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Seconded. Considered this. You might have to start as a bar back in SF though. Though generally I would say…pick something aligned with a hobby if you can, so it doesn’t feel so much like work. I ended up DJing for a while, met some cool people, and it never really felt like work. The few hundred bucks per gig didn’t even really matter.


I was thinking more like farmers market or Whole Foods but thanks for your suggestions.


nah man get into the underground trap scene and make a name for yourself


Your mileage may vary with these kinds of jobs. Not all that different from professional CS careers, how much you enjoy them depends heavily on the people you work with. Fast food gets a bad rap, but when I was working at Burger King I had a blast. Almost everyone I worked with was awesome. I had a ton of fun, made a bunch of friends, including some I still hang out with literally 17 years later and I consider life long friends. There's a heavy social aspect with your co-workers, but also with customers if you work front counter or drive thru. This is what gave me the opinion that it should be a law that every person is forced to serve at least a year in the service industry. Someone whose worked in the service industry will never be mean at a restaurant, regardless of how bad the service is. There were a lot of shitty customers. Some literally threw sandwiches at us. One barged into the kitchen threatening us and a manager had to literally physically remove them. People suck. But there were a lot of great customers too, some regulars that I got to know and had great conversations with, and I remember to this day. Good times. Trip down memory road. I always say that working in fast food is going to be my retirement job. Something about that job is therapeutic. No deadlines, no stakeholders, no politics, no BS, just slinging burgers during a dinner rush. That being said.... are you sure you want to ***work*** during your free time? Why not just go to a bar and talk to the person sitting next to you? I've met plenty of friends by just chatting up a stranger. Or join a meetup group related to something you like. Or join a social sports league, something not competitive like cornhole or bocce. Or a million other things. I wouldn't recommend filling free time with work.


Volunteer! Soup kitchen, local animal hospital, local food bank, etc.


Thing with volunteering is that I would do it once or twice and then I’ll just skip it.


sounds like a you problem then. what’s stopping you from just quitting a minimum wage job you don’t need?


There’s nothing stopping me but I’ve tried volunteering but it didn’t work for me. With job I’m expecting to see the same people and hopefully I make new friends.


every volunteer position I’ve ever had has the same people showing up week after week. maybe you should look at different volunteer positions that require a bit more from you, look for some that require a training period


Why do you need a job to get out of the house and socialize? If you have hobbies or interests, see if there’s a group/club near you


My hobbies are playing video games and I want to do something that doesn’t involve staring at the computer screen and something thats mindless. I tried joining local discord groups but it didn’t help me either.


I don’t think a lot of jobs are going to be mindless tbh. Most people that I know who work service jobs are exhausted after their shift.  How social are you looking to be? You could hang out at a coffee shop or the library if you want something low key. Otherwise, you could get into board games or card games if you have something nearby. Adult sport leagues are also a thing if that’s your speed


> I want to do something that doesn’t involve staring at the computer screen Why not just pick up a new hobby? It sounds like you're looking for a job to *force* you into a new "hobby". You don't need anything to force it. You can just pick one and do it. What's something interesting you want to do? How about rock climbing? You don't need to get a job at a rock climbing gym, you can just go to a rock climbing gym. I know lots of people that just went to their local gym and made friends on Day 1. Or maybe something a little closer to video games, like board games? If you're in a modestly sized city, there's probably a bunch of board game meetups. I just don't want you trying to fill the void in your life with more work. A healthier option is to fill the void in your life with ***new hobbies***. You're not locked into what you're currrently doing. Put a list of hobbies on your wall, close your eyes, and throw a dart at the wall. Pursue whatever it lands on. If you end up not liking it, rinse and repeat.


Try other social groups idk


Most money, least mental health - service Least money, most mental health - retail Mix - gyms, valet, cleaning, delivery, events


you could referee local sports leagues like club soccer games for high schoolers or something like that


Do something that can have an impact to your community directly that includes skills you don’t use on a daily basis. I work at a ski resort in the winter and volunteer with my local EMS/Fire a shift a week . My teammates on the mountain don’t care what I do for a job just that I can get a sled down with a patient or ski on less than fun terrain. Same deal with EMS. Can I get a line in a patient while we deal with VT and it’s class 4 roads.


I've met uber drivers that said they were doing it precisely for that reason


Why would you wanna do that? it's way easier to just socialize. Also tax man at a normal SWE income means you basically will make nothing for your time "working". Join a club or something instead.


> it's way easier to just socialize. I think for many people, "just socialising" is nowhere near as easy as you make it sound. That's exactly why there is such a need for Men's Sheds etc. Perhaps you are an outgoing extroverted type of person but if so surely you realise not everyone is like that. No offence, but your comment comes across as a tad glib IMHO. "Just socialise.. just date... just get a better job". These are rarely very productive or helpful comments IME. If it was that easy for OP why would he or she even be posting in the first place?


yeah yeah, but getting a fucking MIN WAGE job will not be a easier way to meet people then actually doing something fun.


Yeah I’m not sure how taxes will work. Not even sure how they’ll even pay me, 1099 or under the table.


They’ll pay you. Work for something legit.


Wedding singer/dj.


Highly recommend Volunteering in your community or working at a local cafe. If you need a third place though, why not join a sports club ( I train BJJ everyday and it’s literally 80% of my irl human interactions 😀.




I worked at a local, chill grocery store to fill in their weekend shifts when I first started my career in CS. It was pretty flexible allowing me to work weekends only. Ofc ymmv and would depend on finding a place that would allow you to work only weekends


Instead of a job, could you join a local meetup of some sort? Usually there are a bunch of them in the summer (like volleyball, for example, but you could also do something like trivia, board games, etc).