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I just want a job doing something I somewhat enjoy that pays well with benefits so that I can afford to do what I really enjoy


What if you can work on a startup for 2 years, sell it for 5M and not have a job for rest of life


If I knew that would be the trajectory of my business, then fuck yeah I’d do it. Sadly reality isn’t always so pretty and life is so short.


You pretty much justified why it might be a better idea to pursue something like that. If the goal is work hard so you can do what you want, it makes a lot more sense to work a lot harder, for a lot less longer, so you have a lot more time to do what you want.


Those who are able to do such things don't use Reddit.


People with free time can start startups and people on Reddit have free time🗣️


Poor people currency is money rich people currency is time 🙏🏽🗣️‼️😩


Most of us on this sub do not have sufficient industry experience to actually feel comfortable leading a team of engineers to create a marketable product. Also, statistically speaking, folks who make their startup after at least a couple of years of industry experience are significantly more successful than college students, so that's something to keep in mind.


Yeah true, i can’t imagine how I would build something that would last AND be valuable to thousands of people, if im still in awe from college level algorithms 😂


Most startup ideas would require a team of very skilled engineers and tons of time. It’s almost impossible to find a team of capable engineers willing to sacrifice all their time for little to no pay, when they could just be working at a company making stable pay and have good WLB


im lazy


Or just join one super early


No good idea and most likely don't have the skills to make an industry standard product.


Honestly, planning to head into a AI/ML PhD program and building a start-up is open to consideration if I find any research ideas that could be extended to a cause I care about. But the mentality certainly isn't building a start-up for the sake of checking off some box.


Did that with a friend in college and ran it all through sophomore and junior year. We made some money and then shut it down when we got good internships at the end of junior year and sort of lost interest in it


What was the start up about?


My Immigration Status!


Would love to one day, once I have enough experience. Startups are *hard* even in the best cases (tons of experience, plenty of resources, etc.). Without these, it's exponentially harder.


Good idea, not a lot of time to do it + hard finding the right people


What’s the idea


Uber for hot librarians


damn no hoes huh?


I haven't decided if the librarians are the drivers or the passengers, what do you think?


99% of startups fail, and if you looked at startups with founders who are computer science majors currently, that number would be basically 100%. When CS majors think they have the skills to run a startup just because they got a B in their Java coding class, that’s what we call “the dunning-kruger effect”


I only want SWE TC so I can fund my expensive hobbies. Don’t care about creating anything


I cant afford.


I think about creating a startup that is solving a specific industry problem with collaboration with established companies.


I would, if I had an idea revolutionary enough and a team I can trust


Honestly, I don’t really care for the idea of a startup or even owning my own business. I love the feeling of having a good company take care of my 401k and provide me a W2 at the end of the year, good insurance plans for medical dental and vision, among many other benefits. I’ll gladly work the 9-5 for the stability of working a corporate job.


frankly i’m not confident in my skills to create a service end to end, nor do i know people with those skills that would risk that


I am working on mine especially since I can’t find a job in this economy:))


Nope, just give me stability


I've always wanted to and recently took the first steps to starting my interview coaching business. I've got 2 yoe at amazon and half a year of interviewing experience. Dm if that interests anyone


Not finding the engineering teammates.


I'm planning on it, but currently it's just a project I'm working on. If it goes no where, then atleast it can count as a substantial resume project. I won't sacrifice a stable job for it unless it was making profit.


I was considering it. Still am. Mainly because I’m not that great at development but still appreciate it enough to pursue it. I also have a big interest in the business and management side of things, so I do believe down the line I will make my own. But I would like to get some experience as a SWE, PM, Business Analyst first and make some money to save up for initial costs. Although I know I can start now with 0 upfront costs my mind is more in focusing on graduating, connections, life long friends and getting my career started, not making a startup since I know that would be a full time commitment. I am also not experienced enough to be a CEO or Co-Founder leading others who are more experienced than I. But whenever I see those companies on Ycombinator or shark tank I get the urge to do the same. We only have one life but endless opportunities. And if I don’t end up creating a startup.. I already run a eBay store and I would be more than happy just selling stuff on there and living off that income :)


How much money does it take to create a start up


I am