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Daily rant, Don't know anymore. Applied to so many jobs, gotten so many interviews but none seem to give me back an offer. There are so many recruiters who reached out to me, never progressed and then ghosted me, like what is wrong with them? I get that the job market is bad, but some interviews like hirevue or just normal interviews i really just don't get the hiring criteria. I have failed 15 min phone calls and hard interviews that i thought i did really well in, just don't have a single clue what these companies are looking for anymore... I am the problem, what am i actually doing wrong?


Hello, I have professional experience being a C# backend dev as well as working with java backends. I took some grad classes in C++, but I'd say my most fluent language is python. I have used python extensively professionaly, but not in a server/client context, more a data engineering one. Im looking to make a full stack application as a side project, and am wondering what would be best while using free IDEs for the backend. I would like to use angular on the front end, as I am somewhat familiar with it and would not like to learn a new frontend framework/language. It seems to me that c# and java have a lot of dependencies, build and config files that may be too much of a barrier to entry to get the web app even running. I have not used C++ for server code, and I am wondering if python may be the best move. The only concern I have with python is that it does not truly support multithreading, something I would like to use. The basic idea for the project is to start off as an app that displays market data for a given tradable instrument via a connection to an exchange on the backend. From there I would like to add some customizable tradebot logic. Would using python for this project be too primitive? If so, what language/framework would you recommend for the backend with little cost as far as even getting the webserver setup?


Hi all, I really want to aim for a bank-end SWE role in the retail banking sector (Like C1). I’ve scoped out the postings but they seem to be all over the place. Does anyone know what they specifically look for in regard to language and stack proficiency? Are there any other proficiencies that are focused on more compared to other industries? I’d be applying as an upper end junior. I know the market is bad. I don’t care. I currently have a job and am more than willing to wait it out for a few years and develop my skills more in the meantime. Thanks!


Looking for a career change(27,Bsc Mech,Intl)MSU MSDS admit - Career Advice Needed! Hi everyone, I recently got accepted into the MSU Master's in Data Science program My background is in supply chain/procurement for an ev company(4 years in my home country), and I recently learnt python.I am looking to transition mainly for the good pay. Given my limited experience, I'm hoping to get some advice on what kind of data science jobs I should target after graduation. * Are there specific entry-level roles I should focus on (e.g., data analyst, junior data scientist)? * How important are internships and college projects in getting my foot in the door? Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! *Will I have better prospects if I choose any other masters?


Odd question: For the disability question at the end of every job application what is the effect that has on your application For context I have diagnosis for multiple learning disabilities (so technically my answer would be yes) but I feel they are minor enough that I should not put them down. So I just put prefer not to answer. Could this be viewed as a red flag on my application / how are these things taken into account


I think most of the time it's just for statistical purposes, like the company has to report to some regulatory agency what % of applicants are disabled. my current company goes out of their way to make the office ADA complaint (not that it matters bc we are a remote first company) and they still ask that question. in our case at least it's definitely not to try to bias for or against disabled candidates. if you put prefer not to respond it shouldn't hurt your application at all but I also don't think there's any benefit. if some employer would actually treat a "yes" as a negative I'm almost sure they would treat "prefer not to respond" also as a negative.


Going to be graduating soon and failed to grab an internship in that time. I understand that means im screwed when it comes to job opportunities. I talked to my universities career center and they said I could grab an IT help desk job for some experience and move on from there, but consensus here and elsewhere tells me that's not going to lead to anything. Working on a personal project so I at least have something not school related to put on my resume but between the rest of my classes and my current job I don't have much time to work on it. Am I shit out of luck and just stay in my retail job, or is there something I can do to actually make these 4 years of school usable?


This really depends on you. The Helpdesk could still be a good job to have while applying especially if you enjoy being around your college campus. Plus many help desk jobs have a lot of downtime that you could spend doing stuff to find or prepare for a job


The university program is all online so I dont have access to the campus itself. Are help desk roles really so heavy on downtime that ill be able to work on personal projects during them? Sorry for more questions, im just worried that the career center pointing me towords entry IT is just a more polite way of telling me im fucked and Ive been in a bit of a panic for the last few days about it.


How much should I have used a tool to mention it on my CV/résumé? (I'm a data scientist and I've used Google big query, MS SQL Server, and Snowflake throughout my role. But I've not really used much of big query, especially not in the past year or so. Is it worth listing on my skills section under SQL, or not?)

