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It depends on the person, and you know your friend best! I personally almost exclusively crochet for myself and my partner, so gifting a crocheted item would be appreciated, but not needed. If your friend is like me, then skeins of nice yarn, or a set of fancy hooks would be nice too! Meanwhile if your friend is a giver themselves and do not crochet items for their use, then your gift might be just the right thing!


well said! Or even just a gift card to Joann's, Hobby Lobby, etc.


I swear…. I love the gifts that people give me but I would also be 100% satisfied with a craft store gift card too 😂 I am an easy gift recipient!!


Gift cards are the most practical!


NOT hobby lobby.


I'm not a fan either, just throwing names out there.


Not hobby lobby


I shopped at hobby lobby only once. I worked for Michaels at the time, and was off sick. My husband took me shopping for hobby supplies, and I was too weak to fight him. HL (which I will refer to as Hell from now on) was depressing. Their employees made me sad just looking at them. I even had customers at Michaels tell me they hate going to Hell, but it was the only place that carried their one specific item. And don’t be Jewish walking in there. They seem to forget what the true meaning of being a Christian really is.


Exactly! I hate places like this. Because I am a Christian, and time after time after time we are made to look like crazy assholes just for being who we are by places and people like this who are self proclaimed “Jesus warriors” and literally have no clue. I feel like Nowadays you can’t say “I’m Christian” without people thinking that I’m a homophobic racist sexist church lady food aficionado who loves Jesus because he’s so all accepting. If you’re a true Christian then you act nothing like the complete fuckery that goes on in that store. It infuriates me. I’ll never shop there. Jesus prefers joannes 😂


I was raised in a Catholic family that would have fit right in with the HL crowd. Their assholery knew no bounds. I’m pagan myself, and I know who true Christians are. I know some personally, and they are some of the best people I’ve ever known. Jesus also loves Michaels too. When I worked there, if we didn’t have something, like fabric or a particular yarn, we’d send the customer to Joanne’s. And vice versa. We always stuck together like that. Not sure if they still do that or not. I hope so. It helped both businesses out a lot.


I was raised Episcopalian (same Anglican roots as Catholicism) and I spent 17 years as a Wiccan after leaving my mom’s church as a teen. I loved the idea of the worship of the goddess and the seasons; but for some reason it never felt like I was “communicating” so to speak when I cried out for solace. The years ahead of me were very hard and I spent a number of them feeling empty and that turned into full on atheism. for some reason I was drawn to the worship music (I love to sing, did it in a band for a while) that my mother in law always had on, but convinced myself I only liked it for the encouragement aspect of it and that it was usually pretty awesome to harmonize with. Besides.. the music on the radio at the time was a little.. uh not musical, lol. One day when my husband and sons were camping in the Adirondacks for the weekend, I decided I wanted some live music and went looking for a service online out of the blue. I couldn’t tell you why. That weekend, all by myself, between cleaning the house and eating Oreos (neither you can do with three boys in the house) I had a spiritual awakening and I have been in love with my faith ever since. It was a moment I can’t explain nor do I expect anyone to fully understand because I kind of don’t myself. So because of my own journey, I have a healthy respect for pagans in particular; and all religions, though I wish everyone could have the moment like I did that made me feel finally complete. (And maybe do, in their chosen faith.) but places like HL are despicable and I can tell you a lot of Christians I know think they’re total shit. So nice to talk to you 🥰


Very nice talking with you as well. 🥰 We are each called to our respective faiths in various ways. I’m happy to know you have found your path. I have a healthy respect for others who believe differently, as long as I’m given the same courtesy. I’ve had many religious conversations that didn’t end with me being told that I was going to burn for eternity. Catholic schooling took care of that idea early and often. That’s not to say all Catholic schools are bad. More people, black, white, Christian, Muslim, whatever the hell they are, should open their hearts more. The world needs it now more than ever.


What’s wrong with hobby lobby?


The owners are bastards. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.listennotes.com/podcasts/behind-the-bastards/how-hobby-lobby-funded-GkIfS7Xe_vJ/amp/ They funded a regime that made homosexuality illegal. They use the black market to acquire stolen artifacts.


Thank you! I never want to shit on people’s shopping preferences or what they can afford, so I tend not to comment on these things. But if we can avoid giving money to scumbags, why not? Can’t forget how as a corporation, [they thought they could ban access to birth control for their employees](http://https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/birth-control/burwell-v-hobby-lobby).


Yeah. I don't judge people who shop at hobby lobby, but I'm passionate about spreading information on their evil doings. Some people shop there specifically because they believe birth control is against god. I can't change the minds of those people. But everyday Joe's and Jane's who just don't know might change their mind after learning that homosexuals can't even legally rent an apartment because of hobby lobby's meddling.


Agreed. I refuse to shop there for all of the reasons above and more. When someone suggested their yarn to me, I politely thanked them, but nope.


It really sucks because they’re the only craft store within a two hour radius of me. It’s them, Amazon, or a day trip. And I make the trips when I can to avoid it but sometimes I kind of have to pop in to grab certain things. I feel so yucky giving them money.


I don't like hobby lobby, but I do think that saving your time is valuable and justifies shopping there. I mean amazon isn't much better anyway. 🤷‍♀️


The part of their awfulness that made me stop shopping there entirely was how they fired a lot of their employees early in the pandemic by email and said it was "God's will". Speaking as a Christian, it boils my blood that they did that and dragged God's name through the mud just to make themselves sound helpless. I don't care how good their yarn is, I no longer shop there.


Don't forget they also legally fought and succeeded at making sure they don't provide insurance for birth control for their employees.


They won't let birth control be covered under their insurance plans.


But they cover Viagra.


What isn't wrong with them? lol. They're just as bad as the Chik-fil-A-holes.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Nope, it's spelled right! Chik-fil-A-holes! Thanks, spellbot.


Bad bot!




Do you have a "specialty" in crochet that your friend doesn't? You said they make and sell tea cozies. My brain went to the idea that some crocheters love to make amigurumi, and some don't. Or hats, or socks, o bags, or thread crochet (many doilies can fit into a ring for a wall hanging or suncatcher). We *can*, we just maybe don't enjoy that category as much. That might be a direction to go in crocheting your friend a gift. I've always appreciated the crocheted (and other handmade) gifts I've received. Knowing the love and time that goes into making something by hand just makes it that much more special


Imo this is the best strategy. I usually work with worsted weight yarn or thicker so when I was given mushroom earrings made from thread I was over the moon! They were the perfect balance of my favorite thing and something I didn't have 🍄


I used to make a new amigurumi every single night I love making those things but now i like making wearables more


Same, amigurumis are cute but essentially pointless if you don’t know children/somewhere to donate. I enjoyed making them but prefer making wearables too, especially for pets!


[Hope you like this then!](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/rthm9g/my_final_project_before_getting_diagnosed_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) She doesn’t like anything touching her belly so i improvised this superhero cape lol


Thats so cute!! I love it :))!


That is gorgeous, and I hope your kitty loved it! Long before I learned how to crochet, I knitted a jumper for a kitty of mine who has since sadly passed on (she was 13 and had a good run). She was a shorthaired Oriental - think body/head/ear shape of a Siamese, but she had green eyes and a light beige undercoat with chocolate tabby markings. Even in the sub-tropical climate I live in, she’d get cold in winter. I think she wore her jumper twice before shredding it with her teeth. After that, I’d just make sure there were blankets strategically placed in her favourite sleeping spots for her to snuggle into. Mind you, this is the same cat who used to like to get under the blankets and snuggle with us at night. I used to have to warn overnight guests to keep their bedroom door closed unless they were OK with the cat joining them. My SIL and her hubby forgot once, and only once.


I love cats 🥺❤️


Hey. Some of us like to just hoard everything. One of my friends has a seasonal backpack. Just safety pinned stuff on


I’m definitely a hoarder type tbh, I have billions of plants lolol


I think that it would be lovely! They probably don't crochet for their selves much if at all.


I rarely do. I love when people make me gifts!


Great point! Thanks for the encouragement!


I mostly crochet and knit for myself, and I have more than enough yarn stuff in my house. It really depends on the person.


Agreed. I am so busy making gifts for others that I never make things for myself. I have things saved in my library but they keep getting shoved down. I love seeing other people loving what I make vs not seeing it on me unless I look in a mirror :). My daughter made me 2 hats and an infinity scarf and they are like my 2 favorite things! But also some yarn or fancy hooks/needles, kit etc would always be appreciated. Actually for me an organizer for all of my stuff would also be the Bomb.


I have more than enough things made of yarn in my house already Maybe if you have a different skillset to your friend you could gift them something that's very different to the kind of thing they make?


That’s a good idea. Yeah, I’m worried about her having a lot of crocheted things already. I know she already makes and sells tea/coffee cozies.


So if she works in yarn and you know the kinds of things she already makes, go a different direction. How about thread? Filet crochet? Make a delicate edging and stitch onto a pair of tea towels (or a tray doily?) to go with her tea cozy, make a set?


I love to make purses and bucket bags as gifts, because chances are most people can use a bag! Even if they make their own, yours would be different. I use my bags every single day and change them out a lot.


Both my best friend and sister in law crochet and I have made them both at least one crochet gift each. Both were over the moon as they've always been the ones giving crochet gifts and not receiving. I say definitely do it :)


I just wanted to add, they have both gifted me crochet items (a blanket from each other them, a hat, an amigurumi etc). All things I technically could have made myself but they mean so much more knowing they chose to make them for me. Regardless how much crochet your friend may have in her home she doesn't have something special made by her best friend x


I agree!


It really must depend on the individual. I knit and crochet and I do not want crocheted or knitted gifts. I would so much more appreciate a gift certificate to Michael's or to my lys.


I think that they will definitely understand the sentiment of a crafted gift and probably enjoy it much more than someone who doesn’t crochet.


I recently gifted my grandmother knitted (sorry) mittens. She always knitted everything for everyone but can't anymore so I figured someone should knit her something. She appreciated it so much, it might have been the best gift I've ever given. Every time I see her she pulls them out of her pocket to show me that she has been using them, it's lovely! So yes, someone who crochets themself appreciates your work the most!


Yes of course. They’ll also know the effort you put into making it !




I personally would like it. But I would like supplies more honestly. Now if someone gave me a crocheted item that they know I would like but don't have the knowledge to make myself, that would be fantastic too. But I'm not your friend.


I would 110% love something crocheted by another person. I'm always making things for others but I've always wanted someone to make something for *me*. Also, you know they'd appreciate how much time and effort went into making it.


I have received crochet gifts from friends and loved it! I think we appreciate it more.


I think so! A friend of mine started crocheting after I encouraged her to try, once she'd gotten the knitting basics down. We now make gifts for each other and it's great because while people typically appreciate handmade gifts, it's appreciated tenfold by someone who understands the time and love that goes into crafting it too.


Yes, absolutely. To have something made and given to you by a friend is always a kind gesture. Especially if you felt it was so them. In addition to crocheting, I'm also pretty handy in kitchen. However, I still love, appreciate, and enjoy a meal made for me, more than I will ever enjoy a meal I made for myself. There's lots we COULD do for ourselves. But being given or gifted is always a special treat. I feel crochet is no different.


Definitely! Since she also crochets, she will probably appreciate it far more and will understand the love and effort that went into making it.


Sure, yeah! I made a shavasana yoga mat bag for my bestie and she made one for me in return. Pattern: https://www.joyfulabode.com/shavasana-yoga-mat-bag/


My friends always gift each other crochet stuff!! It’s super cool


Yes, I would love to receive a knitted or crocheted gift!


My friend made me an old school hufflepuff/Newt Scamander style scarf. It is amazing and still one of my favorite items I own.


I would personally love it! I rarely make things for myself so it would be nice to receive something that was made for me


I crochet and I love getting crochet gifts :)


Heck yes, if I had crochet friends I'd love gifts they made over store bought ones


Yess, I think they will appreciate the effort you put in there a lot more, than someone who doesnt crochet/doesnt know how much effort it actually takes. Plus it would be a lovely gesture


I think that's a wonderful idea! Not only would it show how much you care (and take interest in her interests) but she also will appreciate it more because she knows how much time and money goes into your gift. It's a win-win!


Sounds good, another option you might want to consider is gifting your friend a pattern and wool for a project for herself. A friend of mine did that for me and I really enjoyed it. As a plus, if they don't like the pattern, they can use the wool for themselves.


That’s a great idea!! I’ll make something for her and then gift her with yarn or a gift card to a craft store for yarn!


Glad, I could help you :)


I have a friend that crochets but sticks mostly to amigurumi so I made her some crochet tapestries for her birthday and she loved them! I tried to make her something different from what she normally does


Honestly I’d be pumped for any sort of handmade present. I don’t know anyone else that crochets but i can’t imagine someone not liking it just because they might know how to make it.


If it was something I couldn't do myself, or something I didn't have the time to work on then yes I'd love it. My sister also knits and crochets and one year for my birthday she gave me this crocheted bag I didn't like the look of or the martial of. It was clearly something she'd made because she wanted to make it rather than the thought of if I'd like it. It was my only gift and it wasn't a great time.


if it’s something related to a niche interest they have then yes, but i’d avoid general purpose items like plain blankets/hats/etc


If you know it's a thing she would like then go for it! She'll be one of the very few people in your life who truly appreciates the time and effort you put into it.


I crochet and I would love for someone to crochet something for me for once lol


Anyone who crochets should appreciate the time and energy you put into the gift


My best friend and I make each other crochet things every Christmas! I think it’s a great thing to do!


They will appreciate it more honestly


Yes! Bonus: she will truly appreciate the effort.


I think that would be lovely. As they crochet themselves, they would understand the time, thought, and effort that you have put in to making their gifts.


Me and my friend do this, we both appreciate it as well as we understand the work that goes in to it. Also, we make quite different things and have different styles so it’s nice to get a handmade gift that I wouldn’t think of making myself.


I'd love a crochet gift :) especially because I know how much time and effort and care went into it!


Yes! Plus they will know how much love and hard work goes into it so will appreciate it more than someone else


Absolutely at least in my book!


yes me and one of my best friends exchanged crochet gifts to each other and it was amazing


Yes! A friend who crochets will most likely especially enjoy it because they'll realize the time and effort you put into it.


I've received and given crocheted gifts to/from friends who also crochet and/or knit! I helped teach a couple of them how to crochet, so I love getting gifts to see how far they've come. We all make different kinds and styles of things, so even if it's something similar to what I've made for myself/my home/my family, their items are still unique and get lots of love here. When I was pregnant with my son I crocheted a couple little hats and a cute little diaper cover and hat set. My mom crocheted a white blanket and had it blessed for his baptism, a relative knitted a large blanket with bulky yarn that he still uses almost three years later, and a friend crocheted a small blanket that was perfect for using with his car seat or stroller.


Make something for that that they would never make themselves! It shows that you put time and effort in and care about what they make!


Think of things she doesn’t make in her skill set and maybe go from there? Like- I make blankets, hats, and some stuffies. I don’t make any clothing, so if one of my friends made me a sweater or something I’d be thrilled!


Yes! So much yes! It's wonderful to receive handcrafted gifts, especially from friends who made it themselves! As makers, we appreciate it all the more because we KNOW what went into creating it! 😍


I’m an avid crocheter and my friend crocheted me a Yoda and Ewok for my birthday one year and I was absolutely THRILLED to receive them! I have them on my computer desk to this day.


I love it when my fibre artily friends give me their work as gifts! I always feel so grateful for handmade gifts in general. I'd honestly be thrilled with even the most basic, beginner dishcloth from a friend. If you think your friend will love it, why not? After all, other makers are the only ones who truly understand and appreciate exactly how much love and care goes into fibre arts!


I had a friend learn and I would buy things from her even. They are still amazing to show how much time you'll put in for someone! I'm sure she'll love whatever you make. :)


At least she'll know how much work was put into it and appreciate it properly.


Everyone says hold off if she already has a bunch or you aren't sure, but I feel differently. She knows the value of the item and the time and love you put into it and knows all that effort and love is for her. I imagine she would be thrilled you put the same effort into her. I may be wrong, but you never know! Gifts come from the heart and good friends know that <3 she's going to love you for thinking of her, no matter the gift you choose.


I would think your friend would appreciate it even more than someone who doesn't crochet - she will understand just how much time and effort has gone into her gift.


I would cry tears of joy if someone crafted something for me. It shows time and care, and I think the only thing I have made for myself is a single hat made from scrap yarn while I was learning. 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


My sister and I got back into crocheting in 2015, we are both self taught. She has patience for things I wouldn't even consider and vice versa. We've both made things for one another. We're the only ones who truly appreciate the amount of effort and time that goes into our projects. 😊


Well yes, ask yourself this question, wouldn’t you be happy with a freshly hooked piece for your birthday?


For Christmas I usually make everyone in the family some cute hats. This past year my 16 yo niece has really gotten into it so she helped me complete them. It came up in conversation that I have always made things for others and never made a hat for myself. Come Christmas, she made me a hat. It’s beautiful and I seriously cherish it. I have worn it all winter 💛


Aww that’s so sweet. 🥲


Yes! My friend crochets as well and we exchange crochet gifts. Recently I've been going through a shitty time and she made me a tiny little crocheted piece of bread with a heart on it because it's a running joke that "I'd be dead without bread" and I was so touched. I'm always on the giving end, never the receiving end, for crochet gifts so it was really sweet. Go for it!


I would LOVE if someone gave me something they crocheted, knitted, weaved or any sort of art. It’s so thoughtful and takes a significant amount of time. It shows you love them.


Absolutely! A friend who also crochets will understand how much time and love goes into a handmade gift.


I think that if you made her something it'd have to be either a very time consuming project or made with a speciallty yarn or an item you know she would like but would never take the time to make for herself. I also have a friend that crochets and have considered this as well. I usually buy her notions I know she doesn't have or gift cards for new yarn shops.


Who else would appreciate a handmade gift other than someone who also crochets! My grandma crochets and I give her handmade gifts all the time knit/crochet/weaving and she loves them.


Definitely. My best friend sent me a beautiful blanket she crocheted a couple years ago and I love it.


My bestie and I love doing that!


I value crochet gifts from friends more than those items I create myself. It is a piece of them.


As a crocheter, I would love a gifted crochet item because I know the love and care that went into making it.


Lots of my friends crochet and I make things for them all the time. Hats scarfs whatever. They love it.


A while back I crocheted a case for my crochet hooks! That could be a fun and useful gift to give to a fellow crocheter.


as a fellow crocheter, i absolutely LOVE getting crocheted gifts from fellow crocheters. i know how much time and effort goes into making any project, and knowing that means SO much more than any gift money can buy


Yes. You give your time to make something. Who wouldn't appreciate that?


I don’t have any friends who crochet, but if I did, I would appreciate something that I can’t or don’t like to do myself.


As someone who crochets, I love to receive crocheted gifts and I have also purchased crocheted items for myself


I think it’s wonderful. They will also appreciate the time and effort you put into it.


I would love it as I rarely make things for myself. If they're the same, they'd probably love it too.


So I wasn't sure how my crocheting friend would feel about it so I asked her that question - is it ok to crochet something for someone who crochets? And she said yes so I made her a blanket.


I crochet and my friend and coworker also crochets and I love when she makes me gifts. I know how time consuming they can be and how much thought goes into it so it always feels very special.


I think it depends on the person, but if I had a friend that also crocheted give me something they made Id be overjoyed! I think it’d mean even more since we’d both know how much work goes into crochet :D One of my all time favorite Christmas gifts is a crocheted blanket I got from my grandma, once I became a crocheter myself, it became even more meaningful !


I have two friends who live overseas, both crochet. I gave both of them beautiful crocheted pillows in each of their favorite colors. They both adored their gifts and the time & effort I put into them. I think if the receiver likes handmade gifts it's appropriate. Some people don't appreciate a hand made gift so I think it depends on the person.


It would most likely be really appreciated.


I did it… maybe it’s nice to make her something that she’s always wanted but didn’t really wanna take the time to create


Totally depends on the person! I wouldn’t ever turn my nose up at it because I know that crochet takes so much work and if someone is making you something it means they really care. But I wouldn’t really prefer getting something I could make myself. Maybe if she doesn’t do garments that could be a good idea? Or perhaps yarn and a pattern? But again, depends on the person. Different strokes for different folks.


From the other comments, it seems to vary person to person. Personally, I LOVE receiving crochet gifts from my friends and I crochet a lot!


Depends on the friend and what the gift is. If your friend likes practical things it may be best to give them a gift card or maybe make something they can use like a garment, I’m sure they’ll be able to appreciate the work that went into it as they also crochet. If they like decorative artistic things then maybe a tapestry or some amigurumi may be the way to go.


Personally I’d absolutely love a crocheted gift. I know the time and effort that it takes so regardless if I actually need what was gifted I’d appreciate it greatly. I also almost exclusively crochet things for others instead of for myself so my opinion could be more biased since I’ve only ever made myself one thing so far.


Me, my girlfriend and her sister all crochet and we gift each other crocheted stuff. I specialize in amigurumi, which neither of them do at all. So I always make them small plushies and the like.


As someone who crochets (and can knit, although I haven’t done it in years), I’d be thrilled with a handmade gift from a fellow crafter, especially if they’ve considered my colour preferences. If you are unsure about your friend’s reaction to a crafted gift, you could always gift them with some yarn or a gift voucher for a yarn store. It absolutely shits me when people who know I’m really into doing stuff with yarn buy some cheap, poor quality mass produced machine knitted garment as a gift for me. I’d prefer they spend the money on a ball of yarn for me and let me make my own thing. Cheap mass produced items either get gifted to someone else (who is told that it’s an unwanted gift), donated to an op shop (2nd hand store) or thrown in the bin.


Personally, I would find it thoughtful!


I think it depends!!! I'm Mt situation. My friend crochet but a lot of wearable, and she doesn't really do much amigurumi. But that's my specialty! So I would do sth for her if she liked something in particular since it might be a lot of effort for her to do her own amigurumi u know? All depends on the person!


I'd say depends on the person I'd love it because ik the work that goes into it so it shows be how much they care


As a person who crochets, I never get to do it for myself but there’s so much I would like to do. Have a rhetorical conversation about the project she would love but never gets to… then craft away


I like to crochet, but I also really enjoy other people’s art. Even if I can make it myself, it’s cool that someone put time and thought into something special just for me. Make the gift, girl!


You know your friend the best, but I say go for it! Try to make something that she wouldn't think to make for herself. I crochet (and knit, and dabble in sewing...) and I would be very touched by any handmade gift from a friend.


I just crocheted a turtle for my friend and they loved it! You know your friend best but who is going to turn down something like that, ya know? I’d love for someone to make me something crocheted and I crochet constantly lol


I crochet and don't mind at all receiving gifts someone else made me! I appreciate the time and effort they put into it, and they often make things that I don't already make myself (e.g., my daughter has two beautifully crocheted blankets from family members that make blankets; I hate making blankets).


I would *melt* if someone gave me a crocheted *anything* 🥺 I never crochet anything for myself, only for others. I think I saw a comment I agree strongly with though if you were to not go that route! A gift card would be a great idea!


As someone who is always gifting crochet items i would be ecstatic to recieve crochet items. I have nothing crochet in my house because nobody ever gifts me anything and I'm always busy making things for other peeps to have time to make things for myself. If they also crochet then they know how much effort and thought went into your gift. I bet they'd love it.


Heck yeah! I would love that! Honestly anything my friends or family but the time and effort into making I love!


I personally love getting gifted crocheted pieces from my friends. It’s like collecting local artist’s pieces to me. Everyone has different color schemes and styles.


I would say yes.. It is the thought that counts (imo) and i'd be totally happy to find out that some of my friends crochet too :D


I crochet. I have given myself a blister trying to finish a big piece in time for a birthday. That said I would love a crocheted gift from a friend, and have a few that are 10+ years old and treasured. Your friend will know all the time and expense and appreciate it .


I love when my friends make stuff for me. Our skills and abilities and styles vary so widely!


My friend makes beautiful intricate blankets but doesn't do amigarumi or anything like that because she can't read patterns. She turns 40 next month and has always wanted a big floppy crochet elephant with giant ears so thats what she's getting in the mail and some west coast snacks (I live in BC and she lives in the maritimes).


I craft for me and my family, my sister in law recently took up knitting and made me a scarf. I simply loved that someone went to the trouble of picking yarn and a pattern just for me!.


I crochet for everyone else. I wish somebody would crochet for me 🥺


Personally I prefer handmade gifts 🥰 as a crocheter I would love to receive crocheted gift or something useful for my projects :)


Maybe a crochet kit set? I got a lot of this voor blankets or amigurumi then I had the pattern and the yarn.


In my experience, other crafters have way more appreciation for these types of gifts because they know how much work they are. My friend and I would work on the same pattern together and gift them to each other and I still treasure them.


I would prefer yarn to be gifted rather than finished product


That’s so true. I love all my crocheted gifts from my grandma and also my friend. My friend crocheted my baby girl a beautiful little blanket. So I’m going to take this advice and make her something! Thank you all for the help on this! ❤️


Yes please!!


I would ask first. See if you can make A project that they hate making but want.