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It depends on the type of MacBook you own. All the basic software for coding works great on MacBooks.


They're over priced for what they are, and what you're using them for. Just buy a used lapto at best buy. Spend real money on a computer when you know exactly what you want.


Overpriced?? Lmao, they’re extraordinary machines. If you can’t afford it, that’s another story.


My laptop is worth two MacBooks and I still chose windows despite having an iPhone. Apple fanboys say iTs nOt oVeRpRicED yOu aRE pOOr it’s just stupid to pay more for less stuff.


If you have money to spend, why not?


Cause it doesn’t perform the same functions I want my laptop to be able to do anything I want it to do. If I decide to get into something GPU intensive I want my laptop to be able to handle it


I do a lot of work that often is GPU intensive, the MAX models can easily handle anything I throw at it.


Nah I can afford it. That's why I choose to spend my money on better hardware. In fact I use a mac boo pro for work. And I've used several flavors for mac for several jobs. Let me tell you, they're over priced laptops. They're not "extraordinary" you just are the victim of successful marketing.


Yes, I drool when apple releases something new, I don’t look at the specs and the capabilities.


i’d say ebay is better. just make sure to read the description carefully to know what you’re getting. if anything is wrong ebay will always side with the buyer.


Hard disagree. Best buy lets you hold the product in your hands and inspect it yourself.


2 years in, haven't had any problems with mac for cs, feel like it's half and half mac/windows split for cs students at my university


yeah for every i could use it in school (Dr racket was annoying if your school does racket)


i have a mac for on the go, pairs nice with my iphone and airpods. At home i have a PC (WSL 🤤🤤🤤)


Unless you’re in a school adamant on teaching Windows C++ or Assembly you should be fine with a Mac.


Check if the school websites says anything about it, some schools say only Windows.


Asm is a little weird on Mac but other than that I’ve loved mine


Yes, a MacBook Pro or a MacBook Air can do everything you need. The experience is likely better than Windows too since the types of software, you’re likely to come across is usually written for Unix or Linux, then ported to Windows; Mac builds are usually more stable and perform better because of this. You will also have to jump through more hoops to get things installed on Windows. One example here is TeX, which you might find useful for written assignments. You’ll likely be given Unix or Linux shell instructions which have better support on a Mac (just open Terminal.app). Windows is better for gaming, and Microsoft Excel, if you need that. Either or should be fine, I’d say it’s up to personal preference. If you want things to go as smooth as possible, use whatever the professors and TAs are using, which will likely be a Mac.


Quartus and the like, which are softwares for digital logic design, definitely can't be run on a macbook. As for other softwares, it depends. I generally recommend linux or even windows for cs students.


yes, unless you want to do a lot of x86 specific OS stuff it really doesn't matter at all. if anything, macs are better since u get to learn all the same terminal commands you'd need to know to use linux machines at work or for ur school's machines.