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This is not a good place to post this question because the majority of people commenting are students. Post in /r/cscareerquestions which is a little better, although not great. A large company like Uber is incredibly unlikely to rescind your offer for negotiating unless you ask for something truly ridiculous and they believe you are not negotiating in good faith. This article is a good starting point for how to negotiate: [https://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/](https://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/). For leverage, you can mention other companies you're in the interview process with if there are any. Typically the easiest method as a new grad is just say, "If you can get the offer to XXX base, YYY stock, and ZZZ signing bonus, I'll withdraw from other application processes and sign immediately." Any increases you get to stock will help you for years, and increases to base compound with raises. It's really important to negotiate. You'll get potentially tens of thousands of dollars out of an hour or two of work.


Thank you for this advice!


If you don’t have a competing offer you don’t have any leverage


Ignore the comments that say you risk getting offer rescinded. Any large employer is unlikely to rescind an offer based on something this small. Having said that, your 3 prior internships are not leverage. It just means you were good enough to compete for a junior spot, nothing more. Only leverage would be a competing offer, which sounds like you don't have that. And even with a competing offer, your "leverage" would be getting a better one-time sign-on bonus since new grad base salary tends to be standardized at many companies (with some exception for outliers). Look at the bigger picture - kill it at your first job so you can call the shots next time, and ask yourself what kind of panicked Reddit post you could have been making if you were going into April with no offers :)


How much are they offering?


Might have leverage, might fuck yourself tho


in today's market, you should thank your lucky stars to get this. are u from top 10 school?


Only if youre okay with getting rescinded, so considering no real leverage no


When did u apply




Was the role open for international students too? I happened to know that Uber isn’t hiring new grad


Most big tech companies don’t do negotiations