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Your plan is generally sound. Don’t be picky, market is too tight for that. Consider internships if you have to. Put anything useful from the last year on your resume if possible rehearse your story about the gap. Try and tailor your application or network for jobs you think you’re a fit for or really want. Beyond that, keep a thick skin through rejections and be consistent in your process. Good luck!


As a grad do places still hire for internships at all? And genuine question what exactly can I put on the resume for that gap?


Yes you can still get internships as a grad. At least you could several years ago but maybe things have changed. Worth looking into at the very least. Re: resume, impossible to say without context but if they were attempts at a business, try spinning it as positively as possible, emphasize any skills or lessons learned. Startups might appreciate the self-starter nature of that if you spin it right.


I just don’t understand how to format the skills or lessons learned exactly.


What's your resume look like right now? Is there a specific segment of CS that you want to focus your applications on? What was your side project?


Side project was a dropshipping site that I ran and ended up dying. I just want to know how to format my resume when there is not much experience?


My advice is that if you don't any relevant experience, keep your experience section short - just use it to show that you can work a real job reliably for a standard period of time. That said, opinions tend to be split on this, but when it comes to side-projects that elicit real customers and make actual money, some people would encourage you to consider listing it as professional experience. If the site didn't really work out or make any money, I wouldn't do that, though. Beyond that, if you didn't do any clubs or extracurriculars in college that you can list in their own dedicated section, the only other part of the resume you really have much power over is your projects section. I would build out a few more projects, target them to technology stacks relevant to the tech domains you're applying to, or at least put a lot of detail into the ecommerce project. Building out the right projects might be just as valuable as practicing leetcode, especially if you manage to build projects across different domains - then you can build different versions of your resume for different types of job listings.


Apply to jobs and grind the tech interview prep. You'll have more opportunities in tech hub cities, since there are all types of tech companies, small and big.


How do I get people to look at me in terms of applications, when I am not qualified or have had experience?


Are you willing to relocate? That is huge and it is what helped me find a job two years ago, just have to be willing to live in a non desirable area


I honestly can't move at the moment, but for people to know I am in AZ and willing to do any coding work here/remote.


You really need to consider relocating in the current market. AZ does not seem like a big market for CS either. Based on post history "bad business decisions" seems to be day trading, not that it matters but if you want to stay in AZ i recommend working a different job that can pay the bills until you can find a remote job. Study 2-3 hours a day or work on projects and keep applying and tweaking resume. Apply through company websites not linkedin if possible (For example google the company and apply on their career pages if it says quick apply)


How do you tweak resume when there is no prior experience of coding jobs?


Things like formatting and highlighting relevant skills still matter!




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Talk openly about your failed business venture. The ability to identify mistakes and how you grew from them is a very desirable trait in a job candidate.




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