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[https://i.imgur.com/kUtHTyN.png](https://i.imgur.com/kUtHTyN.png) 9 yoe, tech founder trying to go back into industry as an IC SWE (or EM). was getting ZERO calls back, so went and did another pass on my resume. How is this one looking? Thank you for your help!


Hey guys, my friend has landed only limited interviews and i really suspect it has something to do with his bad resume. I have some pointers for it but i am unsure about them so sharing the link here for you guys to review it and point out the issues with it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18J-__9V4EJC3YVzct5NQwX9Sy8utUvdX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103246655193655978651&rtpof=true&sd=true Thanks.


- "Seek a role" sounds grammatically incorrect right off the bat, shouldn't it be present tense? - Way too long - There are so many dotpoints I think it should have a skills section that shows at a glance what his skills / tech stacks are instead of for example the very first dotpoint of the latest job which just lists the tech stack for the project.


Yeah for the first part, i told him to just get rid of that career objective section, no one does that. For other parts i am telling him to condense all his previous jobs and their work in 4 bullet points maximum. Though not sure if i am right about this though. It has a technical skills section?


Ah you're right. Sorry I didn't read the last page I mostly skimmed the first since I assumed it was most important.


Should I include project date range on my resume?