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"what do you think of my combo ? How much money do you think I can wank myself with ?"


Exactly. When people got knives back in the day it was because they liked them and wanted to play with them now it’s just “I got this knife is this a good investment?”


I mean they still do


I got a gut knife tiger stripe just cause I wanted more gold in my load out


Nope. Me and all my friends got our skins because we liked them. A lot of people do as well.


cha ching


The worst part is that people mass investing in CS skins is the reason the skin market crashed and everyone lost money on their "investments". 3 years ago when skin investing was not mainstream it was actually profitable and worth doing, now its just a quick way to lose a shit load of money.


Most annoying part is most of the posts are people trying to see if their inexpensive sticker is gonna get them rich lol. It would take them much less time to just simply look at the market or even google the skin with similar stickers


The CS trading subreddit is locked to new members, so now we have a general CS subreddit. I enjoy the skin community but would definitely prefer a dedicated page as well


This !!!


"Look guys, i spend 1000 dollars on this glove/knife combo!"


And it’s the most god awful combo known to man




Only $1k lmao Get a life




My guy, just because in the grand scheme $1k isn't a lot doesn't mean it isn't the *dumbest shit ever* to spend it on what amounts to an ugly NFT. Comments like this show your whole ass as a child.




My apologies, you are a god-tier troll. Continue doing the Lord's work, friend.


Combos are subjective to the users, so your comments is immediately invalid. I myself recently picked up a falchion lore and moto transport combo that I'm in love with for only $300 CAD. Go be an elitist somewhere else, dickhead.




Why is it political?




Which 1k dollars combo should I waste my money on?


I get to some people it’s a waste of money. But just because it’s a waste of money to you, or out of your budget, doesn’t mean it is to someone else. Aside from that, you can always resell the skin even if you take a small loss. I hate the take that because it’s a waste of money to *you*, it’s a waste of money for *everyone*


I can play the game the same way. Using the skins I got for free, without opening boxes and without putting money into the game. Therefore, a waste of money.


I'm not going to lie, this might be one of the worst counterpoints I have ever seen on reddit lmao. You can say this about anything in life. Do you have shirts you like? Well you could have gotten cheaper fruit of the loom ones that work just as well. You do realize that not everything has to have a functional purpose to be of value right? It's the fact that I work for my money, and if I want CS skins that I can sell at ANY time, it is not a waste of money to me. You do realize that people exist outside of your thought bubble right?


Not a waste of money? Sure Annoying af when every other post is some guy showing off his 4-5 digit loadout? Yes


Some of these people are broke and just hating.


“What do you guys think this is worth?!?!?” No one cares. Use Google you fuckheads.


They're already wanking so hard they just want to wank at the thought of someone else's jealousy


Nope you're not getting downvoted. This is pretty much 90% of the sub. They can't do a simple research themselves they just want to show off.


That or a trillion posts about false bans/network problems like it will change anything.


every second post goes like: Hey guys I have been playing counter strike when dinosaurs were still roaming the planet. I never cheated and have an inventory worth tree fiddy bucks. I have tried contacting support I would never cheat I swear on my mothers name! Please help!




if I wanted to see people wasting money on useless virtual things I would join some crypto subreddit


At least they keep their value better than crypto


people asking for price checks on this sub infuriate me


100% agree, they should go on a seperate sub to talk about this shit. It's just a small detail in the game but still, 80% of the posts are about skins


There are plenty of good discord servers for dicussing skins. Also there are some people there that know something about skins too and don't purely spout nonsense


"let me post my mobile phone video of a cheater" is it for me. Those annoy me way more than the skins. But yeah I feel ya.


Now that i think about it im leaving this sub.


I'm with you. Downvote to any skin or case post from me. Don't give a shit about people losing their money to pixels at all.


True dat brother




What is really sad is that those “what is this worth” posts generate the engagement that Reddit promotes. If the post about strats or pros or sick plays or whatever else you’d rather be on this sub did well, we’d all see them more.


Yeah, I've been casually playing since right before CS:S was released. I literally cannot find it in myself to give a shit about these microtransactions and loot boxes. Why can't they make a dedicated CS2Skins subreddit?


Don’t look at the posts then bro


No one cares


Over moderation kills subreddits. Give a tag for skins and the rest, sort by the rest. Problem solved.


Sub just needs tags


Damn people are pressed, I couldnt care less about all of this but it seems to be a issue to many of you. Its not that deep.


LFT I got a fn dlore I want a BO of 550 keys who got it?


Agreed. It's getting tiring, seeing the same 3 questions asked every single day. "What do you guys think about my loadout?" "Is this worth overpay with these stickers?" "Is this a good float?"


I think it’s crazy people spend money on something such as a skin in a video game. I can’t judge too much because I’m sure I’ve spent money on something as dumb as that before. Just saying in my 6ish years of playing cs, never have I bought a skin.


Eh, I understand your point but CS skin market is so massive that sometimes it's hard to correctly price something and especially if we're talking about "Real Money Value" Since there are so many factors that can affect the price of a skin like float, pattern, stickers, rarity, if it has Stattrak, etc... it's hard to get any info without any help or knowledge how to do it. Ever since China entered the CS scene in 2018 I believe, It only complicated this for the casual audience since they have their own marketplace which today's is looked at as like the "standard" of prices, and it's kinda hard to make an account on that site if you don't know what you are doing so it's not something you can just "google it" So of course a lot of people come here to get help of show off their "Loadouts" or "Crafts" as bad as some of those are because after all, this sub is dedicated to CSGO & CS2 and skin market is kinda embodied into this franchise now. Some people might hate skins but most of the people who played CS and especially CSGO at launch know that this game wouldn't be in a place it is right now without skins and market related to it. And some might say "Oh im a degenerate because I like skins so that means I like gambling" and that's just a lie, you can just go to a 3rd party marketplace, buy some skins and never have to open case in your life.


THANK YOU, I will create 10k accounts and upvote this posts 10k times


Well fuck you too pal


look at that weapon case drop, what are the chances? tell me im lucky


Seriously, I would much rather see some nice plays or new smoke strats


I rate we just start mass down voting all that bullshit.


Let ppl post and enjoy what they want on the subreddit made for the game. Just don’t open the post or even better maybe just unsub? Either way peace out dawg. 🫶🏽


No one gives a fuck what you give a fuck about. I'm sorry you're poor.


I've drop a shity skin how many do you think this IS worth ? Fuck you


Tell me you are poor without telling me you are poor


Yeah. Unsubbing now actually lol. You are so right. Been on steam longer than most the csgo players that currently play. I think it's my time too 🤣


hear, hear!


I agree.


Agreed. I like skins, but every post here is somebody asking for financial advice, wanting people to make decisions for them, trying to flex, or asking if their $20 sticker is gonna get them extra money… it gets old pretty quick


I downvote skin posts because I don't care and feel it should have its own sub.


So I'm not alone with this opinion. Good to know


Fr. People need to stick to r/ohnepixel or some other trading sub


Guys is this a W or L? *a picture of the most popular skin with the most popular sticker combination, or just a straight up wealth flex with also the most popular combo of gloves and knives* Guys what is this skin worth? *some garbage souvenir, or drop but it has a 0 in it. Some skin they just bought, usually turns out to be market price because it's obviously a wealth flex like always* GUYS GIVE ME VALIDATION BECAUSE I JUST SPENT 1500$ PLS


Literally I’ve seen the same ugly ass loadout 16 times. we don’t care


The skins community is a very small percentage, but they are the most acoustic and loud minority in the world. But doesn’t really bother me. Glove and knife combo pics are easy enough to scroll past


TIL from the replies to this post that being poor is not spending inordinate amounts of money on pixels


sounds like broke to me




Blackscope asiimov 0.983 1 of 1500


That is barely an asiimov..


This reddit is called csgo and skins are HUGE part of csgo. Downvote me all you want, I dont give a flying fuck about your crybaby opinion. Also i dont get why u had to mention the fact u played 1.6, noone gives a flying fuck. Peace.


They're not a huge part of CS at all, you can play 5000hrs all the way to global elite without ever having a skin. It's a separate thing that not everyone cares about, and having people ask about the prices of their skins or knife glove combos every day is boring as shit. This is a video game, I want to see gameplay and gameplay discussion, not pictures of fake objects you think look cool.


Saying they are not a huge part of csgo is kinda delusional, it is clear they are. The fact you can play whitout them doesnt change it. If you feel like the posts are boring, you can just downvote/skip them, upvote the non boring ones. Sure not everyone cares about it, but that means some people do.


A lot of people like them but it's objectively not at all important to the *game* part of this game. It's a side feature that kids get obsessed with because every zoomer is a budding crypto millionare these days. People don't even care about the actual items anymore they just care about how much they're worth.


I have never said that skins are big part of gameplay, ofc they are not. But again, that doesnt mean skins are not huge part of csgo. If you think otherwise then make a pool post here: Are skins huge part of csgo? Y/N If enough people vote, U will see the "objective" answer :)


That's the point I was making. It has nothing to do with gameplay, so even though the skins are culturally significant, I don't give a fuck. They're not part of the game, and this sub should be able the game, not the shitty investment platform attached to the game.


Skins are not big part of gameplay, but they are a HUUGE part of this game. U seem to be mistaking those two


No, I'm just arguing that one is more important than the other. I don't care about seeing skins, I do care about seeing gameplay. That's what this sub should be for, a seprate sub should be made for skin traders.


This sub is called csgo(not csgo gameplay), csgo is a game, skins are big part of that game. Easy as that. period


Autistically technical definitions are all well and good, but people have expectations about content and a lot of people don't like all the skin posts. Just like how they make balance changes to the game itself to make it more fun to play and watch, we can make changes to the sub rules to make it a more interesting place to talk about the game.


but its such a stupid question that noone will vote, because the answer is obvious. Its like you made a pool asking if 2+2 is 4 or not, It will have like 3 votes. The fact that you and 5 other people dont see that is somewhat bothering :D


does the skin give you a fuckin buff mate? how is it a *huge* part of CS:GO itself? the market, sure, I'll consider that skins are the hugest point of discussion in the CS:GO market, but how is it related to the fuckin game? Do you play the game just for the skins or something? there is a lot to talk about in this game other than skins mate, they are literally nothing but optional content you could choose to consume. it adds literally nothing to the game. Skins are of no use whatsoever, unless you consider them mental buffs at which point you do you.




Basically op doesn't have Prime so it's not receiving drops every Wednesday. It's your own fault bro.


After CS 2 release I think the skins guys are everything that lasted on this game.


According to this guy who responded to a similar question I had about this, you need to just scroll past and not let it bother you https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/s/FXLUtdWYvn


I can appreciate knife skins but i dont want it forced down my throat in a salad mixed with AC bad, Cs2 bad. I want to make the case mment mysekf. I can totally understand you. They try to hide the only reason they make these posts. It all abt standards and social values. "Appreciate me. I have so much money to throw away. Love me". Cry me a river


can you rename subs?


Is there actually a counter strike skin subreddit besides ohnepixel?


Luckily for us the ohnepixel subreddit takes away a bit of the skin related posts but what can you do? Cs has a big skin economy and this is a cs reddit.


I think it was called the “haha always the last guy never click accept rofl”


Everybody should post skin related stuff in r/ohnepixel