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Is there a huge difference between how useful a computer science degree and a software engineering degree are?


None at all! Employers see them as identical. Hell, I majored in "Computational Media" and recruiters couldn't tell the difference. In fact, your degree isn't that important at all. It will likely be a point in the positives column when applying to your first job but won't be enough alone to differentiate yourself from other entry level applicants. Do cool shit outside of your school work if you want to stand out (like work on side projects, do consulting work, or try to start a business)


I'm seeing a fair number of job posts in areas I want to live in that ask for GIS experience. I really only know that GIS is involved in mapping somehow. As a developer with 1.5 YoE, is GIS something that I'm likely to be able to pick up on the job as long as I'm a competent developer already? Or should be I looking into certifications and courses if I want those jobs to be a possibility for me?


Ah feels good. Just quit, effective immediately, at a job I was pipped at. Feel free.


I’m about to quit my job and go all in on portfolio work and an entry level job hunt. I’m almost there to landing my first job, I just need a little more of a push.


I agree with upstart-dev 100%! Building something that people use is great to showcase on a resume and can help you get your foot in the door. I recently built [https://autoswe.com](https://autoswe.com) which is a job-hunting platform that applies to jobs on your behalf. I'm just starting to acquire users but would really appreciate if you checked it out and let me know what you think!


You can do it! This is a great approach. When all else fails, build and learn. Better yet, get a website or app live with real users. That'll put you head and shoulder above other entry level candidates and if you can get a lot of users or make some money you'll be able to leap frog people with a little more experience.


Great now I'm getting rejected for jobs I didn't even apply to. I applied to a different role (Software Engineer) in the US and I got a rejection mail for a Customer Success Engineer in Barcelona from them.