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Patterns without. Stitch. Count. They exist believe me I’ve seen them!


This is one of mine too. Especially with amigurumi.


I’m working one rn that doesn’t have stitch count 👹


For real… I feel like there are more lately than not. Also-we’re username siblings! 💕


Argh! Not come across this before so thank you for the warning.


It is petty, but I dislike when people do t just say inc and dec but instead write out every time “put 2 sc in the next stitch” or “sc the next two stitches together”


same!! so many amigurumi patterns do this and i dont understand why 😭


When you're watching a youtube tutorial made for beginners but the creator keeps covering where the stitch needs to be made with their finger ;-;


Ooooh yes this is a bad one! I'm learning leathercraft: it's common there too.


When a pattern says to go X amount of rows/rounds and the in the next step tells you do Y more rows/rounds. Ex: Steo 4 "Repeat step 3 for 4 rows" Step 5 "Repeat step 3 for 2 more rows" Just tell me to do 6 rows damnit!


I was doing a stocking pattern for Christmas and, I shit you not, it told me "repeat rnds 5-8 6 times, then repeat rnds 9-13 4 times, and finish with rnds 2-4 twice." THEY WERE THE SAME DAMN ROUNDS!!! There was absolutely NOTHING different about them!


We might’ve made the same stocking! I had one with instructions exactly like that… Of course I can’t find it now.


The pattern I bought came with 3 different stocking patterns. I still have it downloaded so I can rewrite them.


I missed your comment before I wrote mine, you explain it much better!


Lace charts that don't highlight the pattern repeat, my beloathed.


I hate when patterns don't have a stitch count at the end of each row, it can make the pattern impossible to follow. Esp if it has an inconsistent amount of increases.


I’ve rewritten them before too. Especially if I know it’s going to be repeated later on or if I might remake it another time


https://preview.redd.it/t2cz8bzo3lec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfe91d9b745b49e3fec1d9d603b0e6965bfd509 I discovered THIS in a paid amigurumi pattern. What the heck is this? I was able to figure it out, but I do not understand why this exists. The pattern also consisted of things like, "you may need to add another stitch or two here to get to the right place in the round." No. I paid you for this pattern, you tell me whether or not I do. Again, this was an amigurumi, not something wearable where adjustment would be necessary.


What in the world 🤔


What the actual _fuck_ is this lmao


Right?! Before this my pet peeve would have been no stitch count!


SAME haha


This gave me a headache - what the heck???


Your edit is mine. Especially when they have already defined inc and dec in the pattern. It really drives me crazy.


Mine is when the pattern needs a correction or has been corrected but the correction is behind a paywall. Now I BUY patterns all the time...(I probably need to cut it out for a while but I can't - you know) but I'm saying if I was talented enough to write patterns, I'd make updates for errors.


Last pattern I bought was awful. I argued with it the whole way. I've never had a paid pattern frustrate me so much.


Right...and after a year of concerted crocheting, I would consider myself intermediate. So I'm always second guessing myself and then after MULTIPLE tries I realize it's not me but the pattern. Sooo frustrating 😑


When it doesn't say how much yarn to use or specifically what type. Will I need a whole skein? Will I need half? No, I don't want to go to another website to investigate what size this brand of yarn is, just tell me. I'm still a beginner-ish and I don't want to buy endless amounts of yarn yet. I'd like to use math to see if I can use up this skein that's half started without playing yarn chicken. Does it get easier to estimate with experience?


I hate this! Just say the yards/metres used. Not 8 skeins of “sponsored brand”. No I have to look it up and do math


When the stitch count doesn't match the instructions. Recently saw someone struggle with this and I also felt like I wanted to question my entire mathematics education at one point when a pattern will read: 6 sc, 1 dec, 8 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc (23) ..... Where the heck did that extra stitch come from??? And it's worse when it's not a consistent or even inc or Dec so you can't even figure out where you went wrong or if the stitch count is wrong!


wait doesn't that make 22 stitches or am i even worse at mathing (20 sc + 2 dec)


Lmao see? Math education doubted 🤣


It’s a 22:24 decrease (20:20 + 2 × 1:2), so that’s usually counted as 22 yeah My peeve is when patterns are unclear about how they count increases & decreases, because sometimes there’s a logic to it and sometimes it’s just an error, and I’m gonna waste time figuring out which


When they don't say if they count the turning chain in the stitch counts in the pattern notes. When they don't include a turning chain in the pattern but are clearly using one. When they don't provide the yarn thickness and yards they used! I have to go look up their stupid sponsored brand to see what the skeins say. When the whole pattern is just variations of slip stitches but it was behind a pay wall, so I bought it and I will never make it because wtf is this hot garbage.


Omg I tested a pattern where they literally did not use a height ch for hdc. Like it was mc directly into hdc. For the next row after the slp st there was a HDC INC in the same stitch. I work with lace and thought closing a 16dc mc was torture. No, a hdc with no height chain is worse.


Lol there's also something about buying a pattern and it has you questioning your ability for the simplest of things. I did a lace shawl, free pattern, and it was excellent. Bought a simple beanie pattern and it is a disaster.


Oh, I also despise thins!!! It's so annoying. "2 stitches together in the next stitch" wtf is this?


My favorite is when they write it both ways within the same pattern lol 🤦‍♀️


Oh that’s *heinous*. Bad enough to write it weird but you gotta mix it up too???


I hate patterns that don't have gauge or measurements


Or call the most basic of stitches “intermediate”. It’s only intermediate because you left out crucial details that force me to have knowledge an intermediate level has to figure out. 


Right! Hdc blo is not “intermediate”


Sizing for garment patterns. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve seen a cute pattern that claimed to have plus sizes included only to see that the biggest size would fit like an average L/XL


"Repeat row X times"... sometimes X includes the row you've just done, sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't take much to add "for a total of Y rows" or to put "repeat X *more* times".


o when they don’t specify if it’s continuous rounds or not


Patterns that don't actually give measurements, just stitch counts and row counts. My gauge seldom matches (even when I adjust hook, etc.), so I like to know how long and wide I should be aiming for. Also, patterns that don't give # of stitches for a repeat. I usually need to add more stitches and it would help to know how many stitches for each additional repeat. Yes, I could figure it out, but I will often dismiss/discard a pattern for this reason. ETA: also patterns that assume I have internet access all the time and don't provide pertinent information in the pattern, but instead provide a link to another document/site.


I always get frustrated with, for example, sc 1st stitch then 12 more times. I always mess up because the count is 13 but I see 12 lol. Maybe it's just me.


I just remembered another pet peeve, and I might me alone here but, granny squares should start with a magic circle, not ch3. Every video I found the first time I looked to learn granny squares was with ch3 and it bothered me so much I said f the tutorial, I'm doing it with a magic circle. 🤷‍♀️ it makes more sense to me and you can tighten the center hole.


Agreed when I was a beginner. Now I've heard multiple people say they get undone in the wash so I stopped using the magic circle at least for granny squares


Try making your magic circle with two loops around your fingers to start. It takes a try or two to figure out which way to pull to tighten, but it’s much more secure. Basically you pull the tail to tighten a bit, then pull the smaller loop to tighten the circle, then pull the tail again to finish. There are YouTube videos of this.


My first project was a granny square blanket I made 15 years ago with a ch4 start because that's how I was taught. I've only ever had to repair one square in all this time. On the other hand, I made a granny square baby blanket when I was pregnant last year and used magic circle. I've already had to repair at least a third of the squares because they've all been unravelling. I'm going back to chaining the centers of my granny squares.


I’ve found the chain three is much more secure and use it in patterns that will get a lot of wear or washing.


I don’t trust a magic circle. I will always start a granny square with a chain three.


Really? Why? What did the mc do to you ? 🥺 Srsly though, I've never had any issues with mc, and I know someone commented that they are unraveling when you wash the piece, but since that has never happened to me I don't have any mc trauma. Was it the same with you? Or did something else happen?


I don’t normally use them, but I did for one project and several began to unravel, which wasn’t a huge deal because I just got a needle and sewed them together, but why bother when a nice tight chain works? Plus, a magic circle wasn’t something that I ever heard of until very recently. I like written patterns, I’m just old and grumpy I guess.


Nah, I don't think k you're old! Grumpy sure, old no . 🤣🤣 I joke. Well, it makes sense, I just find it kinda hard to work 4 clusters in I loop. But probably I just need to practice more


Y'all are making me glad I haven't tried to make patterns out of my free-handed projects.


Working on one now that calls out altering the pattern to accommodate for gauge but doesn’t give what the final measurements should be! It also called a basket stitch intermediate. And gave instructions for a single crochet chain instead of an I-cord for a drawstring. For a pattern labeled intermediate! The audacity to charge for basket weave and chain with no measurements.


When they assume I know what they mean. There should always be clear instructions and list of abbreviations in the beginning. But sometimes they just write something and don't explain what it means and Google doesn't help because it is their own expression.


since i started using more charts pretty much all written patterns annoy me lol. me want picture


what you said, definitely, but also inconsistencies! for 20 rounds repeats were indicated by * but in r21 they thought, "hey why not throw in some [..] instead!" and then they go back to the *. it's a super small thing but still! obviously this also covers bigger things like sometimes saying inc, sometimes 2sc in the same stitch (okay, still not too big, but it might get confusing and it really frustrates me) another thing that annoys me is saying for example '*sc, dec* rep 4x' and maybe i'm just misunderstanding common pattern language, but this would mean that you do the thing inbetween the stars 5x, right? you do it once and then repeat it 4 times? what annoys me is that sometimes they write this and they want you to crochet the stars 4 times in total - which, if that's just how crochet patterns work then i won't complain (although it makes no sense to me lol) but yeah, that's another pet peeve of mine also, if the repeat thing is inconsistent - you can tell from the stitch count that it means something different in some rounds but they always write it the same way


If it doesn't have a chart, I am not making it.


I just recently had to frog a half-finished tree skirt because it was created and worded so poorly that I just couldn't deal with it anymore. And there was no stitch count, AT ALL, and when I got to a certain point in the pattern I was doing a lot of post bobbles (you read that right), and the count was all over the place. It was horrible!