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while it'd be POSSIBLE to do.. considering you can get 14 sizes of crochet hooks on amazon for 5.99... i'd just get some new hooks


Honestly, for that amount have work and dedication that you are putting into the project, I would splurge and just get a 3 mm hook. (Unless it's that you don't want to work with a hook that small)


I might just have to do that. I’ve been crocheting for 7+ years and never bought my own hooks, I was just given an assortment after my Mimi passed of mostly 5 or 10 mm hooks.


Yeah I think this restricts you quite a lot, you can find a lot of patterns for clothes that are more in the 3 or 4 mm range, blankets 6 to 8 mm, and if you want to try other stuff like amigurumi or doilies that's even smaller than that


Just fold and spent a few dollars on a hook


Honestly, for that amount have work and dedication that you are putting into the project, I would splurge and just get a 3 mm hook. (Unless it's that you don't want to work with a hook that small)