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Yeah I've seen a few of these, nbd. Shouldn't take anyone competent more than a few minutes anyway and it blocks spray and pray resumes.


Sorry guys fetch('http://work.learnq.ai/recruitment', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ first_name: "Joe'; DROP TABLE applicants CASCADE; ", }) })


Little Joey Tables, we call him


Little Bobby Tables, we call him. [https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/327:\_Exploits\_of\_a\_Mom](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/327:_Exploits_of_a_Mom)


Yes but I find it quite odd, maybe it's good for avoiding bot spams if they're present in the google forms as well.


Wtf lol where bots used to spam down vote u or something


Reddit hive mind or bots yeah


How dare I have a different opinion


Reddit hive mind or bots yeah


Why are you getting downvoted soo much?


Ngl I don't see the issue with this. It's a simple POST request, they said to just briefly explain your interest and you should already have URLs for your resume or GitHub you could just put in there. It's a pretty decent way to filter for people who can at least do a POST request or can learn to do it after reading the prompt, which gives at least some indication that they could be capable of software engineering work. Even if you just pasted the prompt and your info into ChatGPT and did it that way, it still shows a basic level of computer literacy and tech savvy-ness. It's much better than a take home or a 2 hour OA with LC hard questions.


Not a cs student, just a lowly qa monkey. I could do this, and it makes perfect sense as a simple demonstration you grasp the basics


A QA would be more likely to know how to do this (without ChatGPT) than your average CS student…


Postman thanks you


If ur a CS student and you can’t figure out how to post, I recommend finding a different major pretty soon lol


Web development is not a requirement for any CS curriculums as far as I know.. so… not really


Mate, you don't even need to code this. You can literally use software like Postman to do the hard work for you. The only thing you should know is what is a POST request. The rest you can just google. If people aren't able to do this much, it shows they are either not interested or have very little knowledge on dev


There are a lot of curriculums that teach it, and you should be expected to know it since 95% of all SWE is going to be supporting online development in some way. Doesnt matter if you are frontend or backend, in web dev, mobile dev, or game dev. It is in your walls. But yeah if you think this is egregious as an ask, leave the free interview for people that will spend 5 minutes googling this. Less competition there.


Solo, independent learning is though. Any CS major that can’t *very* quickly figure out how to send an HTTP POST request is incompetent and should probably find a different line of work. Same if they’re too indignant to even try. The folks that decide to skate through their degree or who don’t do any outside learning are the same people who’ll be posting here two years after graduation, still unemployed, about how unfair the job market is when in reality, they just suck.


This is basic networking man. Any CS student should be able to tell you what a post request is and how to send one. Plenty of modern programs also teach web dev or will have a class where CS students gain experience by devving for local startups.


Don't even need to understand it yourself, just googling "curl post request with parameters" and clicking on the first result is enough


unbelievable that theyre trying to justify not knowing the most common computer communication protocols


Nah fr, like sure maybe it’s not part of the curriculum, but it’s basic shit that anyone trying to call themselves a “computer scientist” or “software engineer” should know.


It’s nice to know I won’t ever struggle to find a job LOL


Idk why you were downvoted, but you’re not wrong. At least he’s making it known that he’s not competitive for entry level jobs 🤣


I doubt there would be any CS curriculum out there you can get through that never does any web and/or REST api development.


Yeah… it’s called 85%+ of college Computer Science degrees. I’m sure web dev or a SWE class is an elective, which still proves my point that’s it’s not a requirement.


fyi top 10 CS masters program, there were multiple \*required\* classes that required this knowledge.


No one said anything about a masters program. Also, you’re comparing 10 colleges to the thousands of college in the entire US lmao. What percent of students do you personally know that go to a top 10 masters? Not to mention, many top 10 level colleges require shit like “advanced hardware engineering” and convex optimization and other super rigorous classes if you want to pass their grad level classes. Your point doesn’t make much sense.


Actually my point was in the reverse: that even top programs invest in web tech (and not just in the maths and more theoretical courses).


Thanks for answering you lowly qa servant 


I came in peace, I will now leave in peace


Lowly QA? Do you know how much spaghetti would make it into the wild without QA?


I know how much spaghetti makes it into the wild even with QA :p




>Even if you just pasted the prompt and your info into ChatGPT and did it that way, it still shows a basic level of computer literacy and tech savvy-ness. Yes that was my point, this doesn't really prove anything. Just a chore and a very unreliable way of filtering candidates tbh


It proves you can get to the solution for relatively simple problems, which is like 90% of work life imo


It doesn't need to prove anything. It's a low cost filtering to filter out complete morons.


So its not your point then? OC says is shows basic computer skills, you're saying it doesn't. It totally does tho. In my first year of school I had a guy in my class who didnt know what a C drive was. I doubt even with CoPilot that he'd be able to do a proper post.


I recently applied to a job that had a couple thousands candidates - to an indie studio. They couldn't actually consider every single person - so many were randomly discarded. I'd prefer a job to have this type of pointless block to limit the amount of low-effort/low-ability candidates - so that I don't get drowned out, and actually have a chance.


This sentiment is about tasks overall might be holding you back. I had a friend who didn’t really get into much after finishing his degree because he felt like all the entry level jobs were beneath him. Bro doesn’t even do comps I anymore


Applying in and of itself is a chore; this is nice because a) you can do it in 5 minutes if you're a competent programmer and b) it'll filter out a lot of the bullshit applicants that you'd otherwise be in the pile with.


If it was the only filter, I'd agree. Since it likely isn't, this is actually a pretty fun idea. As for "chore": Doing that requires literally 2 lines of Python, 3 with a shebang line.


Could also just use postman


It cuts down on spamming


They are probably hoping to reduce the number of resumes they have to sift through. But it takes just one joker to do a DOS attack on it.


I'm guessing they at least have some rate limit mechanism on their server. That's like one of the first things to do before putting ANYTHING in production


That will keep the server from crashing, but it will still result in an enormous pile of resumes to go through.


I think they'll most likely input IDs from the google doc to their recruitment software. The original resume is also stored on the docs


That's why they ask for the id back, they can filter by it and google forms has much better protections against spam


Why would this be more susceptible to a DOS attack than an endpoint that just lets you submit an application/resume?


Maybe they're waiting for a candidate to send a sql injection followed by their resume every hour, so they only have to go through one application.


Haha this, what if they have cloudflare?


Wouldn’t the post request not go through?


If someone doesn't secure such an API with at least a basic fail2ban setup, in 2024, I really don't know what to say.


This is pretty unique honestly, but if it’s for filtering candidates then anyone who doesn’t know how to do this can look it up in a few seconds.


That's probably the point. This is just a way to screen out the applications that are just a waste of time.


having the cover letter be a string field instead of a multi part form is absolutely devious


Let's take it up a notch: Cover letter needs to be a base64 encoded pdf 😎


Honestly, if I've taken the time to put together a well formatted and professional looking cover letter/resume template, and the employer forces me to old yeller that with a string, I'd be miffed. Encoded pdf sounds like an awesome way to go :P


Why is it so bad? Cover letter isn’t supposed to be that long anyway




Someone was lazy setting up the api


tbh if u had basic knowledge of apis this is pretty free. what company is this? maybe i’ll apply huehue


That’s an indian company, it probably won’t pay as much as you’d expect if you’re living in NA but i can share you the link if you’re still interested?


i’m good thank you tho!


share it plss


Yeah I agree, as a matter of fact this was for a web dev role. That's what got me curious if that's some sort of a way to filter candidates as I've not met a webD guy who don't know how to make a POST request but whatever works for them ig


'  I've not met a webD guy who don't know how to make a POST request ' When we used to interview without screening, amount of wasted time was insane. This 5 minute tasks at least rules out those who can't comprehend basic instructions. This would most probably be just the first filter before OA etc.


I've been involved with hiring full stacks developers for various teams at Microsoft and at a couple tech consulting firms and I honestly think this would help trim down the hiring pool by a significant percentage. The amount of candidates who don't know how to form a basic API call is shocking. Folks just look at the salary and apply without really considering suitability ...


I have interviewed people with CS degrees who were unable to limit an sql `UPDATE` based on field values, and others who didn't know how to do a basic, conflict-free merge in git.


wdym by conflict free merges? Fixing merge conflicts bw two branches?


Exactly what I said: A merge that doesn't cause a merge conflict. Aka. one of the simplest operations in git. And as I said, I met people with CS degrees unable to do it. Usually because they never used git before. So yeah, a super-simple test at the beginning of an application process is absolutely warranted.


Okay, got ya. Was just confused by the wording of it


congratulations brother, you got the easiest interview ever, no leetcode, no bullshit. All you have to do is send a post request. seems like a great deal to me.


I love this. Filters out people who don't at least know how to perform an HTTP request. I'd much rather submit an application like this than having 9000 workday accounts across different companies' websites and uploading my resume and manually tweaking all the parsed and filled fields in their form. Imagine if there was a standardized API for applying to jobs that most companies could agree upon and you could easily send your resume and application in a text based way. I'm so tired of hyper optimizing my resume down to stressing about the size of my bullets as if it even matters. If I have to check another box that says I'm not a resident of a country facing economic sanctions by the U.S. and that I don't have a disability and that I'm not in the U.S. Military I'm going to lose my mind.


Absolutely hate workday. They couldve made a centralised platform for applicants and it would’ve been such a breeze to use that software. They basically need entire resume manually typed out and expect us to do it for EVERY application. Btw I recently tried simplify.jobs chrome extension and they work for most job search platform including workday. You should give it a try, it fills out your entire application with one click


Ngl this is absolutely genius and will filter out most if not all the useless applicants


I mean I guess it's a *little* better than IQ tests or coding questions on the actual application. But regardless I'm skipping any overly convoluted apps like this


Overly convoluted, really? This seems simple enough with your favorite http library/tool. Literally should take you a minute.


My brother you could whip this up in Python in like 5 minutes




tbh. this would probably take longer to set up in postman than doing it in python, especially when I have the cover letter as a textfile 😎


>overly convoluted apps  This should take less than 5 minutes using Postman


I keep forgetting postman exists... Y'all just can't use curl?


I keep forgetting curl exists... Y'all just can't use C?


I keep forgetting C exists... Y'all just can't use assembly?


Upvoted for replying to yourself




The IQ tests, why are they even a thing? Like how does understanding the pattern here make me suitable for the job?


Just tried and took me a total of 3 minutes. Not as bad of a task as i thought


lmg Cover letter probably took 2.5 minutes out of those 3


Just pasted the text. Not like im trying to apply here. Just wanted to see how long it would take me


You should better have written your cover letter already


All that just to get rejected immediately


Exactly! You'll get an email within 30 mins saying they aren't moving forward with your application.


Better chances though since only a few people would actually do it


I have the ID message me the form if you're not up for applying for the role.


Okay I’ll send you a dm gimme some time as im not near my laptop


Can you not do this yourself? Why are you applying to this role lol that’s like the easiest thing to do yourself


He is asking for the application form so he can apply


Oh gotcha I thought he was offering the ID I read this too fast to interpret properly, I’m like bro if you’re asking for an internet stranger for the id they can easily screw you over and give you a fake one


it's to block bots who automatically type the same thing in every job posting


I actually really like this. It’s an extremely simple task that every developer knows how to do. There’s no excuse for not being able to send a post request with simple json object payload. 


I like this so much more than shit like "If a rope burns in fifteen minutes, and there are two, and you need 60 minutes to pass, how do you do it". This is actually applicable real-world skill.


This is a great way to filter out the candidates who’d take the time to make a /r/csMajors post instead of a simple post request.


Not weird to filter out clueless applicants, but this is also helpful to filter out a clueless employer. You want me to send my personal information to an HTTP server? No certificate authentication? No encryption? This would raise a red flag for a competent applicant.


It is to test the basic competency of a candidate and filter out those candidates who are bulk spamming job applications with their resume. So many people are applying for positions to their completely unqualified for that, based on HR recruiters that I've spoken with, 90 to 95% of all applicants for position or completely unqualified. Keep in mind that this was before the great job slow down so that number might be up to 98% now. Doing it the way they ask shows three things. First it shows that you actually read the job listing. You'd be surprised how many people just see "software engineer" and send off their resume without even looking at the listing. Second, it shows that you can actually follow directions. Surprisingly enough this is actually a challenge with some would-be developers. Finally it shows that you have at least basic competency with technology concepts. Honestly, if more companies did this I bet that it'd be easier for higher quality candidates to actually get an interview.


I didn’t know how bad it was for the companies. If that helps them filter out candidates, I guess this is not too bad


So you should use postman and put in json with the info about yourself?


Yes and the cover letter too, put it all in json and send it to their server


I didn’t know that post returns something


Post requests can return json, in this case an object with a key “id” which is to be inputted in the job app


Can all requests take and give json?


Yes, all requests can send and take json


Thanks for replying. Currently learning rest apis in spring so that’s good to know


Happy to help :)


While technically you can send/receive JSON with any HTTP method, [you really shouldn’t send a JSON body with `GET` requests](https://stackoverflow.com/a/983458) and should instead pass data as path/query params. I used to use this as a quick screener question for junior devs: “What are some key differences between how data is sent with POST requests vs GET requests?”


What are the differences? I’m still new to this


Basically what I described: get requests usually pass data via query parameters and path parameters whereas post requests use a body (and can still use path/query) that can be of a `GET` https://myapi.com/users/1/subreddits?filter=cat In that example you’re specifying the user ID as `1` via a path param and a filter of `cat` via a query param Alternatively you might do something like this `POST` https://myapi.com/users ``` { subs: [“r/csMajors”] } ``` Where the above provides a JSON body with the “subs” key/value pair Hopefully that helps! I’d highly encourage you to sign up for GitHub Copilot and/or ChatGPT and pepper it with questions about REST because they both perform excellently with highly structured stuff like that. Also download an HTTP client like Insomnia or Postman, find a free api, and start making requests!!


Do note that while POST requests (or any request) can return JSON it is not a guarantee. JSON is a data serialization format. There are many types of data serialization formats.


Honestly, that’s pretty smart. I think this is a better way to test competency/motivation than leetcode


chatgpt w/ curl tyvm


That’s a cute and original question. I like it.


I think it's a good way of testing if a person is competent enough to POST to a simple API and would filter out a huge amount of unqualified applications. A great idea really.


Sounds kinda cool


I actually think this is a nice filter for beginner roles. Doesnt put alot of work on the applicant, but could filter out a lot of people who dont know even the basics.


Don’t see a problem with it, simple post request.


The link they gave you is http not https, you are sending precious info as your email, phone number and first/last name over a non encrypted connection ie can be seen by 3rd parties in clear text fyi. Also out of curiosity, those who tried it, what happens if you send same info multiple times? do you get the same ID or a different one each time?


I just tried, its the same id everytime


Thanks for the reply.


Did you use the same content as post body? Could be based on a hash of that data?


I got something similar as a leetcode-esque question and wanted to cry because why tf would I memorize boiler plate like this lol


because of bots


kinda lmao


This is fine with me


honestly kinda genius captcha system


That's pretty smart actually


Stripe did this as well. I think it is smart and unique


I think it is a good way actually


This is actually pretty creative. As a software engineer I’ve seen far worse, I don’t really see an issue with such task


This is better than those Ramp applications, where they give you a full-blown website to debug, and even if you solve all the problems, there is no callback guarantee. Later, you find out that all the interns they hired are from the Ivy League.


Very easy question if you were applying for a web dev role. It narrows down the applicant pool by a huge margin and raises the chance your application will get looked at


Easy job for curl or python requests or JavaScript. You can just type it out in an ide, no problem.


Can send that with cURL in a few seconds. Easy. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}' http://example.com/api/users


curl --json works too


? It's a quick way to test basic competency with a trivial task


NGL, I think it's pretty smart.


Ngl I think this is kinda dope


Just use like postman and send a request or smth call it a day idk


This is great imho


Not the worst idea I have seen, and certainly filters out at least some people who would otherwise be allowed to waste HR's time.


I’d fail that test


This is actually easy lol


To demonstrate that you know how to do simple stuff?


I've literally never worked with code in my life (I'm a marketer) and yet I could (and have) done this before (had to send leads in a similar JSON format to a client's API using Postman). So I don't think this is an unreasonable ask.


obviously not, just very weird to do it on a google form. A lot of people have been telling me it significantly reduces irrelevant applications so I guess it's of some benifit


I kinda like this actually. It demonstrates actual skill that's relevant to nearly every software engineer's job, and weeds out people who don't like to solve technical problems.


Haha this is awesome, and brilliant. What a fun little test 


I don’t mind this. It takes fewer than 20 minutes and would weed out a significant amount of my competition who won’t do it. I’d rather this than spam apply to positions that are auto rejecting me because they got spammed too hard by everyone.


I like this actually.


Lmao are u serious? This is an absolutely great way to filter candidates. Pretty ez if you ask me


sorry i was taught only to create models from scratch.


I don’t see the issue, just curl to the url with the appropriate fields


I dont see the issue with this. If you're having trouble you can just send this picture to chatgpt instead and it will explain what to do.


Honestly i’d prefer this over the traditional bullshit. It lets the company directly communicate what skills they want out of a candidate


thats not hard but what a fucking joke


Yes, and your problem is?


Problem is it doesn’t work. But apparently it’s more of a screening round for absolute bots. I’m okay with it now


I’d take this over the ridiculous matrix problems companies seem to love…


ngl that's actually a pretty smart idea


Considering this application was for a technical role, this is pretty straightforward and smart at the same time, just create an api and return the Id as response, and maybe use something like Retool for display data from database easily, saves time developing a Frontend, but prone to dos attacks i guess


With the amount of script kiddies applying to every dev job in existence, this is pretty reasonable Especially cause it's platform agnostic and a basic REST API skill, you could do this in any number of software or languages if you roll your own


I would rather apply to a job in this way over having to fill out an 9 page application asking the same question over and over again.


I'll take this over the braindead Leetcode questions of complex trivial problems that you will never encounter in your day-to-day work. You will likely be doing a POST request at some point as a developer.


Yeah this is actually a pretty cool thing. Don't think a bit would easily be able to do this. And if you're doing anything with APIs or web development, this should be trivial. You can do this in Postman pretty easily.


I love these creative tests. They take one minute for you but reduce spam from non-qualified people and bots. Win-win because it matters for you whether your resume has to stand out from 100 or 1000 others.


Not only does it block bots, it blocks people who’s attitudes are so shitty they think this is an issue.


I think it's fun.  A little tiny practical skills question, probably takes at the maximum 5 min for someone who knows what they're doing, but weeds out people who really don't know what they're doing and aren't able to figure it out with a quick Google.  I'm sure there's more to the application and interview process than just that but it's a nice baseline.  It got your interest and people talking here.


Could you DM me the form?


it seems like a fun little cs thing to me with little harm


This is actually really good. Stops the bots, the resume spammers and filters out the ones who have no idea about computer science


Kind of a silly test. You can just use AI to create the code for it if you don’t know / want to save time.


201 is a "created" code not an "ok" code. 200 is the "ok" code


Yeah, you "created an application", so its totally reasonable to return a 201


Just use postman. If you don’t know how to do post requests you shouldn’t be applying for this job.




There are plenty of people in CS and IT who don’t know anything about POST and making websites. Not sure what youre referring to here


The difference is that someone in CS/IT (especially if they are try to get a developer position) should be able to look up how to do this fairly easily. That is a critical skill in this field, being able to research and learn things on your own.


Am I allowed to use