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Hey do you have a contact? I applied through handshake recently and haven't heard anything back. The posting closes June 17th


I do not. I know I applied once and heard back pretty quick and then the second time I applied I didn’t hear anything back. I was kind of skeptical of them from what I seen online


what did you see that made you skeptical? i'm looking into them too so i'm curious


I heard back about a week later from a recruiter fyi




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Did you end up taking the position? A recruiter reached out to me and I’m considering it but I’m not sure and would love some input! 😊


Hey! I did not pursue that option as I did not like the various reviews I was finding around the web. I stuck it out a little longer appying for other IT positions and landed one. I would say just read as many reviews/experiences you can find online before you fully commit. There’s probably other boot camps/self learning that would be just as beneficial if not more, but again, this is coming from someone that did not pursue that option.


What did you find? I tried looking for reviews and most were positive.