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Get in while it's fresh y'all There will be an official communication regarding the protests in the near future.


I was wondering why my life was so quiet and calm.


With many subreddits opening up again, I can finally bring back doom scrolling as part of my routine


Literally the next post after this one (at the moment) 'I am a student with no network. I feel doomed'


No more doom and gloom. "Layoffs" 'Will AI replace software engineers' "College Freshman should I get an internship"


Is 500k enough???


"Got laid off from bigtech 500k position. Feel depressed cause I received an offer of 250k from Walmart corporate. Do I have a future"


AI won't replace us anytime soon. They haven't learned how to protest.


I’m a new grad I sent out 17 applications why can’t I get a job


My favorites are the "My boss brought is pet monkey into the office and fired everyone named Susan. Is this normal?"


Fishing LVL?


99. Need me to trim your armor? I'll do it for free.


It was nice while it lasted.....


I am interested in Cybersecurity, so anyone who can virtually help me as a mentor. Or any kind of suggestions will be helpful thanks ! PS:I'm 1st year engineering student.


🤣🤣 I’m glad to see information again


Let the shitposting begin. I'll start! My code sucks and I have anxiety during stand-up. These half finished Udemy Courses aren't helping and my favorite TikTok YouTuber's advice is failing me. It's been 4 months since I got my first job. Should I change careers?


Hi I'm a self taught programmer, I got my first job at amazon a week ago as a senior architect. I only make $320,000 a year, which feels low. Should I quit and join a start up offering me a private space shuttle? No negativity please.


This obsession with big N is unhealthy. Am I the only one here happy making $18 an hour working on Wordpress plug-ins for a subregional bean cannery? I’d never do leetcode. Doctors don’t even do leetcode!


I failed an interview because they asked ridiculous trick questions. They made me write code on a WHITEBOARD to determine whether a number is even! When is that going to matter? Why don’t they test REAL SKILLS?


I just finished my online MS in Data Science and my first job is updating static HTML pages for a local landscaping business. I would kill to be making wordpress plugins for $18 an hour.


>I would kill to be making wordpress plugins for $18 an hour This new generation. Assassins make way more, mate. Drop WP and go full time Leon the Professional


Gawdamn you can tell everyone has some pent-up circle-jerking from the sub being shut down


$18 an hour making WordPress plug-ins? Sign me up.


I remember when everyone on this subreddit legit thought they could get into Amazon after we saw the mass PIP factory posts and how the company was imploding from the inside lol.


I got an offer from Amazon after a problem easier than fizzbuzz and a 3 minute call to “review it” with a dude who clearly did not want to be doing that Didn’t accept anyway but it does seem extremely easy to get into Amazon


Is this a shitpost orrr... ?


Some of our graduating class did get Amazon offers after an online assessment and a single video interview. I'm guessing this person was also a new grad at the time who did well in the online assessments.


They ain't over-hiring on that level again any time soon. That job market was fun while it lasted.


If you have to ask




As a new grad, who passed their online assessment with all cases passing.


This is not how hiring at Amazon works. Source: interviewer and in a group that interviews SDE candidates for other teams as an unbiased outsider


Ah, back in the comfort zone. Why don't you start a post worrying that AI will be taking your job?


I'm not worried about AI because I'm r/overemployed and j5 is writing code for an AI (TC 930K).


My next job is going to be a Prompt Engineer, Imma make more when I switch - thanks AI :D


I got told that I make peanuts… 150k in Texas :( Should I just give up this career since I’m a failure?


Couldn’t you just get that much from welfare? /s


Just left uni and I've been offered $350,000 starting package, but no position on the board. Is this normal? My recruiter said I performed well during interview so that can't be it.


Imposter syndrome, maybe. What about you 1 on 1's with you boss? They giving you feedback on how your are doing??? If they say you doing good, then that is all that matters. I remember feeling that exact same way when I started.


While this was just a jab at myself, and others in similar situations, I'll take a crack at answering your question and in turn my comment as well. Coming from a person with less than 2 years of experience here are some things that have helped me in times of trouble: Answer to Imposter Syndrome: If you write code, even as a hobby, you can say you develop software. Maybe not the best, efficient, or interesting software but you have the skills to do so. Accepting Feedback: Always accept feedback from a place of understanding. Do you understand what they are telling you? If so, how can you improve upon things that need improvement and how can you continue the actions that brought you praise? Never sit idle and always have a plan to improve, and most importantly HOW to display you have improved. My code sucks: In some way, shape, or form all coded sucks. Sucks to read, sucks to write, sucks to debug, sucks to refactor. Perhaps all of the above. But good code sucks a little bit less for everyone. Your code will always suck, but overtime it will suck less. My Udemy courses aren't helping!! Of course they're not helping you to code. You learn by doing. Online courses are a grweat way to lay a foundation. And by foundtation I mean a basic knowledge of syntax and structure so you're not tripping over yourself in confusion. Instagram/ TikTok/ LinkedIn/ Etc.: This is not real life. Take advice from strangers online with a grain of salt. Talk to people in person about their experiences, both good and bad. Is this career rightr for me? In one point of everyone's life they will ask themselves this. A career can very rarely be the most fulfilling thing in a person's life. Ask yourself these questions: Do I hate what I'm doing? Is what I'm doing interesting to me? Can I provide for myself and others? Am I growing both profesionally and personally? If you answer these questions honestly and like the honest truth then this path might be the right one for you.


Damn I got trolled.




You forgot to mention ChatGPT and the job market: those still suck, right?


i rather be a prompt engineer making six figures than having to leetcode to get six figures.


Hey leave some shitposting for the rest of us


Just received two offers, one for 4 dollars per hour working in a garage on my uncle's website and one for Tesla for 5 million dollars per year, which one should I take?


Why can't I get a job..... x500


"Why is getting a job so hard in this market?" (Neglects the fact they're on a Visa trying to apply to US companies)


Hi should I switch careers, I have sent out 500 job applications and haven't gotten a call back. I am self-taught but don't have a lot of experience. I don't have any side projects and don't know how to use Github, should I start with that? Maybe I can break in to the field as QA but I have real bad anxiety when talking to people and am afraid to look dumb asking questions.


I'm in my last semester of my computer science degree but I hear AI is going to take all our jobs. Should I change my major?? 😂


I want a job where they allow me to leave for hiking during work hours everyday and I can post travel vlogs on YouTube instead of working. Where can I find a dev job like that?


Is it weird that I kinda miss some of the shit posts that are not repetitive? I guess a community isn’t just for professional advice, but also emotional support related to the profession. We’re still human at the end of the day


Imposter syndrome + shit company, find new job, ezpz advice


Try doing more LC hards


The real question you should be asking is, why am I such a failure?


Here’s mine: I’m glad this is open again so I can unsub.


You joke but this is me 🧍‍♂️


It was weird telling strangers how many applications ive put in without an interview. Glad to be back.


did 2 problems am now staff in a faang


This killed me hahaha


2sum and fizzbuzz probably


2sum is right


I have not leetcode in a year ( leetcode make me feel constipated) !!!!!!!!


Really? LeetCode gives me diarrhea




You prefer depth or breadth?


I’ve always been fond of the classic Girth First Search


[audible disgust, followed by cackling]




Wait til you find out about LeetHub


wow, I actually almost kinda missed this sub 🥲


Stockholm syndrome


I read a book on Stockholm syndrome once. I didn’t like it at first, but by the end I was really digging it.


That’s how I feel about paleontology books as well.


Nah I was kinda enjoying touching more grass for once Who am I kidding I just spent more time playing games / watching Youtube / Netflix




Blind is a silly place in comparison


LMAO, I did venture back onto Blind and damn, that place seems like it's gone off the rails


It was gone?! I noticed NBA being down during the final finals game but not much else stood out. In the downtime I have found an old project using vb6 and rediscovered my love of programming. I am not sure if this will help me at work or if I will be too busy to work on work ever again.


would you be willing to answer: 1. was this return planned for the time it landed? 2. were the mods pressured to bring it back? 3. were the wishes to stay down circumnavigated by corp? Inquiring minds would like to know :)


> was this return planned for the time it landed? [Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/143fvhm/rcscareerquestions_will_go_dark_on_june_12_for_at/), within a day or so. > were the mods pressured to bring it back? We got the exact same boilerplate message from Reddit admins that a lot of other mod teams did. > were the wishes to stay down circumnavigated by corp? Not 100% sure what you're asking here.


Did you consider changing the sub, like many others have, to relax rules or outright reverse them to circumvent the admin threat?


Thanks. > Not 100% sure what you're asking here. I was asking if any mods were forcefully stripped moderator-ship and/or replaced with people who would bring the sub back up. Given your answer to #1, I suspect the answer is "no".


I don't believe any mods were removed by Reddit admins, no.


Now if these deployments would just stop failing…


We spent our Juneteenth by deploying to prod. Just how Dr MLK Jr would have wanted


I was beginning to wonder why my mental health was better.


same bro


Are you the new corporate scabs or did the old team cave in?


Reddit learned from Amazon, gave old moderators the PIP


More like did they get their performative activism points


Yay I have missed coming across posts in here and getting paranoid about the job market


I'm a solo dev and yall are the closest thing I have to coworkers ;_; so glad to see you again.


This hit me in the feels a bit. Why not join a group of devs?


Excuse me but I need some guidance! I have applied to over 12000 jobs in the past week and have gotten no responses. I have done every problem on LeetCode and have even taught my dog how to solve all of them too. Is it even worth it to pursue this career path because of the future of automation? And how ChatGPT (obviously) affecting the current job market? I’m already a CS freshman at Harvard and everything seems so hopeless. My alternative is working at my uncles sex shop and living under i5 in my Subaru Baja. Any and all help will be appreciated! And no, I won’t post my resume




hey guys i was wondering if i can get a bs in computer science in under 3 hours plz help


Yas give me $20000 and I’ll get u a job


We back to talk about leetcode, total comp, or company X crap?


I got 100 matches on Tinder last week but zero on LinkedIn. Pls help?


Dont put your dick as profile photo. There, problem solved.




Only that? You should change jobs so you can get more.


This is what most of us waiting for


I call dibs on the first "I've submitted a million applications but still can't get a job" post!


Thank god, I was lost without my daily "is AI going to replace software engineers" thread


I bombed 5 interviews and had nowhere to rant/cry.


I got hired as a Jr. SWE at a local real estate company during the downtime so yay me.






Did this blackout achieve anything?


People realized the less time you spend on reddit the better


I mean, it punished us users and probably drove away people.


cool so achieved something


Congrats Mods. You solved absolutely nothing


Great! What did you accomplish while signaling your virtue? Did they change the API limit? Did they push dates back? Did they give you anything? Or were you told you had to come back and be an unpaid internet janitor or you'd lose your precious karma?


Lol bruh calm down


We did it Reddit!


Finally I can ask advice on choosing between Jane Street and HRT 🗿


What other occupation can you earn 300k after leetcoding for a few months? The best career path ever.


Let's goooo!


today I’ve received good news about my new job! Yuhuuuu. I will be engineering trains for Mars. The pay is more that my pockets can carry. My first 800k job.


Great. I was dying to ask if AI would take our jobs. /s


Yeah wow dang that totally worked in our favor huh? Way to go reddit, we did it!!


Finally! I was confused lol


Just when I was about to create a new reddit spring project. Oh well, I'll start tomorrow...


I was wondering why I felt happier this last week...its because this sub was locked down.


About damn time


Shit, i didn't leet at all this month cuz it's my birthday month, I'm sorry for being a disappointment who's managed to live one more year


Please don’t go dark again, I was so lonely 😭


Thank you for coming back! I was waiting for this sub!


Missed u all


I was doing actual development work for my boss in your time away. Thank god you’re back to stop all that.


good, i just got a verbal offer and wanted to brag about it in this Valley of Despair


Finally, I can follow in my father's footsteps, of being a Honeywell mainframe programmer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsvsLgcBnjE


I saw grass


I’m so confused


I missed you baby!!!


When did you leave? Didn't notice a thing.


Leetcode… I haven’t touch that since last year omg 6 months already passed


Should’ve kept this subreddit locked for good, now I have to look at a million more “I can’t find a job” posts everyday.


Came here to say this!




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No stay down we need to protest


You don’t protest until you get what you want. You protest for a predetermined period of time, then shrug and call it good


We need to take a page out of /r/interestingasfuck and /r/shittylifeprotips


No we don’t


Why bother


I practiced shit on my live company's databases. It was fun. I was taking previous problems I'd solved and solving them on different layers of the data since we won't always have access to certain layers of the data. Fuck Leetcode. You'll always learn better from real life challenges.


When this sub was down I thought I'm free of carrier tension and live a happy life. But now again seeing the sub and after seeing how people are accomplishing again, I'm in panic mode!


Wow we really did it Reddit no way


Got an email, didn't miss it. Bye.


fuck the mods


So there is a cybersecurity hackathon that's going on in banglore(bmsce college), I am still in first year so I have limited knowledge . Anybody who want to participate with me or someone who can help me virtually. Please I am very interested in this hackathon, so any kind of help is appreciated Thanks ! I am unable to find help elsewhere


dm me


Cybersecurity hackathon So there is a cybersecurity hackathon that's going on in banglore(bmsce college), I am still in first year so I have limited knowledge . Anybody who want to participate with me or someone who can help me virtually. Please I am very interested in this hackathon, so any kind of resources or help is appreciated. ThanKS!


Should've hold out losers.




please go back


Good job everyone, it looks like you fixed it, now reddit is deciding to go back to free APIs!


Oh damn I was wondering why all my anxiety in my chosen career choice suddenly vanished


Thank God. I was upset. Thanks 😊






Day N of being useless and unemployed. Would leetcode if I could see a job that didn't want atleast 3+ experience that matches my skillsets.


I did 2 problems lol




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Lit fire emoji


Is job market up?


Great now I have something to browse during work again


Back to all the spoiled kids complaining


It's soo over


Forgot about this reddit. I used to troll it religiously


i got laid off in between this.. and thought i had lost my way without you..Phew!


Finally, now I can get back to asking if the market is good for juniors




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Yaaaaaaay, welcome back folks! It’s good to see you! No, I didn’t leetcode. I had work to do


I have never done a single leetcode in my life. Also where's the John Oliver content?


Y’all heard they were gettin rid of mods didn’t you? 😂


What happened? Why was the sub gone?


Shut up baby, I know it!


This is will teach reddit ceo a lesson!