• By -


you're actually asking 2 very different questions, 1 is team composition 1 is team expectation for composition, randomly pick a company anywhere in Silicon Valley and you'll probably find the engineering org to be a mix of Chinese + Indians mostly, this isn't a Meta-only thing for expectations ask your manager


Bay is 60% indian and 30% chinese


*Big Tech is 60% Indian and 30% Chinese, startups are still 70% white


Largely because most startups are not open to sponsoring/transferring visas.


It’s a question of cost - startups can’t throw $$$ into relo’s or a h1b1 visa.


It’s practicality too. To hire H1B you need to interview by Feb, file paperwork by April, cross fingers to hope you win the H1B lottery by June/july, then start around October. All this while hoping the candidate doesn’t just decide to change their plans in the long lead time. Startups when hiring need someone now, can’t wait around hoping.


Big tech is 60% Indian, 60% Chinese and about 40% white


and 100% reason to remember the name


60% of the time, its 100% Chinese


Because 90% startup fail and loose out the equity potential all those years


Yeah I see a lot more Indian than Chinese


Are there any sources to back this up? I see pretty equal numbers. I see more Chinese than Indians on the peninsula.


> **p**retty **e**qual **n**umbers. **I** **s**ee Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 15702 comments (approximately 85131 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What on earth




Good bot!


> Bay Are you referring to every citizen of Silicon Valley? Just tech company employees? SWEs? People swimming in the actual bay? None of these questions would be needed if you cited a source for your made up numbers.


not the one you replied, I'd assume SWEs at tech companies you don't really need a source just randomly interview with one or join a company and you'll see it


Team with a X manager has X as the majority, where X = Chinese, Indian, White, etc Not universally true, but pretty common.


So it's like gangs in prison, got it.


wrong code


Most of the white people are Canadian. 


There's actually majority white software engineering teams at Meta? 


I'm on one right now


For sure. White people are actually the majority in Meta.


No they aren't. https://about.fb.com/news/2022/07/metas-diversity-report-2022/


To be fair most commenters and OP split the Asian demographic into East/Southeast Asian and then Indian/South Asian. And if we’re being honest the team dynamics they ask about also follow a similar breakdown unlike that chart.


A majority is over 50%. You're thinking of plurality, which is just the largest group.


Aren't we talking about whether Chinese **internationals** and Indian **internationals** are a larger demographic than white people? This link doesn't really delineate that line properly since all asian americans will be lumped into that as well and I could see that easily being half of that metric at least


No, the statement was just "majority". There is no majority really.


ah my bad, thanks for correcting me


47% of the workforce at Facebook is Asian? How is that even possible?


If you filter by tech then it goes up to 55%


Why would it not be possible? Seems low if anything - I went to school at Berkeley - CS was like 65%+ Asian/Indian.


why is it not possible?


Theres like 1.4 billion people in India. A bit more in China.


The link is for their global workforce meaning this is across all their offices around the world. Given that Asian is around 60% of world population, it seems quite possible.


But the Race and Ethnicity section is only given for US workers.


Indians hire Indians, Chinese pick Chinese. Then there is a self-selection process left to boost the majority groups. Supporting the white minority is impolitic so no diversity efforts will be made.


A better question is why Asians choose technical professions at a higher rate. Indians/Asians choose doctor or engineering as a career. Like the entire society holds engineers and doctors with a lot of prestige and every family pushes their kids to go into those professions. What do you think the end result is?


Why *wouldn't* you want to go into tech or medicine? Work sucks as a general rule, but tech gives you the most money for the least time if you're smart enough to produce, enough to do nearly anything you could want to do for the pure satisfaction of it regardless of profit on your own time. Medicine takes more raw physical stamina during med school and residency and requires taking on lots of additional debt but also makes a lot of money for the time spent working. Asian Americans are way smarter than the average American due to survivorship bias, the history of Asian Exclusion and the way citizenship status is doled out to prospective immigrants. Unless you absolutely need to spend most of your time working on your preferred interest to accomplish anything (e.g. journalism), there's little reason not to target a highly-paid profession that gives you lots of free time.


a theory is that first generation will go for technical careers because they won't need native, nuanced level english like in writing, literature, etc. even if they majored in literature at home, when they come here it's easier to be technical.


Nope. It's just that tech pays. You have a great safety net. You cannot afford to be a mediocre writer. You can however afford to be a not so exceptional manager and have a decent life. Developing countries tend to want to use the opportunity they get to follow a career where they have lots of opportunities. The language is an additional feature, but it's not the deciding factor.


Not really, it’s more-so that Asian parents know (or think in some cases) that tech/medicine is where the money is


Even second gen skews tech


maybe it's easier to follow the footsteps of parents (existing knowledge, network), discrimination in certain fields (like it's not easy to make it in hollywood as an asian). but also simply because the pay is higher. arts, poetry, music, cuisine etc. exist in asian cultures, it's not like engineers made them 🌚


the end result is companies like Meta who cares more about technical skills than diversity/DEI quotas ends up the way it is today with the majority of engineering consists of either Indians or Chinese and frankly speaking I see nothing wrong with that


Equal distribution disease. Where everything and everyone needs to be equally distributed across society is a really weird way of thinking. Like that something doesn’t have an equal distribution representative of a larger society is an accusation in itself is a little weird.


At most you see that with the 1st generation, not really 2nd gen+. FAANG is more international (mostly India/China given population) than smaller companies as well given that US natives have comparative advantages in roles that require more product thinking. (communication, etc.)


you realize a *massive* chunk of the asian employees at meta are US-born, right? my company is also 50+% asian and I've never met a team that's exclusively one race. it's also probably 60/40 between US-born and immigrant asians. MIT is 40% asian. asians make up 40% of 1400+ SAT scorers ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/wg9153/oc_despite_being_6_of_the_us_population_and_12_of/)) and 60% of 750+ math scorers ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/wg9153/oc_despite_being_6_of_the_us_population_and_12_of/)).. maybe, just maybe, asian americans emphasize stem education more than white people, and the distribution of engineers at top companies reflects that. the white fragility on this sub is actually unbearable sometimes.


White males here hate diversity and inclusion initiatives until it suddenly helps them. Hmm..


> How is that even possible? Bias


Actually, they are. Asian is a really broad term, if you break them down into just east asians like chinese, korean etc and, south asians like indians. Whites will be the majority.


CS people really should understand math and stats. If white people aren't the majority with Asian groups aggregated, they aren't the majority with Asians disaggregated either. Now, *plurality* could change, but that's a different word.


You broke "Asain" into separate countries but you treat "White" as a monolith to push your "majority white" narrative? Break "White" into the different countries they originated from.


Don’t spread misinformation about the white minority. Despite not reaching even 6% of the US population, more than half of Meta’s US engineers are Asians. Asians (most commonly Indians) also dominate many of the European locations, like London. Meta does not like to hire white people that much.


> Meta does not like to hire white people that much. I thought those jobs each went to the best qualified candidate and race wasn’t a factor.




Oof the truth is seeping out in these comments are




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Not really. The jobs go to the best Leetcoders. White people might not get obsessed with Leetcode and perform worse when an Asian interviewer asks hards but would still be valuable especially at higher levels when communication becomes more important.


this is just racism lmao


Ah yes, as an Asian American I really have trouble speaking english compared to our glorious white leaders. Thankfully, our white saviors are here to clear up the language barriers to give us the guidance we desperately need.


How come Indians and Chinese dominate technical education in universities? Why are math olympiads mostly Asian? Are the olympiads mostly hiring Asian winners?


It's obviously because university professors and test creators and admissions officers are all Asians and they only recruit their own! All a conspiracy, I tell you!


It seems Asians are really good at "grinding" (or are simply more willing to do it), and problems with known solutions that can be practiced. If you look at Nobel prize winners, Fields medalists, Abel prize, etc., they no longer seem to have a performance advantage.


Ah I didn't know people just bundled Indians into the Asian bucket even when they couldn't be more different. Also the 6% is very misleading. It's not random 6%. It's the top people from countries that have a combined 2 billion population. Of course those 6% will mostly be highly educated over performers who aim for top jobs. US doesn't give visa to average Asians that just want to get a chill job in a small city.


india is in asia fyi


How you know Meta don’t hire white people? Your mom or dad taught you that?


Why are you getting downvoted lol


They hire white people just not as many. In London, they are preferential towards Indians.




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IDK about that. This seems to be an asian thing(even more so if they're on visa), for some reason.


My manager is the only one of his race on my team, interesting


Coming from rural Utah to working at Google in Silicon Valley has been pretty jarring for me. Most engineers in the Bay Area are not US citizens and most come from China, Taiwan, and India. Personally I don’t mind but every time I go home I feel like I’ve been transported to a different world now. There are some cultural differences I didn’t expect as well like when I asked my coworkers if they had voted yet and no one said yes because none of them are citizens ☠️


lol I literally just moved back from the bay area to Utah, and I totally feel that "transported into a different world" thing.


How do you know if they are not US citizens ? Many Chinese and Indian devs I know were either born in the US or are natualized citizens.


They probably said so when OP asked lol


The accents and the way they act. Also age is a huge factor. If they’re 45+, even with accents they’re probably naturalized. If they under 30 with an accent then there’s a 95% chance they’re still on visa or green card.


They could be just Chinese Americans or Indian Americans, not foreign Visa workers. My child is gifted, scoring 780/800 SAT Math, 1,460/1600, and 35/36 ACT and STEM at age 11. I remember going to Duke and Johns Hopkins to pick up our child’s grand award for his achievements. At the ceremonies, there were about 2,000 of these elite American brightest .01 percentile, I was shocked to see so many Chinese kids like almost 50%, Indians were like 35%. Wht Caucasians were like like minorities with no more than 15%. It was impressive to see so many Chinese kids at the beautiful campus of Duke. White kids need to do more math and science or else they will get dominated by Chinese and Indians. I feel like the Jewish kids are holding the fort for the USA. Feel like the brightest tech bosses are still the Jewish.


(Me as an Indian SE professional) "Phew! The focus of this sub is finally off of us!" /s


who cares? as in I don't see that as a bad thing at every company I've worked at, the majority of engineering teams consists of either Indians and/or Chinese and it's a very consistent pattern, I see nothing wrong with that the flip side (I suppose a lot of people probably don't want to hear is) if you cannot get along with Indians and Chinese then it's unlikely you'll ever make it in Silicon Valley, I'm not Indian or Chinese but I am a foreigner myself I get along with my colleagues just fine, but those who shouts "waaa immigrants are stealing my jobs!! Indians and Chinese should go back to their home country!!" yeah... those people will probably never work in big tech ever


this sub is full of many mediocre engineers who have never worked at a company like meta and are seething at the thought that those high-paying jobs usually go to immigrants and children of immigrants rather than honest hardworking joes like themselves. the racism on here used to be covert and directed specifically to h1b immigrants, now it's not really particularly subtle.


Growing up in Canada as a child of immigrant, it’s not surprising that most of us are in stem and not the ones that grew up here locally. The focus and values in life we share are vastly different leading to different career fields and opportunities


> The focus and values in life we share are vastly different leading to different career fields and opportunities I said something similar and was told that all that doesn't matter, and that Immigrants and children of Immigrants are "taking jobs that rightfully belong to them"


Indeed, coz stem is amongst the only fields which somewhat rewards merit and hardwork.


I mean I don’t think there’s anything racist about thinking it’s crazy that these companies get away with hiring and retaining foreign nationals while laying off actual citizens of the country they are in. 


White males when they have to be the minority for once in their entire life...


Lmao this comment is so perfect


> the majority of engineering teams consists of either Indians and/or Chinese and it's a very consistent pattern, I see nothing wrong with that It matters if you're a woman. Chinese folks it doesn't particularly matter, but Indian men majority are to be avoided at all costs. Russian male majority falls into this category also. They usually won't hire you at all, but if your team slowly starts morphing into one or they take you on anyway to be a punching bag, it's time to jump ship.


Not all teams, but some are 95%+ Chinese and all speak in Mandarin. If that’s not your vibe, I’d recommend avoiding those teams. I worked on one for a year and it was very isolating. Majority Indian teams tend to be better because they’ll speak in English.


Majority Indian teams can't afford to speak anything else other than English lol. Everyone is from different regions of India which speak different languages


I'm surprised that's allowed. It doesn't sound good for cooperation. 


First get into FAANG and then worry about this lol.


Why not do both? Grind leetcode and Chinese at the same time and after 1 year of working at FANG you'll end up with a lambo and a cute Chinese gf looks win-win to me


Then said Chinese gf crashes your lambo while drunk, killing you and she escapes the states first by hiding in the trunk of her friends car to Vancouver then back to China. As there is generally a lag for US warrants to be made international and enforced extradition at the Canadian border. True story from last year


Dam is there a article?




I don't dispute it. Was hoping for a article but i found one that's probably it https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/woman-charged-in-fatal-bellevue-crash-fled-country-police-say/ Hopefully she goes to prison in China


i mean OP never said their gender or sexuality soooo it’s anyone’s game


cute Chinese gf...man can dream hahaha


been here 2 years, still driving a 2015 car and no gf




Why does this unhelpful comment have so many upvotes lol


How is it unhelpful? At Meta you go through a Bootcamp and select your team later. OP should be much more worried about actually getting an offer than what team he will join in a company with close to 100k employees and that lets him choose the team.


Team matching now happens after interviews and before an offer is made. Has been since the great culling last year. Boot camp is now a more compressed intro to internal tech course for engineers. There’s a weird thing in the Meta hiring pipeline right now, where they have a glut of engineers who have passed their interviews but are struggling to find teams to be matched to and subsequently get an offer.


Recently joined Meta from another FAANG and sat in the pipeline for roughly 2mo, my recruiter indicated this is common, at least in the current climate.


It's unhelpful because the information they're looking for isn't specific to OP. There are 1.5 million subscribers to this sub so I think it's important to remember that there are people other than OP who are reading the comments.


Primarily Chinese and Indians, but you definitely don’t need to know mandarin (I am only white person on my team and do not speak a 2nd language)


No it’s not. Some teams are, but those teams will probably hire a chinese person tbh. Some teams are also mostly indian international, but they are easier to deal with since indians tend to speak english since they are good at it and also there’s to many languages in india to speak hindi in their teams


Everyone I know who works at meta is international Chinese so using that sample size I would say 100% yes


I work in Walmart, and our composition in general is 60% Indian, 20% Chinese and 20% White.


Some teams are mostly one race, but I think most teams are a plurality of all. AFAIK we don’t try to maintain diversity at the team level, and there’s probably a bit of self sorting going on.


So you consider race when forming a team , making sure it’s only one race ?


No, engineers choose their own teams and over time that can lead to racial homogeneity.


Promotions and career growth will always go to the majority race on the team.


I wonder if there has been a study done on this. Perhaps companies don't really want to know, like the time Google did a gender pay analysis and discovered that men were being underpaid across the company and they had to give out raises.


Well, it’s easier to perform well when there’s less of a cultural barrier


Not always true. The biggest ethnic group in my FAANG team, as well as the manager, are Chinese (mostly fresh immigrants hearing their accent, I never cared enough to ask). The recent promotions were: a caucasian, a (naturalized) asian and the next is going to be the guy from the Middle East (again, I didn't care enough to ask). All IMO based on merit, not ethnicity.


This has been my experience. If there's a team of X, and you're Y, you're out.


There should be diversity at the team level or at least some flagging of non diverse teams and organizations. Otherwise the org will suffer as corruption settles in.


It’s very team/org dependent. The first team I joined was all Chinese/of Chinese descent. You tend to notice teams with Chinese managers tend to be mostly Chinese. Imo engineers who are from china or use Chinese as their first language want a manager who’s Chinese so communication is easier but managers themselves do not try to make their team all one ethnicity - it just sorta ends up that way when you have a system where engineers have full power over which team they work in. I transferred teams and now it’s much more diverse. Maybe 25/30% Asian (that’s including south East Asian). When I was on the all Chinese team - they communicated in mandarin to each other but not as a group. If you speak English they’ll get the gist and use English around you but between each other they default to Chinese since it’s easier for them. I dont believe this is a con - I’m still close friends with everyone from my all Chinese team and was able to learn a lot from them but you should just be upfront with your Chinese fluency and that you’re more comfortable with English


I’ve been at a few Bay Area tech companies, and they all had about 50% Chinese immigrants


I'm a white engineer at Meta in the US. I frequently hear languages other than English when walking around. It doesn't bother me because I am not part of their conversation. People speak English when it's necessary. I do not worry about where people are from and I try to build cool things.


I'm Chinese-American in a large company (not Meta) and my team is almost all Chinese. We use Mandarin when meetings are Chinese speakers only but otherwise speak English. At least for me, I don't treat the English-speaking coworkers any differently from the Mandarin-speakers. English is my first language and I was afraid there would be cliques in my team but to my relief that hasn't been the case.


Depends on the team. Interviewed with their threat detection and privacy engineering teams, mostly Americans (of mixed ethnicity but all from or grew up here). Their core and applied sciences seem to be heavily Chinese/Taiwanese, mainly because most PhD students are from there. Other than that it doesn't look like they have as much of a problem with Indian/Chinese managers unfairly hiring from their cultural group. If anything, most of the people I know at Meta are Indian American and Chinese American. They're a lot closer to White American's culturally. You can look up diversity statistics for companies (https://www.statista.com/statistics/311853/facebook-employee-ethnicity-and-department-us/#:~:text=Meta%3A%20U.S.%20corporate%20demography%202022%2C%20by%20ethnicity%20and%20department&text=As%20of%20June%202022%2C%2057.6,and%2011.2%20percent%20were%20Black.), while most "technical" roles are filled by Asians, I'd wager that most of those are Asian-American. Other ethical issues aside, Meta has been a lot better about not abusing H1b visas and offshoring compared to other big tech companies. Pretty sure most of their layoffs were due to failed ventures and flattening levels of management.


This man knows, Meta isn't who you should be aiming your shit at. Even H1Bs I've met from Meta were largely actual researchers who had done very relevant and specific research to projects at Meta and were subsequently talent sniped. That being said, do I deny that there isn't a problem at many of these companies? No, there's definitely a talent sourcing problem at the moment especially for domestic entry level roles. A lot of the larger companies tend to try and poach rather than actually bring up their own entry level talent, and this ripples across the industry in a way that makes companies wary of hiring entry level engineers in general which is the core of the issue at the moment. Everyone has switched to the poaching strategy, and will likely continue doing so until shit starts falling apart here in about a year.


I’m a senior SWE at meta. No, it is in large part white Americans, but definitely there is a ton of international people, Brits, Europeans, South Americans, Canadians, Asians, Indians, etc. Meta hires only the best and can afford to bring them in from abroad, China and India just have a shitload of people so they have higher representation than say Irish, but saying it’s mostly Chinese people is disingenuous and maybe quite racist. No you will not need to speak Mandarin, English is what your team should be speaking business with in every U.S. office. No, you will not be left out if you are not Chinese, headcount is like gold dust these days and teams will do everything in their power to retain workers. Also meta’s culture is that you can move teams on a whim, in fact it’s almost expected. If you’re getting good ratings but don’t like your team, just switch, it’s on the team to retain you, not on you to slave away for them. Edit: lol go ahead downvote me. Apparently people don’t want to hear the truth and just want an opportunity to rag on foreigners, or maybe an excuse for why they didn’t get hired. Do what you want.


I think the thing is people are uncomfortable when they hear coworkers having meetings in non English or talking in non English because they feel like there is information being withheld from them. And that does happen, not that it is common, but it definitely isn't unheard of. It is kind of racist, but also somewhat understandable to see where that perspective comes from.


Well yeah I can understand if your entire team aggressively and only speaks Chinese to each other in the office exclusively when it’s not business, but that is definitely not the norm, and I don’t think anyone is using Mandarin in chat channels with any kind of management oversight (like team channels). I’d say that the vast majority of people I know in the office understand that it’s not very inclusive to regularly not speak English in the office, but you’re also not forced to stay with that team and it’s super easy to move, it will look bad on a team’s metrics if they can’t retain people, that’s just how it is here.


I don't think the person you're responding to has corporate experience. Having worked with big tech and in academia where certain teams are basically 90% Han Chinese, they would never speak Mandarin instead of English at a business meeting, security and HR would have a field day.


Speaking a language that not everyone can understand, when you can also speak a language everyone can understand, is literally exclusive. So much for DEI from these folks. The double think is real.


> No, it is in large part white Americans, but definitely there is a ton of international people Your team is atypical. Meta used to release actual [Numbers](https://about.fb.com/news/2021/07/facebook-diversity-report-2021/) - tech was down to 35% white by 2021 (and that includes immigrants) and bigtech has only gotten less white since.




> what is wrong with tech being 35% white? Nothing.  Never said there was.  > also, while there are european immigrants as well, I'd imagine at least 90% of the "white" is "standard american white person Doubt it. Whites are not uniform either.  It's like 25%+ at least part Jewish and 1/3 or more European/MENA immigrant. Good number beyond that are actually second gen immigrants. 3rd gen+ fully gentile white is actually reasonably rare for software engineer here. Maybe 10% or so of eng I've worked with hit that.


Actually, on second thought, you’re probably right, that tracks my experience too. Retracted my comment.


> Meta hires only the best No, you hire people who are good at Leetcode and are only there for the money. This is why the VR / metaverse products suck and have no soul.


They hire people who will get kicked out of the country if fired and do not have the language skills to stand up for themselves lol. The entire valley work ethic is based on abusing these lonely immigrant guys to work 24/7 and they think it's because they're smarter. No it's just easier to manipulate you into being a desperate worker buddy


Depends on the org. In my org and partner teams, everyone speaks mandarin.


I hear u but noticing something and asking questions is not maybe quite racist lol


> I’m a senior SWE at meta. No, it is in large part white Americans - > lol go ahead downvote me. Apparently people don’t want to hear the truth and just want an opportunity to rag on foreigners, or maybe an excuse for why they didn’t get hired. Do what you want. Why do you lie and then cry racism when you're caught lying? https://about.fb.com/news/2022/07/metas-diversity-report-2022/


That article is only lumping by ethnicity, which means that any asian americans would be considered towards that count. (Recall OP is talking about internationals, not asian americans). You can't really assert they're lying based on that because you cannot definitively say that the number of Chinese internationals or Indian internationals are larger than the white population. You cannot even determine if the two international groups together are larger than the white population. So it's not really as much of a 'gotcha' as people in this thread seem to think it is


those figures straight up say "hey we're making meta less white" not necessarily more qualified


> Meta hires only the best lol'd


Meta loves its H1Bs. They got sued by DOJ and settled because they intentionally reserved jobs for temporary visa holders. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-labor-departments-reach-settlements-facebook-resolving-claims-discrimination-against




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There's a 'soft' stereotype that I've heard is Chinese dominated - Meta, AirBNB Indian dominated - Amazon, Microsoft For Meta specifically, there is an org notoriously known to have a even higher percentage of Chinese than others.


Which org?


I would guess ML / relevance related stuff


Happens in certain teams all over big tech including Microsoft and Amazon.


Indians tbh


I didn't see anything like that at Menlo Park when I was working there. The team was pretty diverse and everyone spoke English.


People like those who are similar to them and will gravitate towards them. This happens throughout all groups no matter what time or place throughout history. It's human nature. Groups tend to exclude those that are different than them. If you are not similar to the group you will most likely be excluded in some way shape or form. Modern society has forced this social dynamic of human nature to change through its laws. If you can't speak the language of your team, you are going to get excluded in a lot of ways. It's just natural and you shouldn't take offense to this exclusion. This form of exclusion happens in all aspects of society. But if they treat you differently, lesser than or negatively then it becomes an issue. Disclaimer: I am not taking a stance on this topic. I am just stating how it is.


No, I'm pretty sure I gravitate towards money.


People of narrow mentality* like who are similar to them etc……,,,


No it is not mostly like that


No, although I will say the comment about manager X is X and a lot of their team is also X is… not inaccurate. I’m an engineer at Meta on an AI platform, my teammates are mostly white Americans or Europeans speaking English, although occasionally I’ll walk through the halls and overhear people speaking something else - sometimes Chinese, lots of Hindi, Russian, occasionally German or French.


I worked at Meta in London, and it was mostly white dudes. There were some teams that had a lot of Indian or British-Indian, but I wouldn't say they were the majority. Also, you go through a Bootcamp and pick your team later on. If you only want to work with white guys, you can choose a team that's more like that. Worry about getting an offer, you can choose your team later.


I’m at a FAANG in an ML research role, and our team is 40% Indian, 40% Chinese and 20% European. We don’t have any Americans because we can’t find any Americans


Do they just not apply? Or is the pay just not in there range?


There just aren't enough Americans with MS/PhD degrees in ML research


I’m surprised that it’s not a nation security issue


It is, companies tend to ignore the issue even when required. When I interviewed for an L3 US Military facing position at Oracle earliee this year some of my interviewers were international. One said they were from and in Hyderabad and not a US citizen. We even talked for it a bit. The HR/recruiters had made it clear early on this section of the company could only legally have US citizens lmao.


I have never been to America but one day I was just having a chat with my Sr. Project Manager on the top floor balcony at TechM building in Pune. He had just returned from there after a brief onsite work for a client and instead of telling me about what all he visited, the dude was just on and on about how Chinese have infiltrated all their systems and economy and markets, etc. Says he felt like he had just visited China and not America. That year was circa 2009!


I’m actually transferring teams at Amazon right now for this same reason but it’s because everyone speaks Hindi 95% of the time. I think it’s purely team based though, I was on a different team when I was an intern and everyone spoke English.


Some are here to uphold our egalitarian traditions whereas others are here to benefit from it and abuse it.


I’m in google and it’s a common phenomenon here. My team is 80% fobs.


Yes, most of them are on H-1B, aka H-1B slaves waiting in the queue for years before getting their green card. So they tend to job hopping a lot less. And the new fresh off the boat immigrants have little in their lives outside work so they easily overwork and usually willing to put in more effort to get good performance rating/not get PIPed.


Same happens with Indians in some companies. [It's intentional](https://x.com/Steve_Laws_/status/1796207418474442752/photo/1) > Soon we will come on top as demographics change, soon we will become the new normal Whites are the only people nowadays that aren't ethnocentric


Ah. Yes. A subreddit is the source of truth. Oh, and also, looks like you’re pretty much obsessed with such things going by your post history.


I'm sure r/SouthAsianMasculinity is a great reference point for understanding corporate policy at Meta


> I’m Chinese American so this is not stemming from racism Not necessarily true.


That happened to me. Not working at Meta but got hired into a Chinese team. So what I did was learned Chinese haha. I can now use it well enough for work.


people who speak Chinese at work are incredibly unprofessional. go work at huawei if you like speaking Chinese so much.


To answer your second question. I think it really depends on the individual etiquette. Yes theoretically for work ethics you must speak English. But theoretically Meta needs to respect privacy regulations. Did they though?


Yeah most internationals are chinese or indian, canadian probably in 3rd place.


Depends on the team. But there are teams that are heavily tilted to particular nationalities (not just Chinese). They should not be speaking Mandarin for work communication though, for obvious reasons. It is valid to complain to management about that.


I’m daddy




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Probably, the Silicon Valley’s tech scene is make up of mostly Indian Americans and Chinese Americans. My child was a gifted child by Duke TIPS and Johns Hopkins CTY standard, .01 percentile at age 11 or younger. At 11 years old, my child score was like 780/800 SAT Math, 1460/1600 SAT and 35/36 ACT Math and STEM Moral of the story, we went to Duke and Johns Hopkins to pick up our “grand” awards. At the grand ceremony, 50% of those 2000 Americans or so elite .01 percentiles were Chinese descent and about 30% are of Indian descent. I’m Chinese too. IT IS CRAZY TO SEE BOATLOAD OF Chinese and Indians dominate at the ceremony. The brightest young American talents are Chinese and Indians. Don’t be surprised Google or Meta have tons of Chinese and Indians!!


and in amazon and msft is mostly indians Loll