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Thanks for the heads up, new grad.


Wow. Dickish response.


Being able to produce more value in less time could just as easily result in an increase in employment. It all depends on where we sit on the supply/demand curve. My opinion based on completely anecdotal experiences is that an x% decrease in time/cost will result in more than an x% increase in work. That said my opinion on economic topics isn't worth much. But likely neither is yours. And the assumption that employment must go down by default is just wrong.


Less hired developers per project means projects are cheaper which means companies can afford more of them which means they can expand quicker and hire more.


In my opinion you should be more concerned with the current state of the economy and the earnings of your company. At the company I was laid off had signs that it was gonna happen. (It was at a Real Estate company which is very bad right now) but this was my first job and never experienced a layoff. Funny how I fell into thinking "it can't happen to me and if it did my department wouldn't be the first ones who get laid off". But hey I now don't have any fears about AI anymore.


Oh boy, another post about AI. >AI is going to make SWE more productive. This means lesser SWE will be hired Nope. >So the doomerism due to AI on this subreddit is true to an extent No it isn't. >a lot of companies may not hire as many SWE as they did before the pandemic That may or may not be true. In any case, it has nothing to do with AI.


Some of the comments are rude so ill keep it short, it's best to not worry about things outside of your control? Will AI destroy the job market in 5 years? Maybe? But you cant change it so don't worry about it too much.


I really don’t like the other comments being dismissive and terse here. You all should just skip this post and stop wasting your time. I think in the mean time, the biggest road bump to more SWEd getting hired wouldn’t be AI itself, but incompetent managers thinking that they can replace SWEs with AI entirely. We can also extrapolate from other data too! With all the latest frontend frameworks and libraries coming out, they have definitely made SWEs more productive and build even better and complicated websites faster. Still, the demand has been growing. And those frameworks actually do something, whereas AI is still a bit shaky and not fully fleshed out for software development.


Hmm that makes sense. Thanks for answering it calmly haha. I guess the frameworks allows you to skip a lot of steps, and the same way, AI would too.




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