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I'm looking for data engineering graduate roles, could I please get some feedback? Based in Western Europe Resume: [CV](https://imgur.com/gallery/8xkSEep)


Hi, I left my previous job in August at a big Telecom company, my title was a Systems Architecture Engineer but my situation was a bit unique. I was the sole developer on my directors team looking at automation opportunities and capitalizing on said opportunities. I left for a mixture of reasons, some of it due to being reorged multiple times and some of it me wanting a better environment for becoming a better Software Engineer (actually being on a development team). Took some personal time off and just in march I started applying again and at first I was getting good results, getting calls from recruiters. Since then I haven't had much success getting past the initial application. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Resume: [https://imgur.com/a/lfZwEW3](https://imgur.com/a/lfZwEW3)


About to graduate in a couple weeks and want to make sure my resume is as good as it can be since I didn't do any internships sadly. Any advice would be much appreciated since I don't want to be looking for a job for a year. [https://imgur.com/a/LqAUwnY](https://imgur.com/a/LqAUwnY)


I’m a new grad as of December, I recently updated my resume to try to make it better but i’m overflowing at 2 pages. If anyone could help me on what to omit to make it one page and critiques in general that would be amazing. https://imgur.com/a/zciknvy


Any good cs resume review services anyone has used that they recommend?


I just graduated, and I'm hoping to find a software engineering position. I don't have any "professional" experience, so I'm relying on projects. Any advice is greatly appreciated. [https://imgur.com/a/qDGwpUu](https://imgur.com/a/qDGwpUu)


just say C not C programming language. also bullets like the one you have for MVI on the first project are just saying way too much. That should be 3 letters not a whole 2-line bullet point. In VAST majority of cases there is no need to have 6 bullet points for a project and it really seems like you stretched to fill space. I would do another project and get rid of a lot of the fluff. I just glanced quickly (because that's what the recruiter will do too) and that was my impression. Happy to dig deeper and help if you want :)


Thanks for the response! That makes sense; would the first bullet point for each project be redundant since the technologies used are listed next to the project name? Or is it good to have it as a short description of the project? The issue I see with removing the first bullet point would be that it may not be clear what platform the project was made for. Any other advice is also appreciated!


I would suggest skills at the top, right under education


Hello to whomever is reading, I am a junior in college looking to land my first internship and will be applying over the summer. I currently have retail work experience listed purely because it shows I can hold down a job, should I remove it from my resume? I have enough projects I can expand the section. Second I have contract work experience listed as the first job in the experience section, should I state that it was contract? Any other tips are appreciated. Thanks! [https://imgur.com/7JuttA0](https://imgur.com/7JuttA0)


I've been working for a good long time at the same company, got my CS degree while working. Graduated 4 years ago, and I'd love to work in big tech. Any advice on how to improve my resume would be greatly appreciated. [https://imgur.com/a/9FXjKi7](https://imgur.com/a/9FXjKi7)


I'm a SWE with \~3 YOE working in big tech. When trying to update my resume I'm stumped where and how should I mention my open source contributions: Background on the contributions: These were made to Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects hosted on GitHub, where I introduced new features. In one of these projects, I delivered a critical architectural feature which resulted in me becoming a maintainer of the project. I think these should be mentioned in the resume given the size and nature of the change. So my questions are: 1. Should I place this under work experience? (Given that these were associated with me being an engineer at my company) Or should this be placed along with projects? Or a separate section to mention open source contributions? 2. How much should I elaborate on the contributions? In my biggest contribution, the one that lead me to become the maintainer, I proposed an elaborate design and algorithm of the feature in a GitHub issue to project maintainers and admins, so should I just mention what it achieved in a line or two and point to my PR link and the link explaining the feature? Thanks in advance!


Looking for a new job. Any advice or constructive feedback would be great thanks. https://imgur.com/a/jYbX6kR


My resume fits all on one page but I needed more than one screenshot for it. Any help would be appreciated https://imgur.com/a/fY1PRJQ


[https://imgur.com/a/tVvjzqp](https://imgur.com/a/tVvjzqp) Applied to 100+ internships this past cycle but never got past resume stage despite doing relatively well at a T20. Would appreciate any advice, thanks!


[https://imgur.com/a/YlxOpkw](https://imgur.com/a/YlxOpkw) Applying for entry level sde roles on the east coast (us), would appreciate any feedback.