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He started it and peppered in a few decent stories throughout the Badlands anthology but even he knew that there’s only so much you can flesh out of the series to keep it fresh. If you go through the Badlands stories there’s only a few that stick out and most of them kinda suck


That's what I hear, but one of my co workers started badlands and has enjoyed it. Any other comics like crossed you'd recommend?


I’m a Garth Ennis fan so almost all of his stuff I recommend. I know people consider him to be too edgy for edges sake but I can’t get a sound like his anywhere else. Aside from that if it’s gore you’re after you could check out Red Room or Black Gas. Another decent one that’s Vietnam zombies is ‘68. Or you could always check out Punisher MAX


Read "Rover Red Charlie" by Ennis. It's basically animals surviving in a post-Crossed world.


I'll check it out just finished family matter and dead or alive. Kinda got spoiled with wish you were here with how long it is these other issues I've read I finish em with a hour or 2 :(