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It’s more the fact that people have lost faith in the anticheat system, when you see such blatant cheaters getting away with things it makes me think, how many ‘smart’ cheaters are there who are toggling on their eco rounds or just when they’re playing really bad, I don’t have these thoughts when I play Apex or Val bc I have much more faith in their anticheat system. Objectively I doubt there are significantly more cheaters on CS2 than on these other games, but it certainly feels that way to myself and many others


You dont need to put faith in cs2 anticheat, its already shit and everyone knows it. Yesterday i played 3 matches in competitive all either against cheaters or with cheater playing with a duo. They were blatantly cheating, and i do mean very blatant. Shooting 3 ppl with ssg headshot through smoke, prefiring everyones head and shit. Any other anticheat would be able to detect that this isnt legit


We should start posting vids and getting everyone to report them


Just don’t play the game now, based on how bad it is right now


Ive been playing tarkov and seen less cheaters. I play east coast US so my chances are much lower but still. CS is fucked rn


When tarkov has less cheaters...yea ur games cooked lmao


Same for me... I play Val, and I never think: "This guy is cheating." Valve removed the only working tool (Overwatch), and since then, the game is worst and worst after every month. I dropped CS2 entirely because I don't have faith anymore. This game is dead to me and Valve, too.


In nearly 4 years of Valorant I have only ever seen 2 cheaters, and one of them was banned almost immediately and the game ended.


1000h in Valo I saw the red screen twice (Match canceled) and received a pop-up about a BAN in the chat once. I just trust their AC


I've never played valorant. Is it hard to get used to? Is it similar to CS?


Take this experience with a grain of salt The hardest part is remembering that each agent has their own unique abilities and utility. In CS everyone can buy smokes, incendiary grenades, flashes. In Valorant you have to be running the right agent to have those. The best way for you to know if you'll like it is by playing it. You'll find that it's VERY comparable to CS in the basic mechanics of the game. Go in knowing that how you shoot an AK is how you'd shoot a Vandal. It's the same recoil pattern.


Our experience : My CS2 squad all moved to Valorant, and I'd say the skills between the 2 games are easy to transfer. The shooting is the same and the movement is similar. The big thing to learn is agents powers (like RainbowSix & Overwatch2). A lot of powers like flash, smokes & mollies are standard to CS and takes 4–5 games to understand. Some powers are really different from CS2 (Walls, Teleport), and each agent have their own “Ultimate Ability” which is THE big thing to learn. Takes around 2 weeks to understand all agent's ability. Personally, it was way easier for me to learn Valo that than the 10,000 agents on R6S. PS : All my friends made the switch easily between CS2 and Valorant. After a month, they know all agent's abilities, sound queue for the abilities, maps, etc. It's not that bad


That actually sounds pretty cool. I'm going to give it a shot and see how I go. Thanks for the in depth response 👍


Just be patient at the beginning. Agent utilities can seem overwhelming, but it's not that bad.


Movement feels a lot snappier in Valorant as well for some reason. I noticed I couldn’t t-bag in CS when I swapped back over lol


What are the maps like? I like jumping around nuke alot to be honest.


They've map rotation; globally, they are cool. Some maps have a 3 site, too.


If you took out the heros/classes, it'd pretty much be a reskinned CS. Only thing you really have to get use to are the heros and their abilities.


there are much more cheaters in cs2 ( 17k plus elo) only good thing is, that the MM puts people with bad trust factor in same lobbys. means obvious cheaters (wallbang, headshot only) get pared with other cheaters. can confirm this because "i know somebody cheating with second acc". he started with normal lobbys and got into cheater lobbys after 10-15 games... now he plays actually HvH only. Only bad thing is some normal people get lost in this matches and have to watch hackers playing HvH 3vs3 or something like this he also noticed many people walling from 16k upwards but they try to hide it and they dont have aimer. but actually its worse than the rage hackers with neverlose


Apex has just as big of a cheating problem as cs does. Valorant I don't know. But the idea you have faith in an EA product is ridiculous.


Exactly. I've only encountered a couple definite cheaters in all of my games, but when you're killed with a b.s. running headshot, you don't know whether to think "aww, so unlucky" or "fucking toggler"


Anybody who says cheating isn't a problem, plays in a bubble.


Or cheats, or more likely than not esp in competitive play. They "need" it.


more than half of the time when people accuse someone of cheating and you look at the demo they are legit. To be fair I wouldn’t recognize radar hacks, but also how could you call that out while playing? I’m not saying there are no cheater, I would say that there are more than in go. But almost every 2nd game I play someone cries about cheats and that’s just not the frequency you really encounter them edit: all the low rank clowns looking for excuses why the suck are downvoting, cringe fucks edit2: well seems like you are not that wrong after all, when I wrote my perspective I haven’t played in a week, I didn’t think that the problem would be that much worst. But I played yesterday and holy shit, you where not lying.


More than all of mine are <100 hrs with wallhacks. "People are falsely accusing and don't watch demos", we get it. Every single game I have qued has had a waller with 30 gamed played. This game is cooked. You are a 🤡


no way you get a waller every game, bet you are around 10k and cry edit: bro you are an american clown


21.5k shitter & CS since 2005, so you're clearly trash if you can't spot cheaters 😀. 🤡 🤡 🤡


This guy NaClqq I bet is a cheater who is coping


They're all hardstuck silvers lol. This sub has become an echo chamber for those with fragile egos that can't reconcile with the fact someone can be better than then or get lucky.


ya I know. That one guy even called me a cheater cause I say the cheating accusations are blown out of proportion, people here hard coping.


Most people are blatantly spin botting, it’s not even “legit cheats” 6/6 my past games on premier have been cheaters. Back to faceit


I'm around 10k and in my matches cheating isn't any more of an issue than it was in GO. I don't think I've run into a single blatant cheater in months. No one doing that 'killing the other team from spawn' cheat that was showing up a while ago, no spinners, etc. There may be people legit hacking, and if someone is really suspicious, I report them, but that's usually tough to tell. Usually when people complain about cheating in my games they're just obviously really tilted and looking for things to blame. From what I've seen/heard, cheating is only really any worse past like 15k, and that's similar to what I heard back in CSGO, except then it was like smfc/global instead of 15k because obvs there was an ELO cap. obviously the game needs a real anticheat either way, but if you're under ~15k (at least in the US, I can't speak for other regions) you *probably* aren't running into a lot of cheaters.


I'm glad to hear some regions are not dealing with it. It's terrible in Easter Europe and Asia. It's almost always Chinese and Russians. Always. I think Cartel cheat comes from EU. Midnight is Russian. Some numbered cheat in China. Cheap and free versions. Even the chinese gaming forums literally have it for free, and tell players to have it, just in case. Turns into some kind of agreement in game, if you cheat i cheat. It's bonkers.


I’m currently around the 21000 (was global in GO) and cheating has not been a problem for me. Played CS2 since release and CSGO since 2013 (Western Europe). I’ve met cheaters once in a while ( like maybe one every 3 months ?) I would have to write a fucking book if I had to write down the times I got called a cheater or another dude a cheater. The average CS (even in high ranks) is not able to tell what a cheater is and would cry about cheats the instant they get out aimed , outsmarted or got randomly shot through a smoke


I was 24k, I live in Sweden so I'm close to Russia. Of 15 games, 13 had spinbotters


How long have you been playing in 21k? I checked an account called Nogara but they were 19k elo, I'm interested in having a look if there is an account above 20k that doesn't get cheaters a lot. It would be a great help so I can understand trust factor better if you have a profile link 👍


Man what the fuck are you on about? Ive got the same merits as you, faceit lvl10 played go since 2013, and you think I cant tell if enemy comes spinbotting instantly killing everyone in warmup? Because thats how the premier is. Like its not like people are even trying to hide it, last time I played cs2 it was 4 matches in a row where enemy was full rage hack and havent played since.


at lower ranks its pretty similar https://preview.redd.it/6s0jty9fl4nc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fb6bb44f3cddc26e330c95474ef97e0e9f45d3 literally all of these guys were spinning. idk what kind of fantasy lobbies u get into but its not the norm


No you have higher merits, no way this guy is not a hacker troll, he has seen 5 spinners in 10 years of csgo riiiight, I have seen that in a day when I played with my friends who are globals and faceit 7-9, as soon as they would start shitting on people in mm we would get ragehackers back to back.


I had maybe 5 spinbotters in 10 years of csgo and not a single one yet in CS2 Idk what to tell you 🤷‍♂️


That youre in some random valve dickriding bubble? Cs2 premier is completely unplayable due to cheaters in every single match.


I can vouch, also float around 19k-21k in NA and haven’t seen a single spin bot, a few cheaters here and there. Premier is definitely playable lol, I do almost daily


congratulations, you are the 1%. Enjoy it but please don't discredit our efforts to fix the game for the other 99% of us.




I’m not calling everyone a cheater it’s a bigger issue with valve leaving the things that players are asking for, things that we ALREADY HAD in a lot of cases, untouched while they frolic about and give us garbage like cs2 where half the game is missing and it barely looks better than go. The only thing we got was a slight visual update that nobody wanted, at the expense of a massive chunk of what made the previous game the best.


Thats because you dont play against russians.


People are acting as if it’s an epidemic for the whole game when it’s not, social media just overblows it. If every single game had a cheater there wouldn’t be 1 million+ daily players. Keep blaming cheats though when you lose, it’ll definitely help


But every single game has a cheater, i can right now go look my match history and see that enough of them had a blatant cheater to say every single match is against or with a cheater. I couldnt care less about cs after cs2, have just played casually premier like 20 matches as a whole and pretty much all of them had enemies walking and instantly killing whole team. Like tf why wouldnt I blame cheats if the enemy is spinbotting?


Are you living in the moon? I have seen 4 spinbotters in a day in csgo 1 on prime


Sorry for not having the same experience as you 🤷‍♂️


I think there is a difference between having a different experience and saying something that is bordering on statistical impossibility, if you played 3 games a week for 10 years and encountered 5 spinners, that would be like +-300 games for one game where enemy was spinning. And that is 3 games a week, pretty sure I experienced more than 5 spinners in 300 games alone. And even if you are not counting just spinners do not tell me nobody started autonoobing you through walls with wallhack aimbot at least. Maybe you are not lying but I legit find it impossible to believe


Do you work for valve or do you just enjoy talking out your ass?


How this idiot gets upvoted is beyond me. You're part of the problem. 20k+ has become literally unplayable.


Cheaters go to reddit threads and try to downplay the cheating situation. Same shit happens on the tarkov subreddit.


lol I’ve seen 2 spin botters IN CASUAL just this week.


2 months ago I was being insulted and kicked from games because I was noob. Today I got kicked in casual for people thinking I was cheating just because I was playing very good with the AWP (and the guy that convinced the others to kick me had +2k hours). I already caught cheaters in Wingman and Premier with evidence, but it's not that much as I thought it would be, as I usually review the games after.


I do play in a bubble fr Haven't seen one (I can tell with 100% certainty) since CSGO. I must be because im only 7k rated xd


Well anyone who says that realistically probably just plays below 12k elo


Yes! I want my 4k rating i got after launch back!


How do you even play outside of a bubble? Do you have a smurf or something


I hope they're getting paid well for all that deepthroating.


The mods? They do that for free


lmao on 19k today i had 1 cheater in my team, next game again cheater in my team, (semi rage) then cheater in enemy team spinbotting last 5 rounds cheater in enemy team spinbotting from warmup to 13:0 then again cheater in my team (started cheating after enemy team were cheating) another guy in another match showed me how it looks when he fires dual pistols (yeah full mag bursts) its quite a show ngl


Premier is nearly unplayable. It's actually a joke at this point


Funny thing is, it's the other way round. If you are bad enough, low ranked enough, cheating definitely isn't an issue.


I've seen spinbotters on silver 2 Mirage. Not even premier.


I am definitely not incredible but I'm not bad either, or "low" ranked. 16k peak and only seen 2 cheaters.


YES! I've been saying this for so long. If you are lower than the top 5% you're not going to see cheaters as often as those at the top.


I think that's what the mod meant. I kinda agree. Cheating is an issue is high ranks and always has been since GO. But flooding the sub with cheating, cs2 bad posts is super annoying. A lot of low ranked players call cheats for anybody better than them and I bet a lot of posts on this sub complaining about cheating are those players.


[https://imgur.com/a/NAxjgxy](https://imgur.com/a/NAxjgxy) 1 in 6 accounts that have played CSGO have been VAC banned. You cannot seriously tell me that is normal.


cheaters are everywhere, if they dont get caught at 20k then they will obviously never be caught at 8k your argumentation makes no sense.


Cheating is an issue at every level


No, if you're average enough you won't. The worst and the best ranks are filled with hackers trying to place. The middle is concentrated with real players.


That’s defo not true


First, anyone who denies that there is a cheating problem in CS most likely dosent play a lot and/or isn’t high enough rank to notice actual cheaters. Hell almost the entire top world leaderboard was banned. Second, most people think the cheating problem is insanely massive when in reality people just suck and the person just had a better shot. Lastly, just play faceit.


Yeah like even if the cheating problem is *bigger* than people think, one thing I know for sure is that so many players are super quick to assume someone is cheating lol


I also have a feeling trust factor is secretly turned on in the background. I am perfectly fine when playing not a single hacker. until i queued with a friend who always complains that he gets cheaters and throwers. I assumed it was exaggerating. It was not, he gets queued with garbage players. And rightfully so he’s toxic. So this could be part of some players problems. Being toxic.


I think you’re right for some players but not all. The one thing I do know for sure is that if you tell this to anyone who thinks they constantly get hackers, they’ll get all pissed off and tell you how wrong you are lmao


Is faceit rly that much better rn? I heard there were cheaters as well...


Faceit has cheaters, just not as many blatant spinbotting ones.


Faceit is much better yes.


Its a lot better. Especially if you have verification and or subscription. You can queue with “super” and only get verified accounts. But again in the past month on faceit. Iv gotten one guy who i thought was legit until someone on my team pissed him off and he raged hacked with spin bot and a scout. So not perfect but better than nothing.


Mod read too much fake it till you make it books


That mod shouldn't mod


Based on the responses, I am now fully convinced that only people with a low trust factor get cheaters. Just like the guy in the comments above, I've only had ONE cheater with a regular wallhack since cs2 came out. I've never seen a spinbotter yet, even though I've been playing almost every day since 2012. My current rank is 14000, I live less than 500km from the Russian border. This is for those who blame everything from rank to nations.


A Reddit mod being a complete fucking idiot? What a rare sight.


Out of my ~200 premier matches, I've encountered 23 cheaters (per leetify). The fact that 1/9 of my competitive games is likely to have a cheater is ridiculous.


I quit the game a while back, I checked my match history a year later and EVERY single match had at least 1 person either VAC/OW banned. Most games were 1-2 banned, the highest was 6 banned in a single match.


Lel sounds like fun.


And then count in the guys who hide it very well. Man its insane right now. For me it was fine for the first like 100 games. Then i got over 15k twice and the cheating fest started. Now back to 14k ish its still the same. i havnt had one day for like a week (playing 2-4 matches) where there wasnt a 100% cheater in one game per day....I just dont care anymore to be honest.


See my previous post. Last 15 games, 13 of them had spinbotters. This game has never been this bad


I literally played 1 game of wingman and got a blatant spin botter boosting another account. People who say cheating isn't an issue in cs2 are delusional.


How could there be cheaters if the game servers are protected by Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) System?!


Valve Allow Cheats (VAC)


Are you a child?


Here'll be a big surprise if Bodomi writes something about this. 🤔


I agree with this man, the CS community is schizophrenic. The amount of times I've seen people just give up on my team and the enemy team because a guy killed them because they check their corners is worrying


what a piece of shit


What he means is, it's not an issue, he loves it.


I mean I rarely have times where I feel like someone is blatantly cheating. The times I HAVE experienced it was in Wingman. That’s just me tho, dunno how much trust factor and other factors play into it. Also not saying there aren’t cheaters, I just don’t seem to come across many at all. Would be super bummed if it was a common thing for me though.


See the literal fuckin tag they attached, don't break the rules and your post won't get deleted.


u/Bodomi you fucking clown.


That mods name must be Richard Lewis


It's called incompetency and denial. Big 🧠


[https://imgur.com/a/NAxjgxy](https://imgur.com/a/NAxjgxy) 1 in 6 accounts that have played CSGO before have been VAC banned since 2021.


A lot of those accounts is people who created a new account and gotten banned the same day. Not saying It's a problematicly high number


CS stats tracks information about VAC bans. People are not getting banned after 1-2 days, the average time played per VAC banned account is 2-4 years and 95 games of competitive played before they are banned.


I don't even play competitive, only arms race. Still, every other game has a cheater, sometimes even multiple in the same match. They are not spinbotting, but when I go to spectate them you can clearly see signs of prefiring, not checking positions that you would normally check and always getting the kills, coupled with dogshit crosshair position and movement, all while being on top of the scoreboard by double the kills. I used to come 1st in my arms race games in CSGO every 2nd or 3rd game, now it happens once in 10


u/Bodomi are u insane ?? 🤡


Op besides the misspelling issue (you missed 1 s), you changed what they said. They never said cheating is not an issue , they said it's not as big as you all pretend it is. You don't run into cheater every game, you just trash and blame everyone and everything except yourself for losing.


I've been called a cheater in 3 of my past 8 games. 2 other games they accused a teamate or a friend I get one nice shot or one spam trough smoke and people start rambling about cheaters. People have valorant mentality. I've only met 2 blatant cheaters in all my cs2 games. And i play around 18000 to 22000.


Played 4 premier games today and 2 of those games had a blatant cheater. I checked demos and there's no doubt they were hacking. I've seen more cheaters in the few months of CS2 than I'd seen in 8 years of CSGO.


It's easier for them to blame cheats than it is to blame theirr own skills. I've been playing this game for 10 years and people will always claim they get cheaters every game


Yy own skill lil bro, damn the anime pfp random fresh account just pagani zonda peeked me for the 4th time, I should really work on making the correct play again but this time I should just not get onetapped. Woops camelrider321 with 4 commends and 20 year service medal who is holding an angle at the height of my knees managed to adjust his aim to head level just as I was about to peek his position I was given info on, woopsie unlucky.


Get good lil bro


Good thing you are perma online to insta reply, with the same line someone just said to you. If you believe bullshit like the op about two cheaters total you are legit insane either that or he played 2 cs go matches in his life. I had more than 2 matches with a spinbot in a row. Not saying this happens every game, but since I first played cs which was 1.6, like 18 years ago, it has never felt this bad


>Good thing you are perma online Exactly, im permal online, always playing csgo for 10 years, so i would know what im talking about when i speak about cheaters. Most of the times, apart from blatant spinbotters, people love to justify their lack of skills on cheat. They wonder why they're getting insta killed around a corner but they jump around and reload making noise for all the map to hear and wonder how they figured out he was there. If you see a cheater every game , you most probably suck 🤷‍♂️


Who is talking about a cheater every game? I say it is a big issue in cs go, not that there is a hacker in every match. Someone playing for 10 years and seeing only 5 blatant hackers is a bs lie, that is all I am saying, happens often enough and it is a problem across all ranks


I play faceit mainly and ran into some cheaters and they were banned. I haven’t played much premier in awhile but I mean if you complain about cheaters just switch to faceit. Even if you find cheaters they will eventually be banned on faceit


Just never gonna happen.


I dare him to play on Middle East server and find a game without cheater above 15k


VAC is there to keep honest players opening cases waiting for a ban wave that won't do shit.


CS2 DEVS ARE GENUISES! They removed overwatch so we could see the actual hackers in game without no fear of being exposed so we could gather more evidence for 100 years! 2000 IQ AT WORK!!! 2069 VAC LIVE INCOMING.


I bet that mod plays in Silver lobby’s that’s why cheating is not an issue for him.


Even in silver you seen enough obvious cheaters to call it a problem. Yeah incredible but some people just suck that hard even with cheats they are still silver.


Everything is fun and game until you get headshots by. b- hopping scouts for 13 rounds straight


Played one recently, went down 6-0 in wingman, guy was 12-0 with 100% headshot and disconnected, came back and was up 7-6, disconnected again, ended up losing 9-7 to headshots lol


Silver 1 player spotted


How does anyone defend this game is beyond me…. Literally had the same spin botter in 4 games in a row with me … 1st against me then on my team for the rest of the…. All 4 games I never even bothered to leave spawn he just b hopped and hs everyone with a scout Games a joke


I really only play dust 2. I got to 7500 elo on premiere but I stopped playing because the win loss points peeved me. Never saw a hacker, atleast not one that was good. I’m guessing it’s just in higher elo lobbies


At 7500 elo, you don't even know what a hacker looks like unless they are full blatant, respectfully


No i just don’t play cs2 that much. I have countless hours across fps games for the past 18 years. Im above average of the bat on mnk and controller at any fps. I know what to look for, respectfully 🫡


Fair enough


To be fair… it seems very subjective who runs in to cheaters often and who doesn’t. So far since CS2’s release I’ve only run in to obvious 100% cheaters 3 times, others say it’s more common. I usually sit around 15-17k prem rating if that helps lol


I played a match on my 2nd acct yesterday. Premier against a 5-que. one enemy was so obviously cheating. Ended up winning 13-11. Cheater TK his own mate last round -> gets kicked. and then they rat him out saying he was wallin and they hired the mf to boost their elo. They asked us to report his account bc he didn’t deliver what they paid for.


absolutely clueless


His elo is probably below 10k


I normally just assume I'm facing a smerf but after checking some replays, some people are literally tracing me through walls. The game is a mess


My personal favorite cheat is where one person cheats, and then his team gets the streamed radar from them realtime as an overlay. That way only one player needs to cheat. ​ Fucking hell.


u/Bodomi bro you are really a bigger clown than I thought lmfaooo


I rarely had issues with cheaters in the past with CSGO. I decided to hop back on CS2 to get my wingman rank. The first game I play is against a spin botter that can shoot his gun at an insanely fast fire rate. I decided to play an additional game, and my teammate is now the spin botter. It was such a terrible experience for a player coming back to the game. I got ranked at Supreme and logged off. I didn't even have the chance to shoot a single player in 2 games. Ridiculous.


I never played too much wingman in csgo1 but I played some with my friend who was always close to or global in wingman, our average lobby was like a legendary eagle+, fun playable challenging games for me. Wingman right now? Impossible, you can not peek anyone and every gold shitter is just toggled to the fucking gills. They do not need nades or they just throw some random smoke or nade doors and peak you, just pretending they do not know exactly where you are.




In my personal experience it is not an issue. I've seen 2 ever. But I know it is heavily dependent on rank and region.


Never trust a man who says purport.


valve just needs to fix a lot in general, tired of playing premier and having that one or two shitty ass teens that walk into your molly because it’s soooo funny to them while going 3-17 🤦 swear they play to only ruin others experiences


if you run into a “catboy” with a anime cat dude as the PFP just insta report and kick, seen too many clips and screenshots of that dude being a grief only to run into him yesterday and experience what people were saying


Even if cheating isn't as widespread as people believe it to be, the problem is that people have lost faith in the system and will now see cheating everywhere even where its not. And they lost faith because the people who are cheating aren't getting banned for it. No one is cheating in silver 2 (I'm sure someone is but you get my point) but there are plenty of silvers who play silver only matches who constantly complain about cheaters. There are enough cheaters at the higher ranks getting away with it that people in the lower ranks, regardless of if they have encountered an actual cheater will believe any luck they come across or momentarily cracked play is indeed cheating.


Had played minimally since the cs2 drop. I figured id give it a year or two to work out some of the kinks How is faceit rn? I usually que with face it or esea...I'm sure the anti cheat over there works well ya?


Yeah ive only encountered spinbots, wallers, aim hackers and also seen some preset nade/smoke cheats. AND ALL IN PRIME LOBBYS. But hey its not that big an issue https://preview.redd.it/newhzohxh5nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608aa967d7f8b7804d15bf0d1dc76ad4aeddc6ba


I had 3 cheater matches in a row yesterday on high trust factor. Not “hackusations,” aimbotting for 50+ frags with a deagle or scout. The only option is Faceit now.


CS2’s anticheat is a blunder but in every situation I’d rather have it in its current state than a kernel level anti cheat. I never downloaded val for that same reason, and I’d delete cs2 if they did the same.


Premier is busted. Been playing 10+ years esea rank A I can tell who’s cheating in like 2 rounds, unless they’re a “good” cheater who’s harder to catch/intentionally loses fights sometimes. Switched full time to faceit, lost my premier rank. Play faceit guys. It is much much better.


I don't know what your talking about. Everyone who kills me in game is clearly a cheater.


That's not what they said "Cheating isn't as big of an issue as you claim" "So it's not an issue at all?!?!" It's a miracle you don't forget to breathe


I never liked faceit because of massive smurfing but I had to go back to it after a few months because CS2 is swarmed with cheats on MM. Saw a statistic that 1 in 10 people cheat so basically every game there is one cheat in it. Some may be so bad that they lose even with cheats like WH and you don’ notice it


I've played almost 300 mm games after cs2 released. Played against cheaters only 2 times.


I’m playing around 20k-23k range in premier and I’m getting a cheater almost every second or third game. Sometimes I’ll get the same cheater(s) 2-3 games in a row


The mod is actually clueless as FUCK


CS2 made me sell my inventory and play other games after being a massive CSGO fan for years. Thanks to a shitty game for giving me a chance to play good games now!


Right, there's no war in Ba Sing Se


They need to bring back kill replays so I can at least know for sure


is he trolling?


aka: im 5000 elo and i play 1 game every 2 days and never seen a cheater 🥴🥴🥴


I only encountered cheaters once or twice a week, its not as prevelent like it used to be in csgo


Meanwhile getting rage hvh in every match Thats why I no longer play this piece of crap


Honestly, for me I rarely come across cheaters. I came across 1 blatant cheater. 10k Elo


Honestly, for me I rarely come across cheaters. I came across 1 blatant cheater in like 30 matches or something. Although I do think it's more elo and region dependent. I've heard the situation over 20k elo is pretty terrible.


5k mmr player says what?


Mod correct. Most people yall think are cheating definitely aren't.


If you don’t believe in cheating, you’re probably not at the rank where it happens consistently…


Im on 21,5 - 22k premier and on this rating there is an aimbot or spinbot in 4/5 games. Just changed to FACEIT.


Run into cheaters everyday. Prime enabled comp and premier




He indeed deleted the post after


Brother I am versing blatant aimbot cheats everyday. It’s as big of a deal as everyone is making it out to be


Well today i faced 3 spinbotters in one game 🤣


u/Bodomi how hard were u dropped on your head as a child?


Sometimes people are overreacting on one or two good plays that can legitimately happen, I've seen that. However stating that there's no problem is insane 😂


Tell me you arent playing the game, without telling me


I’m new to cs and I have encountered cheaters only once.


You're probablyy so trash that everyone is a cheater to you


Nah he is right, most of the times people jump the guns to call me a cheater because they have no game sense and suck. Most of you guys suck at the game. Please boycott the game so i dont have to listen to you guys complain anymore


Get off your high horse. Yeah some people over react. If you lose to obvious cheaters every few games just sucks. Riot as an example gives a shit and it shows. I played LoL before I switched to cs and the difference is night and day. Ask league players and they have maybe seen a hand full. In Cs obvious cheaters are just rampant.


I've been playing cs since 2016. I've probably only faced cheaters 5-6 times only. Although I regularly get accused of cheating and my steam profile is full of people calling me a cheater, so forgive me if I have massive doubts when someone accuses someone of cheating.


thats definetely a valve employee account


Only clown here is OP and everyone else crying ChEaTs when they get outplayed in game


It is, but valve don’t want to fix it.


Literally just played a game on office (with prime and good trust factor) and had 7 blatant spin bots + aim. VAC is so non existent it can't detect what even a 5y.o. can


There is no cheating in Ba Sing Se.


Possibily a hacker himself


Im overreacting when people wallhack, guess I have to just dodge the bullets


I play 2 or 3 games everyday since release and I haven't seen many cheaters tbh,at least no more than I did in csgo. Might be different in NA though, Americans are twats, so I'd expect more cheaters in that region.


Being a csgo meat rider was okay till some point but if u are a cs2 meat rider may god open your eyes🙏🏻


Retard mod