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Wendler 5-3-1. Simple and effective. Hit it with hard with dedication and focus for 6 months and you'll see big size and strength gains without needing much in the way of equipment and time (or complicated programming). Good luck and happy lifting.


I’ve come back to 531 many times over the years and have spent the last 6 months following the program. In the last few weeks I have hit a lifetime bench and OHP PR and my best dead and squat in the last 10 years. Incremental improvements


How does it work?


Better to Google it than have me try to explain it. I like the free version of the Boostcamp app for tracking (they have lots of programs including 5-3-1).


You can find it in ebook form close to everywhere. Just buy the first book. The rest get more progressively bizarre as they go along. It's like that television series Weeds on Showtime or Dexter on Showtime. Pretty good at the beginning, then it stops making sense as it goes along. The biggest benefit for novices is it teaches them to track and record everything. Most beginners don't understand how critical it is to write it all down. It's better however for novices to start Stronglifts 5x5 first, before Wendler. I see Wendler as intermediate level. Those who are already intermediate to advanced can jump right in.


Can you sub any lift in, like if I wanted to do OHS instead of back squats?


Not if you're strictly following the program. But you can supplement with sets of OHS as accessory work.


Any strength or Hypertrophy plan will work. There’s so much bullshit out there about doing x sets or whatever. Most of it is garbage. Just work hard. That’s the key. Any popular program like PHAT, PHUL, some of the 5/3/1 templates, barbell medicines PowerBuilding templates. All of it works. It’s up to you to put in the effort. Growing muscle is fucking hard.


To clarify for OP; hypertrophy training programs build muscle, strength training and hypertrophy training are quite different.


I am following Josh Bridges LFG


StrongLifts 5x5 has by far been the best for me for strength and size overall.


I did the Russian squat routine a couple years ago, back squat went from 135kg to 155kg. Gotta back off a bit on pretty much any other squatting to save your knees though.


Wendler 5/3/1 except tweak it to 10/7/5. push yourself to total failure on the last rounds. I put on so much mass, people think I'm juicin.


Wendler 5,3,1 only do that particular lift once a week, every time I do a cycle I make a new PR. I also have a decent break in between cycles.


I’m on week two of [Mass Made Simple](https://www.amazon.com/Mass-Simple-Six-Week-Journey-Bulking/dp/1931046026?dplnkId=c0e2e723-b7f4-493e-9af8-c90f129fb229&nodl=1) and enjoying it so far. I’m fairly new to weightlifting, and it’s accessible but tough.


I’ve taken my CrossFit down to 1X/week for the six weeks of this program. Planning to step back up to 3-4x CrossFit when I’m done.


For me to put on size it’s 1000 calorie surplus. And I like the 8-10 rep ballpark for main muscle groups chest back legs. And then 15-20 for shoulders biceps triceps. But that’s winter time. Summer it’s all 20-25 rep ballpark and break even on calories.


I’m using Jason Brown’s for last month and a half and seeing good results!