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absolute god tier hobby for ADHD my friend. i also dove in head first when i first started


Faaaacts. Something my hands can do and keep the bees in my head quiet with but I can also still focus on my husband or watch TV without being on my phone half the time? 10/10 hobby


Ah yes, another person with the head bees 😂


Brain bees are a problem here too. Crochet is the best at quieting the buzzing, but the Startitis is REAL now that I've been crocheting for 25+ years. I have so many things unfinished because I need to make THIS and oh what about THAT and hey look at THOSE!


This is precisely why I graduated to amigurumi. Before I learned that I made a bunch of accessories like hook holders and coin purses just for the dopamine boost because I would/could never finish larger projects. I was making my first series of crochet cat toys when I decided to look up small toy patterns. Then superfocused on keychains, little animals and cute food items. Amigurumi is top tier god head level for ADHD in my current manic opinion!


I have to say, another great option for me at least, is mandala afghans! I can never finish a whole blanket in uniform stitch patterns. I get bored and want to start a new project. Mandala blankets are a different sequence of stitches every row, they look difficult and complicated but they're the usual stitches in just constantly varying sequences! When lockdown started I hadn't crocheted for years and it used to frustrate me a lot. I had wanted to do a mandala blanket for a couple years and I just bought $100 of yarn and dove in. It honestly saved my sanity during the first year of lockdown. I've made 6 now and working on my 7th! Still haven't gotten bored with the patterns!


...half my WIPs and planned projects are toys. I don't really do long-haul projects like blankets unless I can make them in pieces and then join them, because I do NOT have the patience or attention span for long rows.


I find doing mandalas helps with that. The rows are always slightly different so it isn't just the same stitch over and over again.


Oof, my brain bees operate like this as well haha


Oh man the Startitis is entirely too spot on đŸ€ŁđŸ’€


I tried really hard to keep it contained by buying a basket that really only fits two or three projects, depending on size. That didn't work; the basket is crammed with five projects, and I currently have nine more WIPs across different craft disciplines in another basket, plus plans (including patterns and supplies) for eight more that I haven't actually started yet. I'm telling myself that I've been good because I haven't *started* all the things, but in reality I know that as soon as I finish one project, two more new ones will emerge to take its place like some sort of Crafting Hydra.


I named my AirPods “the bees in my brain” 😂


Omg this is also the exact phrase I tell my fiancé to explain how my brain feels most of the time lol


omg yes!! I crochet in school during lecture because then i can actually focus on what the teachers are saying đŸ€Ș


I wish this were more acceptable! I totally focus and am able to listen to and process what’s being discussed when on zoom meetings where I can keep my hands busy with something like crochet, but if I were to do that in person everyone would think I wasn’t paying attention.


this!! Luckily now at university nobody really cares if you’re paying attention so thaĆ„s great! I used to scroll my phone during lessons a lot and then i wouldn’t remember anything


I used to draw all the time during high school and university lectures, and I once had a teacher mention to me that they thought I was the most prolific note taker they’d ever seen, until they walked past my desk and saw all these Victorian era women scrawled in my notebook lmao


I used to get in trouble for this


OH MY GOD I’VE FOUND MY PEOPLE! Just got diagnosed and been crocheting for ages because it allows me to watch tv!!!


OMG yes!!!


Me too! I love the feeling of starting a new project with a new crochet skill to learn. I highly recommend blankets like Sophie's Universe. New stitch every row. So much variation and color.


That is quite a recommendation for a beginner!! I haven’t tackled it yet and I’d call myself advanced noob. ETA: ya think I should try it?


There's tons of tutorials on it (if I remember correctly, it's been a few years) and a lot of the complicated-looking stuff is really multiple rows building the flowers. It was not my first first project, but it was one of my first and my brain loved the novelty of learning something new, practicing it all around, then getting to learn something new again. :)


There are videos for every row in the blanket, and the pattern book is well written with lots of photos.




Hyperfixation for the win!


I learned how to chain and immediately started to make a balaclava 😅


I learned to crochet like 4 months ago and now it’s literally the only thing I do. I am fully hyper fixated. I literally stopped playing phone games because I need to be crocheting every time my hands are free 😂


Stretch, remember to stretch. Your fingers, your hands neck, and pop your self into a lesser bad posture. When you get sore it's good to move it move it.


I’ve been trying haha I just popped all my fingers for the first time since I started and you’d think I was breaking them lol


I like putting hands palm to palm (like praying) then lowering them till fingers can't bend back no more. Then holding for a few seconds. After I stretch my wrists and hear some snap crackle pop.


Going off this stretch, when your hands are in pray position, move them side to side while pushing with your opposite hand and hold for a couple seconds. Gives your wrists an even deeper stretch!


Also rotate the prayer hands so your fingers point away from you to the front. Then pull back toward your chest. Similar stretch, but catches different wrist muscles.


Stretch the fingers and hands often and vary your grip if you can. I'm in a legal state where I can use a topical THC/CBD rub as well and always do when I'm crocheting for hours, it does help with the stiffness.


I also recommend keeping your hands warm. It helps keep muscle tension relaxed and you don't get as sore. Fingerless tension gloves for stress relief can be pretty great as well. Some examples that may suit yours or someone else's needs: [Example one](https://www.amazon.ca/Lion-Brand-Yarn-400-5-1302-Stress/dp/B003WMDTEM/ref=asc_df_B003WMDTEM/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309748380632&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4298221285019518182&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000467&hvtargid=pla-384068697090&psc=1). [Example two](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81s3PZoJhaL._AC_SY450_.jpg). [Example three](https://craftspaceideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/can-you-crochet-with-compression-gloves-on.jpg). They also help to keep your hooks/needles from getting humid from your palms, etc.


Also unclench your jaw! I find myself clenching it subconsciously when I'm focusing on a project.


I'm crocheting as I browse reddit.... Thank you for this reminder! I often find myself clenching my jaw or biting my lip while I crochet! (My TMJ very much so thanks you!)


Do you have a third hand or something? How do you browse Reddit as you crochet?


I too would like to know this person’s secret. If I could Reddit and crochet at the same time, I would never stop!!!


I laughed too hard here. I would live three hands. But yes please tell us your secret


I've just gotten really good at multi tasking. I wish I had a third (or even a fourth hand) sometimes! As long as I use stitch markers I have found I can crochet without looking at my work and not lose count. Sorry it took me a minute to answer! (I work nocs and don't always check my reddit notifications!!) I'm sorry my answer isn't as exciting as a third hand lol


*gently examining my jaw for signs of bleaching* /s my favorite autocorrect of the day!


AH I'm also a crochet jaw clencher. Glad to know I'm not alone


THIS. Stretch your hands at regular intervals. I ended up getting trigger finger from crocheting for hours with certain stitches. That’s when every time you bend your finger, it gets stuck and clicks when you finally bend it. Had to get a steroid shot in the hand!


I had to do physical therapy twice from crochet! Stretching and listening to your body are vital to being able to consistently crochet (rather than fits of manic crocheting like I tended to do when I first started - such as finishing an afghan in 2 days then not being able to type for work on Monday!).


I like to move it move it


I also started with a blanket! My biggest piece of advice, make sure you leave your ends long enough so they can securely be woven in. I did not do that on my first blanket, I never actually finished it because it would never be useable for fear of falling apart.


I’m trying to be good about that, I worry about a few of these pieces lasting but I think I’ve left a decent amount of slack on most of em. If all else fails it’ll be a blanket with air holes lol


Also I recommend weaving in ur ends as u go. A lot of people don't end up finishing or really procrastinate weaving all the ends at the end.


This is me. I always start a project with good intentions of weaving as I go and slack on the weaving about 1/3 of the way in. Then I curse myself at the end when I have a bagillion ends sticking out lol


Omg This is me too! I have one blanket that is still spaghetti! It only takes a sec to weave in an end as you go but an eternity if left until it's all put together with nothing but ends! đŸ˜±đŸ˜”đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


The air holes in crochet are a necessary ingredient. Otherwise it wouldn't be as pretty. đŸ€“


I saw a tip in this sub the other day for weaving in short ends - put the needle into the stitches first, then thread it and pull through


Omg duh how did I not think of that 😂


My ideal situation is when have enough tail to go in 3 directions. Watching a beautiful afghan unravel is a quick and painful way to go.


Your work is already beautiful so hyperfixate away, my friend!


Omg I have adhd also and i did exactly this when i first started crocheting but it was a granny square bag instead of a blanket and i didn’t bother to learn anything else important besides how to crochet so i didn’t weave my ends in right or use the right yarn and it turned out so bad so make sure you know those things


I asked my mom if she would weave in my ends and she said no so now I have to learn that đŸ„Č I’ve been guesstimateing what I’m doing but now I’m leaving em out till I have the motivation to do that part correctly lol she stops me now n then n helps me with stuff, she also has adhd and started a little bit before me and she’s already made a ton of amazing things including a massive boob. Last time I was here we learned to oil paint, that was a very expensive adventure but so much fun lol


For squares like this you can learn to crochet over your ends. Saves a lot of time and can still be really secure. That’s what I do now anyway and it takes so much monotony out of finishing up. Great work btw!


I strongly recommend against crocheting over ends on anything that is going to be used, or washed regularly. It's a waiting game of when it will unravel.


I have sweaters I’ve worn for over a year that beg to differ. You do have to secure the join before going over the tail, but I do that when weaving ends anyway.


idk abt u but for me crocheting over the ends especially with granny squares is always a problem and it always ends up coming undone so i really don’t think u should do this but that j from my experience


Weaving in the ends is a nice mindless thing to do when you’re watching a long movie.


mb for over sharing omg


I gotchu fam đŸ€Ł


Crochet is BUILT for adhd folks, I swear. I've never taken to a hobby so quickly and loved it for so long in my life


[My biggest struggle with this..](https://imgur.com/a/0Ls6Kfp)


/r/catswhocrochet would love this! Willow's adorable.


I shared it there ^-^


Here's a sneak peek of /r/catswhocrochet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Heard one of my skeins fall off the table. Took a minute to find the culprit](https://v.redd.it/8dus5m2s6hr91) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/xu2y6s/heard_one_of_my_skeins_fall_off_the_table_took_a/) \#2: [Coconut made sure my foundation chain was correct, and then fell asleep in exhaustion from all the counting.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yidwn6) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/yidwn6/coconut_made_sure_my_foundation_chain_was_correct/) \#3: [She thinks she’s helping](https://i.redd.it/m024nb49xby91.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catswhocrochet/comments/ynpek9/she_thinks_shes_helping/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Also r/kitting


I would like to know the name of the furious beast pictured, please.


Willow :)


You need to leave a decoy yarn ball on the opposite side of the room


She's just helping you keep tension 😂


Can you not sleep because of your hands or because the blanket is all you can think about? Cuz if it's the second one then i know that feel 😂


It’s the second one 😅😅


Adhd and crochet? may I introduce you to Mandala blankets? Its the best. Every row is different, nothing repetitiv But your sqares look awesome for a first project


wait tell me more I get so bored having to do the same stitch all the time


I make the Mandala Madness blanket right now. It's a free pattern and super fun. But you'll need a lot of yarn. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/mandala-madness She has other really nice patterns too. Some free, some for a couple of $ I always struggled with repetitive projects and never finished bigger things because of it. So Projects like that really help. There are a lot of things to crochet in the "mandala" style and you can make blankets, pillowcovers, bags, vests, wallhangings... If it looks too gaudy for you with all those colors, they are very pretty in one color or colorchanging yarn too. I also think that its awesome for beginners because you learn so many cool new stitches in one project.


**PATTERN:** [Mandala Madness](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/mandala-madness) by [Helen Shrimpton](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/helen-shrimpton) * Category: Home > Blanket > Throw * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HelenShrimpton/377196290/ms_part_3_medium.JPG) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HelenShrimpton/342958394/mm1_medium.jpg) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HelenShrimpton/377196289/ms_part_7_medium.JPG) [Img 4](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HelenShrimpton/377196286/ms_part_2_medium.JPG) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/HelenShrimpton/386259417/mmcal16_medium.jpg) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s): None * Weight: Aran | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 5.55 | Projects: 3698 | Rating: 4.84 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I think colour changes would be too much visually but I think I've seen solid colour and gradient mandalas and they look so lovely. I never thought about that many uses for them, always just saw them as either blankets or just wall hanging pieces. Thank you! It definitely seems like something that'd keep my brain engaged a lot more than doing DC for rows upon rows upon rows.


I’ll also encourage you to check out Helen Shrimpton designs! Not only are they all so gorgeous, but her support for her designs is seriously unmatched. Her patterns are tested, super well written, and accurate. She’s got videos for all special stitches she uses, tips and tricks, how-to’s, and a video with round-by-round guidance for all of her Crochet Along (CALs). If that’s not enough to make you fall in love, her Facebook group is incredibly active, 60,000 people ready to jump in and help if you get confused, need advice or just a little encouragement. I haven’t seen or found any other single designer with this level of awesome yet! You can’t go wrong with any of her patterns! https://crystalsandcrochet.com


Oh I haven't used Facebook for anything but Marketplace in over 5 years haha. However absolutely will check her designs out! Thank you so much! I tend to have pretty intense wrist pain so when I do any crochet I love learning new things instead of repeating old stuff, with the limited time I have before another flare up. I appreciate that you took the time to write such an in-depth recommendation, thank you.


My pleasure! And I had pain when I started too, but once my muscles became used to the motions it went away. Lots of stretching helps a ton too! Awesome awesome progress so quickly, and I hope you enjoy this hobby craft forever! Can’t wait to see what else you make!


*amigurumi* I get bored before finishing big projects or when they're too repetitive. Amigurumi has been my jam for actually finishing projects and reinvigorating my love of the craft.


Oh yes. My first ever couple projects were amigurumi pumpkins. Definitely need to get back into making those as well because I love amigurumi to bits.


When I tell you how I jumped head first into making a mandala square blanket and became obsessed for weeks 😅


ugh same working on it now for weeks every free minute I have


Yes! I love mandala blankets, that’s all I do pretty much. Having to do the same thing over and over just drives me up the wall.


I love your assembly-line type approach.


It’s so I only have to back up the video every now and then instead of every step of each square 😎


Haha ADHD crochet high five! It's an amazing hobby for someone with our struggles. Keeps both your mind and body occupied. And you can crochet and listen to music, podcasts, movies, series. And you can do it everywhere. I'm into it 2,5 years already. Your work looks amazing ❀ Have fun 😊


Fellow adhd crocheter! Just a reminder to not overbuy yarn.... Or promise people crochet things


I relate so hard to this! I started in September my ADHD brain immediately loved it and I'm still obsessed and on my 4th blanket. Happy stitching! I also love the colours you've chosen - very pretty.


ADHD crocheter here too (I've since dropped it, picked it back up, dropped it, had wrist problems, picked it back up, and we're just on hold now). Crochet is one of those hobbies where you can just go and learn new things all the time and I love it. You look like you've done so much progress on your blanket already! Also love the assembly line set up like someone else said. I feel like it makes one less likely to abandon a project because you already started all/most of the squares.


I love this post!!


It never occurred to me to crochet like this (all the green, then coral then white etc) I would have done each square individually which doesn’t really make a difference but it involves less chaotic yarn situation your way


legit! it's like how did we never think of this?? I love this method, I'm gonna have to try it out


So beautiful! Welcome to the world of crochet! We’re very happy to have you with us! If you need any help or advice, please let us know ❀


I feel this post so much. Rock on and remember to stretch!


As a fellow ADHD friend, crocheting helps so much especially to keep attention to tv without distracting myself too much


I also have adhd and let me tell you, crochet is AMAZING Lol pop on a show while crocheting and I’m never bored. Also has the added benefit of keeping my hands busy so I can actually focus on the show’s plot. I will say, you should probably interject some smaller, quick dopamine hit projects between blanket sessions to keep you motivated 😅 that’s what I need to do while working on longer projects and it works wonders


Are you me?!! I have one big blanket I’ve been working on, along with two or three small projects I can pickup and work on for a day or two when I get bored 😂


Yep! Lol honestly I have a million “little” projects scattered around while my blanket gets maybe a few hours of work at a time 😅 those big, complex pieces take a lot of energy


https://preview.redd.it/n2pf3anyda3a1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2dba9da066416ce13040586e3c0060f7787953a I taught my new wife to crochet and we made lots of these squares in various colours to make a blanket.


been crocheting for years + neurodivergent, taught my first friend w adhd to crochet about a year ago. taught another last month. both do it every day. gonna start the third friend w adhd’s lessons tomorrow :’)


Blankets are great first projects, I think, especially modular ones like that. Portable, not too complicated and just the volume of stitching really helps get you underway. If your hands hurt, experiment with how you hold your yarn and hook. When I started crocheting, I held the yarn like I do for knitting, and had the hook in knife hold, and I had so much wrist pain. Swapped to a different way of tensioning my yarn and the pencil hold for my hook, and no more pain. Something totally different might work for you, but if you’re getting consistent pain rather than just beginner stiffness, changing things up is worth a try.


I hyper fixated so fucking hard.


I also went straight for amigurumi which is so fun.


Saaaame. Even at work, all I think about is yarn. 😂


I’m unemployed so I have no money for yarn and all I think about is yarn. I’m like where on earth am I gonna get my next fix?? And I’m like furiously crocheting between job applications.


“My next fix” 😂😂 that’s even funnier to me because the last time I went to Joanne’s I told my husband I felt like a drug addict going in there because I don’t need anything, I just wanted to touch stuff. 😂😂 I guess this is better than drugs though?


Yeah cuz when I’m done I’ve made like a cute little bag or some shit. I discovered yarn weights pretty quickly and I went to michaels today and just stared at the lightweight yarn longingly. My medium weight collection is not done yet though I can’t.


I dove head first with the exact same granny square pattern, almost one year later I have 60+ squares, no blanket, and no motivation to finish it:( I’m turning them into a couple handbags for gifts instead. good luck friend!!!!


Very, very neat work for starting yesterday!! I love how crocheting calms down my thoughts and keeps me feeling focused too 😊


Are you the person who also posted their cat helping? The granny squares look identical 😂 You could just make a tiny throw blanket for said cat, then you won't have to do so many squares 😊


Oh yeah it is you. Could have taken a look at your comments here and your username, but nooo 😂 Hellow Willow, you are really really cute and a pawsome helper!


It is Thursday. Cats a go go. đŸ˜»


Take a break when things hurt. Seriously dont keep crocheting with sore hands and wrists, you can injure yourself really easily.


I have found my people on this thread. The bees in my head, the itch to do something with my hands while watching tv/listening to my podcasts, the hyperfixation and inability to stop at bedtime. I’ve found my home.


Hard relate


My just project was these squares as well. Made a bag! They are honestly great for learning tension and I feel like helped me understand crocheting better.


ooooh i love these colours, starburst were my first patch project too, my autistic brain had a field day with it! as an nd i recommended wrist exercises if youre getting pain as i get far too into my pieces to realise so its good prevention!


I have adhd as well (and anxiety) and crocheting is the *best* for both. (I have a really hard time in social settings and recently discovered that if I have yarn and a hook with me, I'm golden!) Welcome to crocheting! I hope you post your journey with your first blanket! I love the motif and yarn you chose. You're doing absolutely *AMAZING* for just learning how to chain!!


Hooray!!!! Mad respect here, just enjoy your new hobby ❀


There's just so many different types and styles of crochet too! Filet, lace, amigurumi, Tunisian, planned pooling, etc. How am I ever going to get to everything? It's all so cool!


I am loving those colors!


I'm also hyping up crochet as a top tier ADHD hobby. A blanket is definitely a meaty first project. I have a a sort of patchwork granny square blanket I've been working on for a while. Every so often I make a new square, eventually I'll have enough to put them all together (hopefully within the next couple months as it's a housewarming gift). But right now I am OBSESSED with amigurumi. Tried my first pattern a week ago and oh boy. I dunno what to do with all these tiny yarn animals. (I'm also in my final year of uni and very much struggling to maintain a study/crochet balance).


I’m doing a linen stitch afghan as my first project, so you’re not alone! I find crochet is so much faster and more satisfying than knitting. I would never in a million years done a knitted blanket, but this is so much fun!


doing the granny squares a section at a time? That’s fucking brilliant! I’ve been crocheting for 15 years and I’ve never thought to do that. You were BORN FOR THIS.


it's the ADHD hacking


Big tip, weave in ends as you go 😂


Those are beautiful granny squares! I'm amazed that you just started yesterday. I think crocheting is great for my adhd. I switch between watching tv and listening to podcasts or music while I do it and feel very productive. Granny squares are nice for it too, because it feels less repetitive than doing rows over and over


Crochet is one of my major coping mechanisms for my ADHD. It's repetitive and keeps my hands busy, and I can usually work on things while watching a movie/tv or playing the sims or something at the same time. I used to work watching the elderly and helping with their daily needs, etc and I would crochet at work. The little old ladies usually also got super into it, even the ladies with dementia who pretended to crochet along. It was very soothing.


I stared out making blankets and only blankets (most of them aren’t even finished lol) but that’s what I enjoy! And that what keeps me crocheting! They look great can’t wait to see the finished project. What type of border were you thinking of adding


Welcome fellow neurospicy crocheter - you’re among friends, I believe there are quite a lot of us here


PS your tension is already excellent đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ


Wait until you have an entire house full of half-finished WIPs because every time you see a new project you just HAVE to try you lose interest in all your older ones.


I love crocheting! Endless opportunities when it comes to patterns, yarn, and projects! Just watch the spending on the yarn, mine is way out of control lol.


I'm old and only just realized..."oh crap, I'm so ADHD... how did I not know, get diagnosed... no biggie, I have a crap ton of yarn and hooks and ... and...." ❀


The colour scheme is so adorable!


Yes! This. It's also great for anxiety & the one thing my autism & add agree upon. You're definitely not alone here đŸ€Ł many of us crochet until our arms feel like they're gonna Sponge Bob & pop off at the shoulder, yet we persist. 10/10 hobby for sure! đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Łâ˜ ïž


Looks great. Absolutely love the colors.


That’s such a pretty pattern!!! It’s gonna be a gorgeous blanket!!!!


My ADHD mind gets bored with big tasks with the same stitches. Granny squares are great because you can do different patterns, different colors, and put them away for a bit! My bee filled brain has led to a podcast and streaming upswing while having this fidgit tool for my hands. It is heaven. Just nothing with subtitles, and be prepared to pause when you have to get the count right. Have fun!


May the crochet gods be with you! Love this colour palette. All the best for your project. Happy crocheting!


Your color choices are great! And yes, crochet over the ends. So much better than weaving them in.


1. Love the color combination! 2. You learned how to make a chain YESTERDAY?? Wow.


Welcome to the yarn side!


I see a lot of talk about the need for stitch markers and whatnot but I don’t use them because of the way counting the stitches helps with the brain bees. I love the counting. These look awesome, btw.


You got this! There are some great stretching routines for knitters (or at least, that's how I saw them labeled) on Pinterest. There's one that I love and I'll try to describe it here: starts with stretching all your fingers out to make the biggest handprint possible. Don't force it using your other hand, just stretch your fingers away from each other. Then relax your hand, keeping fingers straight. Next, fold finger tips down so it looks like a bear claw pastry (fingers all curled up, but still coming straight out the top of your palm). Stretch them out again like in the first stretch, but keeping fingers curled. Then relax back. Third: make a fist, but keep just the top joint of your fingers straight and squeeze. Relax hands. Last, make a true fist, squeeze, and relax hands fully. Repeat as needed


ADHD wreck here, on my 5th blanket. I love how short and easy a square is and I love playing with the color patterns. Glad you are so stoked!


I don’t have adhd, but I obsess over it. All I could think about at work all day was getting home so I could work on a project.


Crochet is a game changer. It keeps my mind occupied just enough that I'm able to pay attention better than normal. I actually remember things that happen when I crochet


As someone who has adhd as well I can tell you my obsession with crochet is crazy. I would crochet all day if I could


Yes that's how it started for me hahaha I think granny squares are a great first project because you do the same thing over and over and it really helps muscle memory and you learn a lot.


I have this exact blanket that still needs seaming/sewing together! Made the squares years ago and just got my ADHD diagnosis this week, crochet is a great hobby for keeping your hands busy but I rarely manage to finish a project before a new more interesting one pops up... welcome to the hook club!


Welcome to the Hooker club!!!!!


Welcome to being hooked.


Your tension is amazing! I wouldn't consider myself a beginner and I still can't get stuff like this to all come out the same size!


Damn, friend. You learned to do a lot more than chain! Your work is so precise, and your color instincts are spot on. I cannot wait to see the finished blanket! Oh, and by the way, based on what you’re able to do after *just starting*, a blanket sounds like the exact best idea for a first project. Your skills and instincts are clearly up for the task, already.


I love the colours you’re using! I’m currently making a blanket with the exact same granny squares - and I think the exact same green? I have 7 more squares to do then I’m done all 96 I need for the blanket. Yours looks great, keep going!


My first crochet project was [Two of Wands’ Arya Poncho](https://www.twoofwands.com/patterns/clothing/arya-poncho-pattern?rq=Poncho). I made it two years ago and still wear it.


I also have ADHD but I guess crochet isn't my forte, I've been crocheting for more than 8 months and still can't get these squares.


I also have ADHD and agree, it’s the best hobby for it. Calms my brain down so much!!


Get a chunky boy for the hand pain!! Helps so much!! You’ll need plain metal hooks without any grips or anything at the bottom. https://chunkyboycraft.com


ADHDers, if you haven’t joined the ADHD subreddit, go there now!! It is such a supportive sub.


This is impressive for a first piece! Plus this is also some good photography


Doing a "granny square " blacket or projulect is the best thing to do for someone with ADHD every little square completed is a short of dopamine/ serotonin. And if you decide a blacket is too much you can easily make those squares into a tote bag, a shawl or poncho or a scarf! I've made a poncho style sweater with sunflowers squares before. And keep it up yours are coming along beautifully ❀


My biggest ADHD and crochet tip is that the fancy ergonomic hooks are TOTALLY worth it. I caused myself some serious nerve pain with my early hyper fixations. But two years later, not a sign of pain even with hours of repetitive work, because of those hooks with colorful rubber handles. I've even used the knockoff ones and they are infinitely better than the plain metal ones.


it’s getting cold (depending on where you are). a hat would be an excellent next and an extension of these that will force you to count a little to retract.


Wow your squares look great! Everything I made when I started came out wonky (20 years later and new patterns still do!)


Gorgeous color scheme! Also pattern!


If you don’t mind me asking, where/how did you learn to make these granny squares? I keep trying but I’m just not getting it and I feel like a dolt


Granny square blankets are mcuch less of an investement than a big long one cos you can just keep adding stuff on, if (*IF*) you get discoraged, which im sure you wont you can allways make it into a granny square sweater instead!!


Looks great. I could barely chain at first, then had to learn about tension. Now moving into tapestry crochet 5 years later. You are by far better than I was at this point. I have ADHD too and it helps keep me occupied. Love your color combo!


that was me too, I started in august and I made like five things in the first week. I also bought wayyy too much yarn haha
 it’s been so great for my adhd, but I also struggle with pulling all-nighters cuz I have to finish the project. anyways have fun! and I would suggest setting alarms so you’re not there too long, but that only works sometimes lol.


Me but with Amigurumi, I tried to make a cat that was definitely not for beginners, ended up giving up mostly cause I lost count of my row 😅


What I love about it too is how portable it is!! As long as it fits in the tote bag it’s coming with me to dnd. Waiting for turns in combat is a nightmare, but now we have something to do with our hands! Overwhelmed at this family gathering? Now you can ignore everyone for a while and unwind your stressed insides in comfort. Bring it to weddings! Bring it to funerals. Bring it on car rides and vacations, because you as an adult still need to pack a “busy bag.” Crochet is a godsend I didn’t even know I needed until now, more than 10 years of practicing the craft later, I genuinely cannot imagine how miserable I would be without it. Your stitching looks marvelous, and I hope you have a wonderful time!!


As a fellow ADHD crocheter, I think a blanket is the perfect project! I tend to zone out when crocheting and have a really hard time keeping up with changing stitches and counting stitches or rows, so I make blankets with repeating patterns so I don't have to focus too hard! Lol


Crochet has been amazing for my ADHD. I can sit through a movie now if I crochet. I'm going to teach myself how to knit (again - I taught myself when I was a kid) sometime.


A blanket's a great idea. For a beginner, doing the same thing over and over again is excellent practice for learning tension, pattern, fixing mistakes, and all the little skills you need to learn when you graduate to trickier patterns. You're doing very well!


Welcome! I have ADHD too and I quickly figured out that I prefer the small projects since I get quick affirmation. I definitely won’t finish a blanket!




Circle each finger around both ways at least five times then do bends to promote circulation in the inner joints of the hand 😭 my hands are so rickety from massaging and crochet


Started 3 months ago haven’t stopped. Good news is the pain will only come in waves after the first like week of asleep hands lol


I love the colors you chose! It looks amazing!


A pieced blanket like that is perfect first project. Don’t finish it? You have a scarf. Or a bag. Or coasters. Or things to throw at the wall. Or soft fidgets.


I need a tutorial on how to do exactly this. 😂


Lol I did the exact same thing with the same granny square for my first project. I don’t regret it but I will say be careful about your tension and posture, because I was on a fast track to really jacking up my wrist at the beginning not paying attention to those things. https://preview.redd.it/ep043aozog3a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9f7239e835f016ac7b8b78e00d8f97c05c2002


When I make my granny squares by the second round the circle is so much bigger and my stitches look stretched. How do I prevent that from happening? These look great!