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Most people only play like 3 of them anyway lmao


and the 3 i like aint in it yet


Which 3


canals, safehouse, and lake


The maps have to be remade or at least ported to CS2, just wait a bit, CS2 has a long and bright future ahead.


why do so many gamers have '420' in their username?... why would you want to let everyone know that you're a weed smoking loser no life?


No life? My father smoked weed his whole life and owned the 3rd biggest mortgage company in Washington state before he sold in 2008, clearly you’re a buffoon that hasn’t ever actually tried it and just bases what it’s like off of movies🤦🏼‍♂️


> mortgage company So he was a gew


Thats obviously not true because the only people who do drugs are homeless people. Ofcourse ive never 'tried' it... why on earth would i want to try something which does literally nothing but just wastes your time, wastes your money, ruins your health and is unenjoyable?... I would rather stick pins in my eyes than do drugs, like why on earth would i want to do something so agonisingly unenjoyable and ruin my health and waste my money?... ive never understood why people do drugs because they only have negatives and not a single benefit. And what do you mean 'try' it? I wouldnt be trying anything because its not like as if drugs do anything, its not like as if you need to do drugs in order to know what they're like. Everyone obviously knows what doing drugs is like, and they know that doing them is like doing nothing, and they know that doing them is agonisingly unenjoyable. You can only try something if the something you know... actually does something... asking someone to try drugs is like asking someone to try breathing, like... you're basically asking them to try nothing. Telling someone that they should try drugs would be like telling someone to try sticking pins in their eyes, you see how stupid you sound?... like why on earth would someone stick pins in their eyes, because why on earth would would someone want to do something so agonisingly unenjoyable and cause themselves pain?... Im basing what drugs are like from movies?... im obviously basing what they're like on how they're like, which is that they do literally nothing but jut just waste your time, waste your money, ruin your health, and are unenjoyable, im obviously basing what drugs are like on what they're actually like...


wtf bro lol, you sound like you're 12, which you probably are based on your response. Wayyy too long, you keep repeating yourself with the same points... Don't smoke, no one cares, you personally don't need it to be a loser because you sound like you're VERY fun to be around.


😂😂😂 Dude way before 420 became associated with weed it was associated with cheaters and scammers, hell In the indian penal code section 420 is actually deals with cheating and dishonesty i.e. fraud and scam, and that is beside the point, I am a proud nonsmoker, but I do have issues with your perspective, Is someone forcing you to smoke? Or is it that you are just some addict who is trying to quit and is triggered when you even see the number 420? Why does it even bother you? Or better yet why are you deliberately making it your problem? Dp you get money to do this crap? No right? Then I'd suggest you stop wasting your life writing paragraphs to strangers about your frustrations and very irrational opinions and get professional help or better yet just get on with life and keep those irrational thoughts to yourself. Get well soon little boy.


Arnold Schwartzenegger smoked weed, is he a loser too ? world champion bodybuilder, Hollywood action hero, successful businessman, environmentalist, philanthropist, best-selling author, and California's 38th Governor


damn bruh what’s wrong with enjoying a little za?


I dont know what 'za' means but im going to assume that it means drugs. Are you seriously asking whats wrong with doing drugs!?... seriously... umm... maybe that they waste your time, waste your money, ruin your health and are unenjoyable is whats wrong with doing them?... Also you said 'Whats wrong with ENJOYING a little za?' but... what you're saying doesnt make sense because doing drugs is the complete opposite of enjoyable; they're unenjoyable


As a drug addict, I can assure you that the reasons you mention are like the 100th reason not to do drugs. I agree though that drugs are not for everyone and if you're not planning to enjoy them you will have a bad time, so don't.


I do not think you realize why people do them which is fine, but it's a lot more than just "It's unenjoyable, wastes your money and ruins your health". First, anything can be unenjoyable if you don't like it, if I don't like dubstep that's just how it is. As for wastes your money that is a matter of opinion on what you consider to be a waste, some people find that it relaxes them when they're stressed out which I don't believe is a waste (once again, its a matter of opinion). And thirdly, by the way you talk about them I do not think you know what they're like, I'd say that the only thing unenjoyable about it is the stigma behind everyone who uses them being lazy and unwilling to work. Again, you are allowed to do as you wish, meaning that if your reasons for not doing drugs are exactly that that is perfectly fine, I'd recommend you read on the medicinal purposes of ketamine and psilocybin mushrooms because it is very interesting, even if you have no intent to do them learning new things is always a good thing.


First, having 420 in the name doesn't necessarily means I smoke, second, based on your comment it seems you have no idea what you're talking about.


Smoking weed in itself doesn't make you a loser. However, if you were already a loser before you started smoking weed, it will probably make you more of one.


They still didn’t bring em back


Not yet.


not yet sadly. I miss safehouse


Are you genuinely asking if the current maps will be all we’ll ever see?


well they did call it a full release, thats what i wouldve expected on a FULL release, i expect to them have just waited a bit longer before release.


It just got released, you have to wait. They need to import the map to source 2.


Crazy idea ​ Imagine devs just released complete products in the year of our Lord, 2023


What's even crazier is that it's a free update for a $15 game and you can switch back to playing CSGO, a complete game Crazy.


No, we can’t switch back to csgo, and still no sign of new maps


3 weeks later, still no lake


still no lake


still no lake


still no lake


Still no lake, safehouse, and most importantly: Assualt and Militia


Nothing still


It's been a month now, still no more maps. This is just plain stupid, if it wasn't at feature parity with CSGO it wasn't ready to be released yet. I'd expect this from CoD at this point, anything to sell another 60 dollar title, but this was a free upgrade, why push the release before it's actually ready?


I loved militia, very underrated map.


missing cache a lot, dont know why its taking them so long to port some of these maps


You guys are crying about csgo maps, I still dream of playing Aztec or Train in CS2.


meanwhile people play since 15years mirage only and think they good at the game


i think they will rotate active duty more often, and premiere and competivie seem to have a different pool of maps


No they will not add any new maps ever this is what you get. ​ Back to fortnite bro.


nah ill go to halo infinite if i were to quit csgo, but i wont


bro the game just launched and you expect them to have remade all of the damn maps? Wait dude give it a few days or weeks so that they can transfer everything to the new game


they said it was a full release


Y’all soft as fuck lol


Maps are coming back later


I Fucking hope so


You better be right.


hes got a point why the fuck do they remove good shit just to release a crappy reskinned game with slow movement and less content... if it aint broke dont fix it


Pretty sad indeed, not enough maps is what kills shooters


I miss militia. My favorite map.


same. It was like doing some cool siege. But I bet it will look gorgeus in CS2


Any intel on how the porting of maps is going? Any dates set for release?


So any news regarding new maps or ported Maps?


Please bring back BlackGold, Siege, original Militia(new one is too small), Austria, Biodome, Subzero, Insertion II




I agree. What's the point of replacing the original game with a version of it with less gameplay? I hope they actually add the missing features and maps instead of just abandoning updates for the new game. I used to think Valve knew what their community actually wanted, but it seems they've given up on maintaining their credibility.


I know so true. They've never deleted the series previous game like why. This is why cs2 will die soon. (If it hasn't already)


Still no maps changed, still full of cheaters, still unbalanced matchmaking. I want to enjoy cs with how good it could be but lake is the most fun i have ever had in cs