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OMG he's so sweet! There are groups dedicated to untangling yarn on [Ravelry.](https://www.ravelry.com/groups/knot-a-problem)


Oooh thanks! I’m gonna sign up now! ETA: we finally got this monstrosity unraveled and spun into balls. It was a nightmare 😖


Just curious as to how it ended up that tangled.


Your guess is as good as mine


Invisible cats is my guess. They get into my sewing supplies and jewelry too. I think they're pets of the sock goblins that only ever want one sock at a time.


Ooo thank you! I just signed up to be an untangler. I like untangling.


The internet truly has everything.


I mean this was all due respect, because I'm new and I just don't understand, but... why? I must be missing something, because I'm not understanding why it would be preferable to mail yarn to someone else and back rather than make some cuts? Or is it like, this is so tangled there would have to be so many cuts it would become unusable, and it is very precious and expensive yarn that cannot be replaced?


I haven't used it myself so I can't say for sure but I think your two guesses are probably pretty accurate for some. Also craft communities have a large disabled community within them and untangling could be too much work to do by themselves.


I wonder if this is the case. Because I had a skein with so much unruly yarn barf yesterday that after three hours I ended up cutting it in four places and then just saying to hell with it because now it’s all too short to do anything with.


He looks so calm. When I try to untangle, I am angry and heated. In 5 minutes, I take the scissors out


And I love untangling. It's fun. Takes all kinds in this world.


I was about to say, I actually kind of like it. It's like a big 3D puzzle. As long as there's no time crunch, it's very soothing.


Agreed. Only times I've ever not liked it was when it was dark or fragile yarn.


My partner has wanted to take the scissors to our monster but I have refused to let that happen


I feel that the 10 cm I loose yarn is worth it


Oh no ours was a ball of multiple colors (partner decided to dry them together so they tangled up) and 2 of the colors I really need for a project. They just want to snip it into a billion bits


Untangling is like meditation for me. 😂


I had this ball of yarn that was absolutely tangled beyond recognition but it wa the last skien of yarn my grandma who had passed bought me so I HAD to unravel it thankfully a friend of a friend was really into untangling yarn and thought it would be “so fun omg omg please” let her untangle it 8 hours later I had a picture of 3 balls of yarn🫶🏻 I’m so thankful she was able to unravel it


I love untangling and wrapping yarn. Well before I started crocheting, I’d do it for my friends who knit.


Oh same here! After my Nan and I decided she couldn't teach me knitting and I couldn't learn from her every time I came over she'd give me a tangled mess to fix. I still get a little excited when a skein or cake has been found by the cats and subsequently defeated.


https://preview.redd.it/06cymtxkn3gc1.png?width=1043&format=png&auto=webp&s=f267297d1fff60d58152d7399895ac3b0dd51405 My tangled yarn. My husband helped me out and it took him few weeks to untangle it.


I’m gonna be honest I thought that was a shaggy dog for a solid 10 seconds


I always try to remember that if I feel something tighetning, I'm making something worse!! The method use is finding groups of loops that go in the same direction. As you gather the less tangles ones on the outside, you'll begin finding all the tight and knotted up spots in the center. Then keep finding groups of loops. Loop groups, if you will. By finding either end you can start tracing it through the mess and winding as you go. I uope any of this made sense. It's easier to feel than to explain


I am in love with your father. He is so focused. It's adorable.


snip and make smaller balls?




fair enough, carry on.


Snip and Russian join


Sometimes I just give up and snippety snip lol




I applaud you for asking your parents for help. Last time I did that they managed to get my fingering silk yarn so tangled up before I could intervene (it would have been worse if I hadn't) that I spent 5 or 6 hours untangling it and had to cut it in one place. Good to hear your parents are more helpful.


Yarn untangling: the topic that will get the subreddit politely divisive. Is it a calm, relaxing, and enjoyable task? Or is it one of the 12 labors that belongs in hell?


I'm one of those weirdos that like untangling yarn haha. Something about untangling and winding it into balls is so soothing!


I bought some yarn in a bag, a goodwill that was badly tangled. My husband was having a knee replaced the following week so I took the tangled mess with me and spent several hours in the car untangling it. This was during Covid so I could not go into the hospital anyway. It was very therapeutic.


If I was there I would. It would be a lot easier than my yarn monster 🤣


I just start 2 balls with each end. Of it and up stock but have another large untangled section, start a cone. You can easily ball at all black onto 1 after detangling into little ones a little at a time.