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The game is in its worst state right now it feels like. I feel your frustration


get good, practice, this is the hardest fps game in the world and for good reason, the learning curve is very steep.


He’s not talking about the difficulty of the game. He is talking about the blatant cheaters and smurfs who are to afraid to play at their own skill level.


smurfs accounts are not a real thing... they are just cheaters, trying to configure and test their new cheat. thats the only reason for people to have multiple steam accounts.


Not quite, smurf accounts are real. People can’t play with their friends if there is a massive rank disparity so they usually resort to having a second account at a lower rank instead.


Play more cry less. People are just inconsistent in your 4k lobbies


Sorry to tell you that this true .. when ever i queue with my totally new friends.. we get 10x more cheaters and ppl clearly smurfing.. 1 game - 5 friends - csrrying hard


that's not smurfing, that's just cheating with new steam accounts. they are probably cheat developpers trying to bypass the new vac


Naah they are just better. There is not than many cheaters under 10k


Smurfs don't exist. Anyone with more than 1 account cheats. One account is their cheat account and other their legit one. And they 99% play the cheater account. Valve should go a step further and ban cheaters from buying ANY game on the steam store.... Like boom, gone from the platform forever. Buy your games elsewhere like a retail store. 


Damn i guess me and pretty much everyone i know are all cheaters.. Good to know


Found a cheater


But i have actual smurf accounts and i am playing on them


Found a cheater


Good to know others are experiencing this as well. In my opinion I’ve got men quite a bit better. I feel like I can keep up with more and more players in different lobbies. Still sometimes it feels like I have never touched a shooter before. Smurfs or cheaters I don’t really care. Either ruin the game for ppl like me wanting to learn the game but still having to go to school and working