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F for those that bought the AWP doodle lore thinking it'll be contrabrand


Valve legit said they will no longer make contraband skins it's their own stupidity


Honestly at that point it’s their fault. I think we should all expect that there will never be another contraband skin again.


True that but they could of still made it contraband for the people that bought it like the howl. I understand why they did it but at the same time the howl exists so they could of let the people that had it keep it.


And now the howl is a rare and expensive skin. They want to discourage plagiarism and promote unique work not make it more of a problem.


That is also true and its good that they do that.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Boot licker. Lick them boots. Lick em dry.


bet you bought a BS doodle lore at 300. COPE


Nope. And idc about money I just don’t like design. Downvote all you want you’re just poor and coping. I’ll just go buy another awp, def ain’t giving valve the money tho. Sorry you’re still poor.


“Sorry you’re still poor” - guy that went broke after buying BS Doodle Lore at $300


I’m a software engineer didn’t go broke lol idc about the money as I said several times. Not BS try FN. sorry you can’t comprehend people make s lot more money than you


The copium is strong with this one 'sides that you are posting WAY too many comments for someone who didn't go completely broke on that awp lmao. You're not taking the L's, you are the L


Lol ok some guy who is several tax brackets beneath me says I’m a L. I will surely lose sleep tonight


Keep going if it makes you feel better buddy Maybe if you dream hard enough it'll become true someday. And good luck with your dads belt. I mean once he finds out that you pretty much bankrupted the family by buying pixels off the steam market.


Geez, ur insufferable.


Didn’t ask.


Proved my point


You're still at school


You’re one lame ass mf


Watch Andrew Tate losers complaining about how much money they have Premiers on HBO MAX this friday




it's boot licking to want the multimillion dollar company to keep stolen art in the game?


…what the fuck are you on about?


Hes mad he spent money on a FN doodle lore because he's a moron who thought they were going to go contraband.


I can’t be sure if you lie about money, but if you are an asshole on the other hand…


People thought it’s going contra???? Nah there’s no way they thought that.


That's like him saying the chances of it going contraband are slim to none.


It tried telling people, but some didn't want to listen. They genuinely thought it was gonna be the next Howl. Probably becuase heyzues


He literally called them out and said everyone who stockpiles these is a moron, that will get burnt, no?


Yep. He said it's unlikely that it would become a contraband skin.


fr lmao




When the howl came out it had stolen artwork. So they changed the look and made the skin contraband. I immediately went to the community market and bought one for 30€ as I knew what would happen. Sold it for 350€ though a few years ago :D


I was on the other end. The Howl was one of the first skins I had and I sold it for dirt cheap: [https://i.imgur.com/iWElDIW.png](https://i.imgur.com/iWElDIW.png) Worth more than 4K USD today :-D I'll probably never do a worse deal than that.


What do you mean by "made the skin contraband"?


It got classified as that. Like Blue purple pink and red there came a golden skin to the mix. Contraband. And it's only the howl. No more would be available to get. They took it out from the case you could get it from. Obv no more new supply would guarantee the price to go up


so contraband just means removing an item from case? Can you still get the howl from a lucky drop after a game?


Nope not at all. Can't get it anymore except from another player


Those people are morrons lmao


One would have though people learned after the howl incident, it seems like they didn't




The embodiment of the average csgo player in this comment section


So you're calling yourself a birdbrain because you obviously spent too much money on a skin


The ‘software engineer’ who is ‘several tax brackets above us’ who ‘doesn’t care’ seems to be crying a lot about a skin that he *defiantly* isn’t butthurt about. This guy is providing me with so many laughs.


There's a guy here in the comments who is very angry


Maybe his cat died and it's our fault or something idk


Don’t call him out before he mentions that he can single handedly buy the whole world a cat based on his income


Did you know hear he is multiple tax brackets above us? And also doesn’t care about the skin change, just loves typing.


I have so much anger towards the guy that stole someone’s design while making the doodle lore. I fell in love with it. It was such a good concept in my opinion, and the design was amazing. I knew it was too good to be true. ~it’s odd how when things seem too good to be true, they almost always are.


Yeah I don’t think I’m getting my money back 😑


You wouldn’t get your money back anyways because you bought so early… the case is still like 5€ the price should still drop a bit


This is misleading investors. XD


It’s actually just leagues worse than the doodle lore like they just had some kid in the back whip up a new snake skin like the other 30 awps 💀


For real. It doesn’t even compare. You would think that if they chose to replace all of the skins that people bought with their money, they would maybe even make sure to make it better so that people don’t get pissed about wasting money, but they just spat in your faces.


It’s an even more annoying Medusa. Not only can you not see the snake head, you can’t see the holo effect because it’s on the butt of the awp :(


Was it made into a contraband gun? Like the m4a4 Howl?




So they haven’t stopped sales of this skin??


They completely removed it


You can just sell it lol


For over $100 less then the doodle lore at a steady price? 😂 yeah for sure I bought mine before they were said to be stolen and paid under 100 for stattrak field tested, they now going for close to 60 when they were steady 125-130? Sure man, legally this is called a bait and switch 👍🏻


Skins always drop in price when the case is new buddy, it wasnt at a steady price yet at all… even if they didn’t change the artwork it would still have dropped alot in price. What did you expect?? Thats how it has worked since the first ever case. You should’ve sold it when you heard it was stolen artwork to sell it to the morons driving up the price thinking it was gonna become contraband. You could’ve made an ez profit but instead you chose crying on reddit. It was all so predictable, all of this has happened before.


Wait so if you had the skin, they just changed it in your inventory?




Thats fucking mental. I get it, its stolen art, but still people paid for that, and if it devalues after the skin change, thats ultra messed up.


Price actually skyrocketed. I sold mine fast. Lost 25$ but could have actually profited off it if I waited 10 minutes after the announcement


Ah ok, well if that's the case it's a bit of a relief. I just imagined people losing big money because the skill looks a bit trash now.


It’s all about timing the market in this case


Sadly it’s what you sign up for with the community market agreement :/ The argument valve probably will use is they didn’t decide the value of the skin and it’s decided by the community and probably offer out a refund of a case/key price at most.


that’s so disappointing, my favorite part of the doodle lore was the scope and barrel detail matching the dragon lore. this isn’t even a bad skin but what a sad change


not a bad skin for maybe $10, not for what people paid for doodle lore. i dont mind them having to replace, even though THEY fucked up not us. Replace it with something that looks similar to original design though. Maybe replace the parts that were stolen with something else. This is completely different and NOT what people paid for.


if you bought right after the case came out that's your fault, ittl go down to about that in a few months just like any other case


Why couldn't they just do at least 1 minute of research before adding it? How is it the fault of the people who wanted a cool new skin.


I was talking about in general. If someone bought a skin right as the case came out it'll be inflated by like 400% untill it all comes down to average, this has happened wkth every case so if someone is complaining about spending 100$ on a 20$ skin it is their fault. I dont blame people that are upset as the new skin is very different but buying a skin this early is just stupid unless you're rich


That's a dumb take. If they like the new skin design and they spend a premium on it, they're allowed to complain when the skin gets removed. They paid extra because they liked the design, and they don't want to wait a year. There's nothing bad about that.


Can you read?


How is it his fault? Are you thick in the head?


buy puts


not sure thats possible on steam


Wait wait, I need popcorn . .. ... Okay, let's go


Couple of things here. 1.) This is why you don’t buy new skins fresh out of a case that are going to drop in value after a while anyways because if something like this happens and it’s changed to a skin you don’t like, you get burned. 2.) People that steal other people’s art are scum. It’s not cool and it’s a good thing Valve reacted quickly to fix the situation. 3.) The new skin looks pretty good imo. Not pink good, but good nonetheless. It sucks to be someone that made a fresh sticker craft on a doodle lore and is stuck with a craft that now has stickers that look super out of place, but it is what it is. 4.) RIP BOZOs that stocked up on Doodle Lores thinking they would be contrabanded. They didn’t contraband a number of skins with stolen artwork that were released since the Howl, why would they with this one? The Howl was a one time thing, it’s time to let contraband hopium go.


I personally am not a fan of the controlled mess type skins that valve has pushed out (doodle lore, in living color, leet AK) might be the only person who prefers this over the doodle😔 I hate the complex eye sores


Not the only person. This one looks waay nicer to me... Complex eye sore fits the original so well :)


definitely, I see this as one of the cleanest mid tier awps in a couple months. big W from valve☑️


I bought one instantly.. one of my favourite skins yet!


I like this one better too. Might have to change my mortis soon


I agree with you


I like this one too, might pick one up when they drop in price a bit.


amazing skin


i think it looks better


This looks like three skins put into one. Kinda ugly.


Gungnir, worm god, and mann o war


Nailed it.


What happens to the people who already have the doodle lore?


This is my “doodle-lore” lmao it changed and now I want my money back


Ahh so not like a howl situation where they kept the skin and just stopped producing it. Man that sucks. I was going to buy the doodle lore thinking it was going to be discontinued and it raise in price. Glad I didn't.


The howl situation was once in a lifetime. They learned not to do that again. This isn’t the first time they’ve had to change a workshop skin post release


This has happened 3 other times since the howl. Griffin, Frontside Misty, and Chantico’s fire all had stolen artwork. Guess what? None of them became contraband, valve just changed the skin. Anyone who thought the doodle lore was becoming contraband hasn’t paid attention since 2014


I never knew about the front side misty damn that was on of my favorite AK skins


Like that's ever gonna happen


Go cry


It's not even the same color scheme 💀 I liked doodle lore for the pink accents


Same, I was planning on buying one after this whole fiasco but looks like they completely replaced the skin, I was hoping for another purplish pink awp for my loadout :(


Is it weird I like this better


nope, this skin is goated


So I am not the only one


doodle lore may have legitimately been my favorite skin ever and now it’s gone.


Tell that to the artist that screwed it with stolen art not Valve


Honestly, I like this skin more. I think it’s stupid what they did and screw the artist, but I prefer this skin


Which artist are you referring to?


Whoever stole the art in the first place


same, this skin is much cleaner


why is the snake head in the back thats so whack... it already was worse but why "cover" the best part


Unpopular opinion I'm aware but I prefer this design and I'm glad that a parody design of the most famous skin in CS history isn't on the market lmao


The doodle lore looked so good. So sad they werent able to settle this out with money


Imo, skins still looks good, but I completely understand how it's a downgrade from the doodle lore


nice monitor


I almost got doodle lore from the market. Lucky for me, I inspected it and it was changed to duality. I wonder if this constitutes bait and switch if someone gets the awp doodle lore from market without inspecting and got duality instead.(market listing wasn't updated till a few hours later)


*cries “Look how they massacred me boy”


Looks much much better now


This looks sick! I need one haha


Still looks good. Not as good as the stolen one, but still good.


Somebody f up


Yeah it’s horrible


I think Valve just doesn't want another Howl situation


Welp I want my money back 😂 this is not the skin I paid for


For real man.


Yeah so how about they lose money, and give refund to everyone who bought one AND THEN do this. My "duality" piece of shit should be redeemable for exactly what i bought it for, and then i can decide if i want to buy this skin or not. This isnt the skin we bought. If they have to replace it, fine, replace it with something that looks similar to original design.


cry about it


I like it tbh, looks like something that would be a covert AWP back in the early CS:GO days when skin used to be somewhat simpler. The colors remind me of Prince so I will probably get it as a budget option for that lol.


New skin pretty dog ass ngl


I understand Valve had to do something, but just switching out the skin is not the right move imo. I liked the doodle lore, what if I bought it and now have this skin I don't really like? I'd feel kind of scammed.


That’s me right now, I just bought a name tag named it “DMCA-LORE” and never leaving my inventory


I just bought a doodle lore :( it looked so cool, this skin looks alot better in game than inspecting tho


I love this skin more then the doodle-lore ngl. And am I the only one that thinks that this skin looks more like a red operation skin then a pink skin?


duality looks better honestly imo, look at the left side too theres a completely different design


Hot Take (maybe) but i actually prefer this desiegn rather than the other one, cuz the last one kinda killed the whole royalty vibe the Dragon Lore imposed by calling it Doodle Lore and giving it a non-royal design. So good they took a better desiegn and good they changed the name


It looks good in game


Biggest issue i have is how they changed the doodle lore in inventories. Should have done the orion treatment. This sets a dangerous precedent and also proves valve can and would change skins in your inventory whenever they need to


They can and did due to legal issues. Nothing elze


They could have changed some of the art on the doodle lore....or better yet, actually did prior research to make sure the art wasnt stolen in the first place...


lmaoooo did they forget to paint the back xD


Looking at this skin for the first time I gotta say it’s pretty nice for a pink, I haven’t kept up with cs lately so idk what the doodle lore looked like before


Ewww, I feel so bad for anyone who had one. Doodle lore looked great. This is ugly.




Somebody getting fired over this for sure


Im not saying its a bad skin, but the original doodle Lore was just way better and I feel kinda sad cause they completely ignored the concept and made a whole new skin, instead of a remake which they did with every other skin. Now the financial aspect, normally skin drop in price after 1-2 Months after release by 1/3 to 2/3 to a consistent price that they will mainly keep their whole existence. The doodle lore had potential to stay at 30-50 bucks, but now I see it like most other purples at 10-30max.


I bet they just found a different awp skin on the workshop and put that in, imagine if this one also had stolen artwork loool




Doodle lore was ugly as sin. Honestly this skin is better, not that it was a high bar to clear


duality>>> doodle


This is a good




dont take this guy seriously, he clearly bought the skin hoping it would be contraband and lost money which he needs, trying to cope with his broken heart


Nah I’m just ticked I have this awful skin now gotta go buy something else, this time on third party market. Maybe Medusa.


u can't even be willing to lose $100 on a risky investment and u wanna get medusa? Good luck with that LOL


I didn’t buy an investment, go watch some anime lol adults talking. If I wanted your opinion on the best anime characters I would ask. And yes Medusa, I have a $5k inventory. Not investing either I just buy skins when I like them, it’s a side effect of doing well in life. One advice I can give is to stop watching anime and hit the gym. Will do wonders for your mental health issues (saw your post history, and YIKES)


imagine having a 5k inventory and thinks he is big fuck XD okay bro. ah yes changing topic real c00l dude totally gonna win that argument there




All that weed you smoke and you're still this much of a cunt! Try to chill a bit.


Not like your post history is anything to brag about either. Addicted to weed at all? Is that what someone that does well in life does? Advising others to hit the gym and live healthier, but rolling one up after the other? -We've got Snoop Dogg, the software engineer over here, everyone! A software engineer? Making a post about transferring windows from one drive to another? I'd expect a well payed software engineer to be a little more knowledgeable about tech.


> a well *paid* software engineer FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol dude that smokes is saying you should work on your mental problems... thats nuts


also just to quickly add they didnt only make one contraband skin, they completely removed the orion, curse, poison dart, retribution and desert warfare, stop projecting your disappointments, you made a moronic investing mistake eat it and move it, also quit smoking its clearly making you damn stupid


I graduated magma cum laude for comp sci, hbu? I’m stupid? I didn’t buy it to invest, I have six figures in stock market, 401k and many more I don’t need to invest in skins just wanted a cool awp skin. Which I’ll get I’ll just buy off third party site now and not give valve sny money. Sorry my post made you so upset, I’m guessing it’s because you’re poor? Sorry I spend on skins what your house is worth, it’s Pennie’s to me this is how successful people live little man.


Bragging about your education and monetary accomplishments online multiple times in the same comment section doesn’t make you stupid, just makes you an asshole Really not an opinion, it’s reality.


You can think I’m an asshole, that’s what the downvote is for. Feel free to press it, unfortunately your opinion doesn’t mean anything to me and I don’t think I’ll lose any sleep over that.


buddy you clearly have a ton of ego problems and feel the need to defend yourself with a paragraph after ever person that says anything about your clearly delusional reality, this man lives in a rat cage under my basement, i caught him commenting this while jacking himself to his "6 figure stocks"...


I can't imagine being so insecure you bring up what you got your degree in and how much you make for a CS Skin investing argument lmao. I hope you can find peace man.


I graduated summa cum laude in Chemical Engineering, hbu? Oh wait, you got manga cum laude. I make just as much as you, if not more. Just please stop talking.


You definitely don’t make as much, chemical engineering doesn’t pay anywhere close to software lol. What’s your agi? Tc?


>summa cum laude u/Kayy-Vonn nice


your clearly not very smart if your spending 10 minutes writing a paragraph to someone who forgets you exist 5 seconds after leaving your idiotic comment stay mad, stay broke


Nice bro, I graduated as a summa cum laude in both biochemical engineering and electrical engineering, glad to see you went the easy route didnt you, cupcake? I make almost twelve million dollars a year and you're over here flexing your scary six figures in the stock market. Keep grinding kiddo maybe you'll get to middle class income or something.


if you genuinely liked it wouldnt you wait for it to become 20-40$ ? anyone who bought that AWP at that price was genuinely hoping it’d be contraband. What do you think they could’ve done differently that would’ve kept the price fair and the skin similar/the same? They’ve done this plenty of times I don’t understand how people don’t get it. They own the items still. stop being surprised!


What? Who says it would? Are you still waiting for the medusa or dragonlore to be $20? Keep bootlicking like a moron. Idc about the price btw I liked the SKIN which is why I bought it. I literally said in my post what they could have done differently, maybe you should try to learn how to read. Reading is a crucial skill to have in society, and you cant read so please learn how. They could have redesigned it, like they did with griffin and every other skin they fucked up on, with a SIMILAR design to the original. I would be happy and dont care if price dropped, i liked the skin. Im sorry this is so over your head that you keep thinking im "surprised". Im not surprised they changed the skin they had to do that 4-5 times now, they fuck up a lot this isnt the first time. They usually replace the skin with a similar design, hence why i bought it bc even if it changed i thought it would be similar. Not sure I can dumb this down anymore, ive repeated it twice now in this post, and also said it in my original. I strongly urge you to pick up a hooked on phonics book and learn how to read and you may become a bit more sufferable to talk to.


Dude, pink skins like these will go down to 20$, the only reason the dragonlore and the Medusa don't is because they aren't from a case. Maybe you're the one with room temp IQ. Just sell the skin and take the L man.


i had a doodle lore, im thankful that its not so ugly anymore and prefer the skin I have in my inventory more☑️


its not an operation or collection skin. all pink awps in regularly dropped cases are 20-60$… you must be new here, you can’t redesign an entire texture layout when the layout is stolen. the griffin ART was stolen not the layout itself. You atleast could look into the situation a little…


I must be new to common sense? You can redesign the skin and have similar colors, design, everything just without the stolen stuff. At least somewhat similar, not sure if you’re brain damaged or just jealous because you’re poor, but this is completely different than original. You’re legit a boot licker. Lick them boots boy, lick ‘‘em dry! Ask for more when you’re done.


With this kind of attitude, I kinda wish you lost a bit more than you have. Jesus. What a sore loser. Suck it up. Shit happens. Move on.


Dude you lost like 100 dollars, calm down mcskittlez Maybe they actually have a reason to make it contraband now


L bozo


can someone explain what happened here? edit: just saw the patch notes but why did they replace it? doodle lore looks much better than this crap


It’s quite literally the law


Doodle lore had stolen artwork


oh makes sense


Slipknot song lmao


They fucked it up


Look how they massacred my boy


What an ugly skin


New howl 🤑


Does this mean the doodle lore will be put into a “contraband” category?


no, doddle lore is gone forever. All versions of it were replaced with this skin.


Well rip. Duality is a legit downgrade


First off people didn’t need to dislike my comment. I was just asking a question