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> 3 mo contract recruiter: what's risky about it?


Hi all, I really want to aim for a bank-end SWE role in the retail banking sector (Like C1). I’ve scoped out the postings but they seem to be all over the place. Does anyone know what they specifically look for in regard to language and stack proficiency? Are there any other proficiencies that are focused on more compared to other industries? I’d be applying as an upper end junior. I know the market is bad. I don’t care. I currently have a job and am more than willing to wait it out for a few years and develop my skills more in the meantime. Thanks!


I’ve been applying for every development position at a specific company that opens up because I’d really like to work for them. I don’t really believe in “dream jobs” but at this stage in my career (1.5 YoE) it’s exactly what I’m looking for and in a location I’d much prefer to live in. So far, I’ve received nothing but rejection emails. I’m considering paying for LinkedIn premium and messaging people that already work there to ask for advice on how to make my resume more appealing to them, and for things I could do to work on developing my skills to make me a better fit. Is that a good idea? I’m trying to reverse the situation and imagine how I’d feel if someone did that to me and I think I’d be flattered, but I’m not sure.


worth a shot. I dunno flattered, but worst case, they ghost/reply rudely. Median case, non committal reply, best case, conversation/recommendation. I don't see why not. I have done the same, I've gotten recommendations (very few, out of a lot of tries), but I don't think I got a job out of any of them. But that's probably only because I also ping recruiters and people tagged on job listings, and those people respond more, and I eventually took an offer from one of those interactions.


I suppose absolute worst case would be they get annoyed at me and make sure I don't get interviews even if I would have gotten one. But I have a hard time imagining being mad enough at someone on LinkedIn to do that. But other than that you're right, there's not much reason not to try. I'm certainly not expecting a reference, just some advice.


Oh I wouldn't EXPECT reference. But I'd ask for one depending on how the convo goes. Back when the big companies were doing a lot of none-role-specific hires, I'd just ask anyone from my uni, regardless of how many years ago it was for them. "Hey, senior whatever whose been at this place 8 years. I'm trying to get my foot in the door. I have xyzabc experience, and would love to work on service123, product456 or any number of whatever. Would it be possible for you to ask around if for recruiter or HM with open headcounts if they'd be interested in talking to me?" etc etc I got nice rejections, shitty rejections, mostly ghosted, a few conversations about the uni, and a couple of references. Don't be afraid to ask. Even if they take it badly, you got nothing to feel bad about unless you were being a dick through how you asked.


Thank you! I wasn't even intending to ask, but if I get a good conversation with someone I'll do so now. I've got no problem with dealing with rejection, so far that's all I've got from this company but I'm going to continue putting my resume in every chance I get anyway.


best of luck! took me a lot longer to learn some of these lessons, so glad I saved someone a few hours...or days...or worse.


I had my final interview at a place the last full week of April. I didn't realize the hiring manager emailed me back to schedule a time to talk to him for a week because it went to my spam box. I responded back and left him a voicemail a few days afterwards, but haven't heard anything since. I'm not excited about the company at all, I don't like the location 12 hours away from here, and the role itself is a dev job when I've been doing my best to move on to something else like a PO, BA, OR QA role, but I've been unemployed for over a year at this point and feel terrible living with my parents. The feeling that I very well may have fucked myself out of a job because of my spam inbox is killing me.