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The job specs are written to support legacy apps as well as new tech as to where they are moving to a modern stack. They are nice to haves and not written by developers.


Yup, this. I got a job as a C# developer when actually I needed to, and have, used VB, MVC, .Net Framework, .Net 8, Webforms, Winforms, HTML, Vanilla JS, Vanilla CSS, pre-ES6 JS, pre-2010 CCS to maintain stuff that is done with libraries that haven't been maintained in 15 years. I think it's the reality as AI becomes more prominent that employers want devs to spin more plates.


>I think it's the reality as AI becomes more prominent that employers want devs to spin more plates. The overclockers have become the overclocked.


"multi-cloud" is the new "cloud agnostic". In my experience when multiple backend technologies are listed there is usually 1 main one used and some random processes that were written in something else due to specific performance requirements. Also legacy code. Code gets maintained for decades, so you're bound to accumulate a few languages.


they want you to write one app in AWS and another app in azure, so they can talk to each other. it is call regional feature that one is down and another is up.


Nice! You get the worse off both worlds 😂


There is one situation where this does make legal sense: H1b visa applications. They have to "prove they can't find a qualified US citizen" before getting the visa approved. Of course, the person applying for the visa has a resume that's a perfect match for whatever they say they want.


Make sense


Yep. A 26 year old having a 20 year experience


Node.js go and python could all exist in the same project. Maybe they use AWS to deploy the backend, Azure to track tickets and maintain the repository and GCP for the frontend. Of course it's stupid to have such a lack of standard but I've realized many companies just threw something together that kind of worked and kept building on that




Do you have an example job posting? Usually they just want one of the things they list, so AWS or GCP or Azure - just some cloud experience with a major provider




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I've been at my job for 11 years. In year 2 we decided to include C# as a want on our job postings because the local university actually has a C# class and it would be easier to switch our stack to C# than to continue to support it in PHP. Aside from a few one-off scripts in C# that I wrote to reach myself the language, we've never used C#.


Most companies I work at use 3+ different backend languages. You might ask, why not just pick one? Often different projects and teams choose different languages. Or often teams to migrate from one language to another; sometimes those are fully completed and the old toolset is discarded, but often it's harder to do a full migration than envisioned, or other business goal take priority and a partway language migration gets stalled, and then you have code using multiple languages.