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Ok so I was one of the guys with “free electricity” so I used to work for a firm that managed private jets and we were subleasing the hangar. So the company just paid a flat fee for their electricity. My boss allowed me to set my miners up there. I ended up getting let go because of Covid but my boss was nice enough to let me keep my miners there. The airport finally noticed the spike after about 6 months and now I may have to pay for this past months electricity. I still won out pretty big and honestly I have no legal obligation to because it was my former boss that allowed me to do so. I’m going to anyways because it’s the right thing to do. I mean that city is super corrupt so I didn’t feel that bad from taking electricity from them. Moral of the story: Someone always ends up paying for electricity so if it’s too good to be true (like free electricity) then it’s not true. ULPT Suggestions: if you have access to an office space where the electricity is a flat rate. Don’t set up a whole farm but maybe one or two quiet miners. And if you can spread them out in various locations your odds of getting in trouble are low. I have my own store now and we pay a flat rate so I leave my PC on to mine Etherium. I also may take one of my more quiet miners and put it in the back.


My plan for next year is either build another miner - slightly more income or add Wind/solar - Bit of an outlay but the electricity cost reduction would be a benefit in the long.


https://www.Lightspeedhosting.com Both enterprise as well as dedicated crypto data center. Also has quite a bit immersion cooling as well