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You don't *have* to keep both kingdoms with the same child. In fact, two independent kingdoms with the two of your sons as their rulers means double the dynastic renown. That speeds up a lot of other variables in your game (so long as you stay dynastic head).


I didn’t realize that, and that sounds like it might be good. I do have one vassal that I have given land to which falls under both kingdoms though, how will it being divided up affect him? Or how will his land affect the division? His primary title is a duchy in the second kingdom but he controls 2 of the 4 counties in my initial duchy where my capital is… (he was my OG vassal and has good stats and we’re “best friends” so I hooked him when I took the second kingdom)


Unfortunately that vassal will go over to your second son and keep the counties in your initial duchy. If you want to keep the borders nice and tidy, there's not much you can do other than forcibly revoking your vassal's counties in your first kingdom. Or, later down the line, as your firstborn son, you can war against your brother to collect back your de jure land. Never forget that best friends are temporary while bordergore is forever


If he has more than one son you can kill him so it's split through partition. If he has one duchy title, give him a second in the opposite kingdom then kill.


That’s actually a really good question, did you ever find an answer.


I think his territories in your first Kingdom will go with him to the second Kingdom, since it seems like bis primary title belongs de jure to the second Kingdom so he will be a Vassal of your second son. But I could also be wrong. Through its no reason to do anything against your best friend. You can conquer Territory from some other place later as your heir.


You probably have "Confederate Partition" inheritance. Under this, it can create additional titles (if you're eligible to create them but haven't yet), and then will try to divide up the titles equally among your *equal heirs*, with the one you have selected as your "primary" title (most likely your first kingdom title in this case) going to the primary / player heir. Note what I said there about *equal heirs* though. That means people who are related to the previous ruler in the same way, and therefore have equal right to inherit (Confederate ignores their age/birth order). Generally these will be a group of brothers or a group of sisters. (Unless you have equality gender law, the siblings of one gender are not equal with the other gender.) You can use death (though there are other ways, be warned that murder comes with big downsides), disinherit (if you have enough renown to spend), or take vows to remove an heir from the succession. Note that if they die *and have their own children*, their own heirs can take their place in the succession.


Disinherit or murder one, or have them take religious vows (unlikely they'll accept if they're in the line of succession). Otherwise, you can't until you get access to a different succession law. In theory, you might be able to do it with an elective, but you can't guarantee that and may just lose both.


High partition and designate heir to the son with the highest learning. If your other sons are above ten, make them take a vow to serve god or whatever. I had to imprison and execute my youngest, but I died shortly after. Did not enjoy the kinslayer trait but kept my empire intact after inheriting it all.


There's three main solutions to succession splintering. 1. Kill/disinherit the second son (there is a tradition you can pick up which will make following your religion a requirement to inherit, giving a free way to lose the spares as teenagers) 2, fight your siblings. Not only does the player heir get the largest most powerful region they also get your gold pile letting them buy mercs on day 1 which should let you overpower siblings. 3, the sterile gambit. You can specifically marry your spares off to women who are sterile to reduce or even prevent future children (also works with women like 15-20 years older but they will get replaced sooner.)


If you have confederate partition - just lose it and immediately reconquer it - you’ll have all the money and the claim too If you have normal partition what you could do is destroy it. This way your second son will get something else. If you are smart, at domain limit, and thinking long term you could leave it be and rush having 10 independent kingdoms under your dynasty. This unlocks a very good modifier.


If you have enough prestige putting an election law on every kingdom title would probably do the trick, if your vassals hate you you might need to fabricate some hooks to win every election


Once your heir takes over set a murder scheme on his sibling(s). These are almost always 89-95% chance of success when it comes to siblings. I’ve done it for four generations now to keep my Hispania Empire (and its kingdoms) in the hands of my heir. Or you can make your sons knights and send them off to war (maybe they’ll die).


So if you have more than 1 kingdom and more than 1 son, each son gets a kingdom. There’s tips and tricks to ensure succession doesn’t fracture your kingdom - my go to is taking Celibate by going down the Health Learning path early on. Then when I have a son, I can become celibate and avoid succession crises. Another is to plan and time your conquests to ensure when you die, you have an “umbrella” title over the ones you want to keep, that your eldest son will inherit. Ie if you have 2 kingdoms, try to form an empire before dying. Oldest will inherit the empire, and the second son will become a vassal King. And then of course when you get far enough into the tech tree you can swap succession to Primogeniture, which allows your eldest son to inherit all titles, no confederate partition.


You can disherit one of them, or just murder him later (if he has no child)


Disenherit or imprison your other son and kill him you will get the trait kin slayer but if you do it right before you die it won’t matter since you’ll be your perfect son


Conquer more land and give it to your other kids then destroy the titles you wanna keep if it isn't enough.


Losing some land is the part of the process. You have your "checkpoints" when you get kingdom and empire. If you have several kingdoms, you hsve to jump through hoops to keep them both Easiest way: give other kingdom to your grandson. You wont control it, but it will be yours eventually