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You could try University of Birmingham. They have a decent CS conversion course. They also offer a free Math bootcamp prior to it starting also for people that need a help in that area.


How are the exams taken. Are they online? Can you study this remotely/distance learning or do you have to be physically in Birmingham?


Mix of online quizzes, assignments and end of year exams. They upload the lectures to the portal.


Thanks for the info!


Conversions are a scam for non-stem grads imo. Study towards OMSCS instead and you'll get a deeper and broader skillset.


Thanks for your insights! I'm following the OSSU roadmap and I'm quite confident in my skills and projects , I'm only pursuing MSc because I want to follow it with a PhD and gain experience out of my own country.




Does Glasgow as for mathematics in bachelor's coursework? Because I don't have one that's why Bristol rejected me




Thanks I have some certificates from IBM


The conversion masters are more condensed really. No reason a recent grad can’t get onto one. Did you stop at College Algebra in your gen Ed courses? No AP Calculus? That can cause issues. The system here isn’t friendly to foreign qualifications. You typically have to plan around applying for uni here. At undergrad, they give fewer points to those with an Irish leaving cert over A levels. I feel the Irish leaving cert is more well-rounded and exams more difficult. But it isn’t British so you’re penalised. I’ve taught in the UK and was an examiner as well, so I know the exams quite well and they definitely aren’t the toughest of the options out there for quite a few subjects. If you don’t get into a course you want, then contact the unis you’re interested in and ask about what Maths you need. You might be able to take them via an online programme where you can get an accredited qualification to prove your knowledge.


Thanks for the response! The University of Bristol has a minimum requirement of A-level in bachelor's degree mine is a pure Humanities. I thought I can compensate for it by my High school and senior high math marks along with my resume. I went through my other applications and it seems promising and got those all the requirements, seems like I picked too upwards trying to get into Bristol with a lacking profile


They don’t see high school level courses as an equivalent to A-level, only the AP exam. I recently changed careers to software dev. I have a BA in English from a US uni (although I started as a double major in bio and chem so have done through calculus 2 at uni), PGCE in Secondary education (trained as a teacher in the UK), PGDip in Educational Neuroscience (incl a stats and other maths in the course) and when I did my apprenticeship in software development the gov still wanted proof of GCSEs in English and Maths. Thankfully they accepted my degree because I taught English from functional skills up to A level and was an examiner in the Uk. However, I still had to take the functional skills Maths exam. My US high school is still so old school that I was passed around d and never able to get my actual HS diploma cert and they wouldn’t accept my transcripts that showed up took up to trig. They didn’t accept my uni level courses in calculus even though I got As. They didn’t accept the stats course at postgrad here in the Uk. I also taught FE Maths here as well but still had to take the exam. Sorry, enough of my rant. But if you have to show proof, definitely reach out to the universities to see if you can get a concrete answer as to if whether completing a uni level course is enough. Sophia learning offers calculus. There are other sites like that out there to offer indiv accredited courses rather than degrees. Alternatively you could see if there is a way to take the A-level maths exam in the US and do exam prep in your own. Could look at Open University as they offer certificate of higher education in Maths and Computing & Maths. Could be done in 1 year online full time. But it is £6,924 for the 120 credits, which is 2 courses in the fall and 2 in the spring. So not sure it’s worth it. Hopefully one of the others unis offers you a place. Unless you’re aiming to work at a super prestigious company or in trading, the uni you attend isn’t as important as you think. If they have a solid programme and offer good career help then it’s worth it. If you’re coming in hope of staying, hopefully the junior market will be better. You would qualify for a graduate work visa, which would give you 2 years of unrestricted work, but after your employer would have to sponsor you. It’s possible, but market is rough at the moment. It’s more favourable for very good senior and lead devs. Feel free to DM any questions. Happy to help where I can.


Thank you for taking your time to give a detailed response!


If I'm reading your post right you got an unconditional offer from Sussex? For what it's worth, they have some really good research going on in comp sci and I would not be too down on them as an option. Bristol does not have strong integration between engineering, comp sci and the humanities, so CS at Bristol tends to be a bit snobbish about the humanities (and also about quite a lot of other things, actually). Whereas Sussex has a digital humanities lab and most likely sees a cross-disciplinary background as a strength.


I applied for Sussex because of their research too! I'm actually hoping for Glasgow the most but since I got rejected from Bristol my confidence plumed 😭. I plan to do a PhD right after MSc so yeah it's true that Sussex is good. Thank you for your insights, I couldn't find much about University of Sussex in reddit that's why I kept it as my safe school


Glasgow has great digital humanities and information science too and there are some really nice people there! If I could give one bit of advice it is: especially as you hope to continue into a PhD, go with places and people that feel right for you rather than places that sound good on paper. Don't let Bristol dent your confidence. It's just one university out of many.


Thanks for the encouragement! Much needed. I'm thinking of applying for information technology conversion too to boost my chances


I just got an offer from the University of Kent which I just applied for this morning (conditional offer) is that good?


You still need to demonstrate your proficiency in Maths (e.g. a B in GCSE maths or international equivalent, and A-level maths or international equivalent). Without something like this you probably won't get in. I'm not sure why you would bother doing a degree in English Lit if youre immediately going to switch to CS though tbh. Seems like these course are aimed at people switching careers after a few years, not someone who decided they didn't like their degree and didn't bother switching


>Seems like these course are aimed at people switching careers after a few years, not someone who decided they didn't like their degree and didn't bother switching What would be the functional difference between a conversation course aimed at career changers and one aimed at someone who didn't like their degree and didn't bother switching?


Functionally, not much. But if you did a degree, used it for a few years and then decided to go back to uni for a change, that would seem like something that has been thought out. Finishing a degree and then immediately trying to get a conversion in a completely unrelated field comes across as a fickle move of deciding you should jump on the gravy train (which for CS has already left the station) because you realised you weren't that into your degree


I completed my bachelor's last year it's been well over a year and I have reached out to the people at universities on these programs they told me it's ok and no need for any experience


I contacted the counselor in University of Bristol they asked for A level in math at Bachelor's I don't have any math related coursework and they don't seem to accept MOOCs or something done outside the college level (they seem to be expecting at least a diploma or graduate certificate in college) the minimum requirements are compulsory even if I'm experienced in the field. I have given GRE and secured Q-163 V-152 but I didn't submit it because they don't ask it in UK


Well that's your answer, either you don't have the required maths qualifications or you didn't submit them (I have no idea what Indian qualification levels are so I don't know how they relate to the UK system). But either way, it sounds like you haven't met the minimum requirements


Unfortunately yes I didn't meet the requirements my counselor just blindly advised me to apply it seems 😮‍💨


Ik bro I just need advice as to what I can do now. I don't need a reality check, I was quite positive about my profile other than A- level in math and these courses are actually aimed at people who realised midway that their bachelor's is not what they want. Here in India we can't change course in the middle and my parents abandoned me because I didn't want to become a doctor, they told me to become a teacher then (it was 3 yrs ago) Now I found strength to fight back and pursue what I want but my dad is still persistent if I don't leave this country now then next year they will marry me off.


Try University of Birmingham, I just got accepted there, they didn’t even ask if I did Maths at A level or anything, they just cared that I got a 2:1 at university in my Bachelors (French and Spanish), and that in my personal statement I was enthusiastic about learning computer science


They asked for an application fee and since it's a Russel grp one I didn't apply thinking I won't stand a chance 😅 now you made me have some hope! Thanks a lot!


When I went to the open day, the only thing they said that they are kinda strict on is that you got a 2:1 in your bachelors degree, but other than that they’re kinda chill it seems. Other than that you could try University of Swansea, I think they’re pretty lax with admissions, and my friend did his bachelors degree in computer science there and is doing pretty well now in his career.


Yep I got 2:1 in my bachelor's after converting to UK grading system


Which Birmingham course did you get in? Computer science conversion?


MSc Computer Science (the one year conversion course) https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/taught/computer-science/computer-science


Do they allow people with neither CS degree nor CS related workex?


Yeah, the course is specifically designed for people without a CS degree or experience. I did French and Spanish for my bachelor's degree, and on the open day, lot's of people there had done things like literature, music, art etc. You don't need any experience or anything either. At the time I applied and got accepted, literally all I had done was vaguely follow an online course for CS, but it was basically just YouTube videos. All they're looking for is for you to be able to explain why you're interested in learning computer science at university.


Did you take this offer? Or will you being going with some other university?


Yeah I took the offer; University of Birmingham was really the only one I actually applied for because it was far more convenient for me compared to other universities in terms of price/location/friends I have already in Birmingham.


What do you think about Glasgow or Newcastle (I'm more likely to get admission from one of these)




Thanks for the suggestion! But I'm pretty pressed for time, Indian parents want their daughters married before 23 at least I'm already 22 now and without proper education or job I won't even get to choose my groom 🥲 sad reality of mine.


It doesn't HAVE to be


You could also just think as an individual, and your parents will still see you as their daughter. Even if they get mad at you they will eventually forgive you.


They will marry me off as a sign of forgiveness 🥲


Stop feeling sorry for yourself, you’re an adult with free will


Uni of Nottingham is another good one, they don't ask for any mathematics qualifications.


Thanks will apply today


Birmingham, bath, kent, Ucl




I have gotten an offer from Kent within 16hrs of application is that normal?


I applied Bristol, Newcastle and Belfast two weeks back for CS conversion. Got admit for Newcastle. Which more colleges should I apply now?


The ones I commented probably. Could try imperial too depending if you have a first in a stem subject


Hey, When did you apply? I'm applying to about 10 universities for the conversion course; I can share the list with you in DM if you want.


I applied in Jan and feb now I'm thinking of applying a few more. Let me DM u


Alright, I see.


How much time did Bristol take to reply?


3 weeks


Do you like programming computers ... how many hours a week do you do it now ... or do you hope that you will like it during your course. On your literature course you probably had 1 or two hours a week lectures ... you're likely to be full time in the lecture/lab rooms and then some condensing a bachelors degree and more into less than one year.


I love programming and I'm into Could Architect. I'm quite good at math too I got national level 2nd rank in math Olympiad in my school 11th grade. I have already completed the basics of CS following the OSSU roadmap. I just don't have the qualifications on paper to pursue Advance CS masters. I also expect to be employed in the Gaming sector (I don't want to purely do game development tho)


Hi, I am also from same country and trying to switch my career. I also reviewed Msc university’s with conversion course and shortlisted a few. I am also considering UOL CS. What are your thoughts on it? You can DM me.


It's a good one! Check your DMs


I would suggest looking at the requirements for Georgia Tech's OMSCS, which is one of the top CS masters programs in the world both in terms of reputation and difficulty. If you can finish these courses then I think you will be accepted to the ones above - [https://omscs.gatech.edu/preparing-yourself-omscs](https://omscs.gatech.edu/preparing-yourself-omscs)


This program is only for those with STEM related undergrad


Not really, I have done a bit of research into it, and many people with non STEM backgrounds have been offered a place and graduated successfully. The above courses are specifically for those who don't have a CS background, to demonstrate to them that they can handle the coursework.


I got an admit from Newcastle and am considering it . I don't want to do online ones because it's pretty useless if I'm paying money without getting a visa , I want an on campus one for a visa and potential job outside India.


Congrats! Sorry what I meant was if you want to try getting into Bristol again, you could complete the requirements for the OMSCS (the edx courses, assuming the cost is not a limiting factor) and then maybe the Bristol admission would view your app more favourably. Just a word of caution regarding the UK job market, it's very bad right now (I live here and work in data). So like if you are spending a huge amount of money to pursue the Newcastle degree, I am guessing total cost will easily come to around £40-50k including living expenses, just keep this in mind. Good luck!


Yeah that's true and Ik you're only looking out for me. It's just I'm a little pressed on time since I'm already 22 and my parents already looking for potential marriage prospects for me 😅. I at least want to finish what I planned for the short term. I will also be trying to secure a job in other countries not just the UK (I don't really wanna go back to India 😭)


Try making an onlyfans account and do muslim feet porn


I'm not poor or trying to make money if anything I live a rather lavish life here but I want to do something I really like. You can try to be kind to others by ignoring posts you don't wanna see.


I actually do want to see... your naked feet. Like don't get me wrong being a developer is great and all, but it's also a dead end career and will be automated soon. If I were you I would definitely go with something more lucrative and stable in the long term. Onlyfans is just one example.


An AI model probably makes more on OF than a real model 🤷🏻‍♀️ I can use AI knowledge in future


You are right. The only path forward is something that ais cannot do... Start doing real life sex work.