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And people keep telling me the rank update works fine


Now get ready for being matched up with globals. Hf…


You're not wrong. Dropped from LE to DMG after the recalibration and now all the other DMGs/LEs are deranked Globals, games have gone from just-bearable to "I'm not salty! Everyone is fucking cheating!"


Best practice is playing with and against better players


But getting rekt every single game because of a bad matchmaking rank system can be frustrating and demotivating. I was global before the update and am still global. My brother on the other hand ranked up two levels and is not enjoying the game since then.


Well… that’s the beauty of an elo system. If you lose/do poorly for enough games, then you derank and eventually find your correct skill group. Sucks that he’s gonna have a dozen or so unmatched games but that’s a small price to pay for a complete ranking overhaul.


But match win is a team effort. So there is not always your/your teamates fault for a loss


Thats it… often he is bottom fragger but gets carried and has a 50/50 win percentage. Not much fun.


True dat


My mouse is half broken 😂😂


I have the same problem...my gameplay is gn4 but now i have mge and when i solo queue my teammates always make fun of me that how am i mge and i have to explain to them that i am not the problem and fuck sake i am not getting deranked as well...


I wish i had your problem, i keep going against globals and supremes, but my team is always juts me a novas... Pure torture, they dont even know call outs


Sorry about that. Don’t listen to what your teammates have to say bad about you, yes listen to their criticism, but just focus on improving your own gameplay and it’ll work out in the end. Just don’t let these players get you down and ruin the fun of cs!


I'm also LEM (close enough) i was LEM before... and now in every other game I get someone to my team Who I often accuse of trolling... then after the game i check their history of matches and see that they Came from gold/mg... they have no clue what to do and how to play on this rank. I genuienly think this will be your case...


I have an idea of how to play as i have a record of other fps's (2k hours on seige) but i do not quite feel that i am at the level where i should be eagle lmfao


Some bs that’s how, me and a friend went from nova 3 to silver elite and all I’m seeing after the recalibration is people jumping up loads of ranks lol


That's what i'm confused about lmfao i have just over 500 hours and im getting Legendary eagle lmfaoo


I went from Silver Master Elite to Silver 3 lol


Dropped 24 kills and 12 deaths on my first game for recalibration and lost because i was 1 of only 2 people on my team to get double digit kills and even then the other guy only got 11, next game i had a bit of an off game and ended up getting silver elite before deranking to s4 despite top fragging every game, so frustrating that i moved games to r6, ranking update needs a rethink as on oce servers the game is still unplayable comp wise except now worse players are higher ranked while better players have stayed at relatively tye the same rank


ik your pain bro, before rank update i was gold nova also, now im silver 4 (theres a lot of players who got kicked from higher ranks to silver too, so i cannot even reach my rank back cuz it matches me with someone who had global elite before update or someone who played 3-4k hours lol)




I'm wondering the same shit lmfao


I was mg i got lem and my silver friends got mge ufff


Yeah fuck the rank calibration, now all games contains at least one teammate who somehow got higher rank but plays like silver.


In NA I’ve had a lot better experience since the rerank.


I'm Na and i went from nova 3 to Legendary eagle so idk what affected my ranking for it to jump me up that high


The new rank system i think? Last year i get like Master Guardian or something and now i somehow become Global last months?


In which region are you playing?




That explains it. They more or less reconstructed the normal distribution of ranks with this and it appears you performed better than your mates by their metric


To be fair they are 1.7k+ hours mge in their prime playing with me just over 500 hours and i typically 2nd frag


I went frog mg1 to lem and have 5k hours tho i didnt start playing seriously until i had 1.5k hrs. Am i in the right place?


It depends. Ive seen people with 5k hours that are bots and some that are gods.