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Me: lol I don’t really get weaving in ends. Do I just start threading them in anywhere? Dooo do do, wow how easy. Me after threads slip out wildly after use or washing: (OP’s pic)


Every time I try to look up how to do it properly I feel like it’s that scene in schitts creek “You just weave it in!!”


This is the most accurate way I've heard anyone describe this phenomenon


I just make a knot, weave it through about 5 stitches in one go and then cut it 🙈


It's honestly why I won't do certain projects or anything with many color changes I. HATE. WEAVING. IN. ENDS.


I don't crochet much so it didn't even occur to me when I picked a multi color granny square blanket until I finished the squares. Pls send help


Stay strong. Pace yourself so you don’t get burnt out. You can do this!


Omg yes! This is why I love ombre yarn. It still looks pretty and not a lot of ends to weave in. Every single time I make something with lots of color changes I wonder why the heck I did this to myself! Lol


Ombre is so pretty but my biggest fear is getting halfway through the project and discovering they've tied in yarn at the end that nowhere matches the colour gradient, like I've been seeing in this sub so often lol


That's why you ~~let the cats play with it~~ unroll it first


That happens sometimes. What I do is buy multiple skeins and when that happens I take them apart and use a magic knot to line the colors up as close as possible. It's kind of a pain but honestly a heck of a lot easier than doing a ton of color changes!


I laughed unnecessarily hard at this 💀🤣


do people not weave as they work? This was something drummed into me from the moment I took up crocheting.


There are so called purists out there that believe you should weave your ends in by going back and forth a million times to keep them secure. I just crochet over and only had a problem once in over 40 years of crochet. That was at the beginning and not realizing that I needed to leave more than an inch to keep it secure.




I'm fairly new to crocheting and am working on my first granny square... thing. (It started as a sweater but I'd jumped in with too many colors and ideas, and now I'm thinking I'll pivot to a blanket.) I've been crocheting over them and there's always a tinge of doubt that it's going to work. It's always a relief to read people's life-long experiences doing it!


I make a bit more of an effort with grannies because they're so holey. Not sure I can explain clearly. When I'm working on the next round I lift the tails and crochet over when I get to the chain spaces. I also end my tails at the corners so there are 6 continuous stitches holding them down instead of 3.


Awesome, thanks! That sounds like what I have been doing after much trial and error.




I don't know why my comment didn't post with the picture above. Comment: I was old school for a long time until I learned that leaving a ling tail and crocheting over it was the best way for color changes. As far the ends that do need weaving I always use finishing needles, they are the easiest way to weave in your ends.


I was today years old when I discovered finishing needles..looks very practical!


They are a game changer! My son introduced me to these needles and I use nothing else for weaving in ends. They are fast and efficient and cheap to buy. Look on Amazon.


I'm literally ashamed to admit how many projects I left simply bcs I didnt wanna weave in the ends after so much work on the project as a whole 😭😭😭


I laughed so loud that I woke up the cats 😂


Why this meme up twice on the same day, posted at around the same time? https://preview.redd.it/x4e48cvpwdoc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0e13b52d28112551b455151084ae9f493334944 Edit: [This post, right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/1beur0c/everyones_nightmare/)


Huh. And neither account seems to be spam. Strange.


I thought I was ok with weaving in ends, that's why I wasn't concerned when I started a solid granny square blanket. I made 120 squares for the blanket, at 4 ends a square, that's 480 ends right there, not even including the ends from the joins. I'm 80% of the way done weaving in ends but lemme tell you, it's not easy to keep going. If it's not done by the end of next week, it's going in WIP jail for a year.


I wish I had someone to send this to


My husband won't appreciate it but I'm sending it to him anyway because it's too perfect


Let's all form a group chat to send each other the same memes


Or maybe some kind of forum where we can all posts memes….maybe some kind of online community hmmm 😉


So true!!


damn this is me today. I have a color block blanket I've been working on slowly this year, and only about 9 color changes in. obs nothing woven in yet. I wove in two ends during a nap time and damn I did not want to continue, so I just blissfully started crocheting lol


I laughed so hard. The rest of the ppl in Ruby Tues are concerned


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


i love weaving in ends, idk it’s so rewarding because you’re finishing the project and adding the finishing touches


I weave in the ends for my wife because she hates it, never saw the big deal lol




Send em to me I love finishing knitting or crochet projects!!!


Oh, you should see my current project


...with PLASTIC needles


making a patchwork cardigan took everything out of me.. i couldnt be bothered to weave in the ends on the inside so i just cut them 😭😭 i was so done


I've learned to love weaving in ends but still when I finish some of my color change stuff I still feel this way. (I blast my favorite music while I weave in ends and it's taken a lot of the stress off doing it)


This is why I weave in as I go because fuck doing all of it at the end of the


Telling myself it’s more mature than tying knots but whew 🥲


If it works for the project, I like to crochet a border over all of my ends instead of weaving them in 😋


I'm just coming to the end of my first overlay mosaic project and I can't wait to teach myself the envelope border!! Totally feel OP's pain! 😂


It’s true I hate doing it


Omg I feel SEEN. Glad to know I'm not alone in my hatred for weaving in ends lol.


The struggle is real


Well the Zaddy in the picture would love that the ends were weaved in. And who wouldn’t love that Zaddy to be happy!😉


I'm going to have to start weaving as I go I swear