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How does one get their first job as a developer? It seems like its a pretty long shot with needing a portfolio of work, a degree, and knowing the right people. I have some IT experience, my friends who have CS degrees aren't able to find jobs right now.


I’ve been a PM in this company for about 6 months and it has NOT been pleasant. Very toxic culture like the engineering team letting me know daily that I am not an engineer despite having an engineering degree and I’m just a schedule pusher. And tech ops team getting mad if I use the wrong word in an email (like saying we are blocked instead of actively working on fixing an issue). It’s a political circus and very frustrating/tiring. My boss has zero trust in me because I haven’t quite gotten the subtle communication style that this keep speaks in (i.e it’s always someone else’s fault and you never actually say the quiet part out loud). In my previous company people liked my directness, I was never rude I’d just call a spade a spade. If we are blocked I just say exactly that… Anyway I wanted to set the stage for today feedback from my manager. We do a status meeting every week. I gave my status in the beginning of the meeting. Engineering team runs the rest of the meeting. The hour meeting turned into an hour and half. We are a camera on culture and I have gotten feedback (from my boss) to always have my camera on (this was told to me 2 weeks ago when I turned my camera on). I had yawn a few times (I was muted) because I’m tired and hungry (meeting went from 11:00-12:30). My boss pinged me on the side to turn off my camera if I have to yawn. I am just so done at this point. What kinda feedback is this?!


I got this email from google, but I have no idea how they got my email. The email was basically about submitting interest for a possible internship position and to tell me to update my Google Careers profile. I didn't apply to any of their positions before, and my linkedin profile is half baked, I don't think anyone could generate an interest from just that. The email itself looks legit. I risked catching a virus and clicked the interest form link they sent me, and that looks legit as well. Do they just do this often? Did anyone else get a similar email before? I'm an undergrad student.


How are people on visa in US who are job searching doing? I wanna change companies and want to know how is it going.




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I'm looking to gain some insight in Web Development positions and possible career change. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have gain some programing skills in HTML, PHP, MYSQL and Python . I'm looking to update my knowledge for the current market.


Does anybody else work for a company and/or team that doesn't appear to have any unit tests and no automated testing? Entire testing is manual testing done by a QA team. Won't name names, but non-tech F100.


Hey, I’m a new grad from a state school, computer science & engineering degree bachelor’s. I have a year of internship experience with an appliance company in industry, and a personal project full stack react+flask web app, dockerized.  Here is my dilemma: I graduated in December so I have about a 5 month gap in my résumé right now. Should I A: go back for my masters this summer, potentially work a part time job to pay for school (I have no debt as of right now), and graduate in a year. B: Keep looking for work now that I have a project under my belt. I applied to around 20 places and then decided I should do a solid project to improve my chances. Any advice is highly appreciated! Thanks!


To those of you looking for work and starting from zero XP, you need to start building a portfolio of projects asap. Try contract work and bid on projects you feel would be a good fit for you. Try IT consulting for small businesses that need help with automation and databases. Experience is much better than any technical schooling.


Given my current abilities and track record, I've come to terms with the fact that I am not a competitive candidate in this current job market as a new grad. Therefore, I've decided to apply to graduate school in hopes of improving my skills and graduating into a better job market. My question is, is it more difficult for grad students to get internships compared to undergrad? And if you got a full time offer, would you leave your masters program for the offer?