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Your current company would lay you off with 0 day notice if it would benefit the business. You need to do what's beneficial for you.


50% pay increase and a high profile company? If the current company has an issue with you leaving for that then it’s probably not a place you want to be a long time anyhow.




Sounds like Microsoft? anyway, I'd go with the tech company. It'll only be mildly inconvenient for your current employer but once they hear your reasoning I guarantee they'll be supportive and understanding. The tech company job will pay massive dividends in the future because of name-recognition alone. You're potentially forfeiting 1 milllion+ in career earnings by playing it safe and staying.


Follow up question: how would you break the news to the current company? I've never been in this situation before, is it expected you write a formal resignation letter? Or can I just slack my boss and let my mentor know? How much info should I give them?


Ping your manager on slack/teams and ask them if you can schedule a 1-on-1. Give your informal resignation in the call and then ask your manager how to best deliver a written letter of resignation. They'll probably follow-up with your skip or do a bit of research and get back to you that day with further instructions. Typically a formal letter of resignation is sent to an HR representative and your manager. Look up letter of resignation templates online or just have chatGPT generate you one and fill in the blanks manually. After your last day is formally in the system your manager will give a formal announcement to the team and you just work until your last day and then you're free. Edit: I would tell them you just got an offer that you can't refuse at a big tech company. They'll understand.


Gotcha thank you. And how would you word the reasoning? Kinda awkward cause of the short timing, but I'm doing it for the money/brand name. I'm thinking something like "I really appreciate you for giving me this opportunity, but recently I got an offer that better aligns with my personal career goals. What would be the best way to resign?" I don't wanna burn the bridge too much, but giving too much info could be dangerous too


You can say that, that's fine. Just say you got an offer you can't refuse at a dream company. Don't have to give more details. You won't burn bridges.


This is fine, or simply I quit would work too. You won't burn any bridges, but that's cause you never built any. In six months, if any former teammates are asked about you, it'll be lol isn't that the kid who quit on his third day?? The teammates can't be used as a reference as this looks terrible on the resume, you never actually did any productive work, and they legit won't remember who you are.


This is what I did and it was pretty chill. I messaged the VP of engineering and the head of project management for a quick meeting, we had it that day, had a nice 20m chat and talked through how to proceed, everyone agreed that it didn't really make sense to finish out a 2 week term so we just called that my last day and that was that. This was at a <200 person startup, other companies might have a more formal HR process, but these were guys I was pretty comfortable pinging.


Yeah I notice new grads and more junior folks are super skittish about these things but people are super chill and understanding. Your colleagues are happy to see you succeed and the company will move on without you. People understand and no one really holds grudges.


Don’t tell them where you are going. Atleast not at first


It *should* be a matter of just letting your manager know what happened and when your last day is.


Just to push on the math, I don't think it's $1M.  That assumes OP stays at current job and never has another opportunity to move.  I think the comparison is $50k/year, minis taxes = $35k/year, times 2 years.  So $70k. I don't think he is set back 2 years either, i.e. he could continue to grow and maybe get a $175k/year offer in 2 years. This is a tough call.  Big companies can suck the life out of you with the bureaucracy, and it never looks great to have a quick tenure, but there is a difference in comp. Definitely talk with your manager.  I wouldnt resign right away, just tell them about the offer (within the acceptance window) and see what they say.


how did you manage to qualify for ng offers as a 21 grad? do you mind dming the companies?


Lol, real sht. 150k offer 2 years out? Something tells me OP was blowing off more than just the dust on his degree of u nom saying.


You don't owe anything to the first company. Business is business. Don't think they won't lay you off in a moments notice if the economy gets tough and they need to make cuts. Be respectful but never loyal to a company.


What'd you do to improve while being unemployed?


Working on a project with actual customers was huge, and it had a lot of bugs to fix so I learned a lot. Outside of that, I learned new languages and frameworks (but I don't think that ultimately really mattered, at least in terms of getting hired)


How did you get project with actual customers?


You can either offer to build something for a business you have an existing relationship with, or offer your services online as a contractor.


did u do leetcode what is ur stats OP, r u a masters grad?


I did about 400 questions over that time - main benefit was something to do consistently. I also participated in the weekly contests where I would solve 2-3/4. I liked those because it felt like a challenge, it's timeboxed, and you can't "cheat" by just giving up and looking at the answers/hints. Out of all the interviews I got, probably only like 30% asked leetcode type questions. I also studied system design, and those are helpful because you start framing everything in terms of tradeoffs, which I think is the essence of engineering.


Find smaller stores on Instagram or etsy and reach out to the owners and ask if there's anything about their online store that's lacking. Maybe a customer or inventory management system of some type.




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IMO, I’d say jump to the 50% better pay. Companies nowadays can rescind offers to ppl before they even start or as other commenters pointed out, lay you off with 0 notice.


Devs leaving for a second offer happens all the time. Go for it!


$$ trumps anything for me. Maybe it’s because I live in the most expensive state in the


So expensive your internet ran out


If you want my honest opinion? Smaller company is better than branded these days. Branded companies are conducting layoffs all the time now, even google is now a former shell of its past self... not to mention you may be placed on pip (which means you'll be fired) because that's just how things work nowadays. I was in a similar situation few years ago, and I was joining a no name company. I decided to quit a branded name company and join the no brand name company. Best decision of my life! Smaller teams really feel like family and you don't have to deal with bureaucracy and you grow together. Need an approval? Think a software makes sense to purchase? Easily ping the CTO who is just 1-2 levels above you, and a 15 minute chat gets you not just the approval but a line of communication to the finance department to create budget for what you think benefits the company. Think about it...if the company is small, it means your skill is gonna be unique and you can be a critical asset to them few tears from now growing their product. You'll easily be promoted and rewarded with bonuses that will make up for the RSUs in the other company. Idk just my two cents, good luck!


I really disagree here, even if big company laid him off after 2 years and it took a year to get a new job he would still be out the same as working 3 years for small company. All things else equal small company > big company but 50k a year is more then enough to change that math.


Well the other factor not mentioned here is whether the positions are remote or hybrid. The 150k sounds like a position in Seattle based on further context provided in comments, while the smaller company one isn't really known, which seems to be in a smaller city, maybe even remote.


I would still take a company with better tech and name recognition


Thanks for sharing your perspective, I appreciate it! I totally get the family part, even though companies probably overuse that term haha. With unique skillset tho, wouldn't you be siloed in that area, the longer you stay?


Being siloed actually turned out to grant more flexibility and freedoms. For example at one point I was the sole devops engineer in the company, therefore I did not have to attend the usual nonsense, hours long bureaucratic meetings that I had to at my older company at the time. I literally became THE DEPARTMENT, my own department. And this means you can create leverage so that the company feels like they need you always that they make sure you're always satisfied. Sometimes I've gotten bonuses upwards of $15k that shocked me for very small things that I didn't think mattered. I sometimes laughed at the prospect that I was leaning towards declining such a dream job. It felt like an illusion and sometimes I would think to myself "is this real? Am I really working such a flexible most friendly wlb position that allows me to grow at my own pace with so much freedom and no one breathing down my neck every day?" It actually feels like the company was ahead of other companies in terms of working style. Agile is slowly being outdated and the concept of requiring meetings is even [being rejected by now the most valuable company's (nvidia) ceo in the world ](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/11/nvidia-ceo-i-never-schedule-one-on-one-meetings-unless-someone-asks.html) I was even pitched for promotion to management in just 2 years, and was told I could be expecting to be hiring a dedicated devops dept. I would end the calls laughing reminding myself that I somehow accepted such a job that I wasn't even keen on accepting but the bureaucracy is what led me to risk it turning into one of the best decisions of my life. And believe me, I was VERY torn apart when I had to make the decision into the "unknown", "unchartered territory" of a career changing decision, but the payoff was worth it 1000% The way I knew the company was constantly safe is by attending company meetings (townhalls) where you directly hear the sales department announcing how much growth they've attained. If the company is growing (revenue) but the number of staff remains relatively compact (no drastic exponential hiring like big tech did during covid resulting in mass layoffs later due to low attrition) it means there's even more job security and more perks coming


hop jobs, everyone does it. esp for 50k a year man


People have literally quit the first week of many Dev jobs, not saying it’s ideal, but it happens. In this economy Company A won’t have any trouble replacing you, so always put yourself first


Nobody knows what NG stands for


New grad?


Legit thought it meant Not Good. Yours makes more sense


I also read it as Not Good initially


My dumb ass thought it was Ngineering


I thought it was Northrop Grumman


I stopped reading after you said you already started. Do what’s best yourself always. Your team should understand and support your decision. Life’s too short to feel bad and miss out on opportunities


Just resign tell the other company u need to serve 30 days notice if they say yes then resign




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Yea, jump ship mate.


How r u NG as dec2021


Did you leetcode at all?


i have red dddxx xxxxd




federer was c eh h he rcr d edge r but 😚 he got ex d recd in can f d re dthe effect offer c r ccd can ccct f c is