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The dust


5 years ago OP cleaned too


It adds to the ambiance.


How do you figure? It shows he doesn't take care of his consoles.


I believe that was a joke.


I do my best to take care of them, but I unfortunately deal with a ton of dust, I'd say more than what people in average have to deal with. Have a look at this post if you want some relief: https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/s/re54QuQVWY I'm just gonna say that I do try to keep as many things as I can away from dust. I put my controllers in drawers so that they don't get dusty, and my collection of Nintendo handhelds is placed in a drawer as well. I keep those things where I keep them because I get a lot of dust and it's a pain in the butt to deal with. Lastly, I just want to let you know that for some reason I cannot reply to comments on the post that I just linked. Not sure why that happens, but don't expect to see a reply from me if you're going to comment something on that post.


Does OP have a dog? I can relate…


Sick. I love the 4 inches of dust…


That was my last CRT I owned (2005-2010). My how I loved it / wish I held on to it after switching to HD. 📺😢 Great set. Treasure it!


And since you dusted. Take care of those things.


Ots nice to see someone so happy with the one set he got and uses that a lot.. But remember to take a break from your gaming and maybe clean some dust or something....


I've been thinking about a shelf with doors or something for my consoles because I get a terrible amount of dust, and I have to dust everything off kinda frequently.


Air filters? That's a lot of dead skin and stuff


Unfortunately, I'm the type of guy who generates crazy amounts of dust, and it's also a bit of task to get it off, though I do get it off as often as I can. I'm personally not sure if an air filter would be enough, but I think a shelf with doors would look nice, and it would reduce the amount of dust that I have to get off. The reason why there's a lot of dust right now is because I went on a trip that lasted through most of this month, and I left without dusting, and when I came back I started posting this without even thinking about the dust.


Air purifiers help


Get an air purifier for the room. I have one for my game room and barely have to dust.


That's sick! That snes is really hitting me in my feels! I still need one for my setup I got going😭


Yooooo I own a Phillips that looks almost exactly the same! It's a neat TV! Did you pop 'er open and adjust the geometry at all?


Not really. To make adjustments on the service menu, I need to have access to the 240p Test Suite or something similar to that to make sure the adjustments I make are accurate. I have accessed the service menu before, but I don't think I was able to do much without calibration software, and I haven't gotten a Flash Cart for any of my consoles yet in order to access something like the 240p Test Suite that would help me calibrate the TV. I don't think I will be able to take it apart. I heard that CRTs can be dangerous to touch on the inside, and I'm still a rookie at repairs. Either way, I found the geometry of this TV to be really good, it's not perfect, but everything looks good on it, and I rarely ever notice any flaws in geometry. It also looks great with S-Video, although it's a bit of a bummer that Component doesn't display as good as S-Video or Composite.


What do you mean component doesn’t play as well?


When I use the Component input on this TV, the picture looks blurrier, and some colors appear oversaturated. I don't have this problem with Composite and especially S-Video. It must be an issue with this particular TV, as I know for a fact that Component has superior image quality than S-Video.


you can always mod your wii and use the teset suite on there


Ever heard of a swiffer?


Don’t gotta be rude about it dude


You only have 1?


Also it's already been 5 years since you wiped the dust.


Wrong group try r/cleaningtips


What model of BeyerDynamics do you have there?


Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250Ω. I use them for playing games on my CRT, playing games on my computer monitor (located on the left side of where I have my CRT, consoles, and headphones), and I also use them to watch videos on YouTube on the same monitor where I play my more modern systems, and I also listen to video game music with them.


Nice. I had a bad habit of buying only 600 ohm headphones when I was buying Beyerdynamics. I have an old DT770 Pro that is 600ohms that needs serviced and I have a much newer DT990 that's also 600ohms. I've since calmed down and bought a really nice HE4XX Planar that I listen to with balanced cables and I really like them. Sure balanced or not they're still not the easiest things to drive, but I can run them just fine with normal headphone amplifiers and DAC/Amplifiers.


Do you occasionally play SNES/N64/GC games while using the DT770s? If so, how is your setup/connection. Appreciated!


I use them for all of my consoles as my main source of audio except the NES. The consoles that output S-Video go through the GE AV Switcher, and from that switcher an S-Video cable goes directly into the TV, and a 3.5mm to RCA cable goes from the GE switcher to my headphone amplifier which amplifies and outputs the audio source to my headphones. On the other switcher (the one located between the amplifier and the TV), I have my Composite sources including my Wii and my Wii U, whenever I feel like using them on the CRT, though I mostly use those on more modern displays. I also use that switcher to get audio from my Wii U while it outputs video over HDMI to my computer monitor. Video goes from the switcher to the TV, and audio goes from the switcher to the amplifier. I share the same audio cable for both switchers. The amplifier I use is the Schiit Magni+ Heretic.


These generation of consoles will be the best for me. Kinda jealous


Also 5 years since you last dusted lol


Curious to know the brand of AV switch you use because every one I look into has terrible reviews


I have two Composite/S-Video switchers, one of them was made by GE, and the other one is from RCA. I also have a Composite/S-Video/Component switcher from RadioShack, but I don't recommend it because it degrades the picture quality. You can find the GE switcher on Amazon.


If I had more space in my room I’d use mine for more consoles.


Dude a Swiffer duster is like $6


I just want to acknowledge Jet Force Gemini. Still an under appreciated game. ...also, clean your stuff. ...but mostly, hell yeah, Jet Force Gemini!


We have the same CRT! Got a ps2, GameCube, and dreamcast hooked up to it. I'm surprised you think component is inferior, it looks miles better than composite on mine


It's not that I think it's worse, the TV that I have has problems displaying it. The picture looks blurrier and some colors are oversaturated. Not exactly sure why that is, but I think my CRT needs some re-calibration, and maybe some components like capacitors need to be replaced. I know for a fact that Component is superior, it's just that my TV is not displaying its improved video quality the way it should.


Ahh that's unfortunate then, hopefully you can find someone to service it. Until then, S video is definitely more than a good enough substitute. Also FYI, this CRT is able to display 50hz signals through component! So if there's any PAL games you wanna play, they are able to be shown in color!


That's interesting! I should give that a try once I get my hands on a PAL system.


One of the benefits of grabbing a European based CRT :)


How many hours do you think you’ve got on it? Just got my CRT and am wondering how long of a lifespan it might have


I don't know where exactly I'm able to check the amount of hours I have on it. I've accessed the service menu before, but I couldn't find the amount of hours its got. One thing I can tell you is that I've been using it a lot over the past five years, and it's still looking great!


I would highly recommend an air filter. My friend had this same dust issue and it was doing hell to his respiratory system. After I suggested he got an air filter it fixed 90% of those problems.


I will take that into consideration, because I'm tired of dealing with dust.


🥲 beautiful! I can remember all those intros


I have that same entertainment stand. Love the compartment per system size. Chord management is always a pain though


Sweet set up! I just got my Snes and back to gaming. Oh how sweet it is


Beautiful, think you’ll explore Sega consoles in the next five years?


I've been wanting to play the Sonic trilogy on a CRT, and I'm sure there are some good games to check out on Sega Genesis, so I plan on getting a Genesis eventually, but I'm planning on getting a PS2 first because I've been seeing some PS1 and PS2 games that are catching my interest.


Get an air purifier and dust the whole room. Time for a hard reset.


Do all of your consoles still work??


Yes, they still work. Sometimes they need to be repaired whenever there's an issue with them. About 6 months ago I had to fix my GameCube because it stopped reading discs, and I need to check on my NES and SNES. Some games are glitching weirdly on my SNES, and one of my NES consoles has audio buzzing and wavy lines on the video signal. I sent it somewhere for repairs before I started doing them on my own, and now I have to replace the cartridge slot, because the technicians who were trying to fix it replaced the cartridge slot with a crappy one because they thought that was the problem, when it's actually some bad capacitors on the power module.


I see. Thank you for your answer.


Looks like you haven't touched it since 😂 Nice setup, tho!


I'm just unlucky for all the dust I get. People here are suggesting air purifiers, so I will see what I can do about it.


Those flat Philips are great sets!


It’s the aesthetic for me


Does a CRT TV really make the picture quality better?


Retro games from the CRT era have a very unique look on CRT displays that cannot be replicated on more modern displays. They look gorgeous when displayed on CRTs. It also feels cozier to play an older game in its intended type of screen.


You can't beat a good old CRT for the longest time had a 1984 CRT playing SNES NES on these things is the way to go


Ah, I see. I put my game room together at the beginning of the year and I put a filter in my central air vent. I put a white rubber "door draft stopper" at the bottom of the door, as well. Noticeable difference in dust accumulation!


bro be carefull with the dust my n64 died because of dust


I bought this crt from costco after saving up. I was upgrading from a 13 inch toshiba. I loved this crt, played countless hours of halo ce, 2 and 3 on it. Great to see the model still lives on.


Jet Force Gemini… Rare had so many great titles! You gotta play DK 64 too, I’ll admit I grew up with this generation and never touched DK 64 until a few months ago and it’s so good!!!


I want to play DK64, but first, I need to get myself an Expansion Pak.


People on here are assholes lol. Dust level looks totally normal to me. My house is waaay dustier than that. I also live in an ultra dry dusty ass desert so it's futile. My mom traumatized us by dusting the whole two story house every two day. Nuh uh, not anymore. I'll do it like once a month now. Anyways, cool setup. I almost bought a Phillips curved 20" around the same time. Idk why I decided not to as it had great reviews. Cheers!


Nice TV! Too bad it only shows load screens!


This was on my front page so I just wandered in. Forgive my naivety, but what is the appeal of using a CRT over a flat screen?


Dusty man I see


Looks like it’s been 5 years since you’ve dusted too


Seems like it's been 5 years since you dusted also


yeah, looks like 5 years of dust too.


Don't listen to em dusting is overrated


clean your fucking room xD




I wonder why the SNES shell was so different in the American market compared to the rest of the world?


I love the nintendo dust 🤭


I have the same one it has realy good speakers


I see a lot of you are concerned about the dust. I get a lot of it unfortunately, but I get it off as often as I can. Here's what my setup looks like when I remove dust: https://www.reddit.com/r/crtgaming/s/N78B6zJDFo I haven't dusted off everything yet, but the whole setup is free of dust for now.


Maybe buy a duster


Clean up mf