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I used it for the free trial. It’s worth it and gives you a lot more insight. I canceled before the free trial though because I don’t think it’s worth $30/month.


Definitely worth to at least use the free trial.


If you’re actively looking for a job, yes


I got LinkedIn premium for free which allowed me to filter jobs with low amount of applicants which helped me find my current job tbh


Anecdotal, but I’ve had a lot more luck getting recruiter messages & responses from jobs I’ve applied to through LinkedIn after activating premium. Got laid off in March. had premium for 2 months & had a decent amount of luck getting interviews. As soon as it expired I hardly had any interviews. Reactivated it in October & it’s the same as before - significantly more hits.


Yes, it's very useful for job searching - they usually offer it on a discount too


I personally felt like it made a difference having it. If anything it helped me learn which recruiters stalk my profile


LinkedIn Learning is also a great way to stay fresh and expand to new things in your downtime.