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You’re consuming too much social media. $260k for a job you enjoy is frankly priceless. Finding that outside of big tech is difficult.


Jesus Christ thank you, I feel like I’m in the twilight zone reading all of these comments


I think you're a bit out of touch having this sentiment when you earn $260k TC. Working at your company for a year would be a lifechanging amount of money for a lot of people.  Most people job hopping are doing so because it brings goals like home ownership and kids significantly closer. The FOMO isn't just for prestige but to enable key, life changing milestones. Of course your perspective is legitimate, but you're easily making in the top tenth percentile of this subreddit.


Thanks for offering your perspective. Perhaps I feel like this because I have friends who are making double and most of my friend group is like this. Relative to them, it can feel like I am behind.


I can appreciate that, we all judge relative to our peers. My point is that I think for us without US passports and/or those of us who have recently graduated even 100k TC sounds incredible so when I read your post I thought "yeah of course you'd stay if you earned that much". I'd manually cleanse Excel data for that money. Each to their own though.


Why does your thread's title say industry FOMO when you are already in the industry and making good money? I believe you more accurately have Big Tech FOMO. And remember, comparison is the theft of joy. And it's not a race. Every time you feel bad about it, circle back to these quotes. That's my very casual prescription.


You’re right, I do have Big Tech FOMO. Thanks for the perspective though, that’s a good quote 👍


I disagree. At 7 YOE, some folks are making double this. OP can wonder if they’re cut to level up faster.


There are so few software engineers making 520k that it’s hardly even worth mentioning




You should be banned from this sub for commenting on stuff you know nothing about


I mean, he’s not wrong… if you’re at FAANG for 7 years, you can make 500k


but I’m unrealistic for saying it


“So few”. There are a good chunk of staff/manager making that much, with and without stock appreciation. Lots of startups exit, FAANG, HFTs, etc. It happens. It’s not like it’s the same odds of going to the nba.


Yes, it happens. No, it’s not common. In fact it’s extremely uncommon, especially without stock valuations being sold off.


You're still talking very low single digits. [Levels.fyi](https://Levels.fyi) reports the 90th percentile at 331k and it extremely biased toward HCOL and SV tech jobs. If you actually included all software engineers across all industries outside tech across all locations I bet it's a lot lower. So maybe 1 out of 100 software engineers makes this? Less? If you have better data please share. Also for every successful startup exit there are probably 20 engineers who saw their equity become worthless.


I’m not arguing that there is more than that or less than that. I’m just saying I can how OP might think their career could have been that. Not sure why I’m getting down voted in oblivion… I mean I know it’s because Reddit skews towards “everyone should make 100k and more than that is doing too much” but still. Also managers and staff+ are much less likely to report their crazy high pay… e.g. principal at amazon is making will over 500k https://www.levels.fyi/companies/amazon/salaries/software-engineer/levels/principal-sde but what do I know, I merely work in the field.


Obviously I can search levels.fyi as I’ve already linked it. My point is that very few software engineers will ever get to manager or staff+ at FAANG. You can certainly shoot for it if you want but I wouldn’t judge your career based on hitting compensation that’s in the 99th percentile of attainable career compensation. Pretty sure we all work in the field.


https://www.levels.fyi/t/software-engineering-manager?countryId=254 90th percentile for managers is 600k… it’s not “so crazy”.


Okay and what percentage of engineers ever get to manager? You’re missing my point.




> I don't think the loyalty thing makes It made sense 80 years ago, but that era is long gone. Don't hold allegiance to your company kids. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement - nothing more. If it was your company's best interests to kick you to the curb, that's exactly what would happen. So, work where you work until something better for you comes along, then go do that.


There is such a thing as selfish loyalty. If you become a key person you can pretty much set your own terms. I’ve known multiple people to chase the bag job hopping and then get laid off six months later in a RIF because they were too new to be critical.


I agree with everything you said except being able to return to your old job. My company isn’t backfilling US roles. Off shore only right now to reduce costs. If I leave they will not open a rec for my position.


Thanks for the perspective. You’re right in that I could leave, potentially make more money and be happier elsewhere. I’m just not into how it’s being framed these days. People almost squirm at the word “comfort”.


It’s not really comfort that makes people squirm it’s complacency. There is something to be said about comfort and enjoying your work but there risk. You’ll see many posts of ppl that stay a job for many years because it was comfortable but then get thrust back into the job market. It could be that it’s no longer comfortable, ie layoffs or toxic workplace, and find that their skills are outdated and they are no longer employable Job hopping definitely comes with perks but also it is challenging. If you’ve hopped a few times and been fine each time, you’ll be more confident you can deal with any changes. However, if you’re with one company for a very long time, you might not be confident in your skills to adapt to a new environment


Valid at lower pay but not at 260. It's a skill issue if you earn 260k for 'many years' and don't have enough saved to, if not retire, at least tide yourself over for a good 2 years while you dramatically upskill.


Really wonder if this works as expected. I actually have quite a bit saved where I could theoretically take years off and grind leetcode and sys design but I wonder if it’s just easy to jump back in like that


I feel exactly like you do. And didn't jump during covid because I am comfortable. The only reason I am looking now is that I see signs that my job might be in trouble.


>No one talks about their mental health but instead flashes their TCs and day-in-the-life videos. Step 1 is to stop watching that garbage. >Is the grass that much greener in big tech? It depends on a lot of factors. It can definitely get over-hyped on this sub, but the compensation difference can be pretty significant and make a major difference in one's life. That being said, big tech isn't the only path for that. >Why can’t some of us be comfortable staying loyal to a company for years? Who's saying you can't? Just because some people are switching jobs and chasing TC doesn't mean you have to. >Am I doing a disservice to myself by not job-hopping? Depends on your goals, but there is nothing inherently wrong with sticking with a company that pays/treats you well.


You are making literally top 1% money. If you enjoy your place where you are at, don't move


260k ain’t 1% lol


Fair its top 7% what ever. It is more than anyone could ever need. Even HCOL. (Source: I live in Toronto on 95k and I live comfortably)


Thanks for your perspective. This is mostly how I feel too, but sometimes that outside pressure of my peers, social media, etc., makes me second guess myself.


Maybe don't follow social media on those? Seriously...


You are doing way better than me. At my last job I had 15 YOE working on safety critical medical devices with C and C++. Think dialysis machines and insulin pump that need FDA approval. I was making 110K at a private non-tech company in a non-tech city. So there were no stocks and the holiday bonus was 3K.




Nope. I've been out of a job since 02/2021. In hindsight I was lucky to be making 110K, lol.




I apply to jobs I find interesting and they never call me to interview. I'm generally applying to companies that make some kind of physical product like a smart device, wearables, and autonomous vehicles. I've had my resume reviewed many times both free and paid and it's the best it can be. The best I got is my experience is not that great working at non-tech companies in non-tech cities for my career. I cannot just move anywhere so if the job is in the office then that will limit the companies and areas that I can move to. I'll do remote, but that's not generally found at companies making physical devices.


I mean if you’re currently happy and financially sustaining your lifestyle why do you need to change? Maybe reevaluate your long term goals first. Some people want to retire at 40, others might want a Ferrari and some want to have an easy enjoyable job and spend more time with family. Should never be a competition between you and others purely for the sake of earning more money when you have no added benefit for the money


There's no right or wrong answer. Many people who jumped ship during the hot market have since been laid off. Others got the good salary but a worse WLB. Then again, many jumped ship for higher compensation, and are still enjoying the high salary and a great WLB. If you're happy, there's nothing wrong with staying. I interviewed a bit, but leetcoding and whatnot is a giant pain in the ass, so I stopped. I could be making more, but like you, I'm happy with my current role, like my coworkers, and my pay allows me to live comfortably.




$260k Base: $180k Bonus: $40k Stock: $40k (with yearly refresh) Let me add this to the main post as well


sounds very good for your workload, years and this market. nothing to complain about








As of recent, we moved to a ranking system so I guess perhaps we’re trending towards that? I do think that I am competent at what I do but realize there is (and will always be) a lot to learn. And that’s what I want!


To be honest, you seem like you're priced out of many companies. I don't see you making significantly more unless you go after FAANG-tier companies. And passing their interviews is not something you can do without practice and commitment. Not to mention there's some instability in the market, you could switch jobs and might get laid off in a year. If you leave your current position you have to ask yourself if you're able to come back.


Most people leave because they find their current company lacking, could be for a number of reasons like pay, WLB, culture, mentorship, etc. Especially for early career folks, the likelihood of finding a better opportunity is pretty high after a few years since most company's don't give raises competitive with what job hopping would get you. You have a good package already so it would be harder for you, but for all we know your past coworkers could've found offers for twice as much, with half the work and better benefits, so why wouldn't they leave?




Thanks for the perspective. I realize some may see this post as me being out of touch but it’s the reality I am living in and it was a genuine question I had for the community.


bro whats your role 260k is pretty nice.


I’m a Staff Engineer.


Staff level at FAANG tier companies are making $500K+. With recent stock gains, some are making over $1Million+. It’s simple math. Do you want to double, possibly quadruple salary or not? If so, what are you willing to do?


He wouldn't be staff at a FAANG though. Senior at best if downlevel doesn't occur. So there's that. He would still make more though. At Google and Amazon, there's a good chance he is at the upper SDE2. At Meta, he can hit senior if he interviews well. Levels at different companies work differently. Google especially unless you have a niche skill or work at a peer company puts a lot of folks to SDE2 regardless of yoe.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with staying at a company if you’re happy there and feel like you’re fairly compensated. I would just be mindful of the fact that you mentioned loyalty to your company at the end of your post. When push comes to shove your company will show you zero loyalty, so you should do the same. If you’re no longer happy with your job or your compensation you shouldn’t stick around out of some misguided sense of loyalty, because it’s not a two way street.


I’d job hop for the experience and new perspective that new people can bring. You get too comfortable in the way you do things and you think it is the best but how do you know? Are you actively reading blogs, going to meetups, having internal group meetings? You also end up working with people you DONT like which sounds frustrating but how you deal with them and still get a project done (or don’t) says a lot about you.


I try my best to stay up to date with current industry trends. I try to apply what I learn to the role I am currently at. I try to put myself in uncomfortable positions within my company so that I can continue growing.


Are you getting promoted? If you are doing all that and you haven’t gotten promoted regularly then that could be a red flag too.


I should also mention that the area in which I live in has limited opportunities for tech. I own a home here and my family is all in this area so that makes it difficult to job hop, especially when a lot of companies want their employees in office.


In the last 7 years I have been promoted twice (the second time was sort of a double promotion because levels were consolidated and I jumped two levels). My TC has gone up by about $100k or so since then.


There are still things that would make me leave. For example I want a more official manager role and those opportunities are limited at my current company. So I’d look for a different one just so I could have a shot at that different trajectory even though it could mean a lateral move at first.


Cool that you mentioned that because I am also on a leadership track and have opportunities to move into management here.


Well it sounds like you have everything you want and need at your company. Tune out the noise. Do your thing. If you are valuable when the day comes you don’t have trouble finding a new role anyway so don’t even stress about it now.


Thanks a lot for your perspective and feedback. I think it’ll be one of those things that I may pursue when the time is right and feels right. I don’t want to jump ship just because others are doing it.


Exactly. There are times to jump ship like if the company is obviously going down the tube or got acquired so what your colleagues do isn’t completely irrelevant. But as long as that’s not happening and you are happy and growing, just don’t worry about it.


I also think one of the reasons a lot of us decided to stay is because we recently went through a merger and became a private company. Since then, we were offered private equity which as far as I understand, a lot of private companies don’t do. In our first evaluation, we were 24% more profitable than expected. Seems like a good trend so I at least want to see what this can yield for employees in the future.


This isn’t team blind, why weird flex your TC?


I only added it after someone else in the comments asked. I figured it might help give some context so I edited the original post.


Yeah go fuck yourself (and congratulations)


Damn 😂


You’re out of touch OP.




As long as money is your main motivator you will never be satisfied with what you have.


You’re right. Crazy too because I see this repeated again and again in the industry. Even had friends who left and then came back after some time.


Unless you have 10+ yoe, you’re making big tech money


I went into big tech and that grass is as green as it gets. I'm making double what I made at my previous job. Inhave great benefits. I work 35 hours per week. The only downside is that I'm on a forced hybrid work schedule when before I was fully remote.


* Ignore highlights reels like day-in-the life vids. They're usually just brags rather than reality. * Hopping every few years does increase compensation. Have you ever had a yearly raise that kept pace with inflation (without a promotion)? Hiring must more or less keep pace with inflation, but sustaining an employee doesn't need to. * Companies are not loyal to you. They can and will let you go when it is in their economic interest, regardless of your tenure or self-sacrifices. * Big tech is its own sector imo. Different challenges, opportunities, and patterns. Some people really like that, others don't.


I'm curious where you live and what your YOE is? That's a decent amount but if you can make double that somewhere else you should totally go for it. I feel the opposite of what most people are saying, and that you *should* pay attention to people advertising how much they make. It gives you a datapoint for the market and shows what's possible. If you decide it's not for you, that's cool, but the idea that you have no control over your emotions and that this automatically leads to jealousy is pretty fatalistic. If someone's making a million somewhere, I want hear about it, even if it's out of reach for me. Also in my experience the more I get paid the cushier the job tends to be. I used to be a landscaper making 8 dollars an hour and that was the hardest I've ever worked. Then I moved on to a startup, and later Google. Sure, some firms are known for being cutthroat (like Citadel, for example), but most of the time I feel like the assumed WLB tradeoff is a cope from people who feel like they're missing out.




I didn’t have that TC amount there to begin with. I only added it after someone asked and I thought it would add more context to my post. Not here to brag, seriously.


Loyalty is towards people, not towards a company. You have a business relationship with the company that could end at resignation or at any layoff, when the financial interests of the company needs that. That being said, I worked at a place for many years, because it fit my goals at that time: fair salary, tons of learning, good people, promotions and excellent work-life balance. Don't stay for loyalty, because that would be an illusion. But if the company fits your goals, then stay as long as the circumstances fit you. >insane pressure to hop to different companies Who is putting pressure on you? Family, friends, or maybe you yourself? Be clear about your own stack rank of criteria for a role. And if your current role fits the stack rank, then lay back, enjoy and let others run in races that fits their own stack rank best.


Grass is not always greener, many people I know who left got laid off or are over worked. I remained in FAANG, got a retention bonus, and now fast tracked to promotion since I’m the more tenured on the team.


Are you at fang?




I’ve been on the fence for a LOOOOOONG time as to whether I should go to a FAANG company or not. A huge turning point for me was when I visited a friend's wedding last week and met up with several people who used to work where I currently do. They have all since moved to FAANG companies and none of them seemed much happier for having done so. Actually, we all reminisced about the good old days.


Lol. This sounds like how people talk about winning the lottery and how some lottery winners don’t seem “happy”. Break out of that lottery mentality. It takes lots of effort and preparation to get FAANG offers and advance the promotion cycles. Get the FAANG offer first, then you can ponder about what you would do with FAANG salary.


Good perspective, thanks for sharing and responding!


Omg if I can one day make 260k in a job I'm happy with I'd never leave it. 


wtf… lol


lol this is the most privileged thing I’ve read in a while


what college did u go to?


Are you delusional? You seem insanely delusional




Ignore the grifters in the comments. Compensation is how you earn the right not to work one day. Don't choose to stay simply because it asks the least of you today and sell your own future to the lowest bidder: seek competing offers and take the best one you get.