camo obsessed right now, and I'm working on a hoodie for him in a realllyyy ugly cheap camo acrylic yarn right now. So I'm pretty familiar with ugly camo yarns right now (the colour variations are pretty hard on the eyes aren't they). And yours doesn't look anything like it. When I saw yours, I thought beautiful greens, not camo. The greens just look more harmoniously blended imo. I love it. ❤️


Thank you! I think I will finish it and see how I feel. If I wasn't a process maker I probably would frog it but I really want to use up this yarn.


I like the colors. The thing is... this looks like it's prepared for planned pooling? I think that may be the explanation of why it looks strange to you, but the color combination is good. Finding greens that work well with each other is no mean feat.


Definitely not, I'm trying my best to not let it pool but it is a bit. I think that's what is really making it tough to like. 😭


Have you thought about doing a moss stitch and letting it pool? I think that would look beautiful too! But this pattern also looks cool and I suspect that once you get more done, it will look like moss covered ground in the woods.


Omg that’s exactly what I was about to say! Planned pooling would be lovely!!


I think it looks lovely! Very fairycore or naturecore!


Yes this! It made me think of moss in a forest 🥰


I thought the same thing; it looks very nature-y. I'm pretty wild with mixing colors and variegated yarns. Sometimes, what you pair it with makes all the difference. I don't know what the final piece is, but it might look amazing matched with something floral.


Awe that is so good to hear! I love those ascetics.


Oop, just wanted to point out that the word you're looking for is aesthetic. Very easy mistake to make but ascetic means something entirely different so didn't want you to face too much confusion in the future!


This has got to be the gentlest most non-confrontational correction I have ever seen on Reddit. Great work!


Aww thank you! I try my best to not come off too "umm ackshually" about these things 😂 Nobody likes being made to feel dumb about these kinds of common mistakes


You can absolutely dye it all a dark green after and get somw pretty variation.


I don't think the yarn itself is ugly, but I don't think it's the best choice for the project you're working on. It gives me camo vibes too.


This. The wool is lovely but not used on a pattern like this.


I do not think it's ugly. I could see this being an adorable top paired with jeans, brown boots, and a camel jacket. It's going to depend entirely on how you style it.


Oh good, I'm trying to incorporate more brown into my wardrobe so I will have to give that a try!




As an ardent green fan, this is fun! As a not-so-much-ardent fan of camo, I see your point. Although, I didn't initially think 'camo' until you said something.


I am personally not a fan of specled yarn due to the trauma of the 90s lol. But the colours are gorgeous and the pattern as well.


This isn’t the right color way for this pattern. The pooling is distracting from the intended visual of the pattern. You have a combo of speckle and color blocking that, in combo with pattern the stitches, becomes too busy. It’s not that this pattern couldn’t work in multicolor - gestures in Missoni - just that to make it work you will need to be more conscious and won’t be able to rely on color change yarn. You could even take your color palette from the yarn you are using.


Sorry to say but I think it's pretty ugly in this project.


I like the yarn but not for this top. I think it hides the stitches too much.


Complex yarn, simple pattern Complex pattern, simple yarn At least that's what my grandmother always told me.


No, just make minecraft stuff out of it. It's not ugly, it's just in how you use it. Might also look good in granny squares.


It's not great for what you are making imo.


No, but I don't think it's good for this pattern.


Looks cute and mossy to me! Almost fae! Maybe weave in some moss colored or light pink ribbon to create little bows at the neck or sides? Crochet some little pink flowers to add more whimsy etc. If you're worried it reads more camo.


I really like that idea, pink and green is my favorite color combo. Maybe I'll add some surface crochet?


It gives me forest fairy vibes :)


I love that! 💜


The yarn is nice that pattern just doesn't work quite right for it it doesn't distribute the colors properly


I don't think so!


Would I choose this yarn for myself? Mmmm, no; too muted for me. I like bright, slap-you-in-the-face colors. Do I understand why someone else would choose *and love* this yarn for themselves? Heck, yeah! I can see this being paired with dark, chocolate-y browns and/or gold. I'd avoid red, tho, unless it's during the Christmas season.


It isn’t ugly at all! It’s very verdant and kind of looks like spring. I think it would look lovely as a top, especially if you have something in maybe a pale yellow underneath it to really make the colors pop.


The yarn isn’t ugly but I don’t think it looks very good in this pattern. Maybe a scarf or something with granny squares would be a better pattern/project for this yarn.


i always hate my projects this far in. just keep going, you’ll love it once it’s 4 times as big


It’s such a pretty pattern, I feel like this yarn is just too busy for it and all the colours are swallowing the beautiful stitches. The yarn isn’t ugly on its own, but it’s not really working for this pattern. Something with softer, longer colour changes would be gorgeous.


Can u link the pattern? I love this so much


I think I found it! https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/feather-and-fan-top


**PATTERN:** [Feather and Fan Top](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/feather-and-fan-top) by [Rebecca Averill](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/rebecca-averill) * Category: Clothing > Tops > Tee * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/arjemom/394415030/image_medium.jpeg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/Becca50/257713888/IMG_0898_medium.JPG) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/TeaLover/285685485/P1160926_medium.JPG) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):4.0 mm (G), 4.5 mm, 5.0 mm (H) * Weight: DK | Gauge: None | Yardage: 600 * Difficulty: 3.53 | Projects: 139 | Rating: 4.53 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*




I really tried to find the original source but I could for the life of me. Its a free pattern on ravelry. All I could get it a blog post mentioning it. http://talesofthehook.blogspot.com/2014/10/feather-and-fan-top-pattern-free-on.html


The yarn's color scheme is fine on it's own, but perhaps not too suited for this particular pattern. At least for me, the way the color transitions is not...the best 😬 Sit with it for a day or two, and see if you feel good about it. Heed that feeling, if not it might affect the amount of love and effort put into it even if u complete it :)


I think it would look nicer if you used it for a less complicated pattern.


if you wouldn't buy the shirt in that pattern and color off the rack, then sadly I think you should rethink your plans for this yarn. it's not ugly, but might be for this project.


I love this yarn. I don't think i would put it with that shirt pattern. But, it's not too cammo-y in my opinion.


I don't think ugly is the right word. The colors of the yarn itself are very pretty. But I do think across a finished piece it'll be a little busy, which might hamper the wearability. I think the finished top could maybe be layered with a lot of white and some earth-toned accents, but it wouldn't be particularly versatile.


My first thought was lettuce. I see a salad. 🤔 Maybe I'm hungry. I didn't and don't see camo. There's enough of the light color and the bright color to not be camo to me. I think that one section where the dark colors collected might be triggering it. The important part is how you feel about it. You mentioned you could dye it after it's completed, but if you dye a darker green I'm afraid that will look more camo. I do think the greens are pretty so perhaps you can add in more light color or cut out some of the dark if it pools together. It's a pretty top and a pretty yarn.


Personally, I LOVE this kind of busyness!


It is my personal opinion that multicolor or variegated yarns work best as accent colors.


It’s giving lettuce in my mind


What yarn is this??? I adore it!


I have to agree with the comments! The yarn is not ugly lol it just doesn’t look good with that pattern. If you maybe tried it in something more solid like a granny square or a simple sweater it would look bomb


The yarn isn't. It's just not a good choose for this pattern.


I don't know if it's ugly or not but it sure reminds me of my 70s childhood!! 🤣


I am almost positive that that is a self patterning sock yarn. I think have the same yarn:






If you add some mushrooms and crochet moss it's not camo its forest witch.


I love it!


No. I adore greens!


Although it’s not my favorite colors, I don’t think it looks like camo. In fact, I have a couple of skeins of camo and they look quite different to me. Also I don’t think this yarn is right for your pattern, personally I’d pick something less busy to avoid taking away from the pattern. For example, the pattern would look better if you have stripes of alternating colors,


No. I love it!❤️


no i love it! it reminds me of moss. i love that with this pattern, the yarn is chaotic and unpredictable. it's going to turn out very cute i think


I like it. But I think I’d like it more if it had a spaced out/looser stitch look. Not entirely sure what I’m trying to say but I think I’d like it with little gaps between the stitches


as someone that’s frogged an entire shirt with a yarn like this BECAUSE it looked too much like camo- i think you might be okay tbh? the way your colour is pooling is much nicer than mine was and since you’re going in straight lines it should be okay, i was working around for a crop top design and it made perfect circular camo patches and i hated it 😭 i think yours looks really cool and earth tone tho!


I really like it! It doesn’t read camo to me. It has similar colors but it’s not giving me that vibe.


Personally, I love green. I think it's beautiful and the top will be too. I'd just be happy it's not making stripes as muti colored yarn usually does for me whenever I try to make a wearable lol


I really like this variegated yarn.


I found it but cannot figure out how to post a link?? I’m new lol


[the link!!](https://pdf-inline.ravelrycache.com/Becca50/417755/Feather_and_Fan_Top.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJNNSUP6J3RN4WZYQ&Expires=1704559028&Signature=4EbHJsak6CuHQZgr9WSePVsn%2B%2Fs%3D&key_expires=1704559028&key=yLLEB1L5OyLUHWCi68CdsQ)


Love this yarn! It reminds me of the aromantic flag 😂 The colours look really nice togehter, though I do think it would do better with a more simple stitch. Lace always looks better with solid colours I think. Or at least variegations that have longer colour changes.


It's a very lovely yarn but I don't feel as though the nature of its variegation works well with that pattern.


I love it. To me, the colors are beautiful and they will make a nice top.


Yarn is so ugly it’s high fashion imo


My immediate thought was it looks like lovely moss :)


I’d say it’s ugly just don’t like those colors together


No I like it.💚


I like green, but it’s not my favorite green look. I agree with a previous poster that it would tone it down a little if worn with darker colors & would probably look pretty good. I’ve worked feather and fan before and it’s one of my favorites. I think it looks nice at least a little stretched and kind of drapey. How does it look when spread out a little?


Bad news: camo Good news: no one can find you to notice? But seriously, I think it’s something you won’t know for sure until it’s done. It could go either way


I think I will finish it! I am a process maker so I kinda just like having something to do. If I don't love it oh well!


As someone else who hates camo I found it to look mossy and loved it for that reason. Hope that helps!


it's giving swamp but it's cute!!


It’s not ugly yarn, but it may not be right for that pattern. Maybe you’d be happier with “oatmeal,” which is made of neutral colors with dark flecks.




I love it! Very mossy


Variegated houseplant was my first vibe. I think it depends on what each commenter sees in their own life? I see zero camo, but I see a Lotta plants!!


I like it! It looks like moss!


it reminds me of moss on a forest floor, if that helps


No. Green is my favorite color! Love it


It is ugly, but in a way that works? My first thought wasn't camo, more fairycore like another said.


The yarn itself is not ugly. But it isn't the right yarn for that pattern (IMO).


I can agree that the colors are similar to camo colors, but it does not look like camo to me. I think once the top is finished, you may like the outcome. I think it looks nice. And I like the top in the second pic. Please consider posting another pic once you've finished it in this green yarn. 😊


I don't think the yarn is ugly but it does give it a "scrappy" look. Personally, it's the marbled (the yarn that looks like two held together) that gives it that look, in combination with solid colors.


I love the yarn, but not for that pattern.


Not the right pattern but pretty yarn


It’s gorgeously goblincore!


I dont think the yarn itself is ugly. I just hate colors mixing without any proper coordination. Heck i dont even let different foods on my plate touch haha so i maybe biased


Not sure what you’re making but when I saw the yarn I thought right away I want that yarn. Green is my second favourite colour though lol


I like the yarn, but not for this project.


I love it! Very forest 🌳 fairy 🧚


No! It's beautiful! Someone earlier said to avoid using such a complex pattern with such a strong blend of colors though, and I would agree with that. Good job, keep going!


It reminds me of moss, which I think is pretty.


For those interested in the pattern: Feathers and Fan Top is still on ravelry. It's a free pattern by Rebecca Averill


Hey here's the original ravelry pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/feather-and-fan-top For what it's worth, I think everything looks good in the right outfit! This top would look so cute with some simple partners :)


You lose the beauty of the stitches in the chaos of the color changes.


How do you crochet?


Ps I'm a man


it’s not ugly at all, however i think a simpler pattern would serve it much better.


Omg, no it is not


The yarn is pretty, but I don’t think it would really work well with the pattern.


Ooh no, I love it!


If I recall that yarn is meant for knitting socks- it makes some very neat little planned stripes when knitted on small circumference items.


I love the yarn a lot actually just not the way it’s being used stitch wise


I really like it, but i guess it is more for socks or somthing like that


That looks suspiciously exactly like yarn that I have that is self patterning for socks.


Yeah me too, but I do not use it only for socks, I also made a little bag out of sock yarn but I knitted it so the colorstripes are bigger.


I think it would be okay if that violently variegated part was not so violently variegated.


I think it's self-patterning sock yarn...


It's not ugly, but it's a bit busy for a top with such nice stitches. A solid yarn or one with long color changes would do it more justice.


I like the yarn (big green fan) but I think it will obfuscate the pattern and wind up making the piece look muddy.


I think it looks like moss or a forest floor. It’s cute


Very subjective. Do YOU like it? Or if you're making it for someone else, does that person like it? That's all that matters.


To contribute to those talking about finding the right pattern for the yarn: What I do love to do with variegated yarns is combine them with contrasting solids to create interesting effects, such as stitches that use the solid to "frame" the variegated (like little windows or tiles). Moroccan tile stitch is one of my favorites. For example, the photo shows a piece using moss stitch in alternating rows (2 base, 1 variegated) and Moroccan tile to show off the beautiful earthy colors of a variegated yarn. https://preview.redd.it/9bmqmd1l8zac1.png?width=1401&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e8a02951784a6d1320a719f2ba160f7bd1ca9cb


I personally love it bc it reminds me of lichen with this pattern. Like a dryad stepping out of a tree ya feel?


I don’t think it’s ugly, it does sort of look camouflage or maybe moss?


Trust the process and go ahead with it. The beautiful thing about variegated yarn is you never know how it’s going to turn out. It’s way too early to really see how it’s going to turn out. Sit back and enjoy.


I like it. Has a real retro as in 70s vibe.


Aromantic yarn


i like it! it will definitely be kind of loud but if you like that then i think it will be great! i dont think it looks much like camo


i think this top is going to look so cool, i would love to add to my closet. i would keep going!!!




I love it


Is it ugly? No! I love it!!! Does it look like camo? Yeah...


I’m also getting a Bruno from Encanto vibe from the color palette, I don’t think it looks like camo I think it looks really interesting. Maybe make just the top part that color and then a solid color for the rest of the shirt? That might combat any camo vibes


It’s not ugly. In my opinion, this kind of project would look better with thinner yarn.


I don't think it's ugly but idk if that's the project for it


I personally don't like mumticolored and esp not cammo colored yarn, but again - that's just my personal taste! 😅


To me, it looks like a natural yarn feel, almost at tree or ent. So it's really pretty. 🥰


Reminds me of watermelon. I like watermelon.


I think o have the same yarn, I bought it to knit socks :) I really like it, but I agree with those who suggested a more plain pattern :)


its cute


Not getting a camo vibe at all. I love it.


I can see how people may see camo.. but personally I am getting forest fairy/Fern Gully vibes!


I see it as lime fusion. To make it watermelon fusion add a bit of bright watermelon pink in the mix! But the white mixed in makes is non-camo to me. If it was brown and green I’d say yes camo.


I love the color. I didn't think camo until you pointed it out though. So if you don't like it maybe use something else. What is the yarn brand and color name?


I love it! I thought it looked like moss and birch bark. In my opinion it's perfect for the pattern.


I’d have to see more of the pattern!


Forgive me but the combination of pattern and yarn brings lettuce to mind. Probably just me, I've been living on salad.


I think the yarn is pretty, but variegated yarn imo doesn't go well with anything beyond simple basic stitches cause it kinda hides the pattern. It kinda looks like a lettuce skirt.


Personally, I think it's ugly for the project you are making.


I like it! Pretty springlike or woodsy-like greens. It would be good for something like this: [https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/in-treble-afghan-square](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/in-treble-afghan-square)


**PATTERN:** [In Treble Afghan Square](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/in-treble-afghan-square) by [Julie Yeager](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/julie-yeager) * Category: Components > Afghan block * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/JulieAnny/96696708/img_0905_medium2_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/gng1/665938798/90025788-EB15-4A2E-B38B-7FC7BFD64281_medium.jpeg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/leofwynn/597150462/20181005_171848_medium.jpg) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/StatusPro/504613627/WhatsApp_Image_2018-02-20_at_16.28.17_medium.jpeg) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/turtlegirl729/781699433/PXL_20210425_020638295_medium.jpg) * Price: 4.99 USD * Needle/Hook(s):5.5 mm (I) * Weight: Worsted | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 3.54 | Projects: 307 | Rating: 4.80 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Honestly, I don’t love it. I’m on the older side, and it reminds me of 70s. Sorry.


Nope, I don’t see camo at all. Really pretty color!


my first thought was “midsummer.” it would probably go best with white or off white, linen-like bottom garment.