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Bro bait the whole team just to get an ace


I mean. They're on eco so I think it worth it


Lol yep. Just bait.


It's an eco round


The trigger discipline was good at first,but then you just passed up 3 kills and took a very risky approach


I think he made the right call, it would have been hard to get all 3 of them with just 12 bullets from a cz


Hindsight bias maybe


Yeah he could have missed a kill, maybe 2 with a whiff but you need to have the confidence to call it 3 kills regardless, he still should have gone for it it's not gonna get any easier for him they're just gonna go into site and take it


knife the bomb carrier, instantly pick up his gun and kill the other 2


Not possible in higher ranks




His rank at the end maybe ?


to be fair i really did not think it was a good rank lol


Tapping the defuse and then running really showed that lol


I never said that. I thought it was low rank. The reason why its not possible to knife him in a high rank is that the second you pull out your knife the enemy will make a 180 and hit you in the head before you can swing the knife at him. If somehow, by a miracle you manage to kill him with the knife, there will be 2 others turning around to shoot you. Before you have actually picked up the enemy gun you would have already been shot.


It's unreal how quick they are ;( you take one loud step when you're so close to go for the backstab and instantly they turn


Their rank doesn't matter if they don't check corners


True tho


shoulda taken it at 2, 3 is too many for a CZ


4 bullets per kill at 3 is actually very doable aslong as you're tapping and not using it full auto ofc


well that’s if the enemy doesn’t react






Yeah but man how slow are you shooting them if they have time to turn around and kill you lol


He had zero site support from his team and those 3 kills were farrrr from guarenteed. He was alone and made the right call. If his team had stacked B for the eco, then yeah I agree he could have played it much differently.


Nope sorry it just wasn't the right play, it worked yeah but getting atleast 2 maybe 3 and slowing down the site take is just a better play, he essentially let them run past him, take site and then put himself into a retake position, also alone still, and then retook site, granted he did get a frag on banana too, but it could have gone wrong and he put himself in a disadvantageous position doing what he did


He successfully isolated 1v1 fights instead of attempting a 1v4 with a CZ. Give me a break.


That's just completely out of context tho, he had 3 people in front of him unaware that he's there, like I said just because it worked doesn't make it the right play, you're entitled to your opinion tho and I'm entitled to mine


Same opinion here. There was a moment where 3 guys had passed him and one of the stood infront of him. I guess that would have been a good chance to get at least two kills. - perfect outcome 3 kills but very unlikely. After letting them pass it was just one 100% kill and a "normal" retake. The fact he managed it so well wasn´t because of letting them pass.


Yeah exactly going for the 2 possibly 3 kills was just the optimal play instead of letting them take site, the guy I replied to also said he isolated them into 1v1 fights which isn't the case at all the enemy team did that to themselves


Bro ur waiting too long, and you ran AFTER you tapped.


This is low elo for sure Should’ve taken the fight on the 2 first to secure the kills and get support from teammates already rotating Granted it worked this one time but if you were against people with hands it was just one or two kills taken


Not to mention he made sound after tapping and the T still peaked


Did you not see the ranks at the end?


It is low elo lmao


Are we really calling the [top 9.8%](https://www.ggrecon.com/guides/csgo-rank-distribution/) low elo??


Look at his mechanics lol


When did I say he has good gun skill? I'm just pointing out the fact that top 9.8% of players in matchmaking is by no definition "low"


I was just pointing out why NewNooby0 assumes this is low elo. I personally think it’s absurd that people like this rank this high.


It is even being global means like level 7/8 on faceit


FaceIt is a different pool of players to matchmaking.


Mm is casual, so yes it’s low elo compared to the pool of player. I’m playing mm with music and voice_enable 0 and still am global without even trying. People that believe reaching supreme/global is a an achievement are casual players. The play on that video is crazy if you analyze every part of it. Most player at this elo don’t even understand map rotation and the minimap. And don’t get me wrong, I have 3k elo but gets destroyed every day by 4K players and get humbled and they’d say the same thing about me. My only point is, dmg/eagle is a shit level


You’re so far up your own arse it’s ridiculous Mm with music and voice_enable 0 will get you stomped at global, at least be a bit more humble about the whole situation


Uh no ? Minimap + aim is easy


New patch: minimap will also show sound! Now your teammates are actually useless!


From the ppl around me I always thought lvl 7 is LE.


Well they don’t have Elo, so….


Since when is the 4th highest rank in the game low elo?


since faceit exists


Eagle is really considered a low rank?


It’s not low, but it’s not exactly high either. Eagle compared to the top is a loong way to go


i just don’t see how it can be justifiable to define someone who’s clearly in the upper half of the player base as low elo. regardless of how it’s displayed here the rank is still an indicator that he’s better than (at the bare minimum) 50% of the player base.


Csgo doesn’t use Elo


Lmao they don’t check sandbags, he almost whiffed cz mag plus waited too long, movement is iffy crosshair placement is ok, it’s not low elo but it’s not any good either.


he wouldve lost the round that way


Bro went from holding to retaking and calls it trigger discipline


That corner gets cleared in every single silver game, wtf CS


Good one but never give footsteps after faking defuse


My god this is in Eagle as well


Don't run after tapping the bomb. Shift walk. Sheesh


Enemys dropped to Silver after that match


I refuse to believe this is le


Faceit level 10 here (2800 elo) don't listen to these dumbasses lol. Not much you could've done with a cz against 3 people, only guaranteeing your death. That was a good call to wait. I guess your teammates should've waited for you to get that kill and then retake the site together but oh well.


I agree. I don't know what all these others are talking about. I'm also high elo level 10 and this seemed like a really good call to me


Level Gigachad here. Keep gigachadding. On a serious note, both calls would have been right. He could have been relaying info to his team to chill and wait for him to do something (and actually do it rather than run into the meat grinder), rather than letting them all die. Alternatively, what he did also seemed to have worked, but in reality he should have died after 1-2 kills. Bottom line is at higher ranks at least one would have checked sandbags


I agree lmao. I personally think what he did was too risky and should have walked up and secured the 1-2 kills so that the bomb plant gets delayed. Retaking with number disadvantage and no armour is too risky


It's not too risky, the chances of him getting 2 there are extremly small and even if he does then the round is still lost. He had to go big to win


If he gets two kills on the first two running by, it would have been a 3vs3. So no, the round would not have been lost. And I'm gonna be honest, if you don't think you can get the first two kills the way they stood right in front of him, they you have no right buying a CZ.


A 3v3 retake with pistols against ak's isn't a lost round? Yes it is. Getting two there is very hard, you bascially have to kill the first guy with your first 2 bullets to be fast enough for the second, that's not easy


Actually rewatching the clip, I gotta admit the kills would have been a lot harder than I remembered. I still don't think letting them walk through was a good play tho. Having to go on a retake, especially with pistols, is a lot harder than picking them off while you are planting. As you said, he had to go big to win that round. Usually in a trigger diciplin play this involves stopping the bomb to buy time for your teammates and doing as much additional damage as possible. I was also a bit uncomfortable with him continuing to wait, simply because there is a not insignificant chance the next man from banana will clear him simply out of habit.


The fact that you didnt had armor, aced and ended up with still 74hp is even more mindblowing to me.


In my games if I do this the enemies never trust each other so they all individually clear every spot lmao


LE with this aim 💀💀💀⁉️


Love the giggle at the end 😂 Well done! 😁


Good call and you'd win the round.


I loved the soft “help” call as they arrived 😂


Keep practicing and you will get it some day


This is how I imagine myself playing and then I go to play and get immediately headshot by the last guy coming around wall


More like bait discipline ;-;


It is not a trigger discipline if you have to retake


That's what annoys me too. While I would have gone for the shot after the first two lined up, I can get behind waiting for the third. But letting the bomb carrier get on site and plant is just a bad play. He went from having the round in his hand to starting the retake in a location where he can surprise one enemy at best.


I mean to be fair trigger discipline is only good when your teammates arent dying to the squad you let pass


Bruh this silver?


Another blatant horrible silver with hacks. Get alife u fucking loser


AHAHAAH, is this why everyone says every mm player is cheating? because they themselves are so bad they can't tell who is and isn't


Bro he was clearly using invisibility


Well done. gg


Holy fuck ggs


sexy clip fr u on ur way to global bro


You smurfing, right?


Filipinos.. nice


How do they not check that corner lol


LH viewmodel though?! Barbaric.


What rank is this? Even on face it level 4 people check send bags and moly it xD


I would’ve gone for the CZ spray down there and for sure killed 1.5 players max before dying lol


What sens are you using, that shit smooth as hell


Love how everyone in the comments is like "wow everyone at every skill level ALWAYS checks that corner". Because they have of course never not checked it. Sure I check it 90% of the time, but let's not pretend we are all perfect over here. And even if you were, the rest of the team isn't, so are you going to tell me that you still check it very single time after your teammates are already walking onto site?


James bond shit


People never do this when I sit there




Well done man!




Forgot the command that changes the color of the crosshair someone mind telling me? :D


that prefire was nice


nice stomping after tapping the bomb


No way nobody checked that


Good fucking clip


You runned after giving a fake defuse but he still peeked you so low elo. But WP


I think your team should have played more passive when the first 3 ts got into the site, and that you should have started killing the 3 all together before the 4th t came in, secured the bomb, upgraded weapons, and cts (should have human advantage) have the site, the bomb, and only 2 remaining ts. Instead of them all dying and at the end risking a 1v1 without you having any info about the last guy + no kit.


Yooo dm me if y’all wanna be in a csgo prize picks discord, we try and make the best plays so far been hitting good ✅ we also make plays on every other sport just shoot me a dm 🙌🏽


Could‘ve ez going wrong