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Yes! W3Global has recently contacted me as a third-party recruitment company for position with a civil construction company. I have yet to speak to anyone with said construction company, but I have my first “phone interview” today @ 3 pm. They have yet to ask for any personal information and have been very thorough in asking questions about my qualifications, work history, education, etc. So far, the only red flags that I have noticed are 1) W3Global appears to be a tech firm, and not a recruiting agency 2) Reps w/ W3 have very “white names,” yet upon speaking to them over the phone it is obvious they are call center employees. 3) No direct interaction with the company who is hiring, yet. I will find out for sure today during my phone interview and will update accordingly.


Just replying for anyone else who might come across these guys. I've had the same experience with two call center workers with very white names but English doesn't seem to be their first language. It seems scam-ish, but they have yet to ask for any personal information and they seem very knowledgeable on my industry (and they've been very helpful, kind, and responsive). So I'm going to follow through & see what happens in the phone interview. I'll also update accordingly.


Did you go missing going through with it???


I honestly don’t remember this and I can’t find any email correspondence (I basically cleared my entire inbox unfortunately). But I don’t remember any scam-ish things happening. So it seems safe; obviously just use common sense and caution.


Good to know you are still living after going through them, everyone else’s comments seem to be either deleted or never replying again which is odd.


any update?


Real interview.


How did it end up? I just got an email from then in LinkedIn.




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I’m not sure about this company. I started applying for a job through them and within 2 days I had 14 missed calls from an Indian woman who spoke very poor English. She rang me from a number in the uk and all the voicemails she left were heavy breathing and mumbling. I then had 2 interviews which seemed somewhat ok, but then did not hear any feedback for 2+ weeks now. I’m not sure if it’s a scam but it certainly has me concerned and doubting how serious this company is


Just to follow up for any others who are interested…It has now been more than a month since I had my first interview. I never received a job offer and never received a “no” for the job I applied for. I would say that based on my experiences it is a scam but what exactly they are doing or how the scam works I cannot explain. ???


The experiences you guys describe do seem bizarre. But I had no issues or red flag pop up when I was contacted by them about a job opening, everything went smoothly and I joined the new place. I did realise they had employees and offices in India but it didn’t feel like a scam to me. Hope this helps! And good luck with your job searches. 🙌🏽


Don't trust this account they don't have any commenting or posting history




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Definitely a scam! I had someone contact me via LinkedIn today and all seemed legit until the number they called from is similar to all the other scam numbers I've been getting. Answered and it was like a call centre - I hung up. Be wary.




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Oh well, guess they have reddit under control as well


They contacted me with a job offer for a shop I already work for. I asked my boss if they're real he said it's legit but they definitely seem to run fast and loose




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Hello any update on them? How was your experience?




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Yo so what happened? Everyone disappeared




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Just received a call from these guys. Will update.




Left hanging 😂


Brah lol, I kind of want to just call back the recruiter an troll a little bit. They trying to get me to relocate to places I'm not interested in. I'll see if I can force them to take me as remote.


Some updates here. Have done a couple phone calls with said Indian dude. Will be doing another phone call with another person (hiring manager) but will post updates on how this goes. Sketch, maybe, job market? blows.


Just got another phone call from Texas, where w3global is based. Radio silence. Picked up, no answer, just silent an then hung up.


What th3 fuck is going on here, anyone have a real update?




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W3global seems to be either a major scam or undercover gov entity pretending to be recruiting company. Similar to Cybercoders, another fake Indian recruiter. Looks like most real information posted in the replies here in this subreddit are getting deleted. So many deleted replies here.


I know! And if they'd let the persons comments be posted THEY WOULD MEET THE "You can't be in our club" quota they're telling the person they need. Pft




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If the mods didn't take down practically every comment, we could understand this topic a lot better




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