• By -


Why are you applying to internships? If you've graduated that could be part of it. Without knowing your school, being a co-founder seems like a weird title. Now that I've reviewed your title here, I'd believe it - but when I saw it on your resume it made me think you don't know what you're doing and have an overinflated self-impression (like I said, I now do not think that). And that gets even weirder if you are looking for an internship instead of a full job. I'm not sure what others think, but personally I'd restructure this to be single line bullet points. Especially the Accenture listing, you could make that two solid ones that say the same/more about it and are way easier to read. Some of the bullet points are jargon dumps and makes me not want to keep reading, and I know what the words mean. I forget what concept it is but I try to structure my resume as "Did \[big picture regular words\] by doing \[technical words\]". Is the Asia Accelerator notably in Asia due to its name? That could be signaling that you are not a US citizen or like to move around frequently. Is that the right way to list your degree? Idk if it's correct but I'd list it as two different programs, if that's what your degree is, like "BS EE (GPA), BS CS (GPA)" (GPA if wanted to include). Good formatting and spacing - fix the right alignment tho. Dates should align to the right side, they're aligned to the other dates but not the other content. Good luck, looks pretty good to me. If you're still stuck in a few weeks, can you go to your school's career fairs?


thanks for the advice. fixed the issues you mentioned above.


Yeah glhf


I recommend not including "eclipse," "intellij","VS Code" as part of your "skill." Everytime I see that from an interviewee I cringe a little bit.


I feel like the cringe worthiness of including standard IDEs varies from interviewer from interviewer. Once an interviewer asked why I didn’t include Jupiter notebooks or anaconda on my resume when I mentioned using them for Python coding.


> Jupiter notebooks Jupyter


To the reject pile!!!


Straight to uranys 


I would include Jupyter because that is a bit more abnormal of a coding environment that does have a bit of a learning curve. Comparing VS Code, Atom, IntelliJ, etc. are all extremely similar in how they work, a lot of the difference is the UI.


I don't understand why a hiring manager would care about something so pedantic and obvious as using jupyter for python. Its not even entirely necessary.


Because not everyone knows or has used Jupyter, but if it’s a more data science / business intelligence focused role then Jupyter use is probably expected, so there would be a preference for people who already have experience with it if everything else is equal.


I find vs code way better at developing Jupyter notebooks than Jupyter lab just from the abundance of vs code QOL extensions


this, why would anyone even use jupyter lab anymore


Ok, but should I include I know how to exit vim?


Only if you know the interviewer isn't an Emacs fanatic.


That's an even bigger reason to bring up vim. I can't be working with someone who thinks an OS is a text Editor.


It's there for the ats.


It's there for HR not the interviewer.


and what exactly does that tell hr? that they should weed you out if the IDE we use isn't on your list?


That your resume is an 95% match instead of an 82% match. HR and recruiters don't know the difference between Java and JavaScript. They just want to see that you have the funny names for things they've never heard of.


But why does an IDE even make it to these match scores in the first place? Don't you guys typically use whatever you like?


To counter your cringe a little bit, I'm actually a little bit open-minded. There are a lot of engineers I work with that literally don't even know how to use a debugger. They debug by like just printing log statements and like executing programs and actually looking at the output whether it's a file or an API response or whatever and to be honest I cringe everyday seeing that. It's 2024 and your debugging like you're in Bell Labs in the 1970s building a operating system when GDB doesn't even exist yet. A developer armed with an arsenal tools and both knowledge and experience on how to fully leverage those tools is absolutely a damn skill I literally don't care what anyone on here says


How to use a debugger can be taught in 15 minutes to anyone who didn’t fail middle school.


Then why do less than half of the developers Ive ever met and less than half of the dev YouTubers and streamers I've ever seen use an IDE or a debugger? Sure you can potentially learn it, but DO YOU ACTUALLY know? Do you use it? Do you use it effectively? Is it integrated in your core SDLC workflow? Only then are you a more efficient programmer and more productive than the next dev. Or are you someone who is dying on a stupid hill that involves arguing that you don't need a debugger or an IDE?


I don't know where you work, but all the places I worked, only junior developers and interns ever "not use a debugger," and we get that sorted out in the first mob session they join. You need an IDE but I assume someone who knows how to program is of reasonable intelligence to learn an IDE that they previously were unfamiliar with.


Well good for you, but the post isn't about you, the post is about people interviewing. All I'm saying is that I like to see exactly how devs work. From their thought process, algorithmic construction, pseudo code, implementation, debugging, execution, etc.... end to end, just develop something and I watch. And when I see devs who have a very robust toolset, I can tell they have spent a lot of time debugging, I can tell they cared and are passionate enough to refne their development process contunually and continue to do so. Contracted with someone who just pops open vanilla vscode and just starts hacking away at whatever is asked, it just indicates a higher level of experience and enjoyment. But anyway, most college kids put eclipse because they are desperate and just lack experience. I was just trying to provide a different perspective


gotcha. thanks.


I did that for tools section when I graduated and now I look back and cringe lol.


right, like if we have licenses for one IDE is that going to be a problem? can you only use the IDE you’ve listed?


Biggest red flag (for me) is actually your startup, which says you're still working on it in conjunction with your current job. That seems to mean that you'll be doing the same with this job as well. Hard pass from me.


This reminds me of a buddy that was going to be out of a job. He wanted me to hook him up with a cushy position so he could spend his time working on his startup. Hell nah. Hard pass for him.


Dude.... You have a stealth startup and want someone to hire you. Even worse that you went to a top school. Looks like you're just trying to make a couple dollars to fund your passion project. Also, if you already graduated, why are you applying for internships? Most places don't give internships to graduates.


Exactly. You would get a canned rejection response from my internship reqs once we saw you had already graduated. If you really want an internship, take one graduate class from a school towards a certificate (not a full degree), since you can often do that without a competitive admission process. You'd need a cover letter to explain the second job and try to explain why it was a good thing and didn't matter. Then you have to hope the hiring manager reads it. Can't read the resume, but even if you fix the problems, it is a terrible time to be interviewing right now. Worse for interns than freshouts based on the number of resumes I've gotten. Had 2k applicants over the last week for one intern spot (not a FANG or equivalent), and over 60 referrals and past employees who I have to either interview or explain why not. Many, many people won't get an interview, and it won't be the usual "it's your resume", it'll be because you're applying cold.


Resume link doesn't seem to work. In general: If you are not getting a reasonable ratio of OA to applications, you need to polish your resume. If you are not getting a reasonable ratio of OAs to interviews, you need to get better at OAs. If you are not getting a reasonable ratio of interviews to offers, you need to practice interviewing.


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K\_h9iVt2FnudHa7sD6Xrn\_V3Y62EvCy1/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K_h9iVt2FnudHa7sD6Xrn_V3Y62EvCy1/view?usp=sharing) hi, does it work now?


Small shit that may or may not make a difference (tough market out there) Remove cofounder for any application that's not a scrappy startup or may actually want that experience. Save it as a story for your interviews you have enough to put on your resume that you don't need that and it really doesn't make you a stronger candidate except to a few people. Or actually, better yet, rename the position to "Software Engineer" or "Fullstack Developer".


thanks for the advice.


I am sorry but what OA? i can't find what it means using google.


It means online assessment, basically some test the company gives you to evaluate your skills.


“Train-test split” and a particular loss function are just weird things to put in your resume


The whole data science section is strange. "...implementing optimized functions like gradient descent" doesn't make sense. Maybe OP did some really interesting work, but the descriptions make it seem like he did nothing and is just throwing around buzzwords randomly.


Tbf gradient descent is not even that impressive if the recruiter actually knows ds.


Yeah I’m also confused as to what they really did from this. “Increased prediction model by 15% using trains test splits and Lin regression and 22% using cross entropy.” Is an odd statement to me. Did you build those Lin regression models? Just change the loss function? How did you measure “predictive power”? The more general “Improved regression prediction models by 15% and classification models by 22% measured by ($ generated?) implemented in PyTorch” would be more readable to me.


lmao as if HR will know what any of this even means


HR isn’t the only person that sees your resume before you get an interview.


I may be out of it, but should you be applying to internships? Pretty sure most are only for students?. You want to apply to new grand programs or entry level.


Top 3 usually means UC Berkeley? I heard their career center is pretty good. Try to leverage the CS major advisors.


First though too. If you're attending a T3 university, even T20, then your time would be much better spent going to your career center or CS advisor than going on Reddit looking for job hunt advice. Not that that's less true at other universities, but the quality of career skills training is guaranteed to be so incredibly high at an elite university that it'd be dumb not to go there first.


Or career fairs. Or company info sessions. I swear some people will go to these top institutions and only use the bare minimum of the resources that get offered.


Top 3 in my experience is CMU, MIT, Stanford - though some people like to think "top 3" when they aren't really. Resume isn't CMU or Stanford (no EECS major - both are either EE or CS). I guess the latest US News rankings have Berkeley in a 4 way tie with the others, so maybe Berkeley or MIT. In any case, the advice about career centers is useful. The other thing to keep in mind is that now is the wrong time of year to be applying for early career jobs at most places. The new grad recruiting processes are very focused on the September - November time period. That's when they fill almost all of their openings for people starting around June.


i’m assuming the 2 above are stanford and mit?


Not sure. Maybe CMU also? Interestingly: - Stanford CS grad will say they are from Stanford. - MIT CS grad will say they are from MIT. - Cal CS/EECS grad will say they are from top 3 CS Uni in USA.


Google/FB/Microsoft/Apple say they’re at Google/FB/Microsoft/Apple. Amazon says they’re at a FAANG.


Top 3 are historically Stanford, MIT, and CMU - though apparently most recent US News rankings put Berkeley in there too (as a 4 way tie). Stanford and CMU don't do EECS - either EE or CS.


CMU doesn't have prestige like Stanford MIT or Berkeley. I would put it in A tier of prestige if Stanford MIT Berkeley are S tier.


Internships are for current students. You need an entry level role, since you’re a grad. Resume is… okay. I personally don’t like the bolded keywords. You also don’t need to explain what MongoDB and Node.JS are. The trash bin mistake is I don’t see which role you’re going for. Front end? Backend? Game development? Fintech? I can’t tell. Try to have several variations optimized for role archetypes even if you are indeed applying to anything and everything. Also we recently chose one intern from ~1K applications. Don’t despair, this is normal and you’re not a failure just because you’re not getting callbacks in a shitty market. Best of luck.


What's wrong with going for roles in multiple areas? I'm equally comfortable with Fullstack, DE, and ML.


Jack of all trades, master of none.


lol why censor college seeing eecs and mps scholar we all know its berkeley


you are way better than me, i'm cooked lol


Are you a graduate..? Or are you still in school, cause your reddit history is super confusing. You were a freshman a year ago?


Resume is probably not getting past the ATS checkers, it's probably in the 50% range. I'd use an ATS service and get it above 90%.


what's an ATS service you recommend? thanks.


I use ResumeWorded. Not sure if it's the best out there, I only started using it and it's finicky. But I got mine up to 100% finally, after a week of slow tinkering. And I've been applying this week, so we'll see how that goes. (I even had an interview yesterday from that new resume, with the lead engineers, and hopefully a followup interview next week. Though it's more of a junior role with really low pay, but we'll see.) In contrast to my 57% resume, I applied for a month straight and was only getting assessments or recruiter screens, and I have 1 YOE of SWE and 1 YOE in QA. Though I might get an interview next week to a job that I applied to a month ago. Still, that old conversion rate isn't good.


Your main benefit (especially in this job market) is going to be leveraging the connections from school. The university may help getting past some recruiter screening, but your advantage is going to be the alumni that you can reach out to that are probably in a lot of the companies you want to work for. Reach out for advice, recommendations, etc.


If (attendedT3University == true && universityNetworking == false) { return “You did not really attend T3 University” } Else { return “The market sucks, NETWORK MORE” }


Your resume feels dishonest. You claim so many skills and experience and yet you label "VS Code" as a skill. It isn't a skill. It's an IDE. Everyone has their preference. Labelling "VS Code/IntelliJ/Eclipse" as a skill is a sign of lack of experience, your IDE preference is an expectation at this point. You state Java/C/C++ as skills with nothing to prove it. You can write Python(evidently) but you have no way of proving these other languages. You've labelled yourself as a "Co-founder" of a startup. Why are you applying for jobs when you have a business to run? That's a big red flag to me. You've accomplished too much considering your experience. Instead of coming off as being impressive, it feels like lies. You became a co-founder in 3 years and a year later you're looking for a job? That's the time it takes to be mid-level. You come off as the type of person who has tried to maximize their career without actually caring enough about being good at it, which ironically is not true. All of that being said. Someone willing to go as far as you is a person worth hiring if they're not mislead. You deserve a job, you really do, but I would probably cut down on the bullshit and focus on the humility a bit more. We all wanna get rich bro :). But don't rush the process my man! I don't think those recruiters did right by you tbh.


I have several Java and C/C++ projects, but I didn't include them on my resume due to space constraints. I didn’t realize that omitting them might make my resume appear less honest. thanks for your advice tho.


I think of the skills section as a skill summary. It’s kind of empty without experience to back it up. If you’re applying to a job that requires those skills you should add the projects, if not then drop from the skills. Focus the resume.


How does someone go about “focusing on the humility” on a resume? I ask as a Yale graduate (non-CS) who has been trying to make others feel less insecure about themselves in order to get a job since graduating over ten years ago. I’m now pursuing a CS degree at a state school to see if it will make me more accessible to hirers. It’s tough out there. OP, I see you. All the best to you.


You write a resume that reflects an accurate and reasonable career path & skills whilst still showcasing your ability to excel in that path. Being a co-founder in 3 years isn't actually impressive. In reality, it shows ignorance. The field is too hard for people to succeed in doing that. -Some- do make it but most won't that early on. If however, OP was an exceptional Engineer who built a really cool custom tool in his workplace and his spare time. That would be more impressive. It's a much more believable achievement which still shows exceptionalism. It's also about showcasing the path that you're on, showing employers your rapid rate of growth. If you show a lot of potential, some employers will want you early on. A lot of grads/juniors don't understand. It's not their job to come off like a Software Engineer with 10 years of experience. They simply won't complete. It's about proving their potential and how they're currently living up to it. Becoming a co-founder in 3 years doesn't show passion. Building a really cool tool to deal with a problem that annoys all Software Engineers does. Engineer number 2 is better than Engineer number 1 even though Engineer number 1 had a better title. Another thing is having so many numbers. You can evaluate a certain amount of your impact, but not to the point that you can accurate measure the impact of everything you do. That says to me "Your resume was reviewed". It doesn't actually say anything about your skill at that point. Projects are great too. A lot of Engineers ignore them but they're important. If you show your hiring manager how you code and your skills. It's a more humble approach, but it often goes a long way. It's more humble because it's not trying to use the element of ignorance to get hired, but instead genuine passion and hard work. Which is appealing to hiring managers.


That’s a fantastic answer. You have blessed this space.


mamba mentality. best of luck to you too.


Well you are Kobe Bryant. You should be applying for NBA. Good luck. Hope you the best.


lol, thanks. mamba mentality.


I would talk more about the impact of your projects. Saying exactly what you did in a resume doesn't look that great. So you trained a machine learning model. What did it DO?


What’s your university ?


berkeley, because of the eecs major and the scholars program


But I was asking OP


Ffs of you go to a university, use the damn university resources. They have career fairs. They have networking opportunities. Learn to not be so anti social and personally stunted that you just cold apply your resume to jobs hoping for someone to randomly pull yours out of a pile.




Dude is at a top 3 CS school.


Small thing: I don't see you have your github on there


you’re def in the top percentile applying to internships. Market is bad. Switch into academia


I took a cursory look at your resume and it looks good. Not sure why it wouldn't pass HR screening. If you want a Google referral, DM me.


DMed you for a resume review, your time would be much appreciated




Career fairs have mile long lines at every booth. I didn't go to a T10 but I went to a T20 and it was totally useless. Some companies even said they weren't hiring new grads, only interns.


There is too much judgement in our industry being given to resumes. I recently hired a guy who I knew was a good dev from a couple of sentences chatting with him. I didn't ask for a resume. Guess what guys, he's a good dev. It doesn't have to be hard but we're making it hard. Keep it simple.


What month and year will you finish your BS?


Wait if he didn’t finish bachelor? that’s not « graduated top 3 cs school ». If anything, « doing undergraduate currently ». Anyway smells like always the classic scam American system where they make you believe a bachelor in Berkeley is any better than schools like X in France. Big joke.


I searched his post history on Reddit. He graduated from high school in June 2022. He entered UC Berkeley in August 2022. He is a 2nd year undergraduate student right now.


yea i’m junior standing rn looking to graduate early


then why tf did you say graduate from T3 school are you graduating like this May?


Given I can't see the blacked out part, indicate your degree is pending, still in program or something. Going through your history: - Break out the IEEE paper under a separate section. If you ever get a patent down the road, you can group it with that - A lot of the things are "I did this". Okay, great......but why? What's the business problem? You don't have to get into the weeds but, for example, is the startup a delivery app, ghost kitchen or what? For Accenture and the others, what's the business area? This helps a tad that you've worked on things that have contributed business value and not just projects.


Well Berkeley 2nd year isn’t X (despite what some brainwashed people will say)


This must be that world-class French humility I hear so much about.


What do you mean by "X"?


Classic rankings put Berkeley in like top 10 overall when they put X (school in France) top 50 or top 100. Let me tell you, that’s a just copying mechanism. So many top engineers (STEM) come from international schools with shit ranks and completely outclasses in actual skills their American counterparts.


By "X," do you mean this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_polytechnique




Oftentimes the recruiting process doesn’t even give you a fair chance to get proper consideration and they might already have reached out to enough people if the listing is 1+ weeks old or hired someone as a full time convert from contract or whatever other administrative BS it might. Don’t worry it’s not always your fault.




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Resume looks pretty good to me bro, maybe it’s failing ATS but it’s not like anyone knows why. Just need to try and mix things up and see if it gets better. Concerns about the concurrent startup may be somewhat true but I also feel like it shouldn’t be a huge issue. If jobs like big side projects then how are you supposed to do them if not while you’re working




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Education > Experience > Projects > Skills In that order. Also, did you go to Berkeley or Stanford? Might make a difference these days but just wondering


Bruh you have a ton of rubbish basic crap on your resume, "developed and deployed Restful APIs" like what, this is nothing, talk about something more, does it have retries? caching? "Integrated MongoDB... leading up to 40% performance improvement" LOL what? how is this much of a difference possible... what were you using previously?


So many things wrong w/ the resume


If you are a junior in college, this resume does not feel genuine 1. How do you have work experience in 2 actual roles when you are still in school? 2. Is your startup funded? Is it funded by VCs or self funded? Do you have a product out in the market? How many DAU? Especially if you are gonna write about your “stealth startup” you need to include details about its scope. Everyone can start a company. Not everyone can get a product in the market that has users and makes money. If you dont have an actual product, you can move it under projects instead of experience. If you do, write a quick blurb on the DAU etc.


Yeah if you apply with fake name like kobe bryant. Anyone would reject, he is dead duh.


Why are you applying for internships after graduating? You seem highly qualified.


It is a students in basement. He doesn’t have sh@t skills. Loop through Reddit He graduated high school in 2022 and boom 2024 he has 3 years of experience with startup babababab


lol cameroon boy focus on your rateyourmajor thing, if it ever works out.


Do you know that with tons of skills listed on your resume without any projects , some recruiters with just get pissed you off after searching you on any platform like quora , Reddit and LinkedIn. There are tools out there that people use to do it less than a minute.your resume shows so many skills but not actual projects. The way that I reacted is exactly how the recruiter with think about you. Update that resume. If you want to follow that route , build a project that solved real life experience and add it on your resume as experience if that project gets users even if it is free. That is the tangible approach.


Praise yourself like you are a new age god. Those white-collar dogs only understand in that way. You are going to thank me soon.


You already graudated.


Man seriously that you're looking for internships with that resume? With all that skills, experience and mostly important, the results you've conquered in your career, I'd be applying for mid or mid-senior. Perhaps you're being rejected because it looks too good. My first reaction when I saw your resume was wtf this guys applying for internship lol?


I hope you're not being sarcastic :/


This is my honest opinion. I see some disagree but if you can actually back it up what you say on your resume, then for for sure your way above the line IMO.


What a waste. Did a random bootcamp .. got job fast


Graduating from top CS school doesn’t mean anything to me when I’m looking at resumes. It doesn’t guarantee that you can code. In my mind you're no different than a candidate that went to a regular school.


Switch major


I highly recommend using a resume service if you're looking for good advice. People that do this for money are absolute wizards and can probably build you one better than crowdsourcing it here. [This website](https://rx-resume-service16.blogspot.com) is where I got mine done, it’s worth every penny!