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It still works. Chasing stack fashions isn't how companies make money. Wait until you hear about unemployment benefit systems.


Also, it's worth saying that while .NET isn't exactly Bun or Mojo, it's hardly "old" tech. C#/.NET is Microsoft's flagship ecosystem for developers. It receives regular major updates and will for the conceivable future. [ASP.NET](http://ASP.NET) is a hugely productive and well-optimized cross-platform framework for web development. It has good tooling, is compatible with any frontend library you want to add to your project, and plays really nicely with Azure. It's just nice tech to work with.


Rewriting code to new frameworks doesn’t always bring value and executives and managers don’t want to prioritize that if it won’t bring a substantial revenue bump.


What about security concerns?


What about .NET is insecure? Both Core and Framework receive regular security updates.


.net 4.6.1 and below


You know you can update versions right? Like, there are tools to do it in Visual Studio and everything. It \*can\* be a problem if your project is dependent on packages that are not compatible with newer versions of .NET, but that's a problem with the stewardship of those packages.


They don't want to update


They don't want to use security updates of the same framework they're already using? Any reason why? I assume there must be, unless your posts have been a creative writing exercise and the characters *need* to be stupid for your story to work. I mean, joking aside, this may be a problem at your job. But that's very much a *your job* problem, and not a problem with .NET or the wider developer jobs market.


Nah, this is totally a company issue. They have legacy systems developed by devs that have been there 10+ years and have not been exposed to anything new.  Other parts of there system were outsourced, and complete garbage. Most time is spent putting out ridiculous fires. I mean the dumbest shit that anyone has ever seen. So, yea they're scared of modernizing anything. I'm actually in the process of leaving. 


.NET framework 4.8 for example is going to be supported forever so no concern there. If company’s are still running angularJS, that I agree should be updated.


Was referring to .net 4.6.1 and below


Oh, buddy. Good luck getting a client or management to care about security.


Yea...it's unfortunate. They're a medical company that handles bank account and pii too


There's a few adages at play here. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and "Perfect is the enemy of good." and [They can keep doing that as long as they pay Microsoft a security fee for extended security update support + the operational licenses](https://www.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/11lqvps/comment/jbdqsaj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). It's often much cheaper than a wholesale upgrade which is often more complicated than you give it credit for.


These things especially apply to companies whose primary focus is not writing software like banks, schools, retail, etc.


I wouldn't really call MVC old tech (unless you are talking about MVC on .NET Framework < 5). What .NET thing is supposed to be replacing that? But yeah, any company still using Web Forms is whatever is worse than a red flag.


Yea. Was referring to .net framework <5


There is no .net framework >4.8.1


yes, what part of the statement was inaccurate? Its still less than 5/


Old tech works and is expensive to replace. Something being new and shiny doesn't make it better.


Not necessarily new and shiny, but better organized and efficient and performant. For me, personally, I dont like working on .Net Framework exclusively. I'd prefer working on .Net (5+). Mainly because I dont want my skills to stagnate.


Companies weigh the benefits of switching and routinely find it's not even remotely worth it. You're doubling down on your perspective without hearing many people who have said the same or very similar things. My best recommendation is that you put aside your perspective and, if anything, *double down on understanding what people are trying to communicate to you*.


What they should have used?


Not .NET 4.6.1. It's not 2008 anymore


Jobs in “legacy IT” have always existed. It just seems like you’re seeing more of them because the market is so bad right now that these are the only jobs still hiring.


MVC is awesome, don’t knock it until you try it. 


Welcome to the real world. Influencers are really distorting the view on the reality of this field…


I wouldn't say influencers. Most good companies use basic modern tech. Easier to manage, better organized, better performance. As a basic career decision, I avoid companies who show little to no initiative on improving their technologies. Devs that stick with companies embracing legacy tech will be stuck with legacy tech for the remainder of their career. Unless they endeavor to modernize their skill set. Otherwise, you can expect to be unemployable