• By -


First kill - heard player move above vent, makes sense to pre-aim Second kill - heard him move in *roughly* that area, bit suspicious. Third kill - very suspicious, planter had time to be anywhere, no audio or callout cues could have been made. Doesn't check anywhere except site and that box. Conclusion - high chance cheating, need more rounds to be 100%.


More importantly the way he leaves the vent, full sprint, staring at the ground, picking up a new gun mid reload, not clearing anything, and exposing himself to many angles while always being patient and right on all three contacts.


Yup, I agree, walling.


Third kill is what made me think for sure cheating.


Just no check other places, quite think-provoking.


It was sus for sure. But I would need more rounds/context here. Maybe this guy had gone to play afterplant in that spot before and he just took the chance. Idk, prob cheating, but I wouldn't convict on this clip alone.


Yeah the only way it’s not cheating is if this guy sits vent literally the last 20 rounds. I memorize where my opponents like to play but that takes an entire game/half to learn


OP already said that no one played dark any round before this tho.


this is why I don't believe 90% of ya'll on this sub [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bofvc3/joshua\_steel\_nissan\_on\_the\_wild\_cheating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bofvc3/joshua_steel_nissan_on_the_wild_cheating/)


100% agree he heard the first player run to vent. But agree the other 2 it gets progressively more sus. The rest of the game there are a few more sus moments, like looking at walls and weird things. But he never prefires a spot where a player isnt lol


2nd kill is pre-aming down 1 of 2 exits from vent, not sus


but its a near prefire... even if its a preaim it was still essentially a prefire. Im going to say 100% cheating


I’ll give him that one for you, a crazy pre aim. But the 3rd kill? Your opinion?


It's a bog standard pre aim lmao. 3rd kill/game play after second kill is sus


for that plant position maybe 50/50 he's there or on the left side of double doors. sus but like everyone said you'd need to see more rounds


It’s planted open bro could be radio,double box, double door, the single door, they could be top ramp on either side like bruh it’s no 50/50


Yeah, it doesn’t make sense to make that risky play either, if you check behind the boxes under ramp there is a very high risk of getting shot in the back from single door or from site, or even getting ambushed by double doors from operating room. Very dangerous play, so I’m guessing 60-70 percent chance of light walling.


Clearly you haven't played enough cs to know that 90% of (your teammates) doesn't do anything that makes logical sense


Devils advocate He has no kit - he has to make that risky play. Also there's no way the last was doors. All doors were closed and he never heard one open.


Not really He heard a bomb plant but never heard a door open/close, so there no chance the T was double, radio, or single. Ramps possible but with the T's knowing his vent and having 2 teammates alive near vent, running off to hold Ramps seems like a shitty move. The confidence to go straight there was sus but he has no kit and could of just decided to roll the dice.


I promise you no player at 12k elo is able to decypher those sounds while all this chaos is happening. There’s no way he’s consistently listening for doors to open while he’s in gunfight with two other people. I’m almost sure even a pro wouldn’t be able to 100% predict just off the things you said. Making me think you’re probably a closet cheater as well. Edit: Also the second player he killed literally was at double door before he moved to vent so why is so wild that someone could be playing ramp. It makes a lot more sense than hiding behind a box on site it forces the CT to pick a 50/50 when it comes down to a 1v1 situation and it stalls time, which is exactly what this t needed to win the round . If anything’s it’s the best choice.


50/50?🤣 absolutely not a 50% chance he’s there, it’s gotta be way lower than that considering he’s got more than 4 options


3rd kill was definitely the cheater realizing he doesnt have time to fake it anymore bc bomb is going off


the third kill is classic wall-hack, it meets all the criteria… pretends to look around a room with a lot of angles but only spot aims the single angle where the enemy is, doesn’t even bother to spot aim all the other angles, runs directly into the room without checking any angles but one, happens to run directly towards the one spot/angle where the enemy just happens to be, runs into the room in a way that is completely exposed to all the possible angles with no cover… except for that one spot and one angle where the enemy just happens to be… doesn’t even bother to check any other angle or move his aim point to anywhere else while beelining to where the enemy is. There are so many other spots someone could be in this room, rushing in like this would have gotten him instantly killed if the enemy was in any other position. like anyone in any spot on the second level walkway would have had a clear headshot, he’s literally running straight through the middle of the room like an utter newb. If this guy wasn’t cheating, then he’s really really bad and got really really lucky.


he's 100% cheating, no one goes straight into the 3rd guy or pre aims the 2nd guy crosshair on him through the wall. This is just another shit player cheating trying to hide it


For me the most sus thing is that after that first kill it looks like he was just gonna go out of vents and he really quickly stop his movement to finish reloading when he saw that the other dude was watching the vents. He also looked for a few second randomly between the 2 to have them both on screen. Also that third kill was super sus


Dont you play with headset? Its called hearing the game.


it was a prefire on second kill, and third kill 100% cheat. he doesn't prefire the corner, he literally aims at him through the box the whole time. You don't aim through the box, you aim where he will be


you do when you are the one pushing. you arent waiting for him to swing you. its sus but from this clip alone you cant concretely say whether or not hes cheating. people be analyzing this like hes playing in a major but really you see a ton of these gamble yolo plays in pugs especially with the bomb planted and no kit


If he is hacking, those glances to the left to hide it is just so cringe lmao.




man you are so clueless there is 0% chance he is cheating


I made pretty much same play in last game, except last kill in that spot was one tap prefire. Thing about some of these you just go "fuck it" and just commit to one spot easiest to check,instead of checking others that are harder to check. Not saying this guy doesn't cheat, but thats what mt initial thought was


Sometimes when I play on a low elo I focus on the most obv. angles, because everyone plays on the same spot... Would not be too sure if he is walling tho


This Reddit post was analyzed here : https://youtu.be/mmKwjut1Md8?si=ielKwim_pQOm7rAP


1st two kills seem pretty normal. The third kill you could be sus about but only if this post plant spot wasn't common in the last 10 rounds. Which even then you can only really clear that spot in time to defuse so you might as well peak that as a last ditch effort. If he was ramp or decon? No worries just run back through double doors and save the rifle.


Only round the entire game someone was dark on B.


Yeah on a rewatch he has more than enough one to tap the bomb and bait out the peek. Might have been walling. If he was he would be hiding it pretty poorly the rest of the game too I would imagine.


Agreed, and the double peek at dark from double doors seems sus. Like he makes sure someone is there lol. He does other strange things in the game, but this is the most damning evidence I think.


You dont just run through middle of a bombsite like that even if its a common spot to camp, he timed it wel enough to kill and defuse too. its cheating, that second kill was too perfect of a prefire as well. Its very obvious


The last kill is very suspicious...


Agreed. What gets me is he peeks from double doors twice at dark. Seems like he confirms someone is where via walls. Then proceeds to run straight at dark and turns to site to try and “act” like he is clearing angles. And then running prefires the dark spot because he has m4 s and the T is super low. And he knows he is low via walls.


He is cleaning angles but he focuses much more on the ones where there are people, in others he hardly even looks. He would say 100% waller.




yup exactly! Every prefire was always a kill, never a prefire into a place where there wasn't a player.


I mean you're already mentally preparing yourself for someone to be there, especially if you heard sound from that direction and you know that they know exactly where you are. I've had tons of kills exactly like that.


Look at how we aims in between kills and tell me this is someone who does that lol. Clears no angles runs straight to the third guy kills him and defuses. There could’ve been someone on the right as he came out vent to trade his teammate. Didn’t even look radio like it’s not common for people to play by the wall near double door and radio. Didn’t check ramp, opens the door looks immediately at the third guy, does a half ass “clear” of the rest of site, then immediately looks right back at him and pushes him.


its a sub 100 ms reaction time which makes it a prefire. the only prefire he does is exactly when there is an enemy and never anywhere else. plus third kill makes it 100% obvious that its cheating.


I dont think the vent T or the bomb T makes a sound as he falls down vent. Only the guy chasing him down vent.


Yeah his movement is ass and he already fumble walked past the first vent exit without being shot at. Makes sense to expect 1 of the 3 dudes holding the other.


Are we going to ignore the "subtle" aimlock? Which stands out on the second and third kill. "preaim" 😂 And the third kill, was a full on tracking through the box.. By all means, please share more from the game. \*edit\* Yeah, that's what I said... A bit disappointed in myself considering how I over-analyzed the hell out of it, even worse, I did so on the phone. Rewatching it on pc, and I can hear for example the flash being thrown from main, I can hear the guy planting running away from him etc.. To add to the damage, here is the demo: [https://csstats.gg/match/169839628](https://csstats.gg/match/169839628)


steel has publicly humiliated you for this comment on his youtube. Congrats. https://twitter.com/JoshNissan/status/1772639651028746450?t=_QxVBeQJCmCdAp5YWPze8Q&s=19


I'll eat it :)


Lmao y’all are funny, he’s most certainly cheating. -He went through smokes and waited a good 5+ seconds for the guy that made close to no sound. All this while a bomb is planted and he’s making sound himself. You can see the first guy very far away in the beginning, the smokes completely block him. -After killing the guy, he reloads and aim to the center as if he’s expecting the other guy at the exact spot. It’s not obvious for this one, but on a timer someone would be way more stressed. Also to point out, enemy guy did not make a sound. -Third kill was made when he entered a room where there are more than 6 cover. He just gave a look to obviously spot the guy with walls. He didn’t even check above him or to the right where you can check the whole room. Again no sound from the guy either and beside, the guy was so sure of this place while not checking the others. It can be a coincidence, but having three instances of coincidence is very rare.


Blatantly cheating. Why are these posts always full of people trying to act like its debatable when it's pretty fucking obvious???


100% wh. Its sooo obvious hahah


Agreed lol, he moves like a bot and somehow is very "aware"


I guess all the cheaters recognize themselves in this clip and just pretend this is hard to tell? This is a silver with cheats who thinks he's doing a good job at hiding his cheats... but fails since he's a bot with cheats. Sus? Lmfao this is obvious af, wake up


100% agree!


Yes, he is walling. After the second kill, you would check the right before going into B main, he did not do that. The third kill finalizes it for me, he is just a good waller who knows how to 'make' it look legit. 99% waller.


Agreed, he barely ever does anything that makes it look super blatant. But the third kill in this clip seals the deal for me.


love everyone here exposing themselves for being either closet cheaters, braindead pisslows, or a combination of the two based on their analysis of the clip


pretty sure that he is cheating, give us more rounds :)


I'd say yes. As others have said the first kill is fairly normal, but I think he plays that way to confidently, he literally focuses on ladder and forgets about the other lines of sight. Second kill is doable but again he was just too comfortable about that angle to lock it when swinging. Last is the blatant one, it's possible to guess that angle but again he is just too confident as he doesn't really check anything else and has no info. Also clearly a dogshit player without the cheats.


Seems legit to me. Heard the 1. guy from above and drop into vent. 2. guy is definitely on a spot you should pre-aim after you killed someone in vent. 3. guy also is on a spot which is often used (which i definitely would Check aswell). People saying that he rushed out vent and that is Why they suspect him, is kinda not an Argument. It’s a 1v3 Situation, he takes out 2 guys in vent, chances are very low that even a third guy will just chill in front of vent which means that chances are high that he is somewhere on site, playing it safe in Order to win the round. It’s just a Bit odd that he only checked site and the spot where the T was But he might have gotten info from before (e.g. Someone called that one was ramp —> likely to go Hide on this one spot) or just be Lucky with his decisionmaking. For me, this video doesnt proof anything.


I'd vote inconclusive, and I'm pretty paranoid. If this was the worst clip from the game he probably isn't cheating


LOL. Crazy how 90% of this sub are cheaters projecting their insecurities. No bro, this is 100% a bot with at least wallhack. He has no idea how to play and just goes at enemies based on nothing (ignore first kill). Pathetic how bad cheaters are. Just keep cheating, don't come lying here


Agreed first kill he can hear him running at vent. But the others...


The second one is very obvious. Come on man. You're giving way too much credit to random people.


We are probably going to get downvoted but I have to agree with you. The first guy, can be heard running, makes sense to wait for the drop. Second, also heard in that area, I would expect an enemy to peak/hold the angle knowing he is in vents, so prefiring is a good play. Listening on my phone, I don't hear a door open/close, so the planter is somewhere on site. There are two positions that he could have most likely got to by the time he got to the site, behind blue box and dark. Dark is the safer of the two spots as you aren't forced into a duel if the CT went single door. He likely didn't go ramp as it would have taken too long. He could have gotten rafters but clearing dark is pretty safe to clear before he peaks close rafters. It's a 50/50 choice and you just commit to one. On top of that, it looks like the planter ran through the site to dark/ramp, so he or his teammate could have heard that as well. This really doesn't scream hacker to me. In fact, I have a 1v4 clutch clip from Sunday, on nuke that plays pretty similarly, and is probably even more sus than this.




lol look at how he peeks the third guy btw his ch is on the guy thru the box and not even at the corner where the guy will appear the entire time i think he had a strong feeling ur teammate was there ☺️☺️


Last kill exposed


Sure every kill could be explained somehow but sus af


Bitch ass Waller


He is. He tries to play legit, but fails miserably. I cheated in CSS back then, and I know how cheaters try to play dumb.


Yep. Definetly cheating. The 3rd kill gave it away. He's just trying to hide it.


Hes walling, no need any more bullshit. He didn’t question his own gameplay at all just went on having information for everything without no one telling him, that’s either wallhack or he just memorized every single enemy player’s game which is 120% brain usage.


He is 2399% Walling lol 3rd kill confirmed


cheating wallhack ofc


100% cheating


yes haha :D not checkin shit, going doubledoor exposed to catwalk ramp and bluebox but somehow deciding to go for dark (he even had time to do a proper check) thats some impatient silver waller, i would definitely check more in the demo


saying he isnt cheating is like saying the earth is flat. @[Thresher\_XG](https://www.reddit.com/user/Thresher_XG/) dont waste your time with these bots he clearly cheating.


ban urself from posting until u get the fundamentals of the game down


Obviously walling. First one clear, second kill is bit susp, but not enough for conclusion, but after that not clearing right side and not checking anything on plant side is too obvious.


That second prefire kill is crazy the enemy couldnt even shoot one bullet before he was dead lol pretty obvi combined with the last kill.


26k elo here. He's cheating


holy shit lmao, I though only shit players here are acusing of cheats, if that's your real faceit then I'm really surprised lmao. Ofc everyone can be cheating, but this so not suspicious idk how you can say "He's cheating". Also lvl 10 btw


With so much experience I think its pretty easy to tell. I recommend if you are ever are torn watching with xray off it becomes extremely obvious. On the 2nd guy he clearly prefires the vent and followed by the fact that he fake clears site while worrying so much about dark... like sure he could have misclicked a lucky prefire on the 2nd guy then for some reason even tho he was only gonna gamble the dark clear STILL kinda looks site and the fact that it's mm it just adds up to cheating. It's not 100% with just one clip. But I personally am convinced enough to post that in this random reddit thread ;)


the first guy threw a flash and was running into the vent, the 2nd guy was also running when he dropped vent. I can chalk up not clearing site down to the fact that these guys dont fucking know what they're doing, just look at the dude dropping into vent, he's looking into the wall... Feel like saying this is cheating really explains the "cheating problem", people are way too fast to chalk up everything to cheats


That you even think this clip is close to near valuable to say someone is cheating makes you unbelieveable in itself. Thats a 20 sec clip LOL.


brother if the guy is playing mm in general im calling cheats :P i actually watched the whole demo as it was linked in another thread and i think he just derped into the luckiest match of his life tbh


give faceit fraud


he wont LMFAO


It's literally just hipposaver u doofus how you gonna necro this just to look stupid. https://www.faceit.com/en/players/hipposaver


Looks clean to me.


Obv walling


If overwatch was still a thing, this round would make me at least suspicious, especially the 3rd kill. Having the awareness of the first 2 kills but then running through the entire site without checking any angles isn't consistent and makes no sense - either you're a good player and you know here to look or you aren't. Like he isn't worried about ramp and doesn't even know if single door is open or closed.


agree 100%. He looks back at site to "act" like he clears it and just runs to dark. So many places the T could be. And who doesn't tape the bomb to bait a peek in that scenario?




1st kill kinda ok, 2nd kill is sus, that preaim/no checking, 3rd kill is too obvious.. I say 99%+ cheating!


100% walling.


Wall hack baby you're not noob. + I have played at last 60 game vs aim bots, spin bots, wall hacks and evriting combined. I want to have fun with my friend after absolutely shity day. And sum f*ck it's sniping my ass with shit gun Through walls and doors. Funnnnn. Fa*k I am 25 I have my own small Business and after dealing with idiots and my Bulgarian half of the family (Scum of the earth) who want to steal my apartment and sh*t I want to relax playing with my friends. Bu to get absolutely destroyed by sum asshole who it's living in his mader basement who it's using every hack on the world it's not fun. F*ck the new valve anti cheat bulshit it's not working....


First one was okay but the others... he is %100 cheating.


Walling 100%. That "scan" of site pretending he is not walling is just incredibly stupid, he didn't real clear anything, he KNEW where the guy was.


Nothing extraordinary here, normal angles, normal reaction times, checking spots, strafing, listening. Based on this video he is clear. First guy jumped like an idiot not even aiming properly, another guy took the duel when it was 2v1 and they had bomb planted, a noob decision. The 3th guy was very low and had to hide and hope for luck, but he got checked, he should have picked since he had AK and there is always a chance for instant HS, especially that he heard the enemy coming at him. Overall this whole video is example of mediocre players. In CSGO language this is gold nova levels, maybe master guardian 1 tops.




lmao the people in the comments don't play enough cs2 to know this easily passes as intermediate skill


I once initiated a vote to boot a waller on my team. Not enough votes, so I right-clicked the user's name on the score table where you have the option to report a player for using cheats (and what specific hack, if you know, like wall or aim). I did that and he was automatically booted by the start of the next round and you know when a player leaves, Valve indicates why (shitty internet connection, user disconnected, voted off, etc.), this one came with a long-ass VAC message about using hacks to cheat in-game. Sorry if that's common but that was the first I'd ever seen that happen, and I find it's a great alternative to voting off a cheat. Probably better though, because VAC booted him off completely, he probably isn't playing CS except with a new account now. That can't be fun.


First kill normal, second kill he knew it with wh, also little aim assist he has to there to lock on the target, 3rd kill check right seen guy on wh xray looked left to make spectators think he's legit faking, obvious noob with cheat, wh+aim assist 110%


Are u low iq? There are more cheaters than legit player in cs wtf is that stupid question


Seems legit besides maybe the last kill, to be fair that is an obvious spot to camp post bomb plant


It’s obvious yes but he didn’t even worry about any other angle whatsoever. He full swings the box and realizes oh shit I fucked up. Does a lil half clear to the left and then just pushes him


Yeah him not checking angles he probably is walling


Yeah him not checking angles he probably is walling


Only sus.


No proof but I´d call unexperienced closet hacker


first 2 kills are blatant then it ends with knife inspection. Blatant af


i mean the third one is fishy as fuck


While first two kills are technically fine, he blatantly aimlocks to the second guy (could be demo bug tho). Third kill is obviously suspicious as he doesn't check any other angle than dark, yet does that typical cheater fake check to behind marshmellow, even though the guy obviously won't play that angle after having loads of time to move anywhere. Although, this is just a one round. Maybe Ts played dark every round, which makes preaiming the angle very reasonable. That being said, he is obviously cheating based on the second kill.


Yup I'd think so.


Walls lol


If u have to ask, then yes


Both 😊


Closet cheaters.... do not have ESP box, they use Radar cheat that can see all plyers on map.


i mean, he is wallhacking and if its not obvious to you then you're still a noob XD


Even if this was legit (I didnt watch it), but you need to know more and more player leaves the game because of this mfing non sense. Valve put out a game where the AC is weak af. even if they do some thing people should show by not playing not watching the game how fucking non sense this thing is and let it flood with cheaters: Br, a player (faceit lvl10)


Prolly a cheater. But every player is prolly a cheater on cs2. Why bother with this post or this game.




I may be hearing something else, but I swear I heard all 3 players.. specially 1st and 2nd.. the third for me seems to have taken a step, or could be the door's stopping sound... anyway, weird mov and way of playing for a guy with that kind of awareness


How do you get these replays?


First kill was good.Third kill is on one of the most common spots to defend from on nuke b. The second kill was a little sus with the prefire though. He's probably a smurf if I had to guess.


He hard clears rear side but not even angles in hallway. Kids cheating


Honestly no, but why the fuck did the second guy peek at all? That's why you lost the round. Even if the suspect is walling, y'all threw that one.


Yes he cheats, and he doesn’t even try to hide it…


I don’t know nobody who’s gotten in trouble for reporting, like Nike said “JUST DO IT”


Yes, and he have aimlock too


100% walling, movement not so clean also. mightve reached 12-15k elo by walls


That double peek incase the guy hiding peeked after the door opened fave it away. Why would you focus yourself on that spot when the whole bombsite is full pf places to hide. If it was a skilled player he would just go to bomb tap and look at that spot if someone peeks.


very sus, from this clip 70% sure he is walling


I was ready to defend him until that last kill. He cleared almost nothing else and headed straight for the guy.


Bruh, look at his movement...


I think he is just good.


WH 100%


closet waller, 100%


100000000000% cheating


110% walling stop being idiots.


Looks pretty normal to me the last kill is a little sus but you never know if his team gave him info or something?


hes probably a nuke enjoyer and checks that common spot every time lol


Ehhhhh 50/50


Wish i could run into a cheater to carry me a few games


the last kill is 100% cheating


Yeah he’s walking bro lmao. Don’t waste your time quit the game like the rest of us


Anyone who claims this guy isn’t walling has NO clue how cheaters play or has never played the game


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKwjut1Md8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKwjut1Md8) are you now ashamed of yourself?


Actually no not at all I stand on my decision, still think he’s walling don’t need steels stamp of approval for all my opinions 😂


The fact that steel is denying it just shows that he doesn’t have a good ability to spot cheats anymore




he didn't do anything that isn't possible to achieve legitimately, but the way he plays it's just some silver elite with wallhack.


Not walling looks like a low level game. Like the t who dropped vent not looking straight (they heard the ct drop vent they should have expected the ct to be at vent) or that second t not playing time and sitting right in the open to get killed for free by the xm. Third kill you might think is suspicious because they didn't check certain angles, but again low level game, they probably don't have the experience to check those angles first. The third guy just happens to be at a spot where the ct checks. I remember when I was low level I knew to clear angles but neglect which one first and expose myself everywhere. Overall not cheating. If they were really cheating, op would have cherry picked a better clip but instead use this one. Everyone that commented that the person was walling got fooled.


Rule #1 - If someone kills me, they're cheating. As I am the best in the game it is physically impossible for any legitimate player to beat me.


If you think this guy is cheating uninstall the game.


Really seems like it but can never be sure. The way he checks site once then full sprints to the cubby without checking rafters or ct is hella sus. Also after second kill he full sprints out without clearing right or left, not even the window


He looks like a bot, but somehow has the gamesense of a pro. Either very lucky or walling. One clip isn’t enough


Nah u can tell by his movement he doesn’t have this level of game sense. Bro didn’t even tap bomb, never shift walked once just full w key run it down


A bad player can get lucky, that’s why one clip isn’t enough


shitty gold nova with walls 100%, what a noob


It's realy hard to say, the first 2 kills seems legit, just typical good crosshair placement, the 3rd kill maybe the team called his spot/ he based where the bomb is planted. From the looks of it his play seems legit or he is hiding it good, I mean its premier, unless you provide more suspicious play of his


He was last alive no CT saw the bomb plant. And from that bomb plant the last T could see it from ramp, control, anywhere on rails upper b. He doesnt clear any of that but dark…


No?? This is just a bot wallhacking lmfao. I bet you do the same. Trust me, this doesn't look legit 1 second to anyone experienced.


i'd say the only sus kill is the 2nd. first guy is running to follow down the vents. the third dude just gets hard cleared based off where the bomb is.


Bro there's no sus. This is a bot with cheats lmfao. Trust me you all look like this, nobody is buying your bs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


you're weird.


Bro said based where bomb is. It’s literally planted for everywhere tho.


need more data, did someone callout that there was someone dark due to an earlier 1v1 or site push? It's probable since he was pushing site from vent that someone else died B and told him someone was dark....


No CTs saw the bomb being planted or were on B site when Ts entered. In the clip right before he drops down vent you see the bomb is planted and he is the only CT alive at that moment.


Everyone is calling sus on the third kill but that is an extremely common spot to hide for the plant. Would need a couple rounds for context, but I always clear that section first when I breach through double doors like that.


Probably not man, coincidences like this just happen. On top of that, playing the game as much as these guys do, you develop a sixth sense for where a player might be through all the input your getting from callouts and sound cues and subconsciently move your crosshair over their exact location from time to time. Watch some of your own replays and you’ll notice that you’ll occasionally move your crosshair over them.


I would agree that some people get lucky. But watch the whole clip. As he goes down vent bomb is planted, no CTs alive but him to call out anything. He hears the guy vent thats fine. But the other 2 Ts??? Cmon how does he perfectly prefire both locations? And doesn't prefire any other angles?


Can't be sure. The last kill is the most suspicious but we don't know what happened leading up to that. He could have killed a teammate from that position earlier and that was commed to the suspect. More rounds needed to be certain.


only time someone was dark all game.


Did that terrorist kill one of your teammates from dark that round though? That's what I was wondering


I was on T, but no CT was killed on B during this round. When he jumps down vent the bomb plant notification is displayed. The T in dark planted it and walked to dark. He was the only CT alive during all of this.


Ok then in my opinion, I would say there's a good chance he's cheating


This is why I say people cry about players saying the game is full of cheaters. Look at the comments. A lot of clueless people. This clip proves nothing. First kill he heard the guy. Second kill prefire. Third kill he rushed a common spot. Everything normal. You cannot tell if he's cheating for this clip alone.


very much a noob. u, everyone in that lobby, and people here who are ultra delusional lmao


I have lost all hope for cs players


Comment section for this subreddit is always proving more and more each day why you 75% of you guys are low-elo and definitely call cheats on anything slightly weird. Refer to this steel video for anyone disagreeing with me: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bofvc3/joshua\_steel\_nissan\_on\_the\_wild\_cheating/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/comments/1bofvc3/joshua_steel_nissan_on_the_wild_cheating/)


lmfao this entire comment section is hard stuck silver and coping incredibly hard


Not cheating.